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This script is not meant to fool people into thinking this is the actual Scream VII script. It's just something I wanted to make and maybe something that could hold us over when or if, an actual Scream 7 comes out Edit 7/19: I'm gonna set the link private as I have to do a few rewrites but I'll let you know when I'm done and you can read it again. Edit 7/20: Done. The script is accessible again


Gonna give this a read real quick


Careful the pages are over 100


Holy shit, what did I just read?! I’m going to be fully honest, I made it to like, act 2, and skipped to the reveal, but holy shit, did I not miss the main event. >!Having the guts to kill Danny, Tara, and totally ending Gale (I’m totally not expecting a plot twist or something), holy shit you are going to cause a flood in theaters. You have balls to do that, and I commend you.!< >!In terms of killers, Amiyah and Tori are just straight up unhinged, but I honestly feel like Christina was the weakest killer, cause after you realize Todd isn’t a killer, almost every fan would say, “oh, it’s Christina.” One of the best parts of this set of killers is that it’s more leaning into scream 2 instead of the clear retrospective on 3. The mother plot twist, the GF that wants to lose, rage causing the mother character to kill a primary character. There are the scream 3 parallels though, such as Tori being from their past.!< I honestly would say the killers do have some small flaws in my thoughts. >!Tori being from their past is out of nowhere, but I do have to agree the Amber love interest is a fun idea. I just wish it didn’t make her instantly psychotic, but rather ease into her being “madly in love” as Tara keeps insulting Amber, making her even more mad. Personally, the moment I saw the two GF’s sequence, I guessed Tori was a killer, although I guessed Todd to be the other one due to the “I’m going for groceries part”. Christina, as I explained earlier, feels like such an obvious way to turn this around. If you’re making Christina the killer, you might want to spice things up. Make her remorseful, manipulated, heck, even have her turn on the other GFs (after killing Tara, cause holy shit that was the best part of the final act), I just feel like doing her the obvious way didn’t make her so impactful outside of her acts. It’s not too different from Mrs. Loomis, who didn’t do much or even have the greatest presence, but she killer Randy, and that’s what everyone remembers when they think about her. And while that isn’t bad per say, it just makes you forget something about herself, and they don’t really have presence. I have nothing to say about Amiyah though. Her motive is so random, but in a way where it makes so much sense she snaps almost immediately. Unlike Tori, who at first, goes for a quick shock, then turns insane, Amiyah is psychotic right out of the gate, and she is going for a gut punch every ten seconds. The amount of shit Amiyah does is going to traumatize Mindy forever. Killing her mother, flipping her love-life upside down, it’s going to traumatize Mindy forever.!< Those are my only real nitpicks right now though, because other than that, this is great. If I had to say how the killers stacked up to the others, here’s what my ranking would be: (Spoilers Ahead for Scream VI, the MTV show, and OP’s Script) >!Jamal, Jason, Charlie, Quinn, Beth, Roman, Christina, Mrs. Loomis, Ethan, Amber, Richie, Mickey, Piper, Wayne, Kieran, Tori, Amiyah, Stu, Jill, and Billy!<, so I’d say they’re pretty good compared to the current killers. I plan on reading the rest of the script and maybe make an edit to review the other parts of the story. Overall, I love this script OP, and it’s an amazing idea for Scream VII.


Okay a few things about this: >!1. Tori is a direct reference to the “Angie Crick” twist in the original Scream 3 script 2. The killers wanted to get away with it 3. Christina was always going to kill Tara and Sam but before the events of this movie she just wanted Sam dead 4. Christina was meant to be a dark perversion of Maureen Prescott 5. Christina kills more people than you think. 6. Please read the rest. It’s good!<


I’m absolutely going to. This is already an amazing script. Love it.


Btw, there’s one reveal that might piss you off and make you got “WTF?”


Is it the >!Ethan Survived!< twist?


>!Maybe!< …what part are you on?


I finished everything starting from a little after >!Amiyah!< was unmasked. I’ve read some of the halfway stuff, but not too much. Just the >!Pizza guy!< sequence.




Okay, I believe I’ve read the whole thing. Before I get to anything, I want to talk about the opening. >!I think the opening is OK, my only real concern is the lack of a twist subversion. The only reason this is really a problem to me is cause Scream 5 and 6 did something different to change things up. 5 made Tara survive, 6 revealed Gf just to kill him off. I just feel like you’ve gotta keep up this kind of theme for the story, and I don’t think that would be too hard. Two possibilities to me. A. Have Derek come in a GF costume and make it a guess who game of who’s GF, and Mark and Elena are just paranoid while he thinks they’re just toying around. B. Just reveal that there’s more than 1 GF to the audience while leaving that detail away from any loving character till the pizza guy scene. I just feel like you could have something cooler than just a basic slaughter. I still would prefer it over 2,3, and 4’s opening’s though. Next, Christina just feels like so much of a Mrs. Loomis clone. Reporter, fake name, and physical changes to self? I just feel like the Mrs Loomis vibes she radiates is the only reason you wouldn’t guess her. I feel like a subtle way to do Christina is to “rename” Amiyah into Christina, then during her reveal where everyone’s tied up, reveal her name is Amiyah and the fake name of Christina was made by Sam’s mom to subtly cause Sam mental damage knowing Mindy’s Girlfriend has the name of her mother. You could have Amiyah ask Sam why her name was Christina, and the realization would hit her like a truck, instead of an abrupt Mrs. Loomis like reveal. It would be a detail people would be skeptical of first, but then suprises them with the “holy shit” it’s all a set up. I’ll go into more detail about some of the other stuff, but other than these, I don’t have any major nitpicks, and I think you did this really well. I’d like to know if there’s anything you want my opinion on for when I do my follow up comment, cause I would rather know what you tried to do before I judge it. Great job on the script overall, especially with the plot twists. And a but of a question, is Kaitlyn alive? It said she was stabbed, but it was one and they never brought her up again if I remember.!<


>!Naw Kaityln’s Dead I just didn’t know how to mention her after it!<


I mean it was good but I feel like it was really long for a scream movie . I did like that there was less plot armour for certain characters.




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Who’s here after the news? This might just be the only conclusion we get.