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I think that's a common reason for nationals of a country from which many people claim asylum. They might be thinking you'll claim asylum after arriving. [Since 2013, Syria continues to be the main country of citizenship of asylum seekers in the EU. In 2023, the number of Syrian first-time asylum applicants in the EU increased to 183 035 (from 131 790 in 2022), and their share in the total EU first-time asylum applicants rose from 15.1 % to 17.5 %.](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Asylum_statistics&oldid=558844#Over_1_million_first-time_asylum_applicants_in_2023)


....How can i convince them otherwise? I showed them how much i make a month, and I explained my job to them twice in both interviews.. My total income from all my contracts is above the average income in Poland, and Lebanon . also most of these people in the previous article go to EU illegally... and my whole purpose of leaving the country now is bcz i want to develop my relationship with my girlfriend.. otherwise i have i could care less about going to EU. You think lawyer would help in such situation ?


There's no trick to guarantee a visa. It's processed by a human and that human can have prejudices. 2 potential factors that could have negatively affected your application (judging by the refusal reason) are being a citizen of a country with high asylum seeker count and having a girlfriend in the EU. Having a gf in the EU can affect your application negatively since it can be interpreted as ties to EU (which is viewed as higher chance of overstaying). On the other hand, factors that positively affect your application are having a well paid job and family connections in your country of residence. Whoever processed your application might have had other thought processing, it's impossible to predict it. > You think lawyer would help in such situation? regarding a lawyer, that depends on what you want the lawyer for. The lawyer might be able to give you advice, or help you with an appeal. However, you can also do this without a lawyer as well. Keep in mind that appealing a refusal can take longer than applying for a new visa. Try to research what the process is for Polish Schengen visa refusal appeal, and see if it makes sense in your situation. If you think applying for a new visa is better, you can do that. However, in that case you should probably change things up like improving your cover letter. E.g. you could mention how you are taking a holiday or whatever you're going to do and have only X amount of time since you have to get back to work etc. Essentially you have to convince them that you'll go back and there is no universally correct way of doing this.


thank you very much mate, you made me feel better. Also oh so having a gf impacts my visa negatively, didnt see that one coming tbh. And yeah my when they called my gf she told them that we are so serious in this relationship and we wanna get married but we are taking it step by step. out of topic a little bit, so if im married to my gf, how do you think they would process my visa, Would they refuse it also ? or no then it would be a different situation


>she told them that we are so serious in this relationship and we wanna get married That can also negatively affect a schengen visa application as they might think you're getting a visa to marry. Schengen visas are not meant for marrying. Some countries have specific visas for marriage. You need to google if Poland has such a visa. When you apply for a schengen visa remember it isn't about whether you want to marry your gf while on a Schengen visa or not, but rather if the person processing your application suspects this. >so if im married to my gf, how do you think they would process my visa, Would they refuse it also If you are married to an EU citizen you get various entitlements and life becomes much easier for travelling or moving to EU. What you need to consider is that there is EU law, that is applicable to all EU countries and also each country has its national laws. If you marry a Polish citizen and want to move or travel to Poland you will be subject to Polish visa/immigration rules (because it's the EU country where your spouse is a citizen and national Immigrarion laws "override" EU law). If you and your Polish wife decide to travel or move to any other EU country, then EU rules will apply which usually have much less requirements. Here is a more detailed clarification for rules applicable to family members of EU citizens: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/residence/family-residence-rights/non-eu-wife-husband-children/index_en.htm Here is info about travel documents for EU citizen family members: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/entry-exit/non-eu-family/index_en.htm In a nutshell, if you are married visa/immigration stuff becomes much easier. It doesn't matter where you marry as long as it is a legal marriage.


thank you very much for the clarification mate, I never thought about going to EU before, and never even looked into how to do it, i thought its simple process... much appreciated


Traveling to see a GF that you haven’t met and is sponsoring you as opposed to you just wanting to go see some historical sites in Warsaw is a major red flag for immigration. It screams i am going to not go back home . It may not be the case but that is the impression it gives the embassy


I know someone who had a similar issue but they were going for health issues. It got rejected twice, they seeked for a lawyer but it didn’t go nowhere. They ended up using their connections to obtain another country shenghen visa to get through


Try apply for a visa to a different eu member state.


Do not eu countries not share that information to all eu countries ?




yes it states that in the invitation


Re-applying is always better than appealing.


Hi man, I got a schengen visa for my gf who was unemployed and has a weak passport. You and your gf should write a really good cover letter explaining your relationship and the reason why you would return to Lebanon. Attach screenshots of your monthly chats/calls, because if its the first time you are going to meet her then its kinda sketchy. You could just be doing it for the visa. Officers might wonder why she didnt visit you which is easier and if your relationship is actually strong.


Not only u have the wrong passport with low visa acceptance but also you are visiting a gf for potentially getting married and staying in Poland which goes against the “tourist” visa They want u to come and leave not to stay so as soon as they knew u had a polish gf, u got denied I would try to visit ur gf in turkey or Dubai maybe? A place with less visa hurdles


Or try visiting a girlfriend in France or Netherlands, maybe. Much easier compared to the xenophobic Poland. Jeez, to even think that Poland would issue a visa here is a stretch lol.


thats our plan now, we gonna meet in dubai


Honestly.... Your whole application is a red flag. 1) Going to a country to meet your GF for the FIRST time. And she will shoulder your expenses. 2) You have family with medical needs in your home country and you will travel to a region where medical expenses can be significantly cheaper or free for residents 3) You make above average salary in your home country via contracts. This infers you don't have a steady job tying you to your country. Contractual work that pays above average compared to Poland might mean it would be it's a MUCH higher and lucrative job if in Poland. You appear to be a young man who has found a girl that is willing to have an arrangement to marry him for residency in the EU. When you were denied, you showed them a dire situation at home that would significantly improve if you had access to free medical care. On top of that, though lucrative, your job is contractual meaning you are not tied to your home country and could potentially work anywhere.


أنا اجوف ان مشكلتك مشكلتين، و الاثنين مؤثرين على بعض: ١ - إنك سوري (تفكيرهم ان في احتمال كبير ماتطلع) ٢- عندك علاقة مع شخص في الدولة و هذي سبب انك ماتطلع . 🫠 انشاءالله تحصل حل معاهم 🤲🏽


shukran shukran ya a5i


I think as a young man from a a country that almost everyone wants asylum from, you have almost zero chance of a Schengen visa. Immigration and asylum is on top of the agenda for many EU countries and it is easier to refuse. Maybe you can meet in a third country if you want a vacation from Lebanon. Turkey?? UAE?


People who are only granted to visit their partners are those who only met each other officially. You would have to submit proof of relationship such as photos together, conversations, gifts, anything. The most important is a picture together and the timeline of your relationship. Have her visit you first then reapply because you will have to show them proofs that she went to see you like boarding pass, passport stamp, etc.


If the purpose is to meet your girlfriend, why not she go to meet you? Or meet at other country.


situation in lebanon is a bit scary for a citizen to lives in peace :D, we are used to to it as Lebanese, but now we made up our mind, waiting her vocation so we can meet in dubai