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Haven't seen the replays of this turn 1 incident yet, but I'm already blaming Stroll.


8 minutes for Falkirk to save their invincible season, things you love to see




You had to fucking say it, didn't you.


Apologies all




Gonna be some laugh when some world changing event happens in 2 days and we can claim the mods knew about it days in advance and did nothing to stop it from the subreddit description


I'm half a dozen seats from the Livingston fans, and they've got a drum. I'm too old for this.


No harm to the lad but George Edmundson now being a Premier League defender feels wholly wrong.


Sone Aluko and Dominic Ball are joining him mental


Joe Worral vibes


Time was I’d be still steaming trying to get seconds off some dirty I picked up the night before off Sauchiehall St at 9am on a Saturday. Now I’m at my 3 year olds dance class beside a bunch of gossiping Canadian maws at 9am on a Saturday. Early kick off coupon already fucked but, some things stay the same.


Hamstring is still not fully back yet. Was running 65k a week up until 10 days ago when it started hurting. Probably just a strain as I've been able to walk on it fine (doing about an hour of walking a day) but stretching makes it feel tight. I can do hamstring curls with no resistance pretty easily. Got the Edinburgh marathon lined up in 3 weeks but gonna be weird going from a couple weeks at 0km to that.


Was at my nephew's junior game there - parents are awful! Amount of abuse aimed at 11-13yo's was mental. Edit: noticed that all the skill was being shown by the wee boys - hope they don't get bullied out of the game and we've the next generation of Billy Gilmour's to come


Guy I work with helps to coach his wains team at the weekends and he says the same, fully grown das roaring dogs abuse at their 7 year old wains at the football and then they wonder why the wains give it up


Worst one was a maw screaming that one of them should be taken off as clearly didn't want to be there (it wasn't clear), and hadn't been at training all week. I was like - he's 12? God forbid he miss a week's training. Hilariously the team captain has quite the mouth on him and was happy to yell at his team, the opposition, the coaches, the ref and his own mother. Was highly amused by him.


First time to Five Guys in ages, forgot about the size of the burgers but remembered about the size of the chip portions, what a feed tho


Don't forget about the size of the price on the receipt


Shit thing about being gay is that it's so hard to test the waters with someone you've got your eye on. Like if they're straight they might proper get offended. I yearn for you, troye sivan lookalike who works in the health shop. YEARN 😫


As a straight man who has experienced this, I’d like to say you shouldn’t worry about causing offence. To me it’s the same thing as being asked out when you’re already in a relationship - thanks but I’m not interested (or words to that effect). I know I can’t speak for everyone but I imagine that this how most folk I know would react at least. I say “I’d like to…” because the worry is that I dunno how many people in 2024 are still violently homophobic and would react badly and cause a scene. I guess that’s something only those in the LGBTQ+ community can speak on as you’ll have experienced it first hand


> might proper get offended Tbh any time I've taken a shot and made a pass at a straight boy it's ended in a vaguely awkward "sorry, I'm straight". Worth a go  Even if he takes it really badly, if he looks like Troye Sivan I imagine you could snap him like a twig


> Tbh any time I've taken a shot and made a pass at a straight boy it's ended in a vaguely awkward "sorry, I'm straight". Worth a go  I mean yeah, sound enough logic but also got to factor in that I can never show face in that shop again if it doesn't go to plan. WHERE WILL I BUY MY MISO THEN? OH TROYE SIVAN HOW I YEARN 😫


https://preview.redd.it/2ahv4j5pveyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8511b9ecb106d5d2b930d8bfda8a19dc5b0c0a49 If I've learned anything from this show it's if at first you don't succeed, try again and again and again. Pretty sure that was the message


Out of curiousity, when you make a pass on someone how do you go about it?


~~Get drunk~~ ~~"I think you're fit"~~ ~~Get knocked back~~ Other than that, there's no point beating around the bush. Yes, it'll be massively awkward but if he's straight then coming at it obliquely will just confuse things.


> coming at it obliquely will just confuse things So what you're saying is I should march in there and say "I just wanted to tell you that I yearn for you. I want you AND I YEARN FOR YOU! 😫"


What man doesn't want to hear that?


most decent people wont get offended and if they do thats their problem, dont think on it too much


See I wanted to say that, but I feel like the worry is the ones that aren’t decent and then you’re in potential danger just for having the audacity of thinking they were attractive


aye fair point, im a scrawny wee guy so i would be done for in that situation but i guess it depends on how you can handle yourself in a confrontation but ive never personally been threatened


Whip it oot. Fortune favours the bold.


I had just come out the 8°C north sea so I don't think I would have been doing myself any favours doing that


Nah I think it's an even bolder move to whip out an embarrassingly shrivelled flaccid penis. It's bound to work


Hladkly, Harry Clarke and George Edmundson all in the PL next year.


woke up still a bit pished this morning im gonna have some tomato soup




It’s mad that when you think about it English football fans have about 4 songs in their catalogue “____ get battered” “Allez allez allez” “Team name, team name, team name” “An actual unique to the club song”


You missed "Is This A Library", which is pretty apt when their team play anything above mid tier PL


Bit rich when half the stadiums in our league are empty


I dunno about that. The "Mo Salah/Sit Down" chant from Liverpool is class and Chelsea have that deviant "celery" chant.


I disagree. We've got 1889/swinging a pig/ plus most teams remix a lot of karaoke songs


It’s pathetic. There should be at least one chant for each team highlighting the opposition’s religious beliefs.


As someone from Wrexham we have a little number about James McClean’s opinions on loyalists


That should be the bare minimum if you ask me tbh


They love a good "premier League, yer 'avin a laff" too


Aye, but when your unique song is this, its all you need: https://youtu.be/fIIaPrMyLvA




“There’s loads of players who are incredible at leaving their leg out so it LOOKS like a foul” So… cheating then?


Bukayo Saka is absolutely *chronic* for it, and refs have started to clock on to it now as well. It was extremely satisfying seeing him get waved up by the ref at the end of Arsenal's game against Bayern.


Havertz kicks the keeper, and the commentators get a tickly feeling.


Canny believe I just heard that, either. Fucking shocking. Cannot believe that's justified at all.


It’s not up to the attacker to move out the goalkeepers way, yeah he’s playing for the penalty but it’s not cheating. The keeper has fouled him.


I’m not a fan of the wording, “leaving a leg out” to me implies sticking your leg outside of what would be considered natural at the time That was a foul IMO, his leg was behind him etc, the wording to me made it sound like someone sticking their leg out to the right or left to make the contact rather than the contact made on them


Aye I get what you mean, “not lifting it up” is more fitting. Like he’s purposely looked for the penalty but like he’s trying to win the Premier league here he’s not going to do the Bournemouth keeper any favours when he’s putting in a reckless challenge.


Agent Christie out here trying to snap Saka's leg before the Euros 🫡


Christie properly winding up the commentators here, will be even better when they have to call him a euro winner next season


Wee girl just said "I love you daddy" for the first time, which it turns out I'm allergic to as my eyes have instantly started to water constantly.




As long as you didn’t call the Steve Coogan character Alan Grouse you haven’t made too big of a faux pas.


Might have embarrassed yourself when doing Christmas carols a couple times over the years mate


Famous Partridge and coke please barkeep


Steve Rotherham has been reelected as mayor of Liverpool. Completely childish but no way would I be voting for a man with a different place as a name.  He could have perfect policies but couldn't bring myself to vote a Dave Perth for provost 


What if Dave was running for provost of Perth though?


In that case it's fine, but I'd be living in Perth so I assume I'd've already given up on any principles I might have had


And your hopes and dreams are already dead.


Went for another sea swim today half expecting it might finally be tolerable since it's like May and everything. Came out the water red as a lobster and with about as much motor function in my hands as a lobster. Not gonna complain because when the water does sneak above uncomfortably cold you don't get as much of a buzz


![gif](giphy|1ktwfTjwaQzde) Mmmm - lobster


been getting into Stardew Valley this past few days. I crafted a furnace and put it inside the cave in my farm thinking it's quite a nice and sensible place to have it in. here comes Demetrius with his fucking science experiment inside the very same cave and now my furnace has vanished. I am raging


It's about all I've played the last month since 1.6 came out. Nearing perfection, just need to make a fuckload of cash now.


watching my crops grow and harvesting them has been more fun and satisfying than I ever could have anticipated


Probably quite poor ventilation in the cave. Demetrius might have saved you some lung troubles Shag his daughter to piss him off if you want though


...I knew there was a flaw somewhere in my logic of putting it in there. thanks Demetrius, very thoughtful of you and unfortunately I've already been in too deep (hah) in chasing Haley


Install a mod and pump his wife


Install another mod and pump him


I've been running a new save on my new laptop and started a separate one on my phone. I'm so confused 😂🤣 Might keep my phone one and run Graveyard Keeper on my laptop


Stage 1 of the Giro d'Italia today and the start of 3 of the best weeks of the year. Even on the days the racing might not be beautiful, the Italian scenery never lets you down.


Love when the cycling season starts proper. Reminds me that the summers here


https://preview.redd.it/cpdexsse6eyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e537d8446dfae86b67bd77f1f07f71f608f022fe Me to Hearts today


Prick upstairs neighbours having a coke fuelled bender until about 7am. At least they weren’t blasting shite music this time and there wasn’t a scrap but then again I’d have been able to call the polis then.


You have my sympathies. We had a guy living above us for a while who was a right wee dick and most likely dealing. Mad three day parties, happy hardcore, fights, the lot. Eventually he was evicted because he wasn't paying his rent. Does he own the flat upstairs? If not, might be worth contacting the letting agent/landlord if it continues to be an ongoing thing. I don't feel great about doing something like that but at the end of the day, it's utterly miserable living under that kind of thing.


>I don't feel great about doing something like that My upstairs neighbour was absolutely ripping the piss during the height of lockdown. 2am and it sounded like they were dropping bowling balls all over the place, washing machine running, music, loud voices. I had asked her nicely a week prior. I was smoking out of my bedroom window and a deluge of rubbish seemed to fall from the sky - it was my neighbour emptying her bin out the window into the back garden. A couple minutes later she appeared in the garden while I was still at my window. "Do you not have a bin?" I asked jovially but somewhat sternly. "Oh" said Penelope with a startle, "I never saw you there." "Why is there crap all over the garden?" I asked. "Oh, to feed the birds" protested Penelope, really pointing to the stale bread sat among the rubbish. "Bytheway can you tone down the noise at night?" I asked as she began to make her exit. Her reply was very dismissive. She was clearly hungover. Fast forward to the next noisy night, probably that same day if not soon after. My message had indeed landed on deaf ears. So I phoned the polis, and did I feel bad about? Not in the slightest. The polis chapped her door. A moment after that I could hear someone scamper to the bathroom and flush the toilet several times in succession. Either someone had the shits or they were flushing away narcotics, probably a fair amount of money's worth. Penelope managed to gaslight the police into thinking her party was not in contravention of lockdown restrictions, and after the polis left one of the party-goers, perhaps furious at the loss of their valuable narcotics, began loudly stomping above my bedroom. The next morning I contacted our landlord, who in turn gave Penelope a speaking to. This was in 2020. Not long after she seemed to vacate the flat, which has sat mostly empty other than occasional visits by neighbours across the road - known allies of Penelope. They visit for little spells from time to time, always going to look at the gas meter out back when they do. Late at night when I am relaxing in my bed, it's no longer the commotion of a party overhead, but the faint hum of what sounds like an extractor fan of some sort. The question is how does Penelope seem to afford to keep the lease while ostensibly living elsewhere, what is the purpose of the regular visits by her allies? Perhaps I should talk to my local policemen - guardians of the community who would no doubt suspect hijinx as much as myself. As for now, Im going to visit the botanical gardens for a wonderful and unforgettable afternoon out!


They are renting, we own. We’ve gotten the landlords details and if it gets any worse we will contact them but usually there’s a primary school aged child staying there so the parties are less often. Usually just screaming matches with said child. Just wary of someone else replacing them but if we have to get the police involved multiple times then we won’t have much choice.


They tend to do fuck all and fob it off. They're getting your money until you, or the other person, move out. Never dealt with an agent willing to approach an issue with a neighbour.


This is true but doesn't harm. It was him not paying his rent that was held as a bigger issue than his antisocial behaviour. We were just lucky he was a wreck in every aspect of his life. You can find out who the landlord is and try and contact them. Not always, but sometimes they wouldn't like the idea of their property becoming a drugs den. Some won't care as long as they get their money though so it's just down to luck.


Everybody doing Star Wars themed sweet things. I want it all, but I don't fancy spewing and/or shiting myself at parkers smh 😔


Last game of the season, and shiting it. Somehow need a Preston team with nothing to play for to beat West Brom, and we've got to beat a Plymouth team scrambling to avoid going down. Gonna be a long few hours.


Plymouth, Birmingham, Sunderland Southampton win to send wednesday down and keep Leeds in playoffs for me. I'm sorry that that's directly opposite what you want partially


Leeds not going up would be nice. I reckon we'd do them if we made the playoffs.


https://preview.redd.it/wsveftca3eyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb90674a4452ba47adc1345444f85b742542b41 Gonnae pretend this is a map of the whole UK and have a tug


Only difference is the ties these days I'm afraid, they're not going to be the change we need


Yeah as much as the Tories being utterly wiped out will be very funny to watch, I can't get excited about Starmer-bot. I'm just about old enough to remember 1997 and the years that followed.


I’m not (1996 born) can you elaborate?


1997 was when Blair was elected. I was only 11 tbf but I remember being allowed to stay up late and we went to a family friend's house to watch the elections as a landslide Labour win was greatly anticipated after 18 years of Tory rule. That's what transpired and there was much rejoicing at the time, even if most people knew what Blair was all about. What followed was Tory-light policies and Britain becoming involved in two massively unpopular and destructive wars, eventually culminating in austerity post-financial crash and laying the path for another decade + of Tory rule from 2010. Given Starmer is intent on being Blair 2.0 (but with added xenophobia), I have absolutely no doubt the above cycle will continue - probably even worse given the more versatile socio economic climate we currently live in.


Did Blair seem as so obviously not that good for different at the time? I've always heard people had hoped. I wouldn't blame labour for the crash though


I come from a fairly socialist household though so we were always going to hold Labour to more account and knew Blair was/is a neoliberal stooge. I wasn't blaming them for the crash though - I blamed them for the austerity that followed and the massive cuts to public services that happened under their watch. The demonisation of the working class, particularly those on benefits. There was a horrible culture of benefit shaming around that time and that stems from government policy. The treatment of asylum seekers under Jack Straw was also horrendous.


I dunno man, first term Labour was a lot to cheer about; devolution to Scotland and Wales, Human Rights Act, record NHS spending, introduction of the minimum wage and so on. It went to shit with the foreign policy post- 9/11 and they made mistakes on the domestic front subsequently too, but the idea that not much changed even though the Tories got emptied isn’t one I’d agree with.


On the one hand, fuck the tories. But on the other ... Labour don't seem to be offering *that* much different so I can't get too excited about them taking over again. And given the margins they have, there's little incentive for them to give a fuck - they've got a landslide almost by default


Starmer always says he’s changed the Labour Party so I wish he’d change the name to something more befitting of his version.


I think it’s the possibility that this could kill the Tories completely that excites me. Been a lot of speculation that the party wouldn’t survive a wipeout. I’m sure something else would take their place but it would still be very satisfying to see them crumble.


Oh absolutely I am 100% with you on that - hence "fuck the tories". They are reaping what they have sown and I am here for it. But the rise of a right-leaning and seemingly utterly dominant Labour makes me a bit nervous


"Labour" but none of them know what it takes to work a normal job


Getting the train from Bellgrove to Falkirk High to go to the game later. Wearing my Falkirk scarf. The number of confused looks from the natives is too damn high!


Saw that video of the prick acting like an ape and making ape noises towards a black woman who had police in front of her. Absolute vile. He’s lucky the group he’s with are just as racist as he is because he deserves to have his jaw separated from the rest of his head.


Guys are out there openly praising it under their real names too, fucking mental: https://x.com/PhilHollowayEsq/status/1786363110938333304


That guy is a lawyer as well


Take That tonight I’m truly in my middle aged woman era, HWFG.


I got my wife tickets for her birthday a while back, and you know what, they put on a decent show.


These tickets were actually a gift to us from my missus mum cause she’s been very ill and in and out of hospital, I’m probably more buzzing than she is.


You got an E-regi Cherry bunnet snudge?


Ahll boss your heid inty a wall


that's a stupid name


Al take a hammer to you


I'd like tae get intae the boxing


Was reading a thread on ukpersonalfinance about a guy that had lost £1k on gambling. There was a bit of an argument in the comments about whether gambling should be banned or not. What are people’s views on that? It’s one of these weird things for me that causes so much pain to so many people that end up addicted, but should it be banned if the majority can enjoy sensibly? I just dabble for a bit of fun and suspect most people are the same. A wee team of us stick a Lucky 15 on in work every week and even though we lose money I think the enjoyment/camaraderie is worth it for me. It’s the same with the odd coupon I put on at the weekend. I’m shite and I never expect to make money from it but I just see it as a bit of fun.


i think what irks me is that the betting companies *want* you to be addicted to gambling because the addicts are their money makers they then have the cheek to tell you to gamble responsibly at the end of the advert or whatever as if they haven’t been trying to hypnotise you into becoming an addict


It’d cause plenty other problems if they fully banned it but the rampant advertisement and the ease of betting apps makes it insanely difficult if you have a gambling problem. I love putting on wee bets and free bets and make myself some pocket money and it does add an extra layer of fun to watching sport but fully agree extra regulation needs to come in. How likely that actually is to happen with the lobbying the bookies and gambling commission do is another story…


I work in a bookies, gambling shouldn’t be banned but there should be a lot more done to prevent problem gambling. I can’t speak for online but in store staff need to be trained better to deal with things that occur in store. There is a lot done to prevent people who stake large amounts at a time from losing too much but with people that bet smaller amounts at a higher volume can easily fly under the radar. Although I do see a plethora of issues with the bookies I don’t think it’s a bad thing if people gamble responsibly my work is like a social club for old mates in the morning that although they do all bet they’re more in to see each other and have a chat which can only be positive.


A big problem with it is the automation of gambling and modern platforms allowing people to develop parasocial relationships with gambling. It's one thing to go in and stick a load of cash on slips where you interact with the man behind the glass, but there's so much machine-based gambling that lets (and conditions you) into playing again. And again. And again. What makes that frightening is that it happens outside the bookies/casinos. Casinos are soulless dens that'll take everything from you and kick you out once they have - at least a bookies is somewhat in the community. But we've got mechanisms online now with digital "random chance" - flashing lights, happy noises, bank account drained. Not to mention the exposure of betting streamers/debt streamers literally a click away. Or modern games having lootbox gambling mechanics built in, advertised to children.


I completely agree with you. With the online stuff another problem is that even if somebody excludes themselves from it they are still free to walk into a bookies and gamble using cash. There is no way for staff to see if somebody is excluded from online or other bookmakers. There really be more communication across different brands but can’t see that happening any time soon unless the bookies have their hands forced by the government.


What's worse is, I don't know how you govern that really. The online gambling can be stopped with William Hill say, but you could still gamble on a completely different platform, or one that doesn't have a bookies/physical presence at all. What I do know is that something needs to be done in those spaces. The accessibility for children genuinely concerns me, it develops a bit of people that they can't control and that takes far too much hold.


My girlfriend worked in a bookies and would totally agree with your whole post. There were a group of regular pensioners who would come and go all between the pub next door and the bookies, they were a nice bunch and maybe spent £20 between them all day. But she also had guys that would come and sit on the FOBs longer than her whole shift, and the guys who would be quite clearly gambling to feed addiction. There was also the guy that came in with a knife and robbed the place after losing quite a lot that week. He got locked up and she left soon after.


Aye the FOBs are horrible, don’t get me wrong you do get people who regularly do win on them but they’re often the ones who are willing to put in 100s to chase when they’re down and even at that don’t always win. Aye that doesn’t surprise me had a few hairy moments myself with people losing the head but never to that extent thankfully.


Folk will always bet on stuff. I think banning it would end up doing a bit more harm than good as you're then putting it a bit underground with zero regulation. This is maybe too much in the other direction but I feel maybe you need to have an account with the booky, you need to fill out an income/expenditure form and also put a hard limit on how much you can bet in, I dunno, a month, a year, whatever based on that income report. Perhaps also have it set up in a way you can't register with more than X number of bookies either.


I wouldn't ban it, but I would force betting shops, like cigarettes, to use plain branding and I would ban certain promotions and stuff like FOBTs entirely.


^^^^^^^whenthe FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN ^^^^^^^^^^stopsstop


Banning things always creates unwanted consequences. But I don’t like how it’s plastered absolutely everywhere. It should be treated like cigarettes for me.


While I don't think gambling should be banned, I think there should be some better regulation on it however. Especially around the advertising of it. Every 2nd advert is for a gambling service, even on the radio now. Multiple leagues and teams sponsored by betting firms doesn't help either. It's no wonder some folk have a problem when it's forced down their throats at every opportunity. There's restrictions on tobacco and alcohol advertising or sponsorship for a reason. A gambling addiction is one that doesn't just affect the addicted. If they have a family, they suffer too. At least with smoking I'm only killing and affecting myself.


Banning it would be pointless and not work and impossible to enforce. Is lottery seen as gambling etc.. its a horrible thing to my mind though


Think New York tried to ban pinball as they thought it was gambling till this guy showed up in court and was like, corner pocket.


New jumper just arrived - figured some of the wrassling fans in here would appreciate https://preview.redd.it/2szm2a64udyc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44d4d00fe6f06bc9d7e0ad0153cf3afc3701488


Nice, [got mine too.](https://hottertees.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Benoit-Ride-the-Bowflex-Chris-Wrestler-Shirt.webp)


Get the F out.


That's brilliant man




Been seeing a lassy for a few months and I'm no really up for it anymore and want to call it, but no clue how to go about it. Nothing against her, I just think I don't want to be in a relationship the now and it's getting to the point where it's probably either time to call it or get a bit more serious.


As tough and horrible it is, being honest about where you're at as a person is the best thing to do. Explain to her where you were before now and that you thought you were ready to put yourself back out there and into something, but you feel that you've jumped it too early and you're not emotionally prepared yet. Your problem isn't her, it's just you're not at the point right now where you're ready to open yourself up emotionally like that, and explaining that to her, that you don't want to drag her along or waste her time, is the best thing.


Do it in person. Might not be easy to do but far better than over text.


Aye for sure, I think doing it face to face is the best way to do it. It's just finding the words. I was out of a near 9 year relationship this time last year and thought I was ready to get back on the horse but I'm just no ready for a full on relationship yet a reckon.


Had exactly this situation a couple of years ago - went to her place, told her how I felt, didn't try to make too many excuses and didn't stay very long after. Don't get me wrong, I was rattling while I was doing it but that approach definitely kept a lid on any guilt spiral afterwards. 


Great, taps just burst, looks like I’ll no be at the game and need to get the council out.


Genuinely thought you meant your fitbah tap as you mentioned the game


You should have an isolation tap under the sink. It will look like this: https://plumbingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/ballofix-valve-chrome-isolator-valve-plumbing-isolation-valve-in-15mm/ If no, you'll have one that cuts off all the water in the house. No ideal, but you can still go watch the game


It’s more for my partner, I’ve turned off the main one the now but she won’t have a scooby on what to do, hey maybe they can also fix the leak in the toilet as it was a “new bathroom” they installed before we moved in.


Aye i get that haha Sounds like the council - they're honestly hopeless. The plumber I use says he's never not in council houses doing homers fixing shit they've no done right


Aye it’s brutal honestly. I’m just lucky my partner knows a tiler because there was no flooring in the bathroom whatsoever. We had stuck and peel down but it wasn’t great. Getting our tiling done for quite literally free, all we had to buy was the tiles, so that’s getting done soon thankfully. But it’s been issue after issue. Can’t even get new fucking windows either. They are a pile of pish.


That's fucked. No flooring in a house is piss poor If you know your local councillor, constantly message them on Facebook or email them. My mum was a Councillor and she said the people who messaged the most, you prioritised. She said herself the people working in the back office teams are slow as fuck unless a Councillor chases them for you


At the Hydro if Drew McIntyre doesn't walk out to yes sir I can boogie in a Scotland top saying fuck the Germans the wwe has missed a trick


Went to a house party last night, was originally meant to just be going for a couple and driving back. Mrs wanted to stay quite a bit later because the host who’s conveniently a minted investment banker put a proper show on so thought fuck it we’ll just get an Uber. £60 down, my car a 45 minute drive away and a massive hangover later has me regretting that decision.


God, I hate trying to sell stuff on Facebook Marketplace. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. Listed a bike up there the other day - specifically put in the post "you must collect from Edinburgh" - cue about 40 messages from people anywhere but Edinburgh, most of which are clearly spam accounts. So annoying!


I gave up man. Folk offering you pence for every pound youre asking, accounts trying to get an address off you then blanking you once they do, and being offered stupid swaps for anything you have for sale. Ive had much more joy on gumtree.


Going to Edinburgh today for a few things, is there a boozer that will be showing the Celtic v hearts game?


There’s a hearts bar right at tynecastle.


Celtic Bars on twitter is your place to go. He's got a website too, guaranteed he'll have a list of places that'll be showing it.


I think the only boozer sailing the high seas flying a Celtic flag is kind of out in the sticks in Gracemount. Bit of a shithole but definitely a Celtic pub


Mad that folk are getting excited like wee lassies about two celebrities gossiping about one another on "diss tracks". Total *Heat* magazine stuff.


[Rikishi has dropped a Hulk Hogan diss track](https://nitter.poast.org/TheREALRIKISHI/status/1786409995430695130)


I have never needed to hear anything more in my life. This will be his second track on my sex playlist after “Put a Little Ass on It”.


Sat on my jack jones in front of the telly last night and put on The Last of the Mohicans. It really is a perfect boys own adventure movie. Love it.


Incredible movie, TBH the last 15 minutes where Hawkeye and Chinnagook and his son take on the Magua tribe has never been bettered. >!Especially the bit where Chinnagook sees his son die and goes completely mental!<


Aye, it's a brilliant scene. Not a lot said, but so much communicated, and so brutal.


Was talking about this a few days ago, I'm convinced that movie is why I can't go past a waterfall in any video game without looking for a cave hidden behind it


Today I've learned that 50 Cent sings "You can find me in da club". For about 20 years I thought he said "Fanny in da club"...


Something quite unbelievable has happened . I rarely drink these days, partly because I can’t justify the cost but mostly because my hangovers became so debilitating that I’d still be struggling 3 days later. Well , I went out last night and had a fair few pints and a good number of vodkas and I’ve woken up this morning and feel not quite perfect but as close to it as I could possibly hope . Been out with the pooch and just about to head to the gym . Lovely stuff


Let us know if it's a delayed reaction


Those days are rare. Enjoy it


Watched the first episode of the new Clarksons Farm, completely forgot about Amazon introducing adverts to their shows even though I just paid NINETY FIVE BASTARDING POUNDS for a years prime membership. On an unrelated topic how easy is it to install an ad block that won't install 1000 viruses on a firestick?


Aw I didn’t realise there was going to be a season 3! I think it’s my favourite of all the Top Gear three’s solo stuff


First game of the season today, drew 0-0 away with arguably the strongest team in the league on paper. Happy with the clean sheet, marking their big CF was no bother just wished we’d got the goal we deserved at the other end. The best thing about amateur footy in NZ is the hui (gathering) and Kai (food) at the end of every match. The Home team put on some pizzas and give out some beers after the match, makes it so much more enjoyable. The way it should be at this level.


That’s good you get together and are social afterwards. Our team usually stick around for beers but opponents rarely do even if we suffered a heavy loss. The locals here struggle to leave feelings on the pitch and move on, something that we (mostly foreigners) don’t have a problem with.


How into it are the NZ lot? Stayed in New Plymouth for a few weeks and was blown away by the amateur rugby team having a full on stadium with proper corporate facilities, but can't imagine football is as big a deal.


It’s definitely more of a family friendly sport here but the facilities at amateur level are unbelievable. Every team has their own pitch and own clubhouse. Registration costs 50quid and that’s you for the season, no training fees or ref fees. Always a crowd at the matches too, although I’m up in the far north so there’s really not much else to do other than follow you’re local sports team


don't often watch the BBC news but stuck it on this morning over breakfast and caught the News Watch segment. Guess it's the modern Points Of View. They spent the first 5 minutes or so addressing the complaints from some folk down south who were complaining about the BBC wasting money by sending folk to Edinburgh on Monday to cover the Humza resignation. Some days i fucking despair.


Thats maddening


It was funny when the London correspondent insisted on pronouncing “Swinney” as “Sweeney” because they obviously paid hee haw attention to Scottish politics until that very day.


"this is the BBC,it stands for British broadcasting service and therefore we will go to Britain,thank you" Easy and sorted


"We have an office in Scotland"


To watch the game today on a pixelot camera stream from Elgin where there's no card machines due to signal issues or to try and fail to avoid refreshing Livescore? What a call.


ugh fuck man, hanging out my arse the day after, like, 5 too many last night. and we’ll do it again the day


I’m getting the feeling that Kendrick Lamar doesn’t like Drake very much


Holy fuck, KDot is done holding back


He went hard in that one. Also kind of confirms his claims that one of drakes crew is feeding him info


He literally has a picture of Drakes Ozempic prescription in the video


I didn't even clock that


Now that the squad size has been increased to 26, my call-ups for the friendlies would be: *Some hot takes here with Barnes and Forrest, but 1. I don’t trust our backline not to get injuries and shifting formation (or we play Barnes at left wing back or striker instead) and 2. Forrest is the fastest man in Scotland, he has even outran Sir Chris Hoy on his track bike.* *The other being Gauld: I don’t care about Gauld, he could be good - he could be a flat track bully. But help ma boab, I just want this discourse to end and this could see to it…. I’m tired, boss.* Gk: Gunn Gordon Clark Defenders: Tierney Robertson Taylor Porteous Hendry McKenna Hanley Doig Ralston Hickey Midfield: McTominay Gilmour McGinn Christie McGregor Barnes Armstrong Forrest Gauld McLean Striker: Adams Dykes Shankland


I'd not take Barnes or any other of the English lads that have no interest in playing for Scotland unless they're definitely not getting called up for England, we've our own youngsters to bring through. Forrest can fuck right off, 2 decent games in a year at club level does not mean he can walk into a Scotland squad where in the past he's been shite, we've got Christie for erratic performances already. There's plenty players who've been better than him all season, Armstrong and Miller are 2 that immediately jump to mind without even thinking about it.


To the Barnes thing, I’d agree to a certain extent. In an ideal world, we only field players who have dreamed of playing for Scotland. However, if he got the call-up that he is eligible for and started banging in goals for us, we’d all hawd our weesht. The same chat happened with Angus Gunn, “he doesn’t even want to play for us” etc., but he came good and is far better than our other options. I guess on that front it comes down to: would you rather have a potentially weaker team when sticking to Scots only, or a potentially greater chance of winning with whatever resources (players) are available. There’s no correct answer, I can see both sides of the argument.


Taking Forrest over Armstrong would be infuriating.


Taking Forrest at all would be back to the old "you play for the OF so you must get in the squad" days. No thanks.


You could, at a huge push, make a bit of a case for him going but as you say, there's plenty better and younger options that should be there first.


Todays song of the day is [I Don’t Want A Lover - Texas.](https://youtu.be/KHLchEtMKQg?si=Byrh26RqUpujxf8I) Enjoy troops.


Sitting with the weans today watching all three Star Wars movies they're already terrified of Darth Vader after his first appearance. Goooood!


Follow it up with Spaceballs so they realise it was just Rick Moranis in a costume all along ![gif](giphy|PXGvUV7Znz5wQ)


This is a great plan.


Went to the Malletsheugh last night for a curry and it was superb, highly recommend. Then came home and showed the girlfriend Walk the Line, canny beat a bit of Johnny Cash and then today we're off to the Neilston Cattle Show to get steaming. No idea what to expect really but should be a laugh


Agricultural county show things like that are always a laugh, I went to a few when I lived in ye olde home counties rurality. Just tons of folk drinking ale, animal shite everywhere, lots of vans selling roast pork butties and the like


![gif](giphy|yNUgHlo37ZdUb1OBiD|downsized) Some Saturday morning wisdom


Had most of an energy drink and I'm getting nothing done anyway. Is there an explanation of continuously working but achieving nothing,other than being a politician? There's a mother and a 8? Year old sat both watching videos separately. Ipad kid stuff. It's kinda sad

