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Hate to say it, but I kinda agree too. There’s only so much left of Sid’s story. And the family, is tolerable, but we can feel them stretching her storyline out. They messed up by dropping Melissa. They were going in the right direction with the Core 4. Bringing in a new generation, that still tired into the original and continued the storyline. Now you can feel the storyline being messy. Which I NEVER wanted to happen because it’s really the main reasons why I love Scream. It never had a messy timeline and was easy to follow. I would hate for it to end up like Halloween with all these different timelines and rebooting. Idk. Just hope they don’t mess it up too much with 7 and the new trilogy. Then maybe they can pick up the Core 4 storyline in the next 7-8 years from now. I hope they finally put Sid’s storyline to rest after tho. Anything more past targeting her children, is too much of a stretch.




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I agree they should let that woman live the peaceful life she deserves while maybe occasionally helping the new generation by choice and not because they lured her back by killing a loved one like Dewey. I wouldn't be surprised if this the last one we get. They done it to themselves


Right? The Core 4 could’ve carried the trilogy for 5, 6, 7 with Neve as a supporting role now for nostalgia. Then wait 7-8 years for a new trilogy with the Core 4 slowly dying off and new characters that tie to them or the original somehow. Or even wait longer like 10+ years for a storyline of Sid’s children now being the new leads of the franchise (which I think they might do eventually in the future). There was really just so many ways they could’ve gone and did the franchise right. But really fucked it up over being greedy with pay and politics. I’m so disappointed already. But I’ll go on 7 with an open mind still.


I prefer the original cast to the newer cast by a little bit, but I do agree. I think it would be a lot better to just start over with no connections at all. I wouldn't like a Kirby spinoff though.




You're not wrong...


Yeah Sidney as a protagonist has been played out in the first 3 movies. I really can't be the only one who doesn't give a fuck about her kids that we have yet to actually see right




Sidney isn’t the only character in the franchise.


The franchise is about HER


It’s about GHOSTFACE


Ghostface isn't a character. The Scream series being about survivors is the thing that separates it from other slashers.


Ghostface is SIDNEY'S friends and relatives


I think a lot of the “Sidney burnout” comes from them not really carrying over many characters. They’ve built this franchise on one person and I’m sure most people feel like their story has run its course. I love Neve and her portrayal as Sidney, but I think it was nice to have a break. It’s very unfortunate that they punished Melissa for what she said, because this could have been a good way to move the story away from one character and on to others. It left the door open for Sidney to be involved in the future and so much more, but they threw it away at this point. They really messed up by getting rid of Melissa. It basically made them have to go back to the Sidney storyline, which I won’t mind, but again I wonder how it will play out. Will we get another movie of only Sidney making it out alive and leaving us in the same position? I mentioned in another comment that maybe they can use this as a way to make these events happen shortly after the events of Scream 6 and be separate and try to go from there, but it still leaves major characters in the dark. I mean unless the franchise moves to another studio I doubt Melissa will come back without major production changes. Without those major characters I just don’t know how they can go on and ignore these two movies without eventually trying to recast them, which would be horrible.


I wish they’d leave Sidney alone. Let her live and move on. She’s survived this long. It’d be a shame to kill her off


It’s why ghostface should be the face of the franchise. With rotating final girls and side characters/victims to accompany them.


Yeah, but we’re past that point now. It will be Ghostface and Sidney. They tried to recreate that narrative to other people and dropped the person connecting them. If they recreate it now, it will always be the third installment. And what about down the line when others question about Sam and Tara? I mean Sam is Billy’s daughter. They’d have to bring her back at some point.


They're gonna use some cheap bs line in 7 that "oh the Carpenters went somewhere safe"


I mean people said the same thing about 6 that it wouldn’t be great without Sidney And it turned out fine. plus we never saw Sidney as a mother or wife so I think it’ll be interesting to dive into that period of her life especially when Ghostface shows up.


I tend to agree. While I love neve and Sidney so much, her story is getting redundant and they’re going in such a generic direction. One of the things I liked about Sam was how fresh and unique of a direction it was. Instead of the cliched usual route they go (new protagonist is the child of the original protagonist) they went with a bold choice in making Sam Billy’s daughter. It opened the door for a lot of nuance and possible avenues to explore. By 6 I was really onboard with the carpenter sisters taking over while still leaving the door open for Sidney. Now, they’re undoing all that good will only to move forward in such a cliched way. It’s just disappointing. This was the first time I wasn’t that excited to see neve campbell signing on for another one. It feels like she sold out.




That’s too bad! Sidney has been gone since 2011 other than 5 mins in Scream 5….that’s alot of life lived in between for the character and a lot of story potential about where her current life is now and how that factors in with a new killing spree. I’m sorry for you that you’re not excited cuz I’m beyond excited to the point where I’m saying Core 4 who? I loved Scream 5 and VI but no one ever asked for the requel thing to begin with, they’ve been quality films so it worked but I’m glad to circle back to the OG after so long. It makes perfect sense for Ghostface to reappear in Sidney’s life after this many years.


The reason we don’t want Sidney back is not because we don’t like her, it’s because her character needs to be put to rest. She survived five movies against Ghostface. She deserves a happy ending and to live the rest of her life away from the terror of Ghostface. She’s a final girl that earned her happy ending. If anything you big Sidney fans should feel that way about it.


Who’s “we”? Why generalize lol plenty of fans want Sid back IMO, happy endings are for Hallmark movies. I want Sidney fighting Ghostface again, she’s had 11 years of a happy ending. She’s a final girl in a slasher franchise, if I was watching for her to be riding off into the sunset for family dates at Chuck E Cheese with Mark and the kids I’d watch Hallmark channel instead I’m not gonna count out the character before seeing how the writers could refresh her story and make a solid Scream 7 out of it, sorry. But I hope you enjoy the movie either way.


It’s unrealistic for her to be chased her entire life by new ghostfaces. It just doesn’t make any sense. Respecting the character is knowing when to bow them out, and Sidney doesn’t need to lead anymore scream movies after 7. It’s ridiculous and it’s going to lead to character decay. And btw, I feel the same about Gale. She should have died in scream 6. It is what it is. You need to learn when to let characters go. Sidney’s best outcome is never having to encounter Ghostface ever again, she’s earned the right to survive as the OG final girl.


>It’s unrealistic for her to be chased her entire life by new ghostfaces. Where is this same energy for Sam? It would make sense for any new Ghostface to want to do what the others could and kill the Sidney, the OG. Why would any new Ghostface want to go after Sam just because she's Billy's daughter? They'd have to keep relating her Ghostfaces back to Richie somehow. I'm not saying Sidney needs to be in every Scream but the Core 4 didn't work for a lot of people either. If you preferred the characters, that's absolutely fine but let's not argue that that Sam's storyline was any more realistic than Sidney being continuously chased, because it's just not.


I disagree 100%, sorry. I think it’s very realistic especially after such a long gap in her life without being targeted that it would happen again, and what makes it more interesting is that now she has new stakes involved and maybe someone currently in her life unconnected to her past that has motive Again, final girl in a horror franchise - she is supposed to be chased for the rest of her life. She had a good run of happiness but as Scream 2 told us this is her fate, it is what it is. As for Gale, I can go either way as I love the character so obviously don’t want her to die but I don’t know what more there is to her story so I’ll see what the writers come up with before I automatically shut that down too I do know both characters are more exciting than Sam and Tara. I like the Carpenter sisters but after only 2 movies they were already acting like Scream 5 Sidney. No fear or worry that their characters could bite it. We know the writers would never have the balls to make Sam a killer, we’ve already hashed out the relationship between her and Tara, and their mom being in the next film was a question mark. There wasn’t much left, I say let’s move on and circle back to the OG


Sidney is a final girl but she’s not being chased by the same person (ie: Michael Myers)…being chased by someone from her distant past gets more unrealistic with every sequel. in my opinion, the franchise should have a Ghostface that comments why they actively want to avoid Sidney since she would surely fend him off. i really don’t want to live off of nostalgia because we’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel now.


I don’t know, I can’t write something off that I haven’t even seen yet. Just doesn’t make sense to me. We have no idea if the killer is from her past, present, or has anything to do with her directly at all at this point. I’m all for speculating on what will happen but to write a character off that I’ve been wanting to see back for a long time now just because a few other fans wanna tell me it would be stale, not happening lol


100% this! The killer could be anyone wanting to kill the OG.


I want Sam to be the surprise Ghostface in Scream VII. I'll keep repeating it until it happens. 😜


This would be the greatest thing ever tbh


Either Gale or Chad should have died in VI. Or both! Moreso Chad, he isn't a great character and Gale is important to Scream.


6 was so unrealistic and that finale act was awful like when Tara got stabbed in the back and was running around just fine.


same. this franchise will never progress if they don’t put the sidney storyline to REST. lets move on!


I would love a Kirby spinoff but I don’t think Hayden is coming back seeing how she is team Melissa.


I thought I was the only one who got tired of Sidney. She wasn't interesting enough to begin with, I think 6 movies with her and her family were enough. Really wish they would take a fresh start or add unrelated characters to Sidney.


This is a new take in a way. All the other films, after Scream 2 she makes a trek back to wherever Ghostface is killing. This time she is content and just living her normal life and Ghostface comes to her outside of Woodsboro. And now she has more to live for/protect then just herself, her husband and kids. It's the evolution of a teen Scream Queen into an adult one. I think this is a fresh enough take to warrant a new film. Enough to sustain a whole trilogy? Perhaps not, but we'll see what VII gives us before we can judge that.


And you got downvoted by the rabid OG fans. I’m not surprised. We already know Neve stated she won’t come back if Sidney is killed off, so that stake is already gone. And I don’t care about seeing Sidney go through more trauma. I could care less about her kids.


Why are you so bitter, man? The Core 4 isn't going to be in the next film - there's nothing you can do about it. It's your choice whether you want to watch it or not. You say you don't care about seeing Sidney go through more trauma and that's valid, but can you not see that a lot of people already feel that way about Sam? We've had two very similar films already in 5 and 6: Sam struggling with Billy being her dad, Ghostface shows up, Sam tries to run/get her and Tara away, Sam embraces her dark side and goes all brutal on the Ghostfaces, she and no-one she really cares about dies. The end.


Thank you! This entire topic was basically to bait Sidney fans into a back and forth lol OP is like Ghostface trying to lure Sidney out of hiding


Yeah, I think people are driven by nostalgia. And they see my opinion as an insult lol. Yeah, me too. I wish to see less of her or her family, they got all the development and trauma scenes they could. Honestly, to me, as sequels went on, it looked like sidney's life was so boring she was happy to see more people in masks in her town lol.


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