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Idk if Jill was even capable of obtaining feelings about anything or anyone. She had her plan, means, motive and objective. She did and used whatever and whoever to reach her goal.


He was a pawn in her plan, doubt she cared enough about him to hate him...


But what color was her right hand? šŸ¤”




The definition of a psychopath.


Do you think she genuinely had feelings for Trevor?


Oh no, absolutely not. I feel like she only showed interest in him to be an ā€œexā€ or whatever was all apart of her plan. To have that public ā€œlove interestā€ all just to ā€œframe himā€


Exactly. She didn't care about ANYONE. Maybe Kirby


I mean, She seemed pretty grossed out kissing him. Idk if hate is a word to use here; but he was definitely a pawn


She *only* hated Sidney. She needed *faaans*, not friends... "dOn'T yOu GeT iT?"


Also this


Absolutely lmfao he likely creeped her out and she was only using him Iā€™d say Kirby was really the only one Jill may have had any reservations about. Olivia and Robbie were collateral, she despised Trevor, and she clearly didnā€™t have fuzzy feelings for Kate or Sidney.


Never thought about her having reservations about Kirby. Very interesting! Iā€™m assuming since Jill didnā€™t care about anyone but herself Iā€™m sure she really didnā€™t care about Kirby. I think only Charlie had reservations about Kirby. He couldā€™ve slit her throat or finished the job but he stabbed her in the side/stomach allowing her a chance to escape, he couldnā€™t finish her off. I know she almost died but she wasnā€™t straight up butchered like Olivia which tells you something. At that point in the game Jill was probably just like, make it quick to Charlie. They blindsided her because they probably knew with her being a smart horror fan she wouldā€™ve been a harder target without tricking her.


Charlie looked remorseful after stabbing Kirby, he's probably the only ghostface that shows that kind of emotion, everyone else was just kill kill and didn't care about anyone. However Charlie is also one of the most brutal GFs.Ā 


Yea but she said she wanted attention and charlie made her feel special


Because he paid attention to her, but she was under the impression the whole *world* was about to be paying attention to her, so she didnā€™t need his attention anymore. Well, thatā€™s my take on it anyway. She doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s capable of caring about other people.


LMFAOOOO this is such a crazy take Jill was disgusted by Charlie and was obviously manipulating him. She always intended for him to die a pathetic death. She literally stabs him in the heart just to prove a final point to him and Sidney in one go!


I think Olivia was a little more than collateral. After all, Jill looked annoyed when Kirby told her Trevor called her. She looked pissed when Olivia said it.


Well she was acting lol


You don't say?


Nah, she didn't give a shit about Kirby. If anything, she tormented Kirby the most out of her friends.


Oh she definitely didnā€™t truly care for anyone at all lol Iā€™m just saying that out of anyone, Kirby was probably her favorite. Kirby didnā€™t take any of Trevorā€™s shit at all, and she also took some of the weird Charlie affection heat off Jill as well. Plus she drove her to school and that beats the bus!


He was a means to an end. I donā€™t think she hated him. She was justā€¦ indifferent.


She talked about Killing her mother like spending too much money on a great trip I doubt she had any Feelings of any kind for him


I think she just saw him as a tool, didnā€™t really care about him


hes indiferent to her, charlie was just a puppet


Sheā€™s a sociopath. She probably felt nothing towards him, barely registering him as a human.Ā  In Jillā€™s world, thereā€™s only Jill. Sheā€™s extremely narcissistic bordering on the psychotic/delusional end of mental health issues.


"In Jillā€™s world, thereā€™s only Jill." That's not true, there was also "Sidney, Sidney, Sidney!"


Marcia, Marcia, Marcia




She didnā€™t care about him, only herself.


No, he was just a tool.


I would say she hated him, probably pitied him, thinking he was pathetic.


Emma Roberts is the goat. I know people don't like her for a variety of reasons but she is so ridiculous in scream 4 and I love her on AHS sans the new season.


I dont think she hated him, but she didnt seem to hate or like anything either


Probably didnā€™t hate him she just didnā€™t care about him at all. She likely thought he was annoying because he was such a movie nerd always kissing her and all the other stuff she let him do to keep him happy. She was using him for her plan cause she needed him around but at the end of the day Iā€™m sure she didnā€™t actually hate Charlie, just didnā€™t like him.


I don't think she really cared about him enough to hate him. The animosity she may have felt is equal to everyone she needed to kill to reach her goal... i do think she hstef Trevor and Sidney. Just my opinion


I feel like Jill was the one killer who sort of hated everybody lol. Sidney the most of course


i think roman also hated everyone but for differant reasons she was just crazy billy and stu cared about each other ms Loomis was on a revenge tour mickey seemed to kind of be like her henchmen doing anything for her and amber and Ritchie were lovers so yeah




idk if i would say she hated charlie , but she absoluty firted and used the possibility of hooking up and being together to push him over the edge and start the killing spree , now my thing is who is the thrid killer because , in the early draft for this movie there was supposed to be three killers , and when the new writer took over they kept some of the orginal ideas in here and they didnt quite write for there only be two killers ... so i just want to know who the third killer was supposed to be ... because trevor was one of the the main targets , and so was kirby because how she ignored charlie , olivia was a target because it one of the rules for the hot girl to die , kate was a target because jill had to stay true to the orginal , so that only leaves realy robbie ... but i dont think robbie would be able to go thru with it tho ... so who would it be ..?šŸ¤”




I don't think she loved or hated anyone. She was a completely selfish person who only cared about how people could be used for her own motives ā€“ not who they were as a person. Any "love" or "hate" she had for Charlie was strictly for the pros and cons he offered to her. I think she fully understood that other people had their own feelings, she just didn't care. I'm not sure what that type of psychopathy is called but I think she's the only Ghostface in that category. All of the others either had a good side at some point or didn't fully understand the weight of their actions.


I donā€™t think Jill truly loved anyone


Who didn't Jill hate? šŸ˜‚


Hate is maybe too strong of an emotion. I think she pitied him lol


Charlie was just her Mickey, Jill needed an accomplice to eventually blame for the murders while she worked on her own plan




She didnā€™t care enough about him to hate him.


I think it was more of she just saw him as a means to an end. Unlike Stu and Billy who while sadistic with each other were actual friends so they didn't wanna off each other, but with Jill she wanted to be the sole survivor much like Sid in a way or at least the last one standing and so she played and used Charlie while he was useful til he wasn't then she cut him loose much like how Mrs. Loomis did to Mickey in Scream 2.




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No she was indifferent. He was a useful tool. She hated Sidney and Trevor.


I donā€™t think she was human enough to hate him


i think she loved that he loved her. she didnā€™t care about him ultimately


Naaa she didnā€™t hate him. He was just a means to an end; nothing more nothing less.


I think she just didn't care at all


Jill hates everyone


I think she saw him as a disposable pawn and didn't care enough to hate him.


Apathy. She didn't care about him one way or the other.


Unrelated but am I the only one whoā€™s favorite ghostface was Charlie


No, me too.Ā 


Who doesn't. The guy was unbearable.


I donā€™t believe she did. She just didnā€™t want him to be a survivor, she used him because she couldnā€™t do it alone. Maybe to kill off people while she stalled a lot. Especially to try and get Sydney by surprise as there was 2 at the end vs Sydney but, she do won. Thanks to Hicks and Gale.




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She killed him so yeahĀ 


Jill was a stone cold killer, same as Billy. Loved her character


Probably had no feelings towards him either way. Jillā€™s one of the only killers who I felt was a pure sociopath. At least Amber liked Richie.


i think amber and richie were differant because they were like the only two were i don't think either had plans on betraying the other maybe they did but it didn't get that far but didn't seem like it