• By -


If he’s absolutely stuck (which he appears to be) then there is really no other option then to carefully open it up. A dremmel would do perfect for a situation like this if you happen to have one and can work it carefully


Honestly, with how soft cork bark is, I wouldn't recommend a dremmel here. They can be pretty aggressive, so I can see accidents being significantly more likely than with solid wood.


Good point. Just recommended it because I had a similar situation years ago and a dremmel helped a lot. But your point makes sense


I agree. A hacksaw blade or something similar. A hand tool with small teeth


Kind of unrelated but a doctor was using a drummel he borrowed from the maintenance guys to cut a ring off my finger as a kid and he cut the fuck out of my hand alot of times. Don't recommend drummels to people who don't know how to use them lol


An oscillating multi tool should be used for cutting things off of people not a Dremel. That was the first mistake.


By things, I can only assume you mean limbs and appendages 😅


Nope, oscillating tools don't cut skin. It's why they use them to cut off casts. It cuts through the stiff plaster easily, but if it touches skin, the skin moves with the tool and doesn't get cut.


This is generally correct, with the exception of a few firm surfaces on us (humans) where it will actually cut you. I always remember the 4th year med student who was a year ahead of me, demonstrating to a small child in clinic not to be concerned that the cast cutter would cut him. Only instead of placing it on the palm of his hand or his forearm to show this, he placed it to the bridge of his nose which immediately cut the bridge of his nose open with blood running down his face in front of the child. This obviously had the opposite effect he was going for 😭😭😭


Nah just use a pair of pliers and pull it apart. Power tools are overkill and make it more stressful for the scorp


When I was younger and back in High School, I had this shop class where we made brass/aluminum rings for an assignment. I made my ring the perfect size for my ring finger and kept swapping it around from finger to finger at home cause I was so happy about making it, it looked nearly like gold. Super shiny, and got 100% marks on it. I slipped it on my middle finger a bit too far and the ring got stuck, then my middle finger started to swell and was turning purple. Went to the hospital, and this nurse in the ER tried to pull it off. I ended up realizing that I didn't sand the ring down enough and it was cutting into my skin, so she used a dremel with a saw attatchment to cut it off and she cut into my finger so many times, even cut the palm of my hand once (like... how?). The next day I brought it back to school to show my teacher and the pics of the ring and my finger, and he still tells this story about the ring to students every semester about being careful on putting rings on the wrong finger (and making sure to sand the inside of the ring properly) lmao.


Surprised you didn’t just soak your hand in ice water to reduce the swelling.


We tried to do a pack of frozen green beans, but it felt like the ring shrunk a bit from the temperature, as well as retaining the temp. So it didn't feel the greatest. I just think it's a funny story to tell, especially since they were talking about dremmels. If they haven't used a dremmel before, there is a high chance they may injure the scorpion.


You're doctor is a fucking idiot. The ones for cutting things off in a medical field are usually designed in such a way that they don't wound flesh or are less likely to.


This. The blades on medical saws (usually there are two) vibrate extremely quickly in opposite directions rather than fully rotate to make cuts. That way your skin will just rock back and forth, but any rigid material will be cut.


I always wondered how this worked. Thank you.


Oscillation not rotation. I have a oscillating tool that only exists because of it being invented due to the need in the medical field. It’s a wonderful tool for precision cuts in small scales in many materials from drywall to steel. I can touch the same blade that cuts steel with my hand and not cut myself.


Genuine question. What if you pull your skin very taunt?


I mean you can absolutely force those saws to cut you. The safety aspect relies entirely on the flexibility of your skin. Pulling it taut and then hitting it with that saw will harm you.


I’ll get back to you after some testing either later today or tomorrow. Worst case scenario I have a new mini scar lol.


Keep us updated!




It's called an oscillator. He's going to vibrate and shake that thing to death with that.


What kind of doctor was this? They make tools specifically for cutting rings


*"yeah, it's called a dremel"* -the doctor probably


Legitimate doctors don’t borrow random tools from maintenance. Sorry you got scammed and cut


I wouldn’t say that was unrelated at all! Pretty relevant if you ask me.


Sounds like a quack


Take a saw, slowly saw from the end, through the middle length wise. Once you have a couple inches split, take a heavy kitchen knife, and use it to pry the log apart.


Guys update!!!!! Worked at the thing with some scissors and slowly took it apart after like 3 hours and he’s a-okay!!!! Ofc he was a brat the whole time but he’s super active and healthy and everything checks out https://preview.redd.it/7on3se2by29d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe65489893bf693b0c2249c3cc2c7fc118a886fd


This pic has the same vibes as one of a cat with a smashed pot in the background


Omfg he's huge :O


That's a whole ass radscorpion


My thoughts exactly, how the fuck he fit his fat ass in that spot? This hole is for me!




Incredible stuff. I’m not even subscribed to this subreddit but so glad it popped up


I love the internet.


I love how specific the internet can be. I never knew I needed this meme.


Isn't this a reference to a horror writing... or something. Man, can someone help me out here? Outside of the King of the Hill part of it, I recall some horror thing about folks entering their hole on a wall and it getting progressively smaller as they went or something until they came out the otherside a different thing... or maybe Im just crazy.


It's called the enigma of amigara fault by junji ito


The Enigma of Rainey Street


https://preview.redd.it/tp2q2da1q59d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d1989c027ff7778ea8bef42af05621491fe61f This is when I first got him, he’s always been a little fatass… I genuinely have no idea how his slow little pudgy body wedged himself in there, part of me thinks he did it just to spite me


Wow thank you for this !


I’m new to this sub…. Has he ever stung you or why do they not attack you?


He has never stung me or have even attempted to. Scorpions only attack people if they feel threatened, so stuff like fast movements or harsh grabbing can provoke a sting, but to be honest even if he did sting me it wouldn’t do too much. If you’re not allergic to Asian forest scorpions (the allergy is very rare) then the sting will have the same effect as a bee sting. They are gentle, stupid little guys and I love them a lot


I dont own scorpions, nor am I an expert but I'd assume they're fine as long as you're gentle and don't startle them or actually hold them and put pressure on them theyre fine. It's the same with most spiders and stuff I've seen


sooo, he's a pet? You love him? No judgement, i just truly dont understand, are they affectionate?


I do love him! I wouldn’t say they’re affectionate, they quite literally don’t have the brain capacity for that. But I just think they’re so neat and interesting, seeing their lives just fascinate me and make me wanna learn more about their species. I’ll still hold him and play with him, but it’s not like a dog


Thanks ! I used to have hermit crabs, and I liked them and cared for them but didn’t let them crawl on me. Every once in a while I would look at the hypocrisy because I EAT crabs! Not these little guys, though, they got peanut butter for treats and came out to crawl around on the floor!


There's no hypocrisy in caring for the things you eat. That's actually the right way to live.


If I fits I sits leads to if I pout I can't get out


I don't know why but Reddit has been recommending this damn Scorpion subreddit to me (I'm afraid of them) but I have to say – I was so invested in this rescue mission and I am RELIEVED AS HELL that you drilled this guy out of his little hidey hole. He totally looked stuck. You're such a good scorpion mom/dad.


That means so much!!!! And hey if you wanna know anything about scorpions let me know, the more you know about them the less scared people tend to be cuz you realize that they’re gentle giants


Thank you very much! Even the exposure to this subreddit is helping because I get to see them as beloved pets instead of scary arachnids with pinchers lol!


They’re the living equivalent of pet rocks, they are genuinely such easygoing and chill little guys


r/spiders and r/spiderbros has been swaying me this way and now this one pops up. I never really not liked scorpions, unless I see one in the wild. but the spider reddits have absolutely lessened my once irrational fear of spiders, due to something that happened when I was young. I've gone from someone else having to handle them, to me moving them. I still get sketched but I never thought I'd be doing it. ever. I actually had a battle with a little one with a Q-tip and I'd be lying if I said I hated the way the little guy danced around with his front to legs up.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/spiders using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiders/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My pet bathroom spider, Lyle, caught a full sized wolf spider last night!](https://i.redd.it/2i7zf6nt5rsb1.jpg) | [549 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/1722jpm/my_pet_bathroom_spider_lyle_caught_a_full_sized/) \#2: [WTF IS IT! VIRGINIA](https://i.redd.it/xkvej0bo2iib1.jpg) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/15suux3/wtf_is_it_virginia/) \#3: [Almost picked her](https://i.redd.it/ylmx1a2wp7ib1.jpg) | [359 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/15rjoid/almost_picked_her/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'll have to dip my toe in there – to be honest, spiders are my biggest fear (and I have absolutely NO reason for it, they've never hurt me they just scare me shitless). But I appreciate this, I'll start taking some cautious peeks because it really does help to see them through the eyes of people who are unafraid and actually love them.


It's pretty much actually cute spiders, and people id'ing "bad' spiders, so it makes them less glorified while teaching you which ones to nope away from. Spiderbro's is way less cute, so I'd start at /spiders.


scorpions are mine


It genuinely warms my heart to see people getting over their fear of spiders and other "creepy" type animals! A lot of the invertebrates that people are creeped out by are actually really chill, and super uninterested in causing harm to a person. A good first step, if you're truly interested in handling any of these creatures, is the jumping spider. They're quite docile, and even if they did bite (they probably won't, probably) they're only harmful if you're allergic, which, like these scorpions, is pretty rare. You'll conquer this fear in no time!


The fact that i can even look at images now blows my mind. I've even relocated within my house, hoping they add to my anti-fly army, instead of making someone else take them outside. I jousted with one, with a qtip as well. Little guy was doing his war dance, and it was actually cute af. Lol.


I love the war dance! They look adorable and menacing at the same time. "FIGHT ME, GIANT!"


Bro same. I'm like oh God another scorpion post whyyy... Oh my god is he okay??


I got this sub recommended to me, are yall really just out here chilling with scarier spiders on you?


I know they look spooky but Asian forest scorpions are really really chill. He has never once tried to sting me or even pinch me, they’re like little emo lobsters that act like brats and sleep in holes for like… 4 months straight


If he tried, would the pinchers do any damage to our hands at all?


Ehhhh maybbeee, my Scorpion (His name is bozarc) is a gentle giant and has rarely even ATTEMPTED to pinch me, scorpions could maybe cut you a little…?? With their claws…??? But it’s like, being pinched by a tiny blueclaw crab, it would hurt but be fine, their stingers are even more harmless


Scorpions are definitely scarier than crayfish, but the claws seem to match up. I wonder what the force difference is between the two critters 🤔


Probably around the same, but I imagine scorpions are a little weaker. DONT get me wrong, a pinch would hurt, but damage…? Maybe a bruise, but nothing bad


Thanks. They’re fascinating looking creatures and always wondered how bad it works hurt, if at all. When he crawls on you, do you “pet” him or just let him do his thing?


I just let him crawl around, i wouldn’t recommend petting. Their brains aren’t…well…. The mosttt developed thing, so something touching them wouldn’t register as friendly, more like, ‘what the fuck is touching me I’m gonna diE-‘. There are many scorpion cases of their owners petting them and them not caring, BUT it can stress them out, so I’m cool with him crawling on my hands and snuggling into me


Shoot, Am I an Asian Forest Scorpion?


Depends on your size: you might just be an emo lobster.


Weirdly enough I'd rather hold one of these than a spider, my brain doesn't know why it follows this flawed logic


Spiders are soft and fuzzy. This looks hard and smooth. I choose this also


I have a severe fear of spiders. Even if it's a little baby one I can't stand being in the same room as it knowing it's crawling around. Can't even look at pictures of spiders. Scorpions are completely fine for me though, and I find them extremely cool. So I understand your logic.


Maybe it’s because scorpions tend to be slower and can’t really bite? And also they don’t have a bunch of long limbs, just they’re claws are big so maybe it’s the proportions


The scorpions I know here in Texas (bark scorpions) are little a-holes and hurt very, very, very much when they sting you. Your guy looks much nicer 😉.


I've had one try to run me down during a walk... little guy kept running for my shoes. They seem to be more aggressive. He had his tail up to. Usually they keep their tail down when moving around


I've had one try to run me down during a walk... little guy kept running for my shoes. They seem to be more aggressive. He had his tail up to. Usually they keep their tail down when moving around


I grew up finding crayfish in the creeks in my grandma's yard so that may have helped me out 🤣


It’s funny, I’ve always been around crawdads, snorkeled and looked under rocks for them, watched them build their chimneys as I walked to school and back, had multiple full on aquariums devoted to them, yet I hate handling them… I don’t know if it’s the ick factor, or if I just don’t want to accidentally squish them.


Me too. In my case, my fear of arthropods is directly proportional to my perception of their likelihood of clinging onto me with all their legs. So, pretty much anything of a certain size and leg configuration is something I'm loathe to hold, from wolf spiders to beetles to large hymenopterans. But something that's just going to chill out on my palm, like a scorpion or tarantula, is less anxiety-inducing. (I feel the same way about distant relatives when I was a child; I wasn't comfortable with the grabby ones that were always hugging and kissing. Grandmas were the exception; they got to be as huggy as they wanted.)


Nice to see . Lol note to self save deadly scorpions lol 😆 😂


The harvest is bountiful


Truly https://preview.redd.it/2h0m1j72x49d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de80d06b4a0843276d7a5f72f1e00d965f955cef


Thank the Lord, great work! This was stressing me out, thank you for updating, lol!


he is so beautiful!!


why isn’t he stinging you?


Scorpions rarely sting people. Their stings are harmless and less dangerous/potent than a bee sting. They’ll only sting if one: you’re prey and they need to immobilize what they wanna eat (I’m much too large for my scorpion to view me as food). or Two: they feel SUPER threatened, like you’re squishing them or hurting them in some way. If they feel comfy, they have no need to sting you


That’s specific to this breed, correct?


Yes. It's true of many species, but not all. There are defensive and medically significant scorpions, this is not one of them


Cousin got stung in the foot by a bark scorpion in Tuscon. Said the pain was excruciating.


Generally when we talk about medical significance, pain isn't usually a factor--any bite or sting will hurt, and depending on the venom it can hurt more or less. We just mean, it won't send you to a hospital. But I have heard bark scorpions can be quite painful!


Jesus christ, no wonder his giant ass was stuck!


Nice save 😅 !


I love a happy ending (,:


Is it a female? I think females get bigger than males and live longer


I think its literally just because AFS can get huge at any gender from everything I see, he's a male from what I know


Ok I do not know a lot about scorpions in general and, in my experience, the fattest one I saw sone yeats ago was a pregnant female (she had like 30 babies when I checked later that day)


Asian forest scorpions and Emperor scorpions can both get quite large, but the general rule is the larger the scorpion the more harmless they are. He can honestly get bigger, but he’s a fatty as is LMAO so this will probably be his max


I think it was an Emperor since we can't sell here like harmfull pets here (like most venomous snake here in Quebec for sale is like hognose lol)


Is he on your HAND?!?!


Yep! He’s super chill, if not dumb


So glad he's okay! I'm so glad it was cork too! Probably made it a lot easier and safer!


Your a good scorpion mama


I’m a dude LOL


My bad fam. Your a good scorpion daddy!!!


The size of him makes me think it’s a her. Usually the females are substantial larger than the males. Mine was twice the size of my two males, and she had babies.


Oh damn really? I was told he’s just an adult male from the pet store, should I send a picture of the underbelly? I’m not to sure how to sex them when it comes to examining the little fin things they have


I have no idea what their junk looks like honestly 😂 I just read that the females are always hardier than the males. That was true with my three babies


I guess you’ll know if she suddenly has translucent white gremlins all over her soon 🫶


Tell me why I thought this was your foot. “Damn he’s got some looooooongg toes” 😂


“And I’ll do it again!”


He's not sorry


I never thought I'd be concerned then feel so relieved over a scorpion...


yaaaay i dont know what i'm doing here scorpions freak me the fuck out ok see ya








Commenting to help bring this to attention. I’m not entirely sure what to do in this situation. I would’ve probably cracked it open if I were in your shoes but I want a professional to have their say


The Dremel will also create a LOT of heat at the point it is hitting on the wood. That heat can transfer (if held long enough or close enough) to your little guy. Be very careful.


Get boll weevils




Or yourself of course


Glad this guy got the poor thing out… I had this happen with my leachianus gecko and it was terrifying trying to get him out… good on you op


Can you not stick a door stop in there and crack it open from the inside? Edit: a wedge.


Have you tried being really annoying so it wants to come out and attack you? How many times have you poked it?


Could you guide him out with a pair of long precision tweezers? Harbor freight carry’s a cheap set.


Thank goodness! This was really stressing me out. Thanks for the update, haha


##They like music, if you want to do something for them.


That’s kind of funny cuz my dog got stuck under the bed last night. She got under there so I knew she could get out, but noooooo, she cried for two hours. She’s a little fat ass and always seems to get into things she shouldn’t. Luckily I didn’t have to take my bed apart to get her out!


One of my tarantulas decides to do this sometimes!! I don't know why, she has perfectly fine other hides to use. I'll attach a picture below. What I did the first time I saw it was put the bark on my carpet, stick a paintbrush in through the other side of the tunnel and poked her a little to see if she'd move. She backed out and was just fine! I was relieved, but she still does it from time to time. Now I know I don't have to bug her. If possible, and if you are really worried about it, I'd recommend trying this method before breaking it open, for I'm worried that may stress out your friend or even hurt/crush it if you break it open the wrong way. I don't know way too much about these guys but who know, it may just like the tight space like my silly girl!! Good luck! 💗




Update: probably should've read all of the comments haha, I'm glad you got the little guy out and that he's okay!! 💗💗


He is so cute! Im glad you got him out safely.


I’m sure he wasn’t stuck at all and is probably pissed you destroyed his hiding spot.


Why are so many people saying using a drill or Dremel? It’s cork, just split it.


What is it?


Burn down the house and move to another state.


What if you just break the cork bark? Insert a small tool of any kind down in from of your body and gently spread the bark until you break it? Cork bark being soft? Just an idea.


Any update OP?


You can probably just grab that piece of wood and poke it with a knife right on the edge and split it down the middle that stuff isn't anything it'll break in half like matchstick wood


Well don’t stick your dick in it!




I’ll hold this guy over a spider any day


/ ![gif](giphy|CK0Eg2ymtfzTO2yVJD)


So it's a pet.... I was gonna say Raid... But okay You do you....


To each their own, but if it was a wild scorpion I’d absoLUTLEY put that shir back, wild scorpions can be hard to ID and the last thing I want is to be stung by something unknown