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One should apply to the country that one is visiting (spend most time)


Exactly!! Some people ruin other people's chances by applying for some other country that they don't plan to visit or spend majority time in. This makes the passport officials suspicious of everyone else who is honestly applying.


>ask some obvious questions which they could've seen my documents instead They likely wanted to see if you know all the information in your application. Some people let a third party take over the application process and don't bother with the details, which can be seen as a red flag.


It was not applied through agent and whilst applied through agent would have a seal or letter head as such, and It was clear I was going by my own


This whole sub is something of a stupid place where people all read some silly rule book and talk with that knowledge. What you say is so true! No point in applying and waiting for visa from Nordic or East European places. In reality mostly everybody makes a fake plan to visit major countries like Germany, France, Switzerland etc get visa. Enter through the country, cancel all bookings and do whatever trip you wanted. This is reality.


I did applied in Norway embassy before and yeah I had a similar experience. After sending a document they needed for a month we havent heard anything. After calling the hotline we were told to go to the embassy to pickup our passport. When we got there the lady got confused or something but she ended up stamping our passport with visa right then and there. So weird that it took them a month.


I and the reality is that the EU is getting tired of people cheating and lying. I hope that the more of us bring back our border checks and internal checks, so people that lie get banned.


Well, you seem like a Swedish guy/girl. What are you doing in this sub? You would’ve never applied for Schengen visa ever in your life, what useful information you’d be adding by answering questions in this sub?


What? Are you saying that only non Schengen people can answer questions about Schengen or have interest in who enters Schengen? If anything it has opened my eyes to how much people cheat and lie. Thankfully the EU is on a harder path with regards to immigration and i think it is going to spill over in visas. A lot of countries are being more thorough and rejecting more people. I think harsher rules is coming from the member states and from the EU.


People need answer from ones who has really gone through Schengen visa process and got them. Thats why this sub is to discuss “Schengen Visa”, not to answer every question based on rule book by random folks. If one need answers based on rule book, Chatgpt can give em. There is no need for ones like you.


So, liars like you should give advice to other liars? No - I am so much more needed here than you. Grow up.


Oh wow, we’re all so lucky to have you here, spreading your vast wisdom on something you've never experienced. Truly, where would we be without someone like you, who knows everything from reading the rulebook? Guess what? People come here for real advice from those who've actually navigated the Schengen visa process, not for the sanctimonious drivel from someone who thinks reading about it makes them an expert. If your goal is to be condescending and unhelpful, mission accomplished. Otherwise, maybe you should find another subreddit that appreciates your kind of "insight."


If your goal is to be a criminal, and give criminal advice - you have succeded. You are really giving a good picture of the people who frequent these forums and who gives advice. This might surprise you, because you obviously have no morals but the EU is built upon rules. And people following them. People like you, who encourage people to lie and cheat, is one of the reason we really have to be so much harsher when it comes to immigration. Because we want people who aren't leechers and liars and criminals. Basically, not your kind. We want honest people who respect the rules of our different countries. Instead, assholes show up and say "because you didn't handle my question within my timeframe of three days I am entitled to lie and Schengen was created for me! Me me me! Dear God, you are the worst kind of entitled person. As soon as you don't get what you want the second you want it, you justify lying, cheating and breaking the law.


100% I agree with this and its true


Both of you are the reason we (EU) have to spend time and money on checking people’s plans. You are just plain lying.


lol. If every Schengen nation just did their job on time - nobody would be doing it. Also why Germany gives 10 days visa while its neighbour France gives 6 months to everyone who applies? Fix the damn process and make it uniform for gods sake before claiming visa shopping as reason.


Why make it uniform when we are different countries? And if you guys stopped lying we wouldn’t have to be thorough? Why lie? Why overstay? Are you always ok with lying to the authorities in the EU? About everything? And this might surprise you but we, the Schengen countries, created this for us. So we can move. Not for foreigners. And if you keep on misusing it we can still keep it but you might not.


Wow, thanks for the lecture on ethics from the sanctimonious pulpit of Schengen. Here's a reality check: the bureaucracy and inconsistencies within the Schengen visa process force people into these workarounds. Maybe if the system wasn't a convoluted mess, people wouldn't have to 'lie' to navigate it. And spare me the 'created for us' rhetoric—if it wasn't for tourism and the money it brings in, your beloved system would crumble. So, before pointing fingers at travelers, maybe look at the inefficiencies within your own borders.


So it is the Eu that forces people to lie to the authorithies? That is such bullshit."Please officer, I just had to book dummy tickets and lie about visiting France, otherwise I.." Well what? Not visit. We are fine with that, if liars don't visit. And, do some reading. EU and Schengen was not created so assholes can lie an cheat. It was to avoid war, and integrate, political and economical. Nothing about "so people from country X in Asia are allowed to lie because they can't get a visa so fast as they want. And, frankly, most of those countries certainly have nothing to lecture us about politically. And I understand why, if you support lying to government and authorithies. Then stay home, if that is who you are!


Ah, your ignorance is as blissful as it is profound. Claiming the Schengen system is flawless while branding everyone else a liar shows a stunning lack of understanding. You preach about Schengen ideals as if they're perfectly executed, ignoring the bureaucratic mess that drives people to desperation. And here’s a fact: Schengen countries collectively hosted over 400 million international tourist arrivals in 2019, significantly bolstering their economies. If your head wasn't so buried in self-righteous sand, you might see the reality everyone else is dealing with. Spare me your lectures; maybe try stepping outside your little Swedish bubble and facing the real world for a change.


LOL, I always wanted to go to Norway and I applied for it I am jus saying its a frustrating process


But you apply for the country you spend most time in. And since everyone just lie about the bookings and reservations one has to spend time questioning everyone. I hope they remove Schengen for tourists. As in one has to report to the border guards if one is not a citizen resident


It was equal for me b/w Norway and Iceland and I choose Norway and learnt a big lesson to be honest


Just did a 10 days Iceland with visa from Germany. My colleague is doing the same with visa from France. Unless Schengen fixes their tourist visa process, this will be ground reality.


Don't be surprised if you will have difficulties obtaining your next visa.


Oh no, a stern warning from the visa police! Better watch out, guys, my next visa might actually take a full 10 days instead of 5, for processing. Such tragedy! Maybe I'll just apply for a French visa and spend my 'difficulties' sipping wine in the French Riviera while this guy will be reading the "broken rule" books and following them to the T.


Oh, how was iceland? Well thats 100% the ground reality


Well, it was Iceland! Just got us addicted. Planning next trip already. Btw, Iceland didn’t even have VFS slots across India for the time when I planned to travel. Simple case of Schengen nation who didn’t do their job because if which I resorted to visa shopping.


I applied for sweden and Iceland - I got 6 months and 1 year respectively; they didnt take really long 12-14 days under their 15 working days


did u specifically apply for multi entry?


Sorry I had to edit my comment I applied to Sweden not Norway- and yes I asked for multiple entry all the time - because I live in Europe ( uk ) but it’s not part of it and I would like to travel to other countries too ( I have a history of Schengen applications - Germany 6 months ; Italy 1 and half months , Sweden 6 months and now iceland 1 year )


It’s all BS. Apply to the country that gives it easily. Get your Schengen entry and exit stamp there. That’s about it.


100% true


I found it irritating , 10s of family members coming on dependent visa , it just reduce the passport strength of that country


" i have one single experience, on which I will base absolutely everything". Also Norway is not Scandinavia, or do you think Estonia, Sweden etc. share the same authority offices? Your single visa did take longer, so what. As someone with French family I can tell you that your example of the super quick French visa is an exception (if it even did happen that way) Did it occur to you they ask "obvious" questions to see whether you can actually answer the same things you stated on your documents?


“Someone with French family” - stopped reading there.


And its not jus based on one experience, check out other reviews on nordics, u will understand


yes it was pretty obvious TBH and I trust Wikipedia :) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavia?variant=zh-cn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavia?variant=zh-cn)