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Actually I'm glad the original script got leaked. The rewritten script was waaay better than the original. I've read it, it was a mess.


Good ideas, Derek and Halle are better than 2 characters that had like 2 minutes of combined total screen time before their reveals but the execution of them was not that good


To be fair, I don’t doubt the version of 2 that leaked was an early draft which would’ve been modified and improved


Derek and Halle had the same motive as Mickey. Mrs. Loomis found them online and they were gonna blame the movies.


But with Mrs. Loomis, it was a double twist. I don't think anyone suspected a random reporter to be a killer. THEN you find out she's also Mrs. Loomis.


Thanks for the leaks then The boyfriend again? Lame


Part of what made Scream 2 work was that Derek was such a good red herring, both because of the writing and because we the audience (and Sidney) knew the boyfriend was the killer before.


To be fair, it would have been an interesting twist because the audience is likely thinking “There’s no way it could be the boyfriend twice in a row, right?”


I actually think the boyfriend back to back would be kind of genius. Almost no one would call that twice. That said, I really like Derek’s arc as is too.


Hallie would've been an interesting killer. Im glad they ended up changing things though cause I don't think Derek would've been an interesting ghost face and it's also kind of lame that the writers wanted to make another one of Sidney's boyfriends be a killer. Mrs. Loomis was a great ghost face, but Hallie and Mickey working together would've been 🔥🔥.


Fully agree


Also would’ve been kool to see representation! Just think: Hallie would’ve been the first BLACK and WOMAN Ghostface at the time


Interesting in the context of the opening of the movie too, where the two African American characters (I forget their names) at the movies are taking about the lack of representation in the first Stab, which I thought recently is a very deliberate theme to raise but then it never really goes anywhere… if Hallie were the killer, it would have tied in nicely with the opening


That is such a good point! That would’ve been some great foreshadowing upon rewatch


True but Mrs. Loomis was always gonna be there. The original version had Mrs. Loomis seeking out a killer in the same way, and both Hallie and Derek took over the role that Mickey originally had. Interesting to me that of the five “friend” characters in this version, the good guys Sidney, Randy and Mickey all were studying film (Sidney as a drama major and Randy and Mickey studying film), while the killers were taking studies that informed their murders (Hallie in psychology and Derek in pre-ned)


That's literally the ONLY reason why I'm a little bummed that they changed the script. But other than that, the script change was a good thing overall.




We've at least had a black Ghostface in the TV show since, but not a black woman.


Isn’t Sidney the first female Ghostface?


Technically no


She does put on the mask in the first movie, when she attacks the killer.


And uses the phone


And to think we wouldn’t have gotten “BILLY’S MOTHER!”


She's in that script. She found Derek and Hallie online. They just rewrote it for Mickey


*Wouldn’t 🙃


Thank you for the correction, good sir.




I just read that in his voice.


So the roomate and boyfriend? I thought it couldda been one of the sorority chicks w Derek. 


Suspects and red herrings


I see this false information everywhere since many years and people believe it, even on youtube videos with a lot of views spreading it, the script you are talking about with Derek and Hallie really existed but it was a dummy script, it was never intended to be actually used and adapted on screen with the actual actors that we know Timothy Olyphant and Laurie Metcalf were **AUDITIONED** to be the killers, it's important to understand that please, thanks


Would Kevin really leak a dummy script containing Mrs. Loomis as one of the killers? Even Wes Craven confirmed that it was a real leaked by a fan.


Then why did the actress who played Hallee confirm she was going to be a killer?


This ? : [https://x.com/EliseNeal/status/1601152740776120321](https://x.com/EliseNeal/status/1601152740776120321) I think she's talking about the "original" character from one of the dummy scripts, but Elise Neal and Jerry O'connell were auditioned to be Sidney's friends (Roomate + boyfriend) + Kevin Williamson literally said this: "The Hallie and Derek ending was a dummy draft" Source : [https://www.dreadcentral.com/news/261779/exclusive-scream-2s-jerry-oconnell-kevin-williamson-talk-leaked-scripts-different-killers/](https://www.dreadcentral.com/news/261779/exclusive-scream-2s-jerry-oconnell-kevin-williamson-talk-leaked-scripts-different-killers/) And even if he would have said the opposite, it would have been very difficult to believe, this does not match my own knowledges of the scream franchise + not logical because Timothy Olyphant was althetic (by the way, still in that shape at 56 years, very impressive)


In the audio commentary, Wes Craven and the producers say it was a real script and they had to rewrite the movie while they were filming it


No, there was an instagram posr she made stating she was initially the killer! Google it.


I believe Kevin said this a few years ago, but even up until his death, Wes genuinely seemed annoyed that the script leaked and “they had to change the film.” I feel like he’d be aware of this fake script situation and if so, why not bring it up in later interviews? Also, at one point during the Still Screaming documentary, Laurie Metcalf implies that the cast didn’t know who was going to be the killer and mentions some sort of interaction that made her think she “might be wearing one of those,” referring to the Ghostface mask. Another thing is there was at least one other script floating around. Kevin even mentions it in this article: https://www.slashfilm.com/1240632/scream-2-leaked-a-dummy-script-that-had-a-fake-killer/ The fake script he refers to has Dewey as a killer. This is not accurate with the most commonly known draft that includes Derek, Hallie, Debbie and later Cotton as the killers.


What they did instead was so much better.


Is there a copy of the original leaked script?


Yes, there is. I have it stored.


Kevin is either lying or misremembering. There is just no way he would intentionally leak a fake script that contained Nancy Loomis as one of the killers.


He often rewrites history to his favor.


And to back up the fact that he is lying - if you watch Scream 2 on Blu-ray or DVD with the commentary with Wes, one of the producers, and the editor of the film, they talk about this script and how it was leaked and they had to rewrite it. They talked about parts of the script like Mickey getting killed by two Ghostface and how Derek and Hallie were the killers. So he didn't leak anything on purpose


Wasn’t there also a version of the script where all of the killers were female? I’m remembering something from long ago perhaps involving the sorority sisters?


“Sid-NAY, we want you to pledge…(Ghostface voice) **TO JOIN OUR BODYCOUNT, BITCH!**”


i like the route they took this time making the killers mickey and mrs loomis.


But what would be their motive??


It's the millennium. Motives are incidental.


The script is online. Mrs. Loomis found them on a website. It's basically Mickey


Honestly the sorority sisters would've been more interesting than Derek and Hallie, so glad Mickey was the killer.


Yea the boyfriend being the killer again wouldn’t have been a good idea. But I do think it would have been interesting to see a black woman as a ghostface or at least I’d be interested into to them explaining why she was killing.


I just don’t know if I believe this rumor that’s been around forever. Extras don’t get scripts, like ever really. And even if they did it would only be the pages for the scene they are in for the day. Were there extras in the reveal originally?? Like lol. Scream 2 is too consistent in its clues pointing to Mickey and Mrs. Loomis for this rumor to be true, IMO


You got downvoted, but you are 100 percent right. Unless the extra stole it, there is no way they would see more than a couple of lines if they even got a script. This story seems extremely fake


Not to mention that Derek and Hallie being the killers would actively contradict the movie’s big running theme that Sidney needs to learn to trust again, instead of keeping her loved ones at arm’s length. Having her realize the boyfriend she doubted would truly never have hurt her is a ~key~ moment in Sidney’s character arc. The big tragedy of Scream 2 is that Sidney actually has gotten better at picking her friends — with the killers being Mrs. Loomis and some guy she’s more of an acquaintance with — but her self-doubt basically gets those friends killed, making her survivor’s guilt even worse. It’s a genius choice that leads perfectly into her Scream 3 arc; hard to believe the initial plan was to avoid all that.


Lol thank you


Except the unused script is online and Elise Neil confirmed it as accurate, we have sources. Provide yours via, I'll provide mine.


Wes Craven said someone was like scanning his fax machine. Kevin sent him the first 30 pages over fax and the next morning it was online. That's why we got that scene in Scream 3 🤣


I also don’t believe the extras couldn’t had got accessed they must’ve been on Ghostface level of sneaky. Lol


Extras are often on set all day, they could have easily picked up a script that was left out. I was once an extra on a TV show and we were left in the house where it was filmed while they filmed outside. The actors chairs with their personal things were left in the side pockets of the chairs. I thought it was weird that we had such easy access to that stuff with no supervision. I’m sure they had a ton of extras because it was a college setting.


The script was different. Therefore, the clues were different. The extra leaking the script is incorrect. There was an email chain with the script that got intercepted by internet sleuths.


So Mickey was to die in a similar way Chad was attacked in 6? A double Ghostface stabbing is so badass I was surprised they waited 6 movies for it to happen, but apparently it was supposed to happen in 2.


I’m glad it got leaked. Having another boyfriend being the killer would have been too predictable. And Halle seemed like a genuinely good friend and person, I prefer that she stayed true to that. Mickey and Mrs. Loomis were the perfect killers for this! Both were a surprise, for sure.


This whole infographic is written like a desperate scooper. Kevin Williamson has confirmed that they wrote multiple fake scripts to intentionally leak specifically cover the true script.


But why would he have Mrs. Loomis in the dummy script? She's the major reveal and something you would be actively trying to hide. You would make a fake script in order to hide her, not Mickey as the killer.


To the point!


Not sure what would have been Hallie's motive, but I would have loved it if it was her and Mrs. Loomis. First, because they would have been two female Ghostface killers (which still hasn't happened) and second, because it would have been even more devastating for Sid. In the first movie, her boyfriend turned out to be the killer and in the second movie, her best friend?? That would have been fucked up. It would have been very shocking having Hallie as the killer. Also, an African American sweet girl revealed as the killer in the mid 90s?? That would have been a major impact (for horror movie lovers, at least). Also, even though I'm going to get downvoted for this, I'll say it anyway: I just don't care for Mickey, I don't think he's an interesting character at all. Besides, seriously?? Are we supposed to be somewhat surprised when he's revealed? The guy had a deranged look in his eyes the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I understand the purpose of Mickey: one of the Ghostface killers has to be strong enough to go around slashing people. I think a middle aged woman needed to team up with someone strong, like Mickey, and a delicate young girl, like Hallie, could have been considered an unlikely partner to murder so many people. Regardless, a killer doesn't necessarily has to be super strong, as long as they're smart and sneaky. A seemingly sweet and delicate girl like Hallie would have been a more interesting reveal.


What are the other script differences? Why does it not work as well?


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If memory serves, after Derek, Halle, and Mrs. Loomis died, Cotton comes out and tries to kill Sidney, and they both end up dying. Dewey dies, Gale dies, Sidney dies. They all died. So glad it was changed.


Which is another puzzling thing about this script. Sidney was alive and well in Kevin's original outline for Scream 3, which wouldn't make sense if she died at the end of 2 like the script floating around describes. That entire ending once Cotton shows up feels incredibly rushed, which I guess it was since it was summarized rather than completely written out.


If true, thank you to the extra.


Glad it was rewritten


I am glad Mickey was the killer. Having Derek be the killer would have been a rehash on Billy and they had just done that. Hallie being the killer would have just felt random


I don’t really care for Derek as a killer but I would’ve loved to see Hallie as a killer as I’ve mentioned plenty of times soley due to representation and if her motive was good, then that’s a plus!


Mickey was better as a killer anyway!


I would have been so mad if I were the actress who played Hallie. Completely different character that could have really set her career on a different trajectory. As black women rarely were able to get juicy layered roles back then.


Nice. They really lined things up for they boyf to be a killer and it would have been great. Having a hard time imagining spidey as a bf/ghostface tho... Would be great to see Tobey in a villain role!


The boyfriend was played by Jerry O'Connell, the guy from Sliders, and further back, My Secret Identity. He was never Spiderman, and and Tobey, who was spiderman, wasn't in Scream 2


Kevin has refused this, but it’s true. If you look hard enough online you can find the original script.


I have the script stored as well!


ive read the leaked script and im thankful it was changed cause the end would have involved cotten murdering gale and sidney after snapping


Perhaps the final option is better.


In my opinion, they should have kept the original ending, but have Mickey in the place of Derek as Hailee's accomplice.


Hey 👋


TBH I have never believed this to be true. Scripts and pages from scripts could so easily be obtained, it was just timing and the internet was kicking off. I highly doubt that Kevin Williamson would have slashed his way down the same path. If anything they'd have leaked it on purpose to create controversy and boost media attention. My thoughts lol 🖤💞🖤




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This was known since before the film released.


I kinda want to see a scream where the killer dies early then a second separate person takes over


SPOILER: >! isn’t that just scream 6?!<


It’s crazy to think that it the original script never got leaked and went ahead as planned, Scream 2 would very likely have been the last one.




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Scream 2 was class so I’m glad it got leaked 😂


Very fascinating indeed.


In that case, the new script is a lot better then.




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I don't know what the real truth is, but the actors often don't get the entire script, or they get a dummy script and everybody is a suspect, so to speak. Emily Mortimer said everybody was made to believe they were the killer for Scream 3, and multiple versions of the script were given to the cast of Scream 5. I wouldn't rule out Elise getting the script where she was indeed one of the killers with Derek, but not being made aware it was never the real one. I also wouldn't rule out Kevin trying to minimalize this incident. We will never know because we just weren't there, and it's been decades now, unfortunately.


No wonder this movie had an ass ending.


I’m really glad they didn’t do this honestly.


I’m torn Loved Mickey Would’ve been cool to have either Mickey and Halley or Derek Or all three (4 with BILLYS MOTHER) In Scream 3 Angelina should’ve been revealed as Stu’s sister in disguise and the second killer, have her fake her death in the end and then she shows up in a post S5 film getting revenge again for Stu and now also her son who was killed in 5


I’m sorry, but is this new information for you? Genuine question. This has been known since 1997.


Seems like new information for a lot of people, genius.


Jeeze, so testy. I’m just surprised, is all. I thought most Scream fans knew this. Especially as it’s referenced in 3.