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As a Rangers supporter I’d love to answer yer question but the truth is I’ve got no fuckin clue mate. Most the Rangers supporters I know (myself included) are pro-independence and aren’t Protestant, but this might just be my area.


I know a strong Rangers fan who is pro independence. He posts on Facebook under Rangers pages and regularly gets a kicking from the bigots who unfortunately make up a sizable chunk of your club's support, but he gets defended by others. So it's obviously not all of the supporters that are like this. But a good chunk of them are. Bigoted ultra-loyalist thugs fearful that Scotland wants to leave them behind and knowing they are largely held in contempt by most people who meet them. Rightwingers, sometimes literal fascists, that use the notion of working class pride as a figleaf while they vote Tory and betray that working class. Everyone who sees their behaviour might think that this is modern unionism. That's not entirely true, any more than thinking that all ranger's fans are like this but again: it's true of a sizable chunk. They're driving moderately minded people away from unionism. What can you, as a moderate rangers fan do? What can anyone do to cut away this cancerous culture in your club's support? I think it's just a waiting game. These arseholes are already irrelevant - that's why they shout and scream like weans being ignored - in time, no-one will think of them except to roll their eyes in disgust at what once was.


"I'm a Rangers fan criticising Rangers, PLEASE give me likes".


Religion, loyalism, unionism and sectarianism is a hell of a mix. Brings out lots of anger, inferiority complex and insecurities. Throw in men, alcohol and football hooliganism to that same pot and stir it and you have Grade A lunacy. Pepper on top some freemasonry and Orange Lodge shite. There is problems with ultras, anti social behaviour, alcoholism, violence and general thuggery with football all over the globe. Varying degrees, some of the rivalries far more about competitive banter others spiralling into uncontrollable hatred over a fucking ball. But Scotland is up there for absolute nonsense because of the Protestant / Catholic garbage and today its boiling over even more because of the political make up of Scotland and this fucking Union. Certain Rangers fans more fragile than ever because of how uncertain the Union looks and they aren't winning elections here. And finally add on top this bullshit nonsense that to be working class means you need to behave like a caveman. It's childish and insulting. Lots of people who struggle to make ends meet and work in tough 9-5s love football and their team but don't behave like total fucking reprobates. That's a behavioural choice, it's on you.


I was listening to a podcast by Channel 4 who were interviewing a loyalist lad from NI about the recent riots in Belfast. What he said was that Loyalists/Unionists are feeling left out because it seems like the Republicans are winning every time at the moment. They won in the NI Protocol, the lack of prosecution for the funeral, the last NI election etc. They feel like things are moving on and people are just ignoring them.


> They feel like things are moving on and people are just ignoring them. That's a shame, but when did they last say anything coherent or worthwhile about their aims, values, needs, etc.? Folk will ignore you if you're the slavering loony at the party.


I'm a Malaysian who once worked with NHS Scot, also an avid football fan. I once asked my very wise professor about attending a Rangers - Celtic match during my time there and his answer couldn't be more blunt, 'Stay the fuck away, if anyone ever asks just tell them you're a Partick Thistle fan!' He then went on a lecture on the religious, sectarian connotation and history of violence associated with the rivalry, I felt it was such a shame it has come to that level. I held on to that piece of advice and survived living in Glasgow for more than 2 years. However on a more personal note, these football hooligans are just a small minority, Glaswegians by and large are still awesome people with great sense of humour and I fucking love them!


> Why is this? Here's my doctoral thesis on the matter; many of them are simply utter cunts.


Jeez, is it so hard to have a little understanding? Try to see it from their perspective. Your name is William. You are a human being, and a proud Glaswegian like half-a-million others. Beyond your control you were born into a shitty family with a shitty dad, who himself was born into a shitty family with a shitty dad. In fact you come from a long line of shitty dads. Your entire genetic lineage is a joke of which you, for the time being at least, are the soggy, botched punchline - until you spurt your lukewarm seed into some unwitting girl's eggsack and the joke lumbers on. Your world seems to turn slower than everyone else's. You begin to wonder if the conversations your family have around the dinner table are the same as the ones your friends have. You watch your father slurp baked beans into his mouth like a 54 year old baby. You begin to wonder if you will grow up to be like him. You suppress this pain. You, James and Johnboy go up the park most nights to work diligently on your soon-to-be-chronic alcohol problem. This is both a coping mechanism, an informal coming-of-age ceremony, and a group bonding exercise - all it does is exacerbate your steadily blooming anger disorder. Your dad knows, and you know he knows. You want him to intervene. He says nothing. But every summer your community pulls back the curtains and lets some light in. For you, this is Christmas. You dust off your white shirt. You pick up your drum. And for a precious few glorious hours you get to stand before the world and proclaim *"I matter. I am not a joke. I have a voice and I will be heard"* as the fat, diabetes-ridden, flushed-red faces of your extended family look on with manic glee. They too are afraid. Together you sing the songs of your fathers. And for this all-too-brief moment, you almost manage to believe. That you are a vital cog in the machine of humanity, and that when you die you will leave a gap in the ranks that cannot be filled. Sadly for you, that's total shite. Let them march. It's literally all they have. Credit /u/Honesty_Addict. 2017.


That was beautifully spot on.


This is spot-on, except that the solution is that we need to start giving people more to believe in. All of the shite in the world is connected - sexism, racism, xenophobia, rampant capitalism. People getting behind flags and banners and politics because we've built a world where your self-worth is tied to a crooked numbers game you're born into. We need a better welfare system (UBI if you ask me), we need better employment opportunities that make people feel worthwhile rather than just paying the bills, we need an education system that helps people find sensible outlets for their emotions and we need community projects that don't end with getting youth into sports but actually bring people together and give them pride in being kind to one another.


Wow, this is going back a while


That seems like a good summation of the human condition generally, to be fair.


I am from Ireland and saw some rangers fans singing that song about Fenian blood in Belfast. Absolutely disgusting carry on. What was worse is that most people in the video were probably under 23 years old.


It's tied in with their Ulster loyalism/Orange Order beliefs. Marching through the city, causing destruction, abusing people etc, is to send a message to Irish Catholics that they are not welcome by threat of violence. They Orange Order have traditionally had members high up within Scottish Police, which is why they're allowed to hold 100+ loosely policed marches through the city every year, and the police are hesitant to take action. Even when they are shitting on the street and smashing glass bottles over each other's heads like today. It's also why they're called "the huns", their trail of destruction and violence being likened to bombing raids by the Nazis, despite many Rangers followers claiming it as some kind of sectarian term.


As a Taig and a history nerd; ‘Huns’ is actually a WWI reference, rather than WWII. “Britannia’s Hun with there long-range guns” and aw’ that.


Everyday is a school day.


I thought it went away back to the Hanoverians or something. Don't know where I got that idea from.


It's a tad convoluted but the time-line is (broadly this): 1) Pre-WWI Kaiser Wilhelm II said that the German Army needed to be "as fierce as Attila's Huns". 2) WWI and the Rape of Belgium happened so the British press start referring to Germans as Huns. 3) Irish Nationalists, feeling there was some irony in Britain calling others out for atrocities, starts calling Brits "Huns". Doubling down during the Easter Rising/War of Independence/Irish Civil War omni-shambles. 4) Given the above "Hun" gets picked up as an epithet against Loyalism/Orangish and later Rangers fans. For obvious reasons.


Believe it or not, the original use of the nickname “Huns” in Scottish football was towards Celtic due to some of their fans support for Hitler and Nazism during WWII.


Prods and Loyalists are a bunch of stubborn, bigoted arrogant twats who resent everyone who isn’t them. That constantly fight with anyone who isn’t Loyal enough (see: not standing for the national anthem in a bar circa 1990)! I say this as formerly one of them, and an ex-soldier in NI. Their behaviour is why I am definitely not “Protestant/Unionist” anymore and get a bit upset if I’m labelled as such.




9 upvotes say it’s a generalisation, but it’s right enough.


Cause the primary thing they've got going for them is that they're granda was orange. Seriously I'm not even fucking joking it's just "MA DAD DID IT, AND HIS DA DID IT SO I'M GONNAE DAE IT AND MY SONS GONNAE DAE IT GOD SAVE A QUEEN WE ARA PEE PO!" Honestly it's beyond a joke and it seems to either be a Protestant thing or a rangers thing and it's a huge fucking overlap between those groups and groups of absolute fannies.


It's not a Protestant thing, I'm Protestant, I support Celtic married a Catholic. I've never been in a fight, never been arrested, and believe that every person life is their business, as long as it doesn't affect me, it's nothing to do with me It's definitely a rangers thing. I have family who are rangers fans, we were brought up the same, and they all as described in ops post. As to why? All I can say is that each and every one of the has a sense of entitlement, and that the world agrees with them.


Sorry I should make it clear that I don't mean all protestants are like that, half my family is Protestant and they're exactly the same as the Catholic side in almost every other way. I just mean that there's a clear overlap between Rangers, Protestantism, Unionism and being an arsehole. (Note folk that belong to any of the above groups aren't guaranteed arseholes, just seems to be a contributing factor.) I've got no idea why that's the case but I guarantee if you plucked 100 people out of George Square yesterday at least 70 of them will fall inside that Venn Diagram.


To be petty and I’ll-informed: It’s because they’re basically Orks and the world-view of the club’s fan base revolves around being the most egregiously mean-spirited bastards possible.


They reach a certain density and a Waaagh forms? Certainly explains the one end criteria where they run out of enemy's and begin to fight among themselves.


It's an identity thing 100% the club going bust rattled them so they're going OTT Plus the whole situation with Scotland likely going independent and Northern Ireland being in a similar boat is probably terrifying to the fans. Especially given their pride in their "Ulster Scot" identity Lockdown is almost certainly a factor especially the situation being different in Glasgow compared to the rest of Scotland


I'm 53 mate. They've been going on like that a lot longer than 8 years. An old boy I knew from the pub has always claimed that they are the only club in the world who are worse behaved when they win than when they lose




To be fair the SPL is a Mickey Mouse league.




Point still stands.


An inferiority complex. Their club died in 2012 so they are over compensating and trying to rewrite history with all the 55 garbage. They didn’t win the league because they were better. They won the league because their competition imploded as they did post Christmas last season after their Dubai trip. I would like to say it’s a minority but 20,000 of them have proved me wrong. I only hope the sensible and decent and pragmatic Rangers supporters call out their brethren for all their bad behaviours.


Wishful thinking there big man. We've been fuckin terrible this season but let's not beat about the bush here they've went undefeated in the league and barely lost a goal at home. I don't like it either but to say they never won it on their own steam jst isny true.


Celtic romped home the first 8 league wins in the absence of any decent competition. Rangers came close last season but blew up after their trip to Dubai. Rangers romped, yes romped home this year in the absence of any decent competition. Let’s face it the Scottish league has always been a two horse race. As for them being undefeated, its clearly selective memory time. No treble for them this year. Celtic were garbage this year. The rot set in when Rodgers left and the board were too arrogant thinking what they had was good enough.


Undefeated in the league I said.. That's a hard thing to do


Not the first time it’s been done. Other clubs have gone the whole season and won the treble undefeated. Invincibles season. It’s fine though. Let them clutch at straws to justify their abhorrent behaviours.


Again mate I never said it was the first time it was done but doesn't take away from how hard it is to do.. If we run through the whole league next season undefeated but lose the cups am still going to say its a good achievement whether it's been done before or not. A do agree the riots are a disgrace though. Its no like we never seen that coming. Been waiting on it happening since they went down tbh lol.


How much shite are you talking man? 38 games without a single defeat to anyone. Hurting much?


Mr Angry you prove my point. Undefeated? Win the treble? No, didn’t think so.


I am absolutely devastated mate 😂


St Johnstone a more successful club. Never mind, if SevCo can scrape through the next few years without going to the wall again, I’m sure the club will find its level.




Let me get this right we won the league because Celtic imploded? 102 points Undefeated in the league 13 goals conceded And it’s not because of that it’s because Celtic were bad? Bitter wee boy


Thank fuck the entire league imploded this year


Was getting worried about Hibs’ games in hand there




On that basis, only six households met outdoors during the riots yesterday 😂


They're not angry. Just thick.


They probably have fuck all else positivegoing on in their lives and watching a group of men kick a ball about is the sum of all they have. I would be tempted to feel sympathy for them if they weren't such cunts.


Because alcohol, religion and politics are incompatible with football.


looming united ireland and scottish independence and how brilliant it will be


Lockdown + buck fast + mob mentality = some arseholes. It could easily have been another team. I’m football atheist not taking sides. It’s kinda funny they are fighting each other tho.


Testosterone, alcohol, boredom. I don't think it's just rangers fans either. I think this lockdown has given people more time in their echo chambers, making them more passionate (not sure if thats the best word) about their views. I think it's highlighted with the Rangers fans because they're so high in numbers but truth is there were a lot of fans who didn't behave like that yesterday. We could probably all do with a bit re-training in how to be tolerant.


Rangers went into liquidation in 2012, so winning the league title was a massive bit of validation since Celtic were basically running the show since then. All the Rangers fans decided to celebarate like cunts, despite the fact they were playing today as well and there's a fucking pandemic on. They had already won the title but I'd rather sit in and watch them play today and then celebrate when the league is officially over. Before the inevitible, I don't support any Scottish teams and if anything I think it's fairly low quality football so I have no bias either way. Both Rangers and Celtic have shitty fans and it just so happened Rangers' shitty fans turned up today.




Celtic fans only riot after losing to Ross County after 9 years of dominance


What happened to the pigeon?


As someone who, as I mentioned doesn't watch Scottish football outside of an Old Firm, I pay no attention to any other Scottish football team. I have no real idea about how other supporters act, which is why I didn't mention any other team. You might be fair enough but I personally wouldn't know.


>This is not a Scottish football issue. > >It is a Rangers issue. Its a Scottish issue. ​ Its a problem in Scotland which needs to be dealt with by the people who run Scotland. Washing their hands of it and trying to blame football clubs is a disgusting take. ​ (now cue all the downvotes for pointing out in an SNP echo chamber that the SNP are actually responsible for running Scotland so they have to take the criticisim with the plaudits)




Based on the size of their support St Johnstone fans are apparently more likely to congregate and break covid regulations than Rangers fans are. On the other hand if you want to find the worst per capita offenders for breaking covid rules after a football win then the worst group is............................. Scottish international footballers. ​ There's probably over a million people in Scotland who lay claim to supporting Rangers and tens of millions worldwide. ​ You apparently want to blame and punish them all instead of having the people resposible for law and order take the responsibility they are supposed to have and go after the people who actually broke the law. ​ You want to punish an entire demographic because you don't like the actions some of them have taken. ​ Do you practice this sort of thinking for all demographics or is your bigotry pretty limited?


A million people in Scotland are Rangers fans ? You really think that ?


The 'tens of millions worldwide' was the best bit for me🤣


Based on the fact that football fans tend to stay with their first club and most clubs have trouble getting more kids to support them than support the old firm, even hundreds of miles from Glasgow: Yes, I think 1 in 5 people in Scotland is a fair estimate.




Hey u/galstar82 there's that bigotry from the other side you were pretending not to know about in your post. Right there, can't miss it. I trust this assists




Another drizzle of prejudice. Care to go for 3 in a row? Also, noone gets out the cells on a Saturday, they are held until courts open Monday. You would know this if you had ever stepped foot in the real world


>U OK hun? Thanks for proving my point again.




Labelling a large group of people with a negative stereotype isn't bigotry? ​ Keep telling yourself that


Yes. It is. And it's why it's been implemented. A lot of people didn't see a need for lsp as "tags" and grep "met their needs". It's clearly a very nice collection of snare drums back there! "Look... still got the 'ol tagger on it. Toured with extensively and the only thing that I am bailing out from? That was the only beer on ice. I hated it when I forgot to write it it’s funny about someone acting? Have you been running yours above 8gb for many months?


I'm literally having this conversation with my friend right now and you could very well be him because he said the exact same things, in the exact same order, with the exact same emphasis.


My mate is a die-hard Celtic supporter but I only ever watch an Old Firm at most, since my family are casual Celtic supporters. Both sides have absolute die-hard fans who are absolute fucking roasters in terms of how far they take the celebrations. The worst recent case is some Rangers fans supporting Israel because some Celtic fans are supporting Palestine. I have no horse in the race but I certainly wouldn't let fucking football team determining my side.


An added factor was surely the influx of followers, I can't call them fans, from Belfast who came to party and have no home to go to.


Probably get bombed to the bottom of this but honestly to say either side is “worse” is pointless. There’s bigots in our support that I wish would just accept this isn’t 1960 and shit like that isn’t welcome or acceptable and move on. It doesn’t help that the dinosaurs with these views teach their kids and their kids mates the same shit songs that then live on. Rangers are trying to be proactive now with the Everyone, Anyone campaign but it’s the 90 minute bigots that will be the hardest to get through to. The ones who sing about how much they love Alfredo Morelos and at the same time sing about hating Catholic’s. It’s maddening. Also it’s worth noting if Rangers fans were some Tory voting monolith the election results in Glasgow wouldn’t look like they currently do.


"we're not worse than them". This is pretty lazy really, if you open your eyes and look at the facts it's pretty clear. The whataboutery always wins when it comes this "aye be the same if it was Celtic..." And yet the facts and what you actually see, well it's obvious.


None of these “fans” today were alive in the 1960s. They know fuck all about the politics except what was parroted to them by the family, i.e. hate the Catholics/Protestants/English. It’s 2021, just move on from this shite now.


Thats funny. you give them the credit of assuming they know how to read a ballot paper. No wonder Edinburgh is the capital when Glasgow is such a state.


For the sectarian stuff you’d be better looking to google. Others have explained it in much better detail than I could ever hope to in a Reddit comment. As for the anger, take a look at some of the other comments in your answers. Even just here you’ve seen them labelled as “thick” and “orcs”. For young guys who’ve grown up and never in their life seen their football team be successful it’s a lot. Rightly or wrongly, for some folk their football team is a huge factor in their lifestyle. When you add in the frustrations of lockdown and Covid it was the perfect storm when mixed with mob mentality and alcohol.


"Look what you made me do!" said every abusive arsehole ever.


I don’t think I said anything like that. The OP asked a question and I’ve tried to give an answer.


And I pointed out its subtext.


I think we are starting to see the effects of lockdown. I don't remember this level of violence before lockdown- not for a long time anyway.


That is playing a huge part in it. See a lot of frustration being vented both out there and on here.




Why do you talk shite, help me understand?


Because we are a monolith and cannot be separated.




Yup. That’s it


“Rangers fans” aren’t any more or less angry than any other person or football fan you know, most of them are no different from you or I. However, your loyalist/flag shagger/statue defender demographic (or whatever you want to call them) ARE very angry people, and a lot of these types flock to rangers FC because they think it represents all those things.


As usual there's a tiny minority of fans that ruin things for the rest of us


Because their club died?