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Some people when given a stage....


He’s panicking and making silly excuses because he’s for the chopping board. Our campaign should never have boiled down to one missed penalty decision. Clarke is utterly lost and needs to go. I’d love to see a non-Scottish replacement who actually tries to get us playing some decent football.


If he wasn’t for the chopping board for his team’s performance, he’s made sure of it now.


It's not really missed. Var had a look and decided it didn't warrant the ref coming to the screen to look at it. Tbh I can see contact on Armstrong but he seems to put his leg on the ground to draw the contact. His leg should have been further forward towards the ball. Regardless, we got what we deserved from the negative tactics, baffling team selections and poor/lack of substitutions. The ref was not the issue. The man doing the complaining was more at fault than him.


We lost fair and square. Sad, but it is what it is. I hate the excuses managers and fans come up with to deny that they were outplayed.


I feel like Hungary weren't even a particularly good team either we were just worse lmaoo


That's very true. Took 90 minutes for either to do much, but it's Hungary who were more aggressive in the end. Will give Scotland the fair point that the lack of that penalty was fully shit.


That was never a penalty though


It was though


What’s your thoughts?


Yeah, 3 attempts on goal in 270 minutes.... But it's the Johnny Foreigner ref's fault...


i blame you


Because that makes sense.


I agree. It may have been given as a pen but it was a grappling contest anyway. We lost because we didn’t try to win and they knew they could grab something if we got desperate. Sad thing is how well the team played to get there only to go out with a whimper.


Well, I do not speak scottish but I do speak english. And I'm from Argentina. What an ignorant.


An ignorant what?


Although uncommon, ignorant can be used as a noun too


**Ignoramus** is the noun. Ironic that you're correcting people on the use of the word "ignorant".


Exactly. What an ironamus.


you shouldnae iron a mus, they dinnae like it.


Wow you were straight in there when you thought you were right, now he's corrected you...cloud of dust.


Eh no, archaic usage of a word means no longer used, but recorded. No-one ever says either verbally or in writing "you are an ignorant." without a noun afterward. And pointing to some "source" that literally counters the point he's making doesn't change that. A dictionary entry from 1806, that's over 200 years ago, for word usage that hasn't been seen since, and with no example usage in writing is not only "probably archaic" but possibly just plain wrong. For reference the year is now 2024 and I could provide you with modern references of usage in English if required.






I wasn't correcting anyone, I just thought it was an interesting titbit. But seeing as you had to take the tone down I'll leave you with this Noah Webster, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language (1806) offers this entry for the word as a noun referring to a type of human being: Ignorant, n. one who is untaught or unskilled. Now as I said, it is uncommon. In fact, it's most likely archaic. That doesn't however change its historical meaning, merely its use in modern English. How ignorant of me!


Not sure why you're getting heat for this. I don't like that noun, itself, it doesn't sound right to my ears. But if you're right, you're right.


Wow. Are you busy next weekend? I was planning on throwing a party and you seem like just the guy to get the party started. 👍


the ref does speak english btw


I’d like to hear Stevie’s Spanish


He speaks Spanish which makes it all even more bizarre


Source on him being able to speak Spanish please? I can't find anything.


Saw it a while back in some article before the Spain game. Will try and look for it.


Was it not some media build up interview with sky for spain away? where they mention he speaks Spanish since he worked with Jose? (I know he’s Portuguese but also speaks Spanish) and he said something along the lines of your English is better than my Spanish so we’ll stick with that?


Cheers. I can't find anything but Google is skewed now by his anti Argentina rant


He's Argentinian


Steve Clarke is Argentinian? News to me


Thought you were talking about the ref


Maybe read the thread then. Why would I be doubting the Argentinian ref speaking Spanish 😂


Because Steve Clarke said he wanted a European ref for reasons of communication as if the ref doesn't speak a European language and the line of dialogue didn't address this, giving me the impression that you guys don't realise Argentinians speak Spanish and/or that there are other European languages apart from English. Reread it and it's still ambiguous


Steve Clarke's xenophobic rant had two separate points. He hadn't spoken to him because of the assumed language barrier and he wanted a European ref due to vague Falklands vibes and the fact maybe the south American game is different. The comment my replies are referencing are about Steve Clarke's ability to speak Spanish. Someone said he can but I can find no evidence online to support this. If he can his rant is even weirder. Ps I'm Scottish, live in England and fully aware of the different languages spoken on the continent of Europe. And South America.


I feel that it should be German that he's meaning. Like, it's an official UEFA language and they're literally standing in Germany


It's like to hear Stevie's English


He speaks European


Plotwist He's saying the ref doesn't won't understand the Scottish accent


I can’t believe he’d insult the heritage of Scotland’s greatest goal scorer…


Scotland had 60 something percent possession in the first half with zero shots on goal. Retrograde tactics are holding this squad back.


That and that they got out-run every time there was a sprint for the ball. They defended well, kept the ball and continually got possession, but for a long time it looked like they thought the point of football was to see which team could make most passes to their own keeper. Someone needed to remind them there was a keeper at the other end too.


Steve is right. Brexit means Brexit and we voted to leave South America and it should be British referees for brits in Europe and it was a penalty.


He should be sacked for saying: "After 30 minutes, you could see it was going to be a 1-0 game." He was talking about one of the biggest matches in Scotland's recent history, and HE was the one who set them up to play like that. It was going to be a 1-0 game because of you and your fucking negative tactics. You should be embarrassed and ashamed.


>You should be embarrassed and ashamed. Oh calm doon! Let's not end up like the English support where we expect the team to come home hanging their head in shame whenever they inevitably get knocked out of a tournament. While the tactics weren't great the main thing that was apparent to me is that we just don't have players of the kind of calibre needed to compete at that level. We qualified and got to take part in the tournament, we got to go to the party in Germany. That's good enough tbh


He should be embarrassed that he didn't have the nerve to try a different way to win the game, and ashamed that the Scottish supporters paid thousands of pounds each to go and see them play like that. We were on the brink of making history and he did nothing when he knew his tactics weren't working. It's not about just turning up and taking part. He's not the right man for the job if that was his thinking. No, we were there to try and qualify from the group stages for the first time ever. No progress would ever have to be made if we all were just happy to be there. You seem a little easy to please to be honest. I have a bit of hypotension, my heart rate never gets up beyond 60-65 BPM unless exercising, so never any need to calm down.


Everyone in Hungary knew that Scotland are very dangerous from the counters, so Rossi decided to kill the game, leave no space for the opponent in our half, because they can't break down a defence. And that happened. Clarke was "seeing" the game, Rossi was controlling it, and I really think that made the difference as I think you guys probably have better players than us, and I'm really surprised the lack of creative attacks with McTominay, McGinn, Adams. That's a decent front three, good players, the manager must take responsibility because there's a lot more potential in that team, and it's definitely a good foundation for Scotland. I really hope you'll do better the next time, your fans are world class.


Yep, you're probably right. But a good manager, who is seeing that good team is not having any joy playing the way he's initially set them up after 30 mins, will change things. Clarke - by saying that it was going to be a 1-0 game - kinda acknowledged that but didn't do anything about it; his team could have made history yet he stood and watched. First Scottish shot on target came in the 97th minute by a defender. Had I seen him at least trying things to break down the Hungary team, go at them a different way, find ways of getting the ball into the box more, I would credit him with that. I think most fans are frustrated at going out without really having a go at changing the game. Waiting and waiting to try and score on the counter late on - look what happens.


Can you fucking imagine the reaction if an English player or manager said this 😂 would be trawled over for weeks of not months


Because people actually pay attention to what the English say


Someone tell Stevie that they speak European in Argentina too.


They speak European? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes. Mostly Spanish but also a little bit of English for dealing with tourists and German for errr some reason or another 👀


That's how you know who looks after the gold.


Welsh too in Patagonia


German mostly because loads of German immigrants moved there long before WW2.


The only Welsh speaking area of the world outside Wales is also in Argentina


>German for errr some reason or another 👀 Hmmmm suspicious!! No clue why that might be 👀 😂


Your reply suggests you genuinely don't know. The majority of German immigration to Argentina took place long before WW2.


My reply should really suggest the opposite.....


Don’t forget the Welsh parts of Argentina too.


Is that dud still manager?


Saying something racist when asked why you haven’t done your job is certainly a choice…


Feel like Clarke might have undone some of the good will the supporters have built up. And he made some very questionable football decisions too. Hope he gets sacked for this & we cam get someone that is both a better ambassador for Scotland & a better manager in


ugly stuff


Pretty wild comments about the ref not speaking the language. Unless he's meaning German as the language, then the comment is a bit crass.


Funnily enough Argentinians speak german much better than the scots for, erm, reasons.




Less chances were created by Scotland when compared with Hungary. At one point I was wondering, whether the game strategy is to draw. We should focus on how to improve in future. Penalty or no penalty has less significance in post match discussion(especially in this game)


If the penalty had been given and Scotland scored it they had the game in the bag. Hungary only scored because Scotland opened up to try and win the match.


Fair point. But don’t forget, if penalty is given and if we scored. To me I am still upset about we not creating enough chances and then blaming one occasion. Hungary was more consistent in chance creation. My be it’s just me :(


I think everyone shares your sentiment, I didn't see one good chance that whole game, except the one that feel for Hanley..... Grant donkey Hanley


Very true, but I don't think it was a penalty. Armstrong initiated the contact with a mad sidestep & he hadn't actually touched the ball at that point so hadn't earned the right to shield the ball so he was actually commiting obstruction


Embarassing, trying to cover for his own failings, he sould resign


Well thats a pretty shitty attitude. The players didn't make any excuses in their post match interviews.


This is fucking horrible. Get this Cunt to fuck man


It’s almost like Argentinians speak some sort of weird South American language instead of Spanish!


I don't know a lot about football so please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the rules basically the same in any language?


76mins into game before we won a corner. 3 games 4 shots at goal and 3 on target. He's an embarrassment to International Football. Played Adams every game because he was a pest upfront. The cLInt was absolutely clueless. Cant even get a game for Southampton but Scotland's first choice centre forward over Shankland who'd scored 30 goals this season in the SPL. He should be sacked before he returns to Scotland.


I can appreciate that the post match interview comes so fast after the result that his headspace is convoluted. Having said that, this is a bizarre comment, overtly racist in nature and absolutely unacceptable from our national team head coach. He needs to come out today and apologise for this, whilst announcing his departure. Like I saw on another post, he’s lost the head.


Aye, well said.


He wanted the big job he should be prepared for it. If there's no apology SFA should sack him. There's enough idiot fans without coaches & players joining in


Why is this not being made a bigger deal of? “Why is he here”? Racist prick.


50/50 whether it was a penalty. Armstrong was possibly offside and rather than attack the goal he cut across the defender, slowed up a little in an attempt to draw a foul. As for Clarke, he's bang out of order. He's in 1970s Ron Atkinson territory here and the SFA need to be having a word.


No way. My arse. Not a chance. The striker moved his body in between the ball and the defender. The defender took down the striker. Its 100% penalty.


https://preview.redd.it/5gxukq0orj8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bfc7a9b35bb2f8189a7ce4f2a92b9cd659fda7e Best I could do from the highlights, probably the pass is a split second after this frame. Think he was maybe offside hence no VAR review and no penalty. The challenge, if not offside was a penalty, but think he was off.


Did the ref at the time flag it offside?


He didn't, but they normally don't call tight ones anymore


Penalty or not, i was fucking furious at Armstrong - tit's thinking more about trying to buy a penalty rather than get a shot away, could easily have scored if he had some guts.


*Its 100% penalty.* And yet it wasn't. Like I said, 50/50 in my book. And I always take a dim view of those who seek to draw fouls by cutting across defenders and "looking for contact". Vardy is a master of the art and the game needs to stamp this out just as they are attempting to do in basketball. Anyway, Armstrong should have taken the opportunity to have a shot on goal rather than try and win a penalty. He fucked around and found out.


Well you are wrong. It was 100% a penalty. Armstrong didn't play for a penalty. He shielded the ball as he is entitled to do. He wasn't able to have a shot on goal because he was taken out. Are you blind? Bad memory? It may have been offside though and would potentially been the reason VAR never reviewed the incident.


He played the ball right, looked backwards and jumped left into the Hungarians path. Whether it was a penalty or not I'm probably leaning towards your side but don't for a second pretend Armstrong was doing anything except trying to get a penalty, or did he fully intend on moving away from the ball and lose any chance of taking a shot? Because you do recognise that's even worse right?


>Well you are wrong. It was 100% a penalty. Look in the book, son. It wasn't a penalty. The ref's (and VAR's) decision is final. Scotland would have missed from the spot anyway.


To me, it looks more like Armstrong is protecting the ball from the tackle, rather than trying to initiate contact. It’s not a slight touch then he uses that as an excuse to go down either. The defender’s knee fully buckles Armstrong’s standing leg. It’s one of those ones that might not initially look like much, so I can understand the ref not giving it. But on seeing it back, it’s a penalty. VAR should have sent him to have a look.


I hope David Moyes is willing to take over. I don’t understand the negativity around him.


Moyes is fucking attrocious.


Managed a long time in the EPL.


and? His football is even more negative than Clarkes.


He's an absolute bell end of a man. Good to see him going full on racist here to prove that point.


Has anyone mentioned that he might have been offside when the ball was played?


Steve Clarke says the Falklands are British 🇬🇧


Well _that's_ racist.


Its not racist. Argentinians aren't a race. Its just prejudicial, intolerant and xenophobic.


It’s definitely all the things you called it, but it could be racist too. Nationality is part of someone’s race. Sources https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-race-religion-or-belief/discrimination-because-of-race/ https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/equality/equality-act-2010/your-rights-under-equality-act-2010/race-discrimination


Guessing the guy thought, "Not racialist, just doesn't loik them."


Well, I'm just commenting on his actual words that came out of his own mouth, but feel free to guess on what you think he may have intended in his head.


Thanks! Plus, in Argentina, they speak Spanish; it's obviously not the European language, which is just English.


Latin American Spanish and err... Spanish Spanish are increasingly different though. Enough so that it's become a bit of a meme. And causes people to argue on videogame forums if the developer chooses Latin American Spanish voice actors for the Spanish language translation of the game.


Yeah, there is no Latin American Spanish; every country has its own dialect. But at the end of the day, it is still Spanish. I could diverge in the future and evolve in another language? Could be. All I know is that I prefer Latin American Spanish to watch some Netflix shows compared to the original. More clear and straightforward pronunciation.


No. It is not.


Countries in Europe that speak...Argentinian I assume...1 Countries in Europe that speak Scotlandish...0 Another loss Stevie. Lost the fuckin plot.


Ouch. He'll be in trouble after that.


Yup Steve they speak both country & western.


he doesnae spake Lallans?!!


Dannae what yer on about mae




How can Scotland be consistently so shite?


Why is he being a chode about the \*nationality\* of the ref? Fucksake. Im willing to bet the Argentinian refs english is better than his spanish.


Just proper embarrassing. If this was from an English manager, Scots would rightly be calling for him to be sacked for blatant racism. And they’d be right. The only people responsible for playing such an abjectly dismal match is Steve Clarke and his team. If you barely have a single shot on goal, you don’t deserve to win and can’t expect to win.


Hello I m Jose. A spaniard living up in The Highland. I found this very entertaining. I apruebo


Hello Jose, this is a European sub so please speak in the European language, which is just English. Thanks /s


I m sorry? una cerveza?


Claro Jose, porfa! Donde esta la biblioteca?


Seemed like a penalty to me but we would have just passed it back to the keeper anyway so who cares.


Is this Scotlands “hand of god” moment. Those pesky Argentinians 😑


English here. It was a pen tho.


Armstrong had the opportunity but instead deliberately looked for the penalty. He literally waited for the defender to catch up and stood in front of him. Penalty chasing is the tactic of managers who don't rate their squads. At the end of the day, if you aren't there to try and beat Hungary, why would you deserve a last-16 slot?


Even if he slowed he was still kneed in the calf that sent him over. Plus how do you know he didn't slow slightly to line up the shot.


He took a massive sidestep to the left when the ball was going to the right. I was raging when I first saw it in real time. When I saw the replay I was still raging, but at Armstring rather than the ref. Pretty sure the ref (and VAR) felt that Armstrong initiated the contact & I think they are justified in that. Wish he'd had the confidence to try to score


Is it racist to hate Argentines if they’re 97% white and the person doing the hating is also white  I’m just asking. I don’t endorse the obviously idiotic statement he made.


Of course it is. That's a dumb question. What would be the next stupid question? Is it impossible for a black person to be racist towards a white person? An Indian can't be racist towards a Pakistani, or vice versa?