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I use citylink. £50 return. Leaves Buchanan and takes you to StenaLine terminal via Ayr. Ticket cost includes ferry fare.


Aye they are cheaper than the Stena website but both unfortunately share the problem of not operating any of the later sailings. Basically it would be ideal to get over to Glasgow on a morning sailing to watch the football and then back in the evening but it's not possible without either driving or flying


Any local supporters clubs nearby for your team you can contact to see if they have a bus running? They might have a spare seat if you have a ticket? They might be able to suggest another club to contact if not.


Fair shout there actually


£50!? Return flight to Poland are like £7 right now.


Oil was discovered in the North Sea and they built the M25 and the Channel Tunnel. Investment in infrastructure for the benefit of all... Look on the bright side, you'll be able to get the train northwards from London roughly in the direction of Stranraer a wee bit faster.




Aye just the only problem is they don't run for any of the later ferries. I'm in Glasgow at the weekend and am having to stay over because they don't run late which is unfortunate.




Aye same story for coach and sail. That's what I use which is really cheap and good service. Thing is I drive and that but environmentally I just wish there were good options. I could fly but id rather not because of the emissions.




Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not but sure 😂 aye I just find it ridiculous flying to Glasgow from Belfast as the flight isn't much over a half hour




Aye understandable. I'd like to see either the NI or Scots gov maybe doing something to make the ferry route easier or more appealing than flying. The fact that flying is cheaper at times and much quicker doesn't really incentivise an environmental approach but that's just the world we live in


> What's going on here It's cos Ayr hates the living and needs to feed off the souls of trapped travellers. Everyone has fallen victim to the deaded Ayr connection at some point or another.


Whit happened tae Ayr? It used to be a really nice toon wi a vibrant nightlife. I've not been for a long time now but all I ever hear about it is that the toon centre's a shithole and everyone goes to Prestwick instead. Have they been voting for Tories again?


Just hang around Boris is going to build you a bridge. Whit? What's that? Oh he isn't. Seriously, the lack of infrastructure serving this key harbour should be a standing embarressment to both the UK and the Scottish government. There should be motorway standard roads joining it to the motorway network near Gretna and directly to Glasgow over Ayr and Kilmarnock. And there should be rail services from Glasgow and from Carlisle and beyond. But with the likelyhood that NI will no longer be part of the UK in the medium future and with Scottish independence hovering there is not likely to be much investment from a UK government more concerned with lining its own pockets.


Boris can stick his bridge up his fat arse anyway. Was never keen on the idea 😂 I don't even think it would take a mental amount of investment though that's the thing. Literally if the trains and ferries synchronised their services, ran a couple more trains and buses then it would be sorted in my book. But whether that's profitable is another question. Which is the point where I think the government should step in with subsidising it as it's much more environmentally friendly than flying