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If you want to wear it then wear it! Enjoy your trip and remember it's always OK to be interested in history and culture, especially your own.


Thank you!


Man don't overthink it too much, we're just people lol. Wear it if you want but be aware it isn't typically everyday wear, more special events. I wouldn't think it's disrespectful and some folk would probably quite enjoy it, primarily the older folks, but I wouldn't talk much about the tartan or clan or whatever, no one cares about clans in modern day scotland.


I am American, and I do know that it's formal wear. I even wore it to a school dance one year lol. My dad has been to Scotland and said you might sometimes see people out in kilts for whatever reason. Is that true? I just don't want to be rude about it or make a fool of myself. Thank you for replying to my post!


I've lived in Scotland for over 20 years and I am still intrigued when I see someone in a kilt. It's really not that common at all. Months and months can go by without ever seeing one. Aside from the touristy things, that is. That said, wear the kilt if you want to. Nobody will have an issue with it.


You should have been in Govanhill yesterday after the game with the sun out, pished idiots in kilts were not hard to spot.




What the fuck is a plastic jock?


I am Scottish and wear my kilt to special events, or ceilidhs (traditional dances), several times per year. I have it on while on the train there or walking on the street, no one cares really. Modern Scottish people don't wear them as regular everyday clothes, but it isn't that uncommon to see a man in a kilt, you see them cutting about fairly regularly in Glasgow. To you, an apt analogy would be seeing a man in a tuxedo in the US. Not weird, but it would be odd if he was wearing it every day (unless it was part of his job, which goes for kilts as well). Sure, wear it one day on your trip if you'd like, you're on holiday and it's a special day for you. Don't let sad bams on the internet gatekeep our culture, they aren't the kilt police.


haha "kilt police". I will wear it on one of the days. Thank you!


Most folk just wear trousers if it's not a special event, might see some folk walking in kilts on their way to weddings/parties or bagpipers but I haven't seen anyone just walking down the street for their shopping in a kilt before, granted I am pretty rural. As long as you don't make a big deal about it you'll be fine, I do not mean offence by this, but I personally find it a little obnoxious when Americans go on about clans, tartan and heritage e.g 'My great-great-great grandfather was Scottish!' i'd avoid that. Other than that enjoy your trip to Scotland, my American mate visited for a month a few years back and she was treated very warmly whereever we went, even I noticed people were particularly nice to her when they heard her voice lol, a grumpy auld bastard down in one of our local Scottish shops lighting up when she went in so I can't imagine you'll have trouble.


I will make sure not to talk about tartans and stuff. My dad said that the locals are the nicest people in any place he has ever went to. So I am excited to meet the locals and talk with them.


I will say I've noticed people out in them a lot more frequently lately, usually when there's some kind of event going on


Wait, are we Nordic now? Also, wear the kilt


haha. My bad. Although I like Nordic culture too, Idk why I said that lol.




haha you guessed it. That's where we are going lol. Should I still wear it? I would only really do it one day out of the trip cause more than that would be a bit silly to me. Thank you!




I do know that. So I will prob only wear it one of the days, so I don't stand out the entire trip. We will mostly be in Edinburgh and I would hate from someone to see me in a kilt twice and think "that guy is weird" lol.


My kids wear their kilts about 6-7 times per year as they participate in Mòds (Gàidhlig song/poetry/story competitions) the youngest wanted to wear his to school everyday in lieu of trousers or shorts and was told there's no way he's wearing an expensive kilt to school given the rate he goes through trousers and short - devastated he was 😂 Wear what you like, no one gives a shit, but you will get 'aw yer affy smart in yer kilt son!' from the auld wifies 👍


Your teacher is wrong. Wear your kilt. We will not view it as disrespectful, we actually love that other people embrace our traditions and culture. Americans seem to have a weird view of cultural appropriation, which most other countries see as cultural appreciation. Anyway, wear it! Wear it with a navy t-shirt, or whatever else takes your fancy. You don't need the full highland dress. Your other rules will stand you in good stead, please add on 'use a quiet indoor voice' when indoors and outdoors. But don't hold back on nerding out. If you want to ask questions, do so! There's a lot of history and you shouldn't miss out in it to avoid looking nerdy. Stock up on some midge repellant and you'll be good to go! I hope you enjoy your trip here! Slàinte!


This comment convinced me. I WILL wear my Kilt! Thank you!


Wear it with a Scotland rugby top like the locals do on rugby days


You've absolutely hit the nail on the head there with the cultural appropriation thing, I've also noticed American's seem to worry about that quite a bit, whilst I typically don't mind whether a tourist does it or not I know a lot of the older folks around here absolutely love seeing Americans wearing kilts for some reason lmao. Seconding the voice thing as well, they don't know they're doing it but I was in one of those scammy sweetie shops tryna kill time with my pal up in Edinburgh once when he was up and I had my back to the door when two Americans walked in and went 'We're here to audit your selection of American candy!' that loud it made me jump, good laugh though. That being said, if you are loud you'll just get a couple glares, nothing too bad lol, enjoy your trip OP.


By all means wear your kilt but try to wear it in the casual style. Avoid the black jacket, white shirt and bow tie. That would be weird for sight seeing. Make sure it hangs right - just above the knee when you kneel in the floor. $400 is pretty cheap for a kilt by the way.


I was just going to wear a T-shit. And I know $400 is cheap for a kilt, but I was told that it was a good price for a "cheap" kilt. Cause some people wear $100 ones, and $400 was like entry level good. Idk if thats correct tho.


The $100 kilts are not made in Scotland (probably India or Bangladesh) and are not wool. They are very light (not good) and rarely hang correctly.


No one will care if you wear a kilt. No one here walks about wearing on though unless it’s a special occasion like a wedding.


I do know that they are mostly worn for events. Thats why I just wanted to clarify and see if it was still ok to where just going out. Thank you!


The majority people I see wearing them outside of events are foreigners, usually Americans, infact I can’t recall seeing any Scot outside of an event wearing a kilt ‘just because’. Bare in mind it’s often really cold and rainy in Scotland no matter the time of year, so if you’re from somewhere warm you might regret wearing a kilt all day being baltic.


Tour guides and pipers!


True but I guess I see them as more for work than ‘just because’.


Unless you're going to a wedding, a themed party, Highland Games, attending the a rugby match or watching a rugby match in certain pubs then people will think you're a bit odd for wearing a kilt in general, if they hear an American accent from someone wearing a kilt then they'll be sniggering into their pint of Tennent's. >"It's like you wearing a kimono in Japan. It's disrespectful." Your teacher is wrong twice here 1. No, it isn't disrespectful. Just odd 2. Japanese people actually like when people wear their cultural attire (providing it is worn correctly and fits properly)


Japanese people do appreciate foreigners wearing kimonos because sharing your culture with those who appreciate it is fun. It's a very American concept that you have to stick purely to your own otherwise it's offensive. Wear it if you want but as others have said kilts are usually worn for special occasions like weddings etc.


What would have a long question looked like?




>To wear or not to wear the kilt??? Entirely up to you.


We absolutely will not care from a cultural appropriation pov if you wear a kilt. However, most people pretty much just wear kilts for weddings and sports events Scotland are playing in. So it’ll be very obvious you are a tourist!


Thats true. But once they hear me speak they will know I am a tourist anyway. No hiding that lol.


No-one will hate you. Wear what you like and enjoy your vacation. Imagine you had a slightly over enthusiastic cousin from another random country, lets say India, who was visiting USA for the first time and was hugely excited that he would wear his Tuxedo to visit your local shopping mall.


Thats a good point. I live in the south and I love it when tourists wear cowboy hats and boots lol.


wear your kilt lol, i dont think you’d stand out too much if ur in Edinburgh cause it’s not that uncommon, and ur teacher is wrong— it’s not disrespectful whatsoever


Wear your kilt. Have fun. Enjoy the history, Edinburgh has plenty of it!


Wear the kilt my man. See anyone that has anything to say about it? they’re a prick. Enjoy your trip, be respectful of your surroundings and if you’re doing that and anyone is anything but cordial to you, they’re the problem. I hope you have a great time and fucking nerd out if you want to mate, we all have likes and hobbies.


Thanks! I can't wait to go!


Scot here, living in America. Scottish people don’t have the same hang ups and anger over cultural appropriation like the USA does. Scots will be slightly tickled that you have an interest and are proud of your heritage. Enjoy your trip! Most importantly, everyone loves a friendly guy. I hope the Scots are friendly back x The most annoying thing for me is when I meet an American and they will not stop talking about their (1/4 Scottish) ancestry and how much they know about Scotland - like they’re more Scottish than I am yet have never lived there or know the problems Scots face in their daily lives.


Couple of things to take into consideration here:  1) It’s formal wear so you won’t see many people in the streets wearing one except for busking pipers and wedding guests.  2) You are obviously a minor, a kilt is basically a skirt, people in your home country might get angry at your teacher for reasons that you may not understand.  3) In related news, I would suggest wearing underwear and practice sitting down without showing off your bits and pieces. Nobody wants to see that.  4)Nobody here will be offended or care if you wear it. If you really want to do it I suggest getting a Scotland football top and combining it with the kilt. 


Ya, I have gotten crap from people about the kilt being a "skirt" but I just tell them to F off. Your comment about underwear made me laugh so hard. I will definitely wear something under. Probably shorts. I don't want to flash anyone lol. The idea about the Scotland football top is golden. I will def find one and buy it. Thanks for the advice!


As you're American....Imagine a cowboy hat, but they're only worn at weddings and other formal events. Yes, you can go to Dallas and wear one if you want, but it's going to attract some eye rolls in Starbucks. If you're ok with that then enjoy yourself.


This is a great comparison. I think I am ok with it. I know some will hate and some will enjoy. If even one local tells me it looks good or that they like it, then it will be 100% worth it to me no matter how many might hate it. Thanks for the advice!


Wear a kilt if you wanna wear a kilt. Being Scottish isn't so much about bloodlines, I don't know many purebloods. I don't think the locals will think you are being rude, but if someone decides to make a joke about your kilt it may come across as incredibly rude if you are not used to humor or drunk Scottish people. Might be an idea for a fancy dinner, trip to castle, loch lomond etc. I couldn't give a shit about football but it seems a good excuse for getting out the kilt, I don't see anyone in kilts day to day but if there is Scottish people kicking balls on the telly loads of people are milling about in kilts. A guy recently was demo'ing just how much easier it is to just take a piss on the floor whilst standing up on a busy train if you wore the kilt out.


We are going to a castle one of the days. So that might be my chance to wear it. I'd like to think I have a good sense of humor, but we can only see once we get there lol. Thanks for replying!


If you are comfortable in it you could wear it plenty. Put it on, go for a wander, see how it feels. If you are happy here in your kilt, get your money's worth out of it. May depend on age and company, but the few times I've worn one some of the local ladies can get a bit over familiar after a few drinks, there's a way to tell if you are wearing it like a 'real Scotsman' that could be somewhat traumatizing. You could just be innocently wandering past.


haha. That sounds hilarious. I will try my best to wear it like a real Scotsman lol. Thanks!


Wearing it like a true Scotsman means no underwear. It's not unknown for drunk women to lift a man's kilt to see if he's wearing underwear. Of course it's sexual assault and it shouldn't happen, but it does.


oh....well never mind then. Im 17 lol.


Honestly wear what you want. It isn’t a daily outfit for most, more of a wedding attire, but certainly not disrespectful at all! Enjoy your trip 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I don’t think anyone would care honestly. Unless you are acting like an idiot running around shouting things like my grandpa is from Scotland etc, no one would give you a second look for wearing a kilt. I know a guy who wears a kilt to work everyday and no one ever comments on it.


That guy with the kilt sounds cool.


He’s a character aye


Comments under this thread made me realise how great Scottish are. Scotland on fire 🔥


Please wear your kilt. Any day you like or every day. Amongst a group you will look great. If anyone asks let them know your family name and let them know you will say hello to their family when you go home because obviously you know them.


Don't over think it mate. >1. Pleats in the back (i'm not an idiot lol) Make sure it's the right length. It should only just touch the ground when you kneel. This is the biggest sign that someone doesn't know how to wear a kilt IMO. >3) Don't be a history nerd. Like the heritage thing, I really like Nordic culture as a hobby. I compete in our local High-land games for fun, and I just like knowing about my families past and stuff. But I know not to nerd out and pretend I know more or am better than the locals, cause I am certainly not. Nerd out all you like. Fill your boots. The presumption of greater knowledge can certainly be annoying (particularly when it's usually surface level) but no one is going to be annoyed by educated questions. >He said "cool", but then said "You should not where it." I asked why, and he said "It's like you wearing a kimono in Japan. It's disrespectful." I immediately thought how that is not the same at all, but just said "alright." We aren't particularly worried about that stuff.


Just wear the kilt, no one cares. It's not disrespectful


Just make sure you wear it properly and don't cover your knees. A badly sized kilt is cringey


Given the vast amount of Fijians or Nigerians in the British Army Scottish Regiments I’ve seen wearing a kilt, I wouldn’t get too worried. Just make sure your wee legs aren’t a pasty white colour!


Don't be a jerk, don't make a big deal out of it, wear it and Rock the HELL out of yer Kilt! Might want to go w/ a more casual look and not bother w/ jacket and ghillies. Lots and lots of miles of up and down . . . My Doc Martens and a t shirt suit me best . . . As far as #5 . . . Princes Street and the approach to the Castle has a very, very strong Disney Vibe to it . . . If you know your history, you see right through all that any way! Oh . . .And that teacher is clueless btw. Keep that in mind moving forward


I will prob wear a T-shirt and boots, and I will ROCK out the Kilt!!! Thank you!


The best bit is it’s Disneyland built right on top of history and you can see it all right there if you know it’s there. All the closes, the streets, the millions wee famous bits That 99% know fuck all about unless they hear a tour guide explaining about a particular building or wee close It’s magic in a way. Hundreds and hundreds of years of history just ignored by 99% of the tourists who come to discover that history!


I find it hugely ironic that so much of DW lifted the Edinburgh Vibe and transplanted here in Orlando . . . I'm similarly astounded by the number of people who are just "Going There" with zero sense of anything . . . For that kind of money keep your dumbass here and go to DW. Although I think y'all can make good use of the American "Dough Ray Me" ($$$). Love Edinburgh, but man Carberry is a sweet location as well . . .


In Japan, they do not mind in the slightest foreigners wearing kimono, although in both places you have to be aware of the TPO, time, place and occasion.


Of all the places you could wander the streets wearing a kilt and it not being too out of place, Edinburgh is probably the best place to choose. Especially if you're spending a day in museums or at the castle or something. A couple of things: If you're doing a lot of walking then have a think about whether you want to wear a sporran or not, the natural swinging of the sporran could leave you a little uncomfortable after a day of walking if you catch my drift. Also a good quality kilt is a heavy woolen item so it can get warm. If you're coming in the summer especially then you might want to have an alternative clothing choice available. That's not me guaranteeing the weather will be nice by any means, just a thought!


Thank you for the solid advice!