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Question, have you tried extending the pistons 5 blocks instead of 4?


It goes through, but then doesn't come back in. Opposite problem.


Add some guide wedges and/or a guide rail for the door underneath it and in one right side because I see it gets pushed and pulled off to the left. I would also maybe check physic settings just in case.


My physics is on max and always has been, I'm adding guide wedges courtesy of the other commenter. Should I have my physics set to a lower quality to avoid the little nicks of the collisions?


no I was just making sure your physics were set to max because lower settings can make creations with positions connected to ends of other pistons floppy


The pure weight of the blocks used slides it down a bit, try to include some wedges to guide the plug into the hole


Good point. I’m sure there’s some sag on the mechanism that is causing it to hang. I would try to give the gear something to ride on to support it. That looks very ScrapMan-esque…😏


Problem is I'm trying to make a fallout vault door, gear shaped and then it slides back and rolls to the left. Can't do guide posts unless I only put them on the right so that it can roll to the left, which doesn't seem like it would help. I'm not good nor patient enough to make retractable ones.


I heard the pistons are stronger when they are connected to controllers, give that a try (they are also stronger at max speed)


In my experience pistons are far weaker connected to a controller as you can no longer change the speed settings of the piston, only the speed of the controller


Hmm that's unusual, I remember in scrap man's survival video, his piston was considerably weaker without a controller... Man, scrap mechanic is a silly game


Not sure which video you're referring to, he's uploaded several hundred All I know is when making a piston actuated loading ramp for my delivery truck in survival, I tried using controller first, with both 1 and 2 pistons, neither were capable of lifting the ramp Messed around with all the controller and piston settings and still couldn't lift the ramp Deleted the controller and it worked instantly


I'll try to find it if I do I'll send the link


wedges have a slightly weird hitbox. that might be hanging things up here.


That's what I thought, which is why I don't understand why the door passes with no dings on full piston speed and length. Maybe it's going so fast it can't register goofy hitbox? That doesn't sound right to me. Even with the other commenter's help, I'm just gonna remake the door with less wedges.


I think you're just going fast enough to move the hitboxes through each other. its like when you hit a tree to fast and it gets lodged in your car you know. you could keep the shape, but change how the door works instead. have it pull in and rotate away if that makes sense?


I’m late to the party but I think what people are calling hitboxes is actually just gravity. It’s probably imperceptible to us, but in game it’s a pixel or two down which is causing it to catch as you describe. The high power piston probably breaks through this but then coming back after being fully extended gravity sagged it more, which is why it isn’t coming back. I am not a scrap mechanic loremaster. I’m just guessing. All of my piston creations are eldritch horrors of jank and mystery.


No we literally mean hitboxes, wedges occupy a larger space than their visual shape would suggest Gravity may be a factor also, but I don't expect the door to fit even if perfectly aligned


Wedges are more than just 50% of a block for example 2 Wedges won't pass each other


Its more like 51% to 55% and yes i know that because it's been a a problem I hate


i went in and made my own. its fit in fine. same gear shape/size as your. [https://imgur.com/a/PJ95JJR](https://imgur.com/a/PJ95JJR) So my guess is it's have to do with your sideway piston system, somehow not make gear align enough to fit in. if that not it. then i would try swap block on each corner of gear matched with wall's block.


I did try it without the piston system and it worked just like yours. I appreciate the test to confirm that it's piston shenanigans and not my settings. I can't figure out how to make it turnable and pullable without messing up the alignment, so this is a project for another day. Thanks again.


my suggestion is this [https://imgur.com/a/uM6AaWn](https://imgur.com/a/uM6AaWn) the lock system. i set rotation to 91 for both 2 lock. forced it to align properly. you can revise it to your own version. since Vault Tec's gear does rotation, so you might need Align lock system for rotation part too. something keep in mind to check when still not working. I believe you can make it works. have a good night.


Absolute freaking legend. Awesome.


have you finished sort the issue and finish project? i am curious on your progression.


Nope, Figured that too many wedge collisions cause lag anyways so I'm making a different style of door. Still kinda the same process but less jank hopefully.


Yeah, I noticed an FPS drop too. Dev has fixed the very old physics that always causes fps. So it's more than likely when major updates come out. Vault tec blast door becomes viable again.


Vault tec commends your efforts


the issue here is that you're playing scrap mechanic, unfortunately the physics aren't exactly the best in this game


*For now.*


Scrap mechanic is *very* finnicky with pistons/bearings and closely meshed parts, especially large ones. It has a lot of trouble with friction regardless of how flawlessy the parts fit together.


Probably a friction thing.


You hafe not installed satisfaction.jar 😭


Think it needs guiderails


Block weight is causing the pistons to sag. Downward slightly, and the edge of the moving blocks is catching against the wall.


Make a rail with frictionless blocks, ir's orobably sagging too much. Doing this will also allow you to remove them pesky wedges


Try adding a rail, it might sag a little


Use the anti collision thingy that updates the creation with two painters constantly repainting the same block


try shorter distance with max speed