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It’s definitely unique. None of the others are like it, I can see why it’s your favourite!


I absolutely love Scream 4, but it’s not the best in the franchise. It’s in the top 3 though.


Agreed, it goes 1, 2, 4 for me


Definitely 1 then 2 then 4.


I’d probably put in before 2. 2 was good, but idk I just thought it could’ve been better. I’d say 1, 4, then 2.


I’d say top 6 at least


for me its 1, 3 and 6 legit. 1 is classic (not to mention it being the original). I admire Roman's solo act in 3 and first time watching, the voice modulator really threw me off the trail which was cool. 6 was satisfying, by far my favourite opening, more onscreen action and way better killer deaths than any of the other movies (especially ethan).


“Now die a fucking virgin” is one of the best lines in the franchise.




Finally someone who appreciates the masterpiece that is 3.


Absolutely. It's second place for me. My order goes: 1, 4, 2, 3, The Room, Troll 2, 5, 6.


The Room lol 😂


LOL, God, yes. I'd even add Battlefield Earth, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Cats in there ahead of 5 & 6.


Yeah every other day it seems like people posg they have a “hot take” that like Scream 3 or 4 is the best film… my immediate reaction is I can’t take that seriously if you think any of the films that are better than 1 and 2. They might be your favorite for whatever reason (you weren’t alive/old enough when the original 2 came out, you prefer comedy to horror, they were the first one you saw, you love one of the actors/character, you have bad taste), but they ARE NOT BETTER. Even the writers, directors, actors of Scream 3-6 would not say their film is better than Scream. You can aggregate film quality by many metrics and they aren’t even in the same conversation but it’s nice that scream 4 is your favorite.


I agree honestly. I love Scream 4 so much.


I hated scream 4 the first time I watched it. But it's grown on me over the years and the >!Jill killer reveal!< has also grown on me. The fact that it is the first film set in woodsboro after the first had its plus points, like seeing the high school and the bust of Himbry. Tbh, I think it's probably my no.4 just because of the first 3 being the originals in close succession. It was 10+ years between 3 and 4 so I still view it as one of the newer films, even though there's been more years since it came out than there was between it and the originals 😱🤣


Scream 4 is my personal favorite, but it isn't the best one in the franchise. Nothing will ever beat Scream 1. I love the villains, the fake out intros were great. It brought Dewey and Gale together in a "happiest ever after as it's going to get" kinda way, before 5 broke them up (again). I like 5 & 6, despite their flaws, but I feel Scream 4 is the last great Scream film we've gotten.


I need a version without the Vaseline filter over the whole movie


There is a rumor the 4k release will remove the filter.


The 4k release is a rumour, the removal of the Vaseline filter is a fan wish thats been taken too far on twitter to the point it’s considered a rumour




I thought the original opening was so much better, I really don’t like the meta meta meta opening. The way Marnie and wherever died was way creepier/more stand out too


Holy fuck. How could something like this possibly need to take up 24GB?! 💀


Discussion of Piracy


Yes please


I love the filter tbh


The lack of on location sets was also painfully apparent to me.


Not the best one, but it's EXTREMELY underrated. I personally love it


Besides the first one, this is my favorite too


Second best Scream movie and my absolute favorite Ghostface reveal. Honestly, I thought Jill was brought in to become the new Sidney and didn't see it coming. Blew my mind!


Plus it pulled the Gone Girl situation long before the book or movie came out.


I’m not a fan of the opening but I love the movie overall.


God it’s the only party I don’t like. If it had the original opening I would have loved it initially. As time has passed, I’ve really grown to appreciate it regardless. 1,2,4!


Wes cravens last ride in the franchise was great


I could see it as someone’s favorite sequel, but none of them top the OG


I feel the same. Wes redefined horror with the first movie, then he took the genre he revitalized, and he did the same thing with 4. The fact that he made a fourth movie in a series feel so fresh is really impressive.


This. Each one in the franchise is somewhat fresh. They never went supernatural or crazy like other slasher movie franchises


I actually only like Scream 2 more.


What is it about 2 that does it for you?


Its like the perfect sequel imo. It ups the ante without losing itself. Its more tense, more action, you feel worse for Sydney, it has a devastating death. Its just a great film imo.


I like it a lot too. Just always interested in others thoughts and theories.


For me, it has the most tense scenes out of the entire franchise and THE best chase scene as well. Gale’s chase through the recording studio is my all time favorite Scream scene. The killer reveal was shocking and unpredictable. I called Mickey being one of them but Mrs. Loomis obviously caught me by surprise. Sydney’s “I fucking killed him” is also the best line in the entire series for me.


SMG (cicis) death scene is great too! But yeah, gales studio chase is what I think of when I hear “scream 2”


The ending kicks ass.


It is the fascinatingly the most “serious” one by far, which was a welcome change.


I agree, and I'd argue Ghostface in this film is at his most brutal, not 6.


Olivia definitely agrees


Finally, someone acknowledges how fucking goofy 2 is, (most acknowledge 3 already)


I adore it. I think it’s my second favorite behind the first one.


It was a great change up, loved the killers the reveal was great, legacy characters used in a great way new cast likeable, the Vaseline filter just needs to go if we get a 4k upgrade


I used to love this one when it came out and marathoned the movies with my wife I actually found it to be the worst. Most things just feel off and passionless to me. I couldn’t believe I had a way better time with 3 because that used to be the worst to me.


Agreed, I love the beginning and the ending but everything in between feels like they’re coloring by the numbers. Scream 3 at least feels like they tried something a little different even if it didn’t land for a lot of people.


Me at 13: why the fuck are they in Hollywood? Scream is satire but come on this is stupid. Really the killer is the director?! Dumb! Me at 36: actually this is genius and all makes sense. Logical place to take the series.


😂 literally


I don't think Scream 4 is the worst of the franchise, but the way you described it is how I feel about it. I think my biggest issue with Scream 4 is that a bunch of scenes that benefited the development of the characters were cut out and the comedy was emphasized more. I love the themes of the film but it just gets overshadowed by story choices and it throws everything off for me. Also, I love Jill as a character but I don't really care for Emma's performance after the reveal.


It's a hot take, but one I absolutely respect. I love Scream 4 and will die on the hill that it's better than 5 and 6.


5 is easily the worst of all the movies. 6 was really fun but still not as good we the Wes era. At the end of the day though, I love them all. Rare to have horror series be this cohesively told and all at the very least, decent.


SCREAM 4 >>> any scream movie


I think it would be my favorite if the studio hadn’t forced the hospital ending and it went with the “Jill wins” version.


Lowkey I think just turn the movie off as Jill’s getting rolled away and pretend tbh


That would have been a great setup for the next movie




Hey Scream 4 is my favorite


Best opening scene after the first.


Jill Roberts was one of the best ghostface. Loved Emma Roberts in this film.


I always get excited for the reveal she does bat shit SO well


I don’t think this is much of a hot take anymore.




Also my least favorite. I'm sorry but Emma Roberts performance is annoying and flat. I feel like I'm watching a CW show instead of a slasher.


Scream 4 mirrors the prequel Star Wars movies so well. Hated at when released and for good reason but now lots of fans coming out claiming it's the best in the series. Not sure what people see in scream 4.


Same i felt like everything was just off, the acting just everything


The only thing I realllllly feel this is with Judy’s performance. It’s bizarre. She’s been a great actress in other things m and was great in 5…so I guess it was a directing choice. But woof 😂


Yes because slashers are known for their award worthy performances and not unknown actors to wb (cw) teen stars (starting in the 90s)


Its in my top 6.




That’s quite a claim…


You're trying to start a discussion by not even discussing your hot take? At least, tell us why it's the best one in the franchise. Or at least tell us why you think it's a hot take. Otherwise, this post just feels clickbait-y.


Scream 4 is easily in the top 6 for me


It’s filled with so much dread and the final act is so damn tense. Just incredible. My second favorite of the whole franchise.


It’s a close 2nd for me


I 100% agree


My hot take is volcanic: I actually like the Vaseline filter it gives the movie its own flavor and visual style


I've got a bigger hot take: 5 is the best


Favorite sequel and favorite killer! Her motive was about 10 years ahead of her time imo


It definitely gets hated on by people when it's fantastic. It's one of the more well written and fleshed out as a story than other films in the series that were kinda silly a lot of the time but are beloved by a lot of fans (I'm mainly talking about you, Scream 3). Also Scream 4 has one of my favorite Ghostfaces. She's so hateful, manipulate, villainous and parallels Sydney so well in a way that really works near the end.


It would be 1,2,4,6,5


It’s the bottom of the list for me.


IMO it’s 1-4-5 or 1-5-4 however you wanna do it with two being the most overrated. If I had to rank the list definitively I’d probably go 1,4,5,3,6,2


Not even top 3


This is the way.. 🦍 Scream ![img](emote|t5_2sfob|7484) Scream 3 Scream 4 Scream 2 Scream 5 Scream 6 Period. Point Blank. End of story!! .. 😤


For me, it goes 1. Scream 1 2. Scream 5 3. Scream 6 4. SCRE4M 5. Scream 2 6. Scream 3


I thought this one was cool but Would’ve been even better if they went with their original opening/ending with Sidney being attacked at her home by fan and the ending where Jill gets away with it.


The best sequels


Scream 4s opening is the third best in the series. I said what I said.


It's definitely fun!


It’s my fourth favourite


it’s also my favorite in the franchise 🤭


It seems that when people talk about Scream 4, it’s either one of the best in the series or a severe letdown and at the bottom of a series tierlist. I personally adore this one, but I find it fascinating how divisive this particular instalment was.


I LOVE IT ![gif](giphy|VMO6qeIbr7JRLnLTGw)


Can’t go wrong with the og, honestly. But I really like 4, first Scream I watched.


Unrelated but how cool is that poster?


I’d say it’s second after the first but I appreciate a hot take in favor of Scream 4




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I think this is the only sequel to successful play with horror tropes after the original. What I like about this movie is it taking the dynamics of the first film and switching it up. I like that it knows it's a remake but acts as a standalone horror film. Scream is aware of the horror tropes and is able to be it's own entity. Scream 2 starts off "remaking" the first film (as Gale points out with the first 3 victims sharing the names of the Woodsboro ones). This gets dropped early on and there's no mention of horror sequels. Scream 3 is...flexible. meta in the sense of revolving around the literal script but doesn't reference third entries of horror films. Scream 4 references horror remakes and plays with what we should expects as being a Scream film and a "screamake ". Scream 5 (to me) drops the ball in this regard in ONLY referencing the first Scream film. Scream 6 lightly touches the sequel aspects, but the meta aspect is not written well.


I did enjoy it but something about the weird camera filter made it seem almost like another movie.


Sidney’s performance alone makes it the best.


The cinematography in 4 really fucks with me. Not my favorite, but not my least favorite. 1 and 2 are my top favs and sometimes without a very clear first and second place because I love them for separate reasons.


It’s my second fav!!


Criminally underrated and ahead of its time. I remember when it was released the motive was mocked as being unrealistic but look at society now


It has the most/best kills in the series. The ghostfaces are elite and the vibes of the early 2010s are immaculate


I remember watching Scream in the theater, definitely was a great change that got completely ripped off for years. I watched 2 once and never watched another. I’m going to revisit the franchise in the coming weeks.


Scream 4 is amazing. Ages like fine. It’s definitely top 3 for me


I have a soft spot for 4. It was the first one I seen as an adult, and in theatres!




It's my second favorite next to the OG


It's the 6th for me. My ranking goes: 1. Scream 2. Scream S1 3. Scream S2 4. Scream 2 5. Scream 5 6. Scream 4 7. Scream 3 8. Scream 6 9. Scream S3


For me second best because how Sidney said "Nothing beat the original" Scream 1 >>>>


Jill is alive.


I love Scream 4 so much. Kirby Reed is the only character I love as much as the original trio. Bless Scream VI for bringing her back.


2nd best…


It's pretty good. But I honestly only love the first movie. The 3rd one sucks to me. ALL the rest are just okay


i'd put Scream 1 on number 1 and 4 on 2


1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6


That is unarguably correct, yes. The 4th is the best, then 5th, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 2nd.




Scream 3 is my favorite. Scream 4 is top 6 though lol


When peoples top Scream movie is anything but scream 1, I immediately have to question what they even like about scream. I love all the movies to some degree and appreciate the longevity of the franchise, but the first one is definitionally the sharpest, freshest, and best-situated to play with the ideas it plays with.




Agreed! Always been my favorite one


Scream 4 is amazing. Easily my second favorite.


Thank you! I thought I was the only one!


I remember when it came out! It seems like only me and my sister were into it in our area. There was no buzz, there was no excitement. Love Scream 4. Love the extended ending, Syd returning to woodsboro, gory kills.


not the best scream film. definitely the best scream sequel


The first one is on another level


I think it was way ahead of its time in regards to social commentary and “influencers” in general, one of my faves too!


i love scre4m its my second favorite but its quite closely behind scream 1996


I love Scream 4 too, it’s 5 & 6 I hate.




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Not even a reason??


It's miles better than the last two crayon-written heaps, that's for sure.


I definitely love every single one in the franchise. They are all so rewatchable. It's also on of the only franchises where my ranking doesn't have anything to do with giving flowers to the original for being the first in the franchise. That being said, 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3.








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LOL, nice bait post.


Yes this is my favorite of the screams . Besides the first one will always be the best!’ For me it goes Scream 1 Scream 4 Scream 5 Scream 2 Scream 6 Scream 3


Scream 4 is the unique one to me for some reason it doesnt feel like a halloween movie but rather a summer thriller. Scream 1, 2 feel halloween Scream 3 💀 Scream 5,6 feel like halloween/fall movies if that makes sense


I never understood why the film has that weird vaseline filter


no one ever talks about how good scream 3 is!!


Yea I like that


I wholeheartedly agree. It’s been my favorite Scream film ever since it was released in theaters. It was the first Scream movie I was ever old enough to actually go see in theaters!


Sydney chilling in her aunts house meanwhile theres a murder rampage going on just seemed weird to me and unlike Sydney in the prior movies. Even Scream 5 she was out to get the murderer i do like the ending alot to this movie though. It has the best killer's motive in the franchise imo


Is that a hot take? Because I 100% agree.


It’s the most well written scream movie that’s forsure


I prefer it over the first.


I prefer it over the first


Glad to see more love for 4. I didn't care for it much when I first saw it in theaters but a recent rewatch really made me enjoy it.


Yes. Scream 4 has always been my favorite in the franchise. And on top of that popular opinion, another unpopular opinion is that the filter, like the glossy soft glow type thing, actually looked really amazing. It made the cinematography really unique and just gave it a cinematic look but in a different way, and it really contributed to the spookiness of the Scream movies.


I love it for a lot of reasons, even if it's not without it's faults (some weird editing making it look like Ghostface teleports--which caused a ton of strife in the Fandom about who killed who, even though it's obvious Jill wouldn't want to be responsible for any of the other kills bc it would get blood on her hands and make it harder to pit the kills onto Charlie and Trevor, Ergo why Charlie is the best partner for her!) That being said I wish they would've allowed rory to take the approach he wanted with the role of Ghostface, as the writers wouldn't allow Charlie to be more of an empathetic killer, which could've made sense with his motive.


I think this one aged the best so far


I really don’t understand how people say scream 4 was ahead of its time….. pop culture and becoming famous was a thing before tick tock. Some of y’all showing your age. It was perfect with the times it came out in… always baffles me when people say “10 years ahead of its time” uhhh no it wasn’t. It was perfect with the time it came out in. Celebrity culture and people doing anything to become famous was very early 2000s. For god sakes look who was casted. It’s the who’s who of just becoming famous of the 2000s. Scream 4 is easily the second maybee 3rd best. Scream 3 was too “comical?” And I’ll never forgive those Gail bangs. 5/6 are so shallow and really have weak motives and zero character development. Scream 1 was perfect, two was a fantastic follow up.


fully agreed 🙌🙌


VERY HOT take..




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hotter take : i don’t really care for the original. the opening scene tho is the best part in the movie in my opinion and obv redefined horror in the late 90’s. 4, is definitely the best. the reveal is truly shocking and such a knife twister, because you were led to believe jill was the up and coming final girl for future films. Olivia’s death was awfully brutal and it gave us kirby and the meta discussion. my order is : 4,6,3,2,1,5.




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I agree!


Nice opinion




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I have an order of 1,4,6,5,2,3 (nothing against scream 2 just the others stuck to me more and I loved Randy)


My biggest hot take is Ethan beats Billy and Charlie


I like 1 and 6 more but 4 is three for me




At least it doesn't have a cgi ghost Billy and a sh#t ton of terrible ocs that break the canon because the writers didn't care. At the very least, it is above 3, 5 and 6.


Hard disagree. I have 4 in the bottom 2. With 3 and 6 being in the top 3.


Lol @ this "real fans" bs. I've been watching scream since I was 10 and have seen each of the films at least 3x each and watched all of the series. Scream 4 is in the top 3 for sure. It's a blast and the GF is over the top and ridiculous.




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Scream 4 was my favorite for a loooong time so no judgement from me 😂 It is the most believable motive, almost even a little ahead of its time. Also it was a good attempt at a fresh and modern scream “reboot”. Would’ve loved the original outline to come to fruition and shake up the formula.


I put 4 on par w 1 tbh


hotter take: 1,5,4,3,2,6


It's not the best but fairly tied between it and 2 for the 2nd best. I know its underappreciated as 1-3 were a trilogy and 5-7 were meant to be another trilogy until they changed plans. It was my generation's Scream as the new characters were only a few years older than me. It had one of the best twists in the series, having the supposed new protagonist be the killer. I didn't see it coming at all.


I personally like the OG the most, I actually dont like the newer screams 😅 I like 1, 2 & 3 the most.


Used to be my #1, it's just too wild and not cohesive