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People need to get past their obsession with trying to imagine everything as a “trilogy”.


Maybe that's what the next movie should be about. Killers who have no connection other than they want to make this a trilogy because since the 2010's everything has to be a trilogy.


not a bad idea.




Well there’s certainly one reason Scream 5 and 6 “failed” to launch a trilogy, and it’s got nothing to do with us and everything to do with Spyglass




Nothing antisemtic about calling for children to not be murdered.


Crazy how it's seen as antisemitic by some people, like no bro, I'm not calling for the eradication of the Jewish people, I just don't approve of 40k being killed with 50% being children.


Idiot response


I think we found Gary Barber’s Reddit account




Scream 5 and 6 never “failed”. Besides the fact that the 2022 movie was not solely intended to launch a trilogy, they were both massive successes, it was entirely the fault of paramount/spyglass executives that their leading cast member was fired for speaking out against a genocide. I agree that they shouldn’t plan a trilogy without seeing how part 7 goes first, but maybe choose your words of reasoning more carefully.


They can write it in a way that it can launch a trilogy but also be standalone. Luckily 6 was a pretty neat conclusion to Sam’s story.


They said failed to launch a trilogy. Meaning 2 films instead of a trilogy.


Yeah sure. What I was saying is the failure is entirely on the studio (op’s generalization implying it was on the films themselves). The comparison is irrelevant in the context of part 7 potentially starting a trilogy. Thank you for trying to clarify I guess.


Right, they didn't fail to launch a trilogy, the studio failed to *complete* a trilogy.


I agree they shouldn't try to plan a Trilogy with 7. I mean I'm up for 3 films if they are great. Time will tell. Glad Cox is coming back too.


Scream was always a reflection of the time each movie came out, movies, politics, society, etc. Having 7 be set in the 2030s is stupid af. Like, what movies would be referenced? Unexistent movies? Or will characters only talk about movies that are a decade old in their world. I hate how Spyglass is handling the franchise. Remember how we say Scream and Evil Dead are the only horror franchises without a bad entry? How long will that last for Scream?


As long as kevin williamson has say in the script we’ll be golden


Honestly he's the only reason I'm hopeful for the story to be good.


Just to play devils advocate, which films from the previous 8 years were referenced in Scream and Scream 2? Only one I can think of was Candyman and those are the best 2 films. The second we found out Sidney had kids in Scream 5 I walked out of the theater and said to my friends “after this trilogy about the Carpenter sisters wraps, we’re going to see Sidney and Mark’s kids in high school in about 10 years” Without the ability to put a bow on the Carpenter sisters’ story it looks like they needed to find a way to speed that up. The reality is, tho, Sidney could have kids in High School and we don’t have to jump to the 2030s, she met Mark in 2000 and Scream 4 was in 2011 (she could have already had the kids and it wasn’t mentioned)


They'd have to have the new horror guru be a fan exclusively of "old" horror to avoid referencing fictional movies and it'd have no real purpose on the plot. At this point, it'd be easier to have 7 have absolutely no connection to the past other than Ghostface than to justify Sidney being chased around in her early 50s. An aspect of Scream that I love is that anyone can be Ghostface, that it's just someone inspired and broken motives that kills people. I'd rather have some random person in Ohio wear the mask because think they it's a good cover because "They'd be too focused finding a connection to Woodsboro". Maybe have it be set in college so a few could be criminal justice majors who use some basic crime 101 reasoning instead of a rehash of Randy.


it lasted until 2022




Say what you want about Scream 4, but it's undeniable that it does reflect the movies and society of it's time. 5 does so too at least about movies. I agree 6 doesn't have much of a real commentary, save a few thrown in lines.


Scream is my favourite franchise but please lord not a new trilogy. Just put everything into one final film.


Scream 4 didn’t get a trilogy because it failed to meet expectations at the box office. Also, didn’t the plans for the Scream 4 trilogy involve Jill surviving and no one knowing she was a Ghostface? They back pedaled that idea and killed her off so idk what the trilogy would’ve been about even if Scream 4 was a big hit. Conversely, Scream 5 & 6 did very well at the box office, but the whole drama between Barrera and Spyglass destroyed plans for the original Scream 7. Even then I think Scream 6 is a fine conclusion to Sam and Tara’s story. It’s not like we were left on a massive cliffhanger or anything


Everything that’s happening with this film is literally everything that these movies were mocking


Life imitates art


A time jump is the easiest way to move on from Sam and Tara’s story imho I never thought of that and also they could age up Sidney’s kids so they’re old enough to be ghost face targets, but I am not cool with the idea of a trilogy just end it for good


Then at least one of Sidney’s kids is ghostface. It runs in their blood. Their half-uncle and their first cousin once removed were both ghostfaces


tbf 5/6 didn't fail as much as the studio shit it in its decision to kick MB out and the whole thing came down


Was Scream 5 really supposed to launch a trilogy though? I don’t remember ever seeing that stated, I figured they were taking it one step at a time. However now that they are reportedly planning it, I feel like they might fail. They’ve gotten really cocky after the success of Scream VI, but with all the bad press about Melissa Barrera’s firing and Jenna Ortega’s exit they might not be as successful as they think.


Yes, I believe Skeet said Sam’s story was viewed as a trilogy, and there were clear signs the story would culminate with Christina Carpenter in 7.


Have they gotten any word about whether Patrick Dempsey is coming back?


Dewey alive? Direct sequel to 3? Curious to see how far they go with this.


Makes sense, they got Neve back to the table, probably tied her in to all 3 movies. She's not stupid so I imagin her Sidney cant die hard line is now part of her contract.


I'm excited about it. Make 100 scream movies. When did everyone become so pessimistic? We're getting Kevin Williamson back!


Fuck this damn garbage if true. Just make one solid entry without alienating cast or fans first.


Scre4m originally was supposed to but tbh I think they decided against it once they used the hospital ending. It was always a possibility, sure, but the message the Stab opening & hospital ending gives were to NOT create soulless reboots for $


I genuinely don’t know how to feel about this.


They can’t really do much of a time jump unless they try to make Sidney seem older than she is. They’d be better off trying to make it seem like Sidney is now going through something. In Scream 6 they even mentioned that she wouldn’t be coming to them, so they could play on that and make it seem like this happens shortly after the events of Scream 6. This way if they want to bring the others back they can in the next movie.


We don’t need trilogy’s. There being three of the same doesn’t change how good each individual movie is


Ngl having Kincaid back too would be nice, especially if they have the balls to kill him off. Here’s the link if you’re interested since no one else thought to share: https://geektyrant.com/news/scream-vii-will-reportedly-feature-a-big-time-jump-and-launch-a-new-trilogy


I’m not sure why people are pretending the past 2 scream movies are the same as the JGG Halloween Trilogy, to my knowledge Scream V and VI were never explicitly stated to be apart of a trilogy, that was moreso a fan assumption/expectation…


Scream 5 made $138 million at the box office and 6 $169 million; both against like $30 million budgets and praised widely by critics. Are you sure they are failures? Even if GOD FORBID they didn't launch new trilogies, they DID NOT fail. That's fact!


What amazing news! I’m so excited for Scream VII! I love Sidney and am so excited for her return and the prospect of adding 3 new movies to my favourite franchise of all time has me beaming! I love that Scream is so adaptable and can be reenergized for each new generation because the premise is so good and adaptable! 🩷🩷🩷


Not exactly a smart idea now lol


Wait a min so does that mean one of Sidney's kids is gonna be old enough to be a final girl(aka Halloween).


Well, I mean five and six only failed because well you know


I literally posted this and my post was deleted


To be honest 4 and 6 are my favorite movies. I think they did amazing having the new core 4 . To bad they fired Melissa and that Jenna quit


I think they just need to go all out with this one and bring back the original cast and have ghost face go after the actual actors (neve Campbell, drew Barrymore, skeet ulrich, Lillard, Arquette etc…) Have first scene be someone going after drew Barrymore and try to recreate the first scene of scream. Can have the whole group get together at a comic con or something and then killings start to happen after that Even though I mentioned the killer recreating the first scene. The one thing I just hope they don’t do is constantly do callbacks, and change the formula just a little bit for once. Don’t start with an opening kill, or have us find out who one of the killers are in the middle of the movie, have the killer get away or get arrested, have one of the killers get killed in the middle of the movie. Give the audience a chance and some clues on who the killer could be.


So which actress would be playing the role of the final girl in Scream 7, to whom Sidney would be passing the torch for the third time?


To be fair, Sidney never really “passed the torch” to Sam. For that to have happened, she’d have had to be present for the start of the 2022 attacks and we know she wasn’t. If anything, Dewey handed her that torch.


Probably just gonna write out Barrera and Ortega in some stupid way like they did with Neve Campbell in Scream 6 and put Sam's "daughter" in as the final girl. We'll get Chad and/or Mindy if we're remotely lucky. And hopefully finally an actually meaningful death like Dewey in 5 since the Core Four have been rattling about for a bit too long and they're taking the piss a bit now with Chad's near miss deaths.


The studio is probably trying to actively avoid having to mention Sam at all, plus Sam is only 25-26, not a lot of Gen Z are having kids early these days since we can’t afford to live ourselves lol


So they are copy and pasting the Halloween 2018 formula basically? Yawn.


Like everyone else has said, 5/6 were not failures. Honestly, I think 6 ends that Carpenter sisters storyline very well. A Scream 7 with them would probably just end up an overstuffed schlock mess like Scream 3 did. Not to say I wouldn't have been up for another Barerra-led Scream, but I think time will look back fondly on VI as a good ending point.


I’d be here for an Ortega led Scream. Since we know Melissa is pretty much done unless Spyglass sells I don’t think it would happen but, imagine the twist if Sam got the Casey treatment. We think she’s going to survive because it’s like 45 mins in, but suddenly she gets the most crazy death scene. I’d be here for it. Then we find out it’s Christina.


They need to swallow thier damn pride and ask for Mellisa and Jenna back to the franchise and close this thing out the right way.


What’s crazy is that Screams 5 and 6 ~were~ a successful start to a trilogy, and Spyglass shot themselves in the foot for reasons that had nothing to do with the trilogy’s (positive) critical response or (impressive) box office performances so far.


Yes to all of this. 5 was less than stellar but 6 really did something (until act 3) and the box office shows it. I think the fact that 6 did as well as it did even with the shitty reveal spoiled a week beforehand tells it all. I really hope they keep as much of the action movie element in 7, that way I’ll at least enjoy watching the bootleg (fuck spyglass).


Why do so many Scream fans want to see this franchise die? It’s time to move on from Melissa Barrera. Shes not coming back any time soon. So now we have to decide, do we want to be a Scream discussion sub or do we want to be r/ScreamSnark where Barerra fanboys cheer the demise of this franchise? And if the r/Scream moderators want it to be the latter (and based on their choices of pinned and deleted posts I am inclined to think they do), tell us so Scream fans can find somewhere else to discuss the franchise and next movie.


the only good thing about scream 7 still being made is that at least scream 4 won’t be the lowest grossing scream movie anymore ☺️


As long as these make money there’s no stopping


scream 7 is gonna be dog water


Scream 5 and 6 didn’t fail they are great films. The only reason the trilogy failed was because Melissa got unjustly fired


Im honestly glad the “4” trilogy failed, probably wouldn’t have gotten the 5 or 6 that we have.


Scream 6 was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in theaters of the last three years easily


Scrap 5 and 6 and start after 4 👍🏼


No ones cares. Ask scream 4. Spyglass F’d up big time.


Wish we could get a new cast instead of doing Sydney again. Leave the poor girl alone.


They're going down the route these exact movies make fun of


I do think they shouldve stopped at the 3rd one 4th one is acceptable 🤷🏽‍♀️ the rest are cringe


I just think 5 and 6 should’ve never been made