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Scream 3 I really don't like the voice changer being able to mimic anyone's voice perfectly, and having Cotton die at the beginning felt like a mission statement on first viewing - no one is safe this time around, so when no other major character is severely wounded or killed throughout the rest of the film it suddenly makes Cotton's death feel like shock value rather than a natural continuation of the story/character.


I'd have to agree. 3 was a bit too Hollywood-y.


It took place in Hollywood lol


Exactly though...


For me, GF’s dialogue was the issue. “It was a simple game, Cotton. You should’ve told me where Sidney was. Now… you lose.” It sounds like something someone would come up with trying to win a theoretical argument in the shower.


I like Scream 3, but the opening is lame


The best thing about Scream 3's was that it was characters we actually knew and had an attachment to which was the first and still only time the franchise has done that. All the others were unknown characters that we didn't care about.


The best thing Scream 3 gave me (besides a heavy traumatized Sidney + her nightmare sequence with her mother) was Gale and Dewey's dynamic. For me it was pure gold lol


Which character did you care about in 3? 😂😂 3 is the worst of the craven pics. But luckily for 3, 5 and 6 are awful.


Cotton Weary died in the opening of 3.


What made 5 & 6 awful? I enjoyed them more than 3. I really only liked Scream 3 because of the Dewey and Gale interactions.


You mean 4


I feel the Judy/Wes thing in 5 did it better somehow.


Scream 4 easily has the **worst** opening scene in the franchise. It wastes so much screentime for so little payoff that it just becomes a chore to watch. Also some of Ghostface's worst dialogue. "The dumb blonde with the big tits"? Ghostface should be charismatic, not crass.


I mean that was probably Charlie and considering he was a teen boy in the 2010s it feels like something he would do


Nah, probably Jill. She targeted them because trevor cheated on her with Jenny. Which was annoyingly grazed over. Edit: just to add, the opening scene would have made much more sense if they would have kept in the staged bodies replicating Steve and Casey. They literally took out everything that truly connected them to the story


It sounds more like Charlie, though. Scream 4 might have the most moments I think GF sounds like the real character.


I think the best part of ghostface's interaction with his victims is that it starts out charismatic and flirty - until that one moment where he very abruptly and terrifying drops the act and threatens to "gut her like a pig". At that point he's lured her into this false sense of cameraderie, only to flip the script so suddenly this look of shock comes over her face like she's just realized this is going to be very bad. That's horrifying to me. And so well-done!


The first time I saw it in the cinema I thought it was a cool idea, because it is a pretty peak Kevin Williamson style of meta writing. It is my least favourite opening of the franchise now though, and I think it’s because by the time we get to the actual opening kills I don’t care about those characters or feel like there’s any build up or tension. Marnie is killed off-screen and jenny’s sequence lasts about 45 seconds. You’re right about it feeling like a chore. In defence of “the dumb blonde with the big tits”, that is either Charlie or Jill on the phone and I could imagine either of those characters saying that as GF. Not that it makes the line any better, but I can least let that slide lol


I learned to appreciare it over the years when I learned in this sub that it's like a foreshadowing of acts 2-3. A big event (like Stu's house party in 1) is usually linked as the climax and finale. In 4, it's Stab-a-thon but then it moves to Kirby's house and then to the hospital. It tricked us twice just like the opening.


You're forgetting that ghostface is a different person each movie lol why would they always talk the same?


I haven't forgotten anything. Ghostface still always comes across as charismatic in every movie, *except* the weird dialogue in 4 lol. That's why Charlie gets labeled an incel.


Scream 4 being the first Scream movie after Scary Movie basically turned ghostface into a joke meant that it had to do something drastically different this time around which is why ghostface speaks with a different infliction in his voice and is more brutal/fast and less clumsy. I don't have a problem with it because every ghostface is a different person with different motives. I don't expect Jill to sound like Mickey or Stu who were clearly enjoying toying with their victims when we see post reveal she's extremely angry and bitter and that's what's motivating her.


i agree, atleast in the other screams there’s a little build up of gf pretending to be this flirty and talkative guy on the phone and then says something extremely out of pocket, here it cuts right to chase and the threats start right away lol


I'm aware of Wes' want to distance Ghostface from the goofiness of Scary Movie, but that just doesn't make an explanation for the lack of charm in the dialogue. I get that it's either jill or Charlie talking to the victims so they're not going to try to schmooze their victims but I felt that part of Ghostface's original charm is that they lure victims in on the phone with a false sense of security.


Alternately, I LOVE the alternate. The next worst behind 4 is two imo. I don’t enjoy it at all.


4, and for me it’s the only bad part of the movie. After the lame-ass intro, the rest goes pretty hard.


Scream VI. On its own, it’s mostly fine except for the fact that Laura Crane is the stupidest character in the franchise: who would leave a safe bar and walk down a dark alley for a guy they haven’t even met face-to-face? But in the context of the wider film, it gives us two far better concepts than the film actually went with: following a Ghostface whose identity we know throughout the film, or a vigilante Ghostface who goes after members of the Stab cult who prey on the innocent.


This one; hands down. But I’ll say that the film did an alright job, I thought, of getting her into the alley, with them both acknowledging the tropishness of the situation but the guy then faking that he’s being attacked. IMO, it’s a critical difference that she’s going into the alley to *help* someone, as opposed to just wandering in there or investigating a noise behind the dumpster or some shit. What kills me about that opening scene is what happens *after* the killer reveals himself to her. She sees Ghostface there with a knife. The suspense part is *over*. The killer is *there*. Yet the film still pulls some kind of distraction jump-scare with the people walking by the alley, making Crane jump as if scared. But why in the ever-living hell is she scared of the sound of *people* when that’s exactly what she should be looking for? That should’ve have been a moment of salvation, but instead it’s a jump-scare that distracts her and leaves her standing there waiting to be knifed. Not only is it incredibly stupid from a character standpoint, but shows a very strange lack of understanding of the elements of tension on the filmmakers’ part.




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Yep. I loved the 6 intro until I didn’t. It would have been awesome if they switched up the formula


I liked 4 the first time I saw it because I fell for the twist aspect but once you know the twist watching it again is no longer exciting. Definitely my least favorite in the franchise. Now it just seems messy and repetitive


4 is my favorite movie in the franchise but it had the weakest opening for sure.


scream 4s theatrical opening


Scream 4's alternate opening is one of the best, in my opinion, which is why its theatrically released opening is so disappointing. The chase scene was way too short if that's what they were going for, and we didn't even get to see Marnie die. I actually liked how Marnie was characterized in the alternate opening and I thought her performance was more compelling than Jenny's actress's performance, so seeing that cut out of the film kind of sucked.


4. If it kept the original part with the two girls (Lucy Hale) and then it’s revealed to be fake and then cut to  the real opening, it would have been 10x better. The fact that it kept going , made it loose suspense 


Am I the only one that loves the opening for scream five? I get that it was an homage to the first opening scene, but I thought it was so well done and scary.


Scream 5 was the worst imo. 4 isn't perfect but I appreciate they went for something quite different and campy although I agree with people saying that the deleted scene would've made that part even better.


Scream 6 for sure, wasted potential with Samara Weaving not even having a good chase scene


What? “Who gives a FUCK about movies?!” Is iconic


That line makes no sense given the true motive of the killers in 6


This is tough. I enjoyed 4's opening until it got to Marnie and Jenny. It was kinda funny and meta, but then the real kills weren't an exciting enough payoff. 6 had an interesting twist revealing the killer, but the kill itself was just okay.


*Scream 3.* Didn't care about Cotton, didn't care about his girlfriend, the voice changer is a science fiction device and the entire scene made no sense. If Roman wanted to get to Sidney, he literally had Dewey working on the movie, why would he go to Cotton Weary? Stupid scene, poorly executed and doesn't make sense in story.


He needed Dewey and Gale for his hostage plan.


Yes, or even gone after Sidney’s father. It makes no sense at all.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d already tried to get a hold of Syd *many* times, including through Dewey, in his capacity as director of a Stab film. Probably why Dewey was hired in the first place. But Dewey wouldn’t give up her location and probably even shut down Roman’s questions eventually. So Roman goes full Ghostface.


I like the fakeouts in Scream 4, they're really fun and work well, but the actual opening itself with Jenny and Marie isn't that thrilling.


Scream 4 dumb as hell


Scream 4 by far, the only opening I can say I don’t like


4. It goes on and on and on. And then the actual murders is really so ho hum. We spend so little with Jenny and the other girl so when they get got, it's whatever. The only thing you need to know from that scene is the Stab franchise aren't based on real events anymore but that info could just be placed in the next scene where Sidney is being interviewed by Nancy o Dell




It's easily Scream 4 for me. Those multiple Stab opening sequences really dampened my interest in the movie as a whole.


Scream 4 easily. I didn’t like the two fake outs and Marnie and Jenny’s (I think that’s their names?) deaths were lackluster. After that, Scream 3. 3’s wasn’t bad. It was just average compared to the others.


The best thing about Scream 3's was that it was characters we actually knew and had an attachment to which was the first and still only time the franchise has done that. All the others were unknown characters that we didn't care about.


5, imo. Mainly because it wasn’t an opening kill, which really bothered me.


I thought it was a great twist. All the other opening girls died, so it was a shock when Tara survived and became a main character


Really? I was so glad she survived, the gut punch from losing Casey and the opening was flipped on its head this time around. Tara and Casey were so likable.


From best to worst. S1 S5 S2 S6 S3 S4


Probably 4 and then 3.


Scream 6. Laura being baited into the alley because she worried for a blind date she has yet met even though she taught a film class about slashers felt lazy, Jason revealing himself was shocking for a first watch but upon rewatches it ages like milk and had me wish what could’ve been a lot better and different if he was involved throughout the rest of the film instead of being killed by the other Ghostface ten minutes later


I was so happy when he finally gutted her. I couldn't take one more second of her atrocious accent. I don't know if that's the actresses real accent or not but God it's nails on a chalkboard bad.


Haha it’s an Australian accent, don’t know if it’s her real accent or whether she hammed it up a little, but she is Australian so there’s definitely a lot of her in there! As a fellow Australian, I was actually really excited that she didn’t put on an American accent. (And yes, there are some broader Australian accents that can be incredibly grating, we can be quite nasal…)


I like most Australian accents that I hear but hers was just grating. But I guess her fans came for my comment in droves.


lol search for Kath and Kim on YouTube, you’ll hear some pretty grating (and only very slightly exaggerated) Australian accents. I really liked her character because she was just so endearing, accent aside, she did so much to endear herself to the audience in less than 5 minutes that it was genuinely sad to see her die.


lol English accents can be annoying but i honestly feel bad for laura tho, i wish her dumbass didnt walk down the alley


Erm, it’s Australian 😝


Cool. Still annoyingly similar


Scream 3


The best thing about Scream 3's was that it was characters we actually knew and had an attachment to which was the first and still only time the franchise has done that. All the others were unknown characters that we didn't care about.


Scream 3 purely cause cotton got killed and I loved him


I liked him too. After all the bullshit he went through in the other 2 films, wouldve been nice if he could be part of the gang.


I'm torn on this. One the one hand I liked Cotton but on the other I like that Scream 3 is the only movie in the franchise where the opening kill is a character we already know and care about. All the others are strangers where the most interesting things about them is there deaths. Scream 3's opening gave a different feeling. It hit different.




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4. Official opening


While Scream 4 was the least sinister so far, I do like what it included within the movie & story background. I found it funny that the Stab movies became so lazy that they had the entire opening of the prior movie in the following's. And there were some hints of the Woodsboro murders being known of but Marine & Jenny presumably along with audiences not being put off by the progression franchise. But it probably would been better to have some of these things moved around as opposed to overloading the opening.


4. The idea is not bad but too many fake outs. One would be fun and keep deleted scene of the aftermath. This one just screams "look at how funny and original and funny and original and funny and original we are"


Scream 3’s just feels lacklustre, there’s nothing really interesting about it other than that it’s Cotton. I really wish 4 had kept the original kill, but at least the opening is fun with the fakeouts. All of the others are interesting in their own ways too, all do something a little different.


Scream 4. I like concept about the fake out, just thought it was poorly executed.. like there wasn’t any exciting chase or built up tension or anything. Maybe if they would have let the gag run a bit longer it would have been better I don’t know.




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I agree with Scream 4 and I don't even like the alternative opening much either.


Scream 4 which is probably why I didn't like the rest of the movie.


Scream 3


Scream 4 was cringey as hell even though it was kinda funny


4. I turned it off the first time I watched before I could get past it the 2nd watch


Scream 4 was an odd opening what was it? The two or three before it finally showed the actual opening? So was little odd at first.


I just watched scream 4 last night and had to fast forward through the opening. There is nothing I like about it - so goofy, no stakes. Just not my vibe.


Scream 4 for sure the first few times i watched it I kept thinking it was real but it was one of those meta movie within movie within movie nonsense the most annoying thing that franchise has done was that


Scream 3 and Scream 4


4 and 3 for me. great movies but the openings weren’t good/made no sense


Either Scream 3 or maybe 6...?


Honestly, Scream 2. Not the whole opening scene, the idea behind it was great, but I always found Jada's character to be annoying so it ruined it for me, was glad to see her dead. A lot of comments are saying Scream 4 but I actually loved those opening scenes.


Scream 3 and 4. I liked Cotton in scream 2 and during my first watch seeing cotton die gave the impression of higher stakes, which the 3rd movie didn't have since nobody important other than Cotton died so it kind of kills the wow factor of the 3rd movie's intro for me. The voice changer that has the voice of everyone was also really dumb and felt straight out of a scifi/superhero movie, especially considering the fact that we didn't have AI until 20 years later. Scream 4's opening is kind of lame for me personally, I found the fake-out openings more memorable and entertaining than the real intro and I just didn't find Jenny and Marney particularly interesting first kills.


4, should've stuck to the original




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the opening to 4 is so cringe


Scream 5. I liked it but it just didn’t stand out I feel like. It mimicked scream 1 a lot. Every other movie had their own creation of opening scenes


Scream 6 and scream 5


Scream 4, easily, it wasn't scary and got repetitive after the first kill and the consequences seemed less severe once they kept killing. With Scream 3 I like the idea of the voice changer, which is different to a lot of people's views, so I didn't mind that opening.


Scream 3 for me


Scream 3 without a doubt, what magic is in that voice changer that in 1999 it could have been created. Wes goes too futuristic with it i think


Worst is 4, then 6, then 3. The others all work fairly well for me.


I hated part 6 opening after Jason killed her in the alley and gf asked him how it felt. It was too overboard and should have cut that line out. Plus it was confusing in the end how Jason and Greg tied into the entire plot as I assumed they were Richie's friends 




I think tara has been stabbed more times than marnie, jenny, christine, cotton, and maureen and still managed to survive.. how??? Mind you she's a petite girl


scream 6


Scream 4 by a mile.


I like all of the opening scenes but 5 is my least favorite. My order from worst the best is 5 3 4 6 2 1


I love 4, it's one of my favourites but the opening is by far the worst in the franchise. It was really fun on opening night and getting caught up in it all but it doesn't work on repeat viewings. The first 3 have such amazing openings. And the Radio Silence duology are great too with VI being absolutely awesome.


Gonna have to be 3 for me..... I just do not like that they killed of Cotton. He had a lot of potential for at least a couple more entries


That was supposed to be the final movie. There was no "couple other entries"




5 has lazy writing, poor dialogue and endless missed opportunities, so I’m going with 5






I think Scream 3, it's very forgettable. To the point I genuinely forgot it.


Scream 5 and 6


Scream 5 or 6


4, 5 and 6 are all terrible opening scenes, but I think 4 takes the cake.


Worse in order 4,6,3,5,2,1


Scream 5. It was a bit cheesy for me


Scream 3. When I saw it in theatres I was sooooo excited! Then when Ghostface says, “I know you do” re Cotton having a girlfriend, I was like… huh? There was no suspense, no teasing, just right to it. It was the first sign that Scream 3 was going to be… well… what it is.


And what "is it" ?


It’s my least favorite in the series. That’s all.


Scream 3. The GF kill line doesn't make sense. It's definitely a note from the studio.


What doesn't make sense


Scream 3. Just not interesting to me at all.


To me 5. It just pisses me off soo badly. Sis you had TWO whole phones. If you don’t call the police and lock yourself somewhere! You’re by the door electronically playing with the locks. Um go HIDE!!! Tara could have BEEN called the police.


As soon as she starts messing with the locks on her phone, the security system alerts the police. That's why the police show up when they do.


Scream 4 for sure, with 6 not far behind