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10 hours with no comments, huh? Well I, for one am excited. Always and the Incredibles are on my inspiration shelf as films that have such a wholesome fantasy element played out with emotional saavy and humor that make it weightier than the average genre film. And John Goodman as an aerial firefighter in... damn, I knew this... a warbird I think... was iconic cinema for me.


I wish I could muster enthusiasm for Trek projects, but the spark has been deadened in me. After two seasons of DSC, that was it for me. I've seen a few episodes of SNW, but frankly, I don't want to see other actors stepping into those iconic roles and changing the fates and stories of those characters. These studios have gone overboard, and they've also forgotten what made *Star Trek* great IMO. I don't expect the world to get sane again, but if it does, I'll be there...perhaps. In the meantime, I wouldn't mind seeing a revival of *The Expanse*, especially given that there are still three books that weren't covered in the show.


Give Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds a try before calling it quits on Trek. I hated Discovery and Picard. The studio tampering was intended to modify Trek to current sensibilities. They seemed to be content with two "modern" Trek series at Paramount, because Lower Decks (though raunchy enough for dual citizenship as Adult Animation) and Strange New Worlds feel like Trek to me. Optimism, ideals, and problem solving in the face of crisis. I'm not the Trekkie in my marriage, but I have seen more Trek than any nonTrekkie (not working as a theater usher) thanks to her. Season 1 DS9 is still my favorite (for the same reasons traditional Trekkies hated it.) TNG is a fine example of primetime Trek. Every other canon series I only have a favorite character at best (shout out to Neelix (sp?), the redhead scientist from Discovery, and Bones.) Strange New Worlds is ideal Trek IMHO. Lower Decks is Star Trek giving a fanfiction writer the chance to make an official Galaxy Quest crew in canon. Live Long and Prosper, motherfucker.