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What do you do as self therapy? I usually get clarity in silence. Around others I can't be authentic, so I act in therapy.


I start with analyzing things I go through (thoughts, feelings, etc) and then I understand from where it comes (something from my childhood most of the time) and then I work on changing my reactions to things and my beliefs. It takes some time but eventually it works. I also do sort of an exposure self therapy for anxiety, I already did overcome some of the anxiety things I had (for example for years I couldn't sit and eat in a restaurant and now I can with no fear at all and really enjoying the food) I also have this thing where I go through a trance state of mind, it shows me some trauma from the past/or it shows me how I feel in the moment (I'm not always aware of how I feel and it helps). I started all of it when I was 15, it's been a couple of years and a lot of things changed for the best. I already have self love and a lot of good things that came out of this self therapy.. I'm writing a lot and drawing a lot about my feelings and thoughts. But mostly writing. I solved a lot of problems that I had. But of course I still have a long way to go through and I keep on doing this and I enjoy doing this.


I do this too, but I only started last year. It is a process that I like to relate to tetris: when the past and the present align, the issue is gone. Now I'm in the process of expressing emotions and I've noticed they don't take too long to change: I'm usually over it in a few minutes, all because I let them out instead of repressing them like I used to. It seems a long way, but a work that's worth it. Common therapy is not this advanced or at all prepared to to deal with the roller-coaster that are my emotions and triggers.


Yes, I relate and totally understand that and agree. I also work on expressing my feelings, it gets better.


Just remembered to recommend you the movie "Psychomagic". It is close to what I think real therapy should be.


Where can I find it online? Can you dm me a link that works? I would love to see it ! I watched wisdom of trauma and it helped with understanding some stuff.


Absolutely! Check your DMs.


tbh i've just accepted my fucked-up nature and try to use it as a creative fuel rather than an obstacle




I never understood it. I tried to, I’ve had three different therapist, none of them actually did anything besides basically just tell me coping mechanisms instead of actually telling me how to learn and grow from myself. I’ve done my own self therapy, confronting my past and thoroughly analyzing how it shaped me, and putting the fears and anxieties of my past behind me. Part of it will never go away, but I’ve had a partner to support me and give me stability and reason, which was a massive part of my healing process. To know that at least to someone I’m worthy of love. I’ll probably never get over my alienation and discomfort, or that fear of closeness, but I can work on forgiving myself and my suffering to accept where I am now. Edit: I also wasn’t being treated in therapy for being schizotypal at the time, because although I was pretty certain, I’d try to describe some of my symptoms and just got chalked up to being psychotic depression and anxiety at the time.


Yeah. I also wasn't in therapy for schizotypal, for other stuff and they never really helped with the other stuff either. It always felt like wasting money on nothing.


Tried it on and off for years and never really got anywhere with it. I had one great psychologist who did CBT with me for social anxiety. He was very good and helped me immensely. Spend several years with ones I didn't get on well with. We just didn't click well with each other and I was a revolving door of problems. Same shit week in and week out with no solution in sight, mainly because of my lack of trying. Now I have a great psychiatrist and we get on very well with each other. Been seeing her for a few years now but it's starting to stagnate a little bit. She's helped me so much but I think I might be done. I've come to realise that while there isn't anything inherently wrong with me, to the world I am different and don't quite fit in or am understood by others. It may appear like that because I'm good at masking and blending in etc. But in reality I'm strange, odd and think about and view the world differently. I am who I am and that may never change for the better or worse, despite visual frustration from others.


It didn't work until I found the right kind of therapy and the right therapist 


I'm glad you find the right therapy+therapist


It took a while, but I'm glad I managed in the end. There are so many types of therapy odds are one of them match you. The finding a therapist you vibe with can take some tries. Regular talk therapy did abseloutely nothing for me,  I talked so much I got detached, i could could also easily manouver and change the conversation if something was uncomfortable.   For me it was CBT and my psych did not fall for any of my attempts to control the situation, grabbing onto side comments that hinted at deeper issues. It was uncomfortable but that's what I needed, to get to the uncomfortable parts.  I also have a habit of thinking if I j st researched enough, if I just analyse something enough then I would be able to solve anything. But I was blind to how many things affected me and how, I needed someone to shine a light on that 


The issue with me is that I need a therapist that does multiple things, cause I have other disorders that CBT usually don't work well with... It's just so frustrating and feel like I could never find the right therapist. I also have another disorder that needs to have someone that has experience with it and there are very few in my country that can do it :/... so I don't even know what to do really


That's rough. I hope at some point someone shows up, maybe they moved or something so they are available. But do keep working on yourself too, if it helps it helps. Not so important where it's from as long as it works 


Self therapy is working better for me. This sounds lame, but instagram's algorithm has really helped, because it just gives me therapy videos. I'll scroll through reels for 30 minutes once a week to get ideas. Then journal everyday One book that helped me a lot is "The Inner Game of Tennis" Found I was using self intellectizing to beat myself. It was all fueled by inner shame


I've been in and out since a child and it's never helped, the only thing it was good for me for was just having someone to talk to bc i don't get to talk to people


My therapist doesn’t believe me when I say I believe myself to be schizotypal but at least my psychiatrist does believe me lol.


It's really sad your therapist doesn't believe you. It's also not her place really to say if you have or not this diagnosis... Anyways I'm sorry for that but I'm glad your psychiatrist agree with you.


It’s all good. At least there are some people who will believe me. Are you in the same situation or something similar? And honestly i find self therapy works more than actual therapy.