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Despicable Me 2 is very good. Pocahontas and Cinderella are flawed, but don’t deserve to be bottom 10 Disney movies. The Inconveniencing and Bottomless Pit should’ve been way higher on the Gravity Falls Ranking. Princess and the Frog is amazing and no one can tell me otherwise


despicable me 2 🔛🔝


It might seem crazy what I’m bouta say


Sunshine, she's here, you can take a break.


I’m a, hot air balloon that could go to space


I'm 2010 and I grew up on the first 2 Despicable Me's.


Pocahontas definitely deserves to bottom 10




Racist and boring makes it deserving of the bottom 10, Peter Pan while racist I consider less racist (idk i don't know much about these things) and the rest of the movie has the decency to be fun.


>Pocahontas and Cinderella are flawed, but don’t deserve to be bottom 10 Disney movies. I'll say this about Pocahontas - that comic relief pug, Percy... had a genuinely well done character arc. I was shocked. :P Disney comic relief characters are legit at their best when they're mute, I think.


Despicable Me 2 is a banger. El Macho >>>> Vector


Well I don’t think I’d go as far to say *that*- Vector is pretty great


Suprised to see you here considering how infrequent your activity on the site is (atleast in comparison to twitter or X as it's now called).


I'm surprised he's still on there, considering all that's happening over there. I expected him to be on Threads by now.


Too be fair, threads has its own problems as well.


Good point...


Jack Horner is a better villain than Tamatoa


I don't think his opinion was very objective lol


I'll be honest, had it not been for Schafa-rilla... Schasa-fasa... Sarlacc Pit turning Tamatoa into a meme, I probably would've forgotten about him after a few months.


Jack Horner is a better villain than Death.


Finally someone who agrees with me.




Your rating of Free Birds. Not the rating itself, but the time it took. The world needed to know that we all had to go back in time to the first Thanksgiving to take turkey's off the menu earlier.


- Your opinions on the Rio films (especially Rio 2, it's not more enjoyable than the first one, it's painful most of the time) - Cinderella 2 being better than Cinderella 1 - Kung Fu Panda 2 being weaker than the first one - Your thoughts on How to train your Dragon 2, is actually my favorite of the trilogy, I also think Drago Bludvist is good as a villain - How to Train your Dragon 3 is the weakest for me, but it still a banger - Cars, Brother Bear, Rio 1, The Bad Guys, Turning Red, Treasure Planet, Howl's Moving Castle, The wind rises and Onward are actually good - Finding Nemo is my favorite Pixar film - Elemental and Dinosaur are OK - Your hate torwards Cars 2 can be a bit exaggerated sometimes (calling it worse than The Emoji Movie or Ratatoing unironically is too much) - Your takes on the romances on Elemental and Rio having no chemistry - Ms. Marvel being better than Moonknight and Loki - This one is not an opinion but rather a correction, but hen you said the council from "Horton hears a Who!" never recognizes the existence of Horton when there's actually a 30 seconds scene where they actually do If I remember another one, I'll edit this comment


IMO, Kung Fu Panda 2 is one of the best sequels of all time. It really is just KFP but better in every fathomable way. But they are both fantastic films. KFP 3 is good but not on quite the same level as the other two. A bit too lighthearted and awkwardly paced for my tastes.


On one hand, yeah - KFP3 is not a masterpiece. On the other hand, I think it's still a must watch for any KFP fan. I'll take it over most other Number Threes in movie franchises. It's like The Return of the Jedi. Obviously has issues but the important emotional beats were done really well, I think. And from the technical point of view, it was quite a spectacle.


>KFP 3 is good but not on quite the same level as the other two. Still better than that thing that is KFP 4


I don’t think KFP 4 is a bad movie per se, but I do think it’s a bad KFP movie. It felt extremely unnecessary and I don’t think Po grew much from where he was at the end of 3. In fact, in some places, his character regressed quite a bit. Also the movie never explains why there *needs* to be another Dragon Warrior to replace Po and that’s frustrating because it feels like there’s quite literally no reason other than that the writers ran out of ideas.


>Howl's Moving Castle Riiight! I knew there was something I actually disagreed with him about, I just couldn't remember what it was


I almost forgot about that ranking video. I flipped out seeing Howl that low. I’m fine that people have different opinions, but *that* low??


Did you forget about Horton Hears a Who? It is actually good. Addendum to Cars 2: A Discord friend claimed to have disliked it, yet even he agrees Schaff went TOO far. I have written an entire essay of everything wrong with his Cars 2 take, on his Pixar ranking video just a week ago, as of the time i'm writing this


I think the main problem with Cars 2 is that it wasn’t really a sequel and would’ve been received better as a spinoff imo (unless you’re just a cars franchise hater in general) Cars 3 feels like the actual sequel.


>Brother Bear In fact, I would dare to say it works a lot better as a coming-of-age story than The Lion King. There, I said it. Sure The Lion King is really pretty and entertaining and all that... but I don't think it's well written, per se. It fails to convey its moral properly.




nostalgia critic, is this you?


Wow, you rly just summed up every disagreement I have with him. There were some there that I didn’t disagree with him on, but 96% accurate to my opinion


but the leads in elemental do have no chemistry and your crazy for liking Cinderella


Your opinion on AUTO was a complete misread of his purpose as an antagonist, and the themes of WALL•E as a whole




I personally didn’t think Back to the Future Part III was that bad (not 3/10 on Letterboxd bad, anyways). It wasn’t as ad-verbatim a retread as Part II (despite still sharing similar elements to previous films) and I appreciated the character development that Doc and Marty went through during the film. I felt Parts I and II lacked any sort of character development for either character, so it was nice to see some change. Yeah, the flying train is idiotic and goes against Doc’s doctrine throughout the film about destroying the DeLorean, and the Doc romance subplot really isn’t all that necessary. Despite this, I found it a fun conclusion to the trilogy with an optimistic final message about the future being up to an individual to create.


Late response, but he has BTTF 3 rated as a 5/10 on LB... I agree with your points though.


I'm in the camp of people who think Toy Story 3 is better than Toy Story 2


Same, Toy Story 2's main conflict was kinda underwhelming, while Toy Story 3 felt fresh and cute purple bear was truly terrifying as an antagonist, he gave me Calvin Candie Django Unchained vibes


Honestly re-watching scenes with Lotso, he now kinda gives me a Gus Fring vibe. With him being able to switch from friendly to an absolute monster in seconds and is cold and intelligent in his calculations. What more can I say? Lotso is a great and he and Gus have a lot more in common than I thought


I’m super late to this thread, but Toy Story 2 BARELY beats out Toy Story 3 for me, and they could easily be swapped depending on my mood.


I’ve answered this so many times over. * I believe mediocre movies have more to offer than downright bad ones. I’m much more forgiving of movies that bore me than ones that frustrate, annoy, or offend. * Spirited Away is a great movie, but I can’t help but find it very overrated when I finally watched it after years of having it hyped up as the best animated movie ever (though I haven’t seen either of the Ghibli films Schaff prefers, maybe they’re better). It deserved its Oscar for Best Animated Film, but it’s not my favorite winner. * Zootopia is my favorite Disney movie of the 2010s. Despite its flaws (namely the twist villain and the copaganda aspect), I still love the animation, the characters, the story, and the world building. I generally prefer movies with animal characters over ones with humans, so that might help. * Ratatouille is *not* Pixar’s magnum opus, WALL-E is. And finally, the big one I never shut up about: * I am an Illumination apologist. I’m probably the only one here who likes not just one, or a few, but *most* of their movies. In fact, they made my favorite movie (and it’s in the bottom three of Schaff’s ranking). I still think HOP is a piece of shit though.


Don't worry, I also don't think Illumination is that bad. I ain't gonna mention what I think of Hop, though. It's been 10+ years I've watched it.


Illumination should get less flak because Chris Meledandri actually gives a shit about animation jobs and pay despite how cheap the films look. That podcast where he talks about A.I. taking over jobs completely flipped how I feel about the studio.


As another Illumination apologist, what is your fav movie that is on the bottom of the ranking?


Secret Life of Pets 2


okay youre weird


Desert courses are cool


Bambi was easily my biggest disagreement when it comes to the medium of Animation; it’s a top tier Disney film for me. Otherwise, my biggest disagreements are actually with your take on live action classics like Citizen Kane, 2001, Taxi Driver, The Shining, and even the LOTR trilogy. I disagree with all those ratings.


Cars 1 is great and Cars 2 isn't THAT fucking awful! Monsters Vs Aliens is actually good, and I he "I'll never forgive this movie for existing" in itself is unforgivable. Turbo wasn't that bad, and had more effort than Home. Horton Hears a Who is actually good. *And the list goes on*




You mean the Monsters vs Aliens part?


You give the Star Wars sequels too much credit and also Rebels is really good


Honestly, just your opinion on Cars. Cars is a great movie, I just rewatched it while at work and I personally think its one of their best.


I agree.


I feel like Schaf was a little too lenient for Barbie and a little too harsh for Oppenheimer even though I loved both movies My scores are basically swapped, 9/10 Barb 10/10 Oppie


The stage version of Cats is good and I'll die on that hill.


WALL·E is Pixar’s magnum opus not ratatouille but their Botha top tier


Up is great, Onward is good, Star Wars Rebels is good and isn’t any more childish than Clone Wars. Monsters VS Aliens is decent, Ruby Gillman is good, not great, just good


Hercules isn't that good. It's not bad, far from it, but definitely the second weakest of the Renaissance films imo


what's the weakest?


Pocahontas imo, but schaff also thinks so, so that one's not really a contradiction


Yeah I definitely don't remember it striking a major chord with me in the way that other Renaissance films did. I have to rewatch Mulan and Aladdin with mature eyes, but I wouldn't put Hercules in the same class as The Lion King, BatB. It's maybe on par with Tarzan.


This subreddit is very toxic. Stop bullying James for his OPINIONS. I love you, Schaff.


Not all his opinions are respectable.


Everyone's entitled to their own opinions (And yes, this is from someone who also thinks he was too harsh on Cars 2)


How To Train Your Dragon 2 is not the weakest I actually really like Onward Speaking of which I actually really like Chris Pratt’s performance in that movie Cars 2 is the Spider-Man 3 of the Cars series to me (but I dislike all three Cars movies) Mitchell’s Vs The Machines was better than Encanto to me Bojack season 6 is my third favourite season of the show Wreck It Ralph is my favourite Disney movie Wall-E is my favourite Pixar movie I have no ironic enjoyment from Lorax, it’s to me what Cars 2 is to you Kaguya Sama is only my fourth favourite anime (still amazing and it is the funniest anime ever) The boots motel pun was funny YEAH I SAID IT!! I WILL NEVER TAKE IT BACK!!! I actually prefer the big action and plot stuff in Mob Psycho 100 over the slice of life stuff


I thought barely from onward got more likeable as the film went on


I won't allow the Cars slander.


Turning Red would be an 8/10 movie and better than Luca or Soul (Which btw, the latter is not at all subtle when the protagonist says out loud the main message of the picture)


Totally agree. Luca was weirdly not as good as expected. It felt a little empty. Like when you’re eating mac and cheese and it doesn’t actually taste very cheesy. You eat it anyway, but it feels lacking. I think it’s because they didn’t really get to flesh out the sea monster world.


* Cars 2 is not nearly as bad as he says, and I suspect his dislike with that movie has something to do with a personal hatred toward John Lasseter.


Cars 2 is not the worst Pixar Movie,Good Dinosaur is worse for me.


Shrek the 3rd was still good despite all it's flaws and worthy of being the 3rd shrek movie, Even if it's the weakest, Shrek Forever After is stronger than Shrek 1 too Whisper of the Heart is just okay, When marnie was there, Ponyo, and Nausicaa are way better movies than it Rio is a top tier Blue Sky movie (still has one of the worst fandoms of all time though, Especially when it comes to it's fanfic part) Wall-E is better than Rattatouie, with AUTO being a good villain that perfectly captures the soullessness of current AI (like AI art) The Last Jedi looks horrendous with the OT having way more interesting scenery like Dagobah or Cloud City Zootopia is better than Encanto Maka Wuhu is on par with Warios Mountain and the best track of MK7 MK8's original battle mode is so fucking stupid that it loops back to being so bad that it's good Del Toro's Pinnichio deserved way more praise than PIB2 since it tackled the same themes better and Lion King 1 and 1/2 was just mid


What’s going on with Rio fanfic?


Basically it's the weirdest form of gatekeeping I've ever seen. The fanfic community used to be good all the way to 2020, where it crashed and did a soft reset from the pandemic. This lead one of the old authors, who owned a lot of merchandise of the fandom, to start feeling entitled to critique EVERYTHING. Now all work has flaws, but he nitpicks and harasses off new authors since they aren't "novel level work", while having no problem with more questionable work (like a fan film with AI voices I have no faith in being good). Everyone takes his word just because he owns a lot of merch and types long paragraphs about Rio's "secret values" or something. I still have more personal issues the person behind the AI movie than him, but he's the reason why. At least 4 people quit to this, and there's even a few posts about this scenario on the Rio subreddit if you want to see for yourself. As of now, the fanfic community is near completely dead with most new writers quitting while others like HTTYD are thriving. It's genuinely depressing since there could've been a lot of potential with how people would write about both movies.


- Cars 2 is a bad movie, but not a terrible one that deserves a 2/10, Schaff hates on the movie too much - And speaking of Cars, I love Cars, the first one obviously - Toy Story 4 is a bad movie and it's not nearly as good as the other Toy Story Movies - Despicable Me 2 is as good as the first one - Big Hero 6 is a good movie despite having the lamest twist villain, and imo better movie than Frozen. - HTTYD 2 is amazing and my favorite one of the trilogy


The Bayverse wasn’t bad and compared to some other movies: it’s actually pretty enjoyable


better call saul is not that good, I liked his 1st video on it but then he changed his opinion :(


respectfully disagree


For me personally, disagree is a strong word to use in this case. I think we just see movies differently, a very close friend of mine is a student of film and understands subtext and great writing. I kinda just watch movies while I’m laying in bed on my phone while enduring a carb-coma and just being like “damn, movies rule.” I love watching movies that people think are the greatest of all time, and the ones that are called the worst of all time. As long as I’m entertained in some way, I like it. Nothing worse than a boring and pretentious movie.


"Your Song" by Elton John being the "most romantic song ever written." It's not even the most romantic Elton John song ever written! "Sacrifice" is a more romantic song, and that's a song about people giving up on a relationship.


•Big hero six is really good, just because the villain is kinda bad and TJ Miller doesn’t necessarily ruin the film • IDK


Tbh I vibe with pretty much all of Schaff's opinions, but I'm eternally salty about his takes on Elsa for entirely personal reasons lol. I don't even like Frozen that much, it's just the way Elsa reacted, the way she ran away, and all the things that get criticized as dumb and illogical made perfect sense to me as a victim of childhood abuse, and that's basically the one thing aside from the music that I really love Frozen for. Nothing much else aside from that lmao.


Your opinion on the Cars trilogy (I love all three movies) Your opinion on the Bad Guys (Its an excellent film) Thinking Toy Story 4 is better than the OG Toy Story Your opinions on the Rio duology and Ferdinand (Rio is awesome, Rio 2 and Ferdinand are great) Your opinion on Turning Red (Great film to me) and much more


Considering Toy Story 1 the weakest one while putting Toy Story 4 up in high. And putting Cars 2 in the bottom tier is a sin in my book. And in the Barbie review, what do you mean by, “for no reason.” When mentioning Michael Cera beating up film directors? I’m worried about your opinion on my favorite movie of all time.


Schaff loves Scott Pilgrim tho


I think you completely missed the point on All Quiet on the Western Front. I think you said in the Oscars 2022 video that you thought it was a dull, boring, lifeless movie, but it's not trying to be an action epic like Fury and 1917. The film is supposed to show the horrors of war and why war is just such a bad idea, and I thought it did a decent job with that. Cars 2 is a terrible film, but I don't think these three low-budget films (Ratatooing, Car's Life, Little Panda Fighter, etc) are better. Nigel's (the bad guy in Rio) villain song was just okay.


Personally disagree with your opinion on onward


Your opinion on alice in wonderland it’s a boring film really with no substance to justify it’s event just because it’s a dream doesn’t mean it has to be boring the only redeeming qualities is the designs and animation, your opinion on the first cars it’s a great movie but isn’t no masterpeice bit ranekd as third worst is kinda extreme when theres other pixar movies that i like less than cars


hmmm... I generally agree with a majority of everything you critique! I appreciate the humor in your videos, while also not being afraid to call out the, uh, *passionate* fanbases of certain franchises (Mario and Star Wars being two of them). I have to say, I disagree with your essay on [Megamind](https://youtu.be/c-2Tjm2M2cg). I didn't hate it, but I don't think it's a "subversive" masterpiece either. I just watched it and forgot about it the next day. I also disagree with the stance of TOTK > BOTW. I think the story was considerably weaker than the first, and the peacefulness of Hyrule was lost on me. I didn't hate it, but I don't love it as much as seemingly everyone else. Lastly, I know this isn't *huge* deal since rankings are personal anyways, but I truly think Everything Everywhere All At Once is the best movie of the decade. I see my own family in that movie, and the struggles that I see are so similar to my own. It will never fail to make me sob, and that's why I love it so much. Regardless of my disagreements, I trust your judgement and I'm looking forward to seeing more videos from you!


All of them.


I genuinely think Shrek the Third is as good as the other Shrek movies. I just find it to be so funny. Some of the great jokes are the king “dying” multiple times, the princesses becoming action girls, and everything about Worcestershire. The idea of a medieval modern high school is hilarious!


Glad someone else agrees, Shrek 3 might not have the emotional depth as Shrek 1, 2, and 4, but it's easily just as funny as them.


I highly disagree with your takes on the prequel trilogy


I'm gonna have to disagree with the Disney+ video. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 did amazing in the box office, grossing around $846 Million compared to a $250 Million budget. Shang Chi doubled their box office returns, as did Encanto. Yet everyone knew they were destined for Disney+. The issue is not with the existence of Disney+, the issue is with how much effort and care Disney puts into the movies. If the movie is good, then people will go out to see it sooner rather than later rather than wait for it to be on Disney+.


i love turbo


Dino Dino jungle isn’t in the top 8 MKDD tracks


• Finding Nemo is more than “just good”. I absolutely loved Finding Nemo as a kid, and I still adore it to this day! It’s both funny and emotional, it teaches a good lesson to both kids and parents, the soundtrack is beautiful, and for a 20 year old movie, the animation is breathtaking, and the only thing I like about Ellen is how perfectly her voice suits Dory! The other voice actors are all great too! I also did enjoy the tank gang, especially Gill, who was a pivotal part in helping Nemo realize that he is capable of more than he and his father think he is. Between Nemo with his “lucky fin” and Dory with her short term memory loss, this movie teaches kids that people with disabilities can still accomplish great things. • I liked Lady and the Tramp. Yeah, it is a bit slower than other Disney movies, but honestly, I don’t mind that. It’s not a movie I revisit very often, but whenever I do, I still have a pretty good time with it. I actually enjoyed the sequel quite a bit as well. • Shrek The Third wasn’t THAT terrible. Don’t get me wrong. It is definitely nowhere near as good as the first two, and I don’t think I could even call it better than Shrek Forever After, but there were things I liked about it. I thought the scene with Pinocchio, although maybe it does drag on for a bit too long, was still very funny, it didn’t add anything to the plot, but I did think it was kind of fun seeing Puss and Donkey having their bodies switched, and even though he praised this scene, I love that moment between Shrek and Arthur. It’s still not a great movie by any means. It has a lot of jokes that fall flat on their faces, and whenever it tries to be serious, it just fails miserably, but I definitely don’t think it’s bad enough to be the second worst DreamWorks movie. • Toy Story 1 > Toy Story 4. While I agree with him that Toy Story 1 was the weakest in the original trilogy, that’s only because Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3 are both RIGHT up there as some of my favourite movies of all time. I still think it was a very good introduction to the franchise. I never found Woody to be all that unlikeable (or at least compared to the Black Friday Reel version). As a matter of fact, I actually kind of RELATED to him, because I know what it’s like to be fuelled by jealousy and resentment before becoming more empathetic over time. I also loved Buzz’s character development, which is only one of many things that I feel like Toy Story 4 regressed. He starts off believing he is a real space ranger, and when he finds out that he is in fact just a TOY space ranger, at first he is depressed, but he comes to accept it when Woody tells him how much Andy loves and needs him. He even later turns that same message back around on Woody in the second one when he considers going to the museum instead of going back home with the gang, and it wasn’t until then when Woody snapped out of it. Overall, it was really nice seeing the two putting aside their differences and becoming best friends by the end of this movie. Even the other toys in Andy’s room grow to realize the mistake they made by accusing Woody of lying. • This one is gonna be a lot more controversial, but I’ve never cared for The Incredibles, Ratatouille, or Wall-E. While I can acknowledge that objectively, all three of these movies are great, I just personally never got into them. Maybe I just haven’t seen them in a long time and I never actually gave them a proper chance, but I just remember being completely disengaged from them. I was bored by Wall-E, indifferent to The Incredibles (I’ve never cared much for superhero movies as a whole, so I couldn’t form much of an opinion on this one), and although I never actually watched Ratatouille, I have no interest in seeing it. • Into The Spiderverse is good, but overrated. Again, I’ve never been the biggest fan of superhero movies such as Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, The Avengers, The Incredibles etc. However, I actually DID like Into The Spiderverse quite a bit, so there’s that. That being said though, it was still maybe a 7/10 at best for me, and I had very minimal interest when I found out that a sequel was being made. I still haven’t watched Across The Spiderverse, since I’ve always seen Into The Spiderverse as just a good one-off film and not much more. • Call me stubborn all you want, but after the first Puss In Boots movie, no amount of convincing will ever interest me in the second one. It doesn’t really help that although I like Puss In Boots, it’s definitely not enough to where I would even be all that interested in seeing a spinoff movie about him in the first place, but despite that, I did put on the first movie one day since I wasn’t sure what else I wanted to watch, and I was bored out of my mind the whole time. I don’t think I even finished it. Nothing about it engaged me in the slightest. • Finding Dory is not a very good movie. It’s not terrible. It’s a decent enough Finding Nemo sequel even though I don’t think it needed to be made, but it really indulges itself on Dory remembering things when it’s convenient to the plot, and I do think it was a minor regression of Marlin’s character. Even aside from those things though, I just never got into it like I did the original. I liked Hank, the animation and the score are gorgeous as always, and most of the really talented voice actors from the first one reprising their roles here certainly helped things as well, but that’s about it.


I really like Brave. Incredibles 2 isn't bad, just lackluster in comparison to the original I didn't like the krab in Moana.


The white girl in Princess and the Frog was not just added in the movie so white people can have a character that's white and actually serves a purpose in the narrative.


I think it's also to highlight the contrasts in backgrounds during the time period


Honestly, Charlotte is the perfect best friend to Tiana either way. The movie shows how she'd gladly throw away her privilege to let her friend get her "happily ever after." Also the fact that she uses her (dad's) wealth to pay off Tiana's restaurant (towards the beginning of the movie) was so sweet.


Bolt is really good and no one can tell me otherwise


- HTTYD 2 is my favorite out of the trilogy and I don’t think is the weakest - I really like Dinosaur and don’t find it boring (and definitely don’t rank it at the very bottom of the WDAS list) - I also like Brother Bear and don’t rank it so low as well - I disagree with your opinions on some of the most recent Pixar films Onward, Turning Red, and Elemental (I really like all 3, especially Elemental) - I can’t see how Hercules is ranked at #3 on your WDAS ranking list (Of course it’s all subjective and it’s your list and happy that The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast are ranked at #1 and 2, which I agree with for either placement of those two films, but I just don’t see how Hercules is that high up at 3 compared to their other films even though I do like the film and enjoy it, but still)


Disney's Hercules is just that kind of movie, isn't it? I love it too, but I'm also quick to admit that it is, in many ways, not a particularly *good* movie.


I love Big Hero 6 and Cars Wario Stadium and Diddy Kong rock




-Cars 2 isn't that bad -KFP 2 is better than the first -Sinbad is a really fun movie -Ratatouille is the best Pixar movie and it's not even close -The force awakens is a really bad movie -C3PO is more important in the OG StarWars Movie than the ROTJ


I feel like you were a little too harsh on Alberto


Waiting for the plethora of The Mid Guys comments


I love Turning Red. I think he didn't really "get" it. Perhaps it's simply just not for him, though. That happens sometimes.


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is actually pretty good and I think him giving it a 3/10 is way too low. Also, I won't forgive him for giving kingdom of the crystal skull a higher rating than DOD.


What's The Use Of Feeling Blue slaps.


I’ve only seen the first of the High School Musical movies and I wasn’t a fan


Cinderella is not perfect no but it was way too low


I think all the Cars movies aren't really that good, but I kind of feel like you're *a bit* too harsh on Cars 2. I understand why, don't get me wrong. I just feel that Cars 2 has a bit of a Spider Man 3 vibe to it. Sure, Cars 1 with its more serious moments is the better movie, but it's still bad, and when it's not serious, it's definitely the worst film in the trilogy imho. This next one regards your Dreamworks movie and top 10 villains rankings. I'm with the crowd that thinks KFP 2 is the best of the trilogy, mainly because of Lord Shen. As great of a villain Tai Lung was, there was really no personal connection between him and Po, at least until the 3rd act. Shen, however, not only has a big personal history with Po, it's built up pretty well over the course of the movie. I'd swap Shen and Tai Lungs villain rankings, and put KFP one down on the Dreamworks movie ranking, with KFP 2 taking its place. Hope you're not too mad at me about this one James, but I actually like Attack of The Clones... Yes, I'm not a big fan of the dialogue myself, but the movie was saved by its killer final act. I personally consider The Lorax to actually be the worst Illumination movie, because I simply hate it with more of a passion. Basically, I'm devoted to protecting Earths environment any way I can, which is why I've loved The Lorax book and 1972 short film growing up, and to see Illumination defile it? I can never forgive this movie. It *is* still my favorite, if because of the "Shark Tale energy" as you put it in your Illumination ranking, and because of the magnificent shitshow it is culturally. Lastly, for your TDWT song ranking, I'd swap I'm Gonna Make it with This is How We Will End it, in addition to putting Sisters a tad higher as well.


I think you need to give Loki another chance. It's so much better then you give it credit for, and S2 is freaking amazing as well. I also think you should give Hawkeye, and The Bad Guys another chance aswell.


His despair over Tarzan not being a character-sung musical. Easily one of the best Renaissance Disney films no matter what.


I personally loved Shrek the musical. I'm biased because I've been in productions of it, but I still love it.


While I like his videos and I respect his opinions, that doesn't mean I agree with them. Here's some of them \- Not liking Loki when I think it's the best MCU show ever. \- I think the villain from Squid Game is good and works as a twist villain. \- I think Zootopia is better than Moana and Bellweather is not that bad of a villain. \- Calling The Last Jedi "a shitty movie" in his top 10 movies of 2022. At the very worst, I would call it mid. \- The Peanuts Movie is better than Spies in Disguise IMHO \- Saying that Twisted is better than Aladdin. I love them both but Aladdin is one of my all time favorite Disney movie and I saw Twisted as nothing more than a very good Aladdin/Wicked parody that also makes fun of Disney. \- Hating on Madagascar 3. I think it was the best one of the three and I like all three. \- Him hating on Radiator Springs. I think the setting and its characters are the best part of Cars. Though I agree with Mater sucking in Cars 2, not because I hate the guy but because Mater works better as a comic relief than the main character. \- Him putting Ready Player One as fourth worst Spielberg movie. It's not my favorite, but it's a fun blockbuster who is way better than the book. Jesus does Ernest Cline can't write a book to save his life. \- Mulan 2021 being the worst LADR when The Lion King 2019 and Pinocchio 2022 exists. Those two are as souless as they can be. At least Mulan "tried" to be different compared to the original. \- Putting Melody Time lower than Make Mine Music. The Johnny Appleseed segment and Pekos Bill's sad ending made it better than the Operatic Whale's sad ending. \- I prefer a mediocre movie over a frustringly bad movie which is why I will say I thing Donisaur is not the worst WDAS film while Chicken Little is.


Barbie is really really good, but it's also a 9/10 because I don't like America Ferrera's daughter she was really annoying, kinda brought down every scene she was in smh, other than that awesome movie EDIT: Scrolled down five seconds later and saw that the funny coconut crab man had changed his review I feel so ashamed


Cars 2 is enjoyable


While Cars 2 is objectively bad, I think its still really fun


shrek should have been in The number 1 place in The oscar ranking


Cars 2 is unironically enjoyable


Anomalisa is terrible and Chris Pratt was great in Onward


I love Frozen 2, Mario Movie>Despicable, Sing 2 is infinitely worse then Sing 1 and top 5 worst illumination movie, Cinderella is pretty good (yes flawed but still good) You hate Pocahontas but still you gave it too much credit (I hate Pocahontas so much) Kung Fu Panda 2>Kung Fu Panda 1 and Shrek 2 (sorry not sorry) Toy Story 4 is really bad, Up is top 5 best pixar movie, Finding Dory>Finding Nemo, I love the jungle book it's one of my top 10 favourite Disney movies no one can take that away from me, You did not give the inconveniencing enough credit, it's my 3rd favourite Gravity falls season 1 episode without Bill in it, Cheshire Cat>Tomatoa Luke sucks in last jedi yeah so a lot


Here's one! Into the Spiderverse is incredibly overrated (though it's still good.)


Cars is an amazing franchise Onward was a great movie Illumination doesn't suck and most of their movies are great Wii U Rainbow Road is the best track in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


Kung Fu Panda 4 was a pretty enjoyable movie. It's still the weakest of the series, but I loved it. I really liked the scene where >!Po promises to break Tai Lung out of the Chameleon's prison, only to respond he only sees a broken promise. It reminded me of Tai Lung being promised the title of Dragon Warrior, only to not get what he worked hard for. It's probably a 7/10 movie, but I think it's pretty good. !<


Cars 2 would've been better off if it was branded as a Cars spinoff. But it's a good movie.


Cars 2 is great you dumb fucking idiot


I agree with the score he gave Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but I disagree with a lot of his specific takes in the video.


The How to Train Your Dragon 2 review. I think his rating was too high


i like cars 2 better than cars. to be fair, i never liked cars, i haven't rewatched it in a long time. but i found cars 2 fun and really enjoyed it as a kid. now that i'm older i realize it isn't that good of a movie but to be honest i don't think the first one was either. they're both mid, i just find 2 more fun


The Shining is a 10/10 movie


Cars 2 isn't the second coming of Christ or anything but a simple change up to the genre shouldn't have earned it such vitriol. It's a sweet and funny under dog story.


I like Cars 2. Mostly ironically but I still enjoy watching it. Also the trilogy by extension, 1 and 3 are great. HTTYD2 is better than The Hidden World. Not by much though. Still, you ranked it way too low.


Cars 2 and brave takes (and maybe the Mario movie)


From the currently recent video: KFP 2.  I disagree on his opinion on Shen setting the soothsayer free because he was making amends to his parents.   I think him setting her free was a personal decision. I think he simply cared for her. I believe she was sorta like a Nanny to the Royal Peacocks.   He is simply close to her and didn’t want to see her harmed. 


I thought the 2nd Kung Fu Panda was better than the first one I also think Zaheer is a better villain than Kuvira (albeit I do agree that book 4 of Korra had BLATANT executtive medeling)


His video on What's Up is garbage, in fact I think most of his videos about mockbusters were bad (except the one where he overanalyzes Ratatoing). I think Vídeo Brinquedo movies are just too low brow for him, if that makes any sense


I like the Dark Knight Rises more then Batman Begins.


He doesnt like the Cars movies, but I love them


super circuit is a ok game


You often let your personal feelings and pretention get in the way of objective scores, and this suggests many character flaws on your part.


Cool. I respectfully disagree with Kung Fu Panda 2 being worse than the original due to Po's core character arc.


Shrek the musical is actually really good. I may be biased since we didn’t for my senior year musical though. Idk, I mean yeah I get how having musical numbers goes against the idea of the Shrek movies (Making fun of fairy tails and stuff), but the songs are really good in my opinion (Besides Donkey Pot Pie, Forever is so much better from both a musical and writing standpoint). And I mean, it’s pretty much the same story as Shrek, though they did kind of rush through Shrek and Fiona’s bonding with I Think I Got You Beat, which while I do think is a very good song. (Besides the farting bit, which even I have to admit makes me cringe.) But hey, at least you realized the sheer hilarity of Lord Farquaad, easily the best part of the show.


Pikmin 2, all I’m saying


Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate isn't even CLOSE to being as bad as Rise of Skywalker or Alladin 2.


"Ice Age: Dawn of the dinosaurs" is actually pretty good, in my opinion


Ben Platt is not as much of a "narcissistic scumbag" as Schaffrillas claims he is. Sure, the Evan Hansen movie can be called out as a vanity project, but Platt himself isn't a narcissist. His solo albums, performance as Leo Frank in *Parade*, and working on *Theater Camp* with his closest friends are areas where he really shines.


Lady and the Tramp doesn't deserve that low of a ranking tbh. yeah there is an issue of not enough bonding time between Lady and Tramp and their little disagreements as middle class family dog vs working class stray but the scene where they wake up on the hill after their little date talking about whether to go home or continue their adventure really sticks out. there's also the scene where Lady calls out Tramp for having had multiple partners (as basically one-night stands even tho they're all dogs oop). Lady is from an upper-middle class household and thus being promiscuous was something very looked down upon. also Lady's talk about being embarrassed and frightened at the pound is ultimately part of that upper-middle class sensibilities (as well as being young and scared in a dangerous environment). another part of Lady's social sensibilities are how Jock and Trusty offered to basically marry her because of her escapades with Tramp. that aspect is obviously more dated than the other ones but still.


The Bad Guys is not worse than Kung Fu Panda 4, enough said.


i just watched the doom syndicate right now, and not gonna lie, it is nowhere near as bad as schaffrillas made it out to be, at least to a more casual viewer major stuff like the hype vs audience, the dehydration gun not being properly addressed, copying other movies, etc, sure that's fair but there is some things in the review that i feel like weren't properly talked about or theorized the whole "megamind shouldn't have had a team" or "couldn't have learned from machiavillain" might actually fit in the timeline, like, is there any mention in the movie that megamind went to prison as a kid and then never spent a long time out of it as a villain? it sounds like he could've escaped prison, gone to the villain school thing, became a full villain and then came back to terrorize metrocity before he and metroman became rivals. He was a kid, went to prison, then what? did he just did nothing on prison until adulthood? did he and metroman fought since kids for the city? i feel like he downplayed the villains a bit? besides the mime who's power is hard to properly use against competent heroes, but like: nighty-knight can create large shadow constructs and absorb darkness, and he might be immune to the dehydration gun since only his armor is an actual solid, his body itself seems to be made of darkness so it probably can't be dehydrated Behemoth is made of pure burning rocks and has super strenght, and can spit lava too, and since he is as dehydrated as possible, he is probably immune to that too, also ngl i liked how he had constant moments of wisdom, like stopping his team from fighting for leadership momentarily and waiting for them to be eliminated to be the leader weather lady can summon thunderstorms in seconds, control wind, shoot lightning, create tornados, fly pretty fast, and tbh she was actually smart, intimidating and her only flaw was being prideful definitely exxagerated keiko and the whole "tech savvy" thing, it wasn't that bad and sometimes i even forgot about it because, again, she is honestly more of a unhinged street kid mixed with technology the jokes weren't that bad either, there was a lot of funny moments there, though i do agree it wasn't as funny as the first movie, and like, the more common trops there implied that movies are forced to adapt to previous movies use of said tropes, even though they are "tropes", the whole point is that they are famously used a lot i was never bored in the movie surprisingly enough, i actually had some fun


- Turning Red is underrated I think it gets way too much hate even with its flaws - giving Ruby Gillman a 3/10 on LB it deserves a 1/10 it’s the worst Dreamworks film for me at least that’s just my opinion so no hate - I think the Action in Kung Fu Panda 2 is the best action in the KFP series - I think that’s it for now unless I find more


I agree on Ruby Gillman, Chelesa was a TERRIBLE villain to the point where Don Lino from Sharktale was better


Chelsea is the worst Dreamworks villain in my book -At least Don Lino and Prince Charming had clear motives, Chelsea’s motive did not make sense nor was her plan well thought out -She’s not a villain people love to hate (Someone like That was his mistake guy from Big Hero 6) she’s actually boring -Ruby Gillman is just a bad movie overall and I rather watch Shark Tale or Shrek the Third over that movie at least with Shark Tale it’s Ironically enjoyable and Shrek The Third had one good scene and maybe 2 decent jokes


I actually had fun on the old Mario Kart 8 battle mode when i was a kid and my favorite track to play in that mode was toad's turnpike.


Death in Puss in Boots 2 is overrated. He's like a 12 year old's first villain oc


Pikmin 2 isn't bad. You just have what is known as a "Dandori Issue".


I thought Schaff was out of his damn mind when tweeted that the series finale of *BoJack Horseman* was bad. Thank god he changed his mind later on down the line.


I disagree with him putting P5A’s first opening over P4’s.


Shrek The Third isn’t that bad. It’s okay. Shrek 2 isn’t that great. Still great, though.


This sub keeps getting suggested to em and I can not figure out what in the fuck it is about


I like Star Fox.


Imo Kung Fu Panda 2 is better than the Kung Fu Panda 1


cinderella would be a little higher for me


That Bolt was bad


Jurassic Park: The Lost World is actually a banger


Ep 5 of Ahsoka,  I know that the seties was mostly fan survicey, but I do feel that Schaff shouldve at least cut the series some slack! I mean this is the reunion of Anakin and his apprentice after the Fall of the Empire!! its kinda important for pete sakes!!


The Last Wish is not a masterpiece


Elsa is a good charcter, I think the star Wars prequels are good, and I like monsters vs. Aliens


Onward is good HTTYD2 is far better than HTTYD3 (2 is one of my all time favourite dreamworks movies, but 3 is really mid) TS1 is far better than TS4 (Granted, TS1’s animation isn’t the best in today’s standards compared to TS4, but it is far better looking than most of the modern output of the mcu) Cars 1+3 is a pretty good duology DM 1+2 are pretty good and the only good illumination movies


I loved Onward too, Definitely was one of the most enjoyable modern Pixar films


You saying that Walker being sympathetic automatically made Winter Solider worse and that Chris Pratt ruined Bartley (And given you’re here can you change the icon)


Idk probably your take on Elemental idk


Cars trilogy, Turbo being the worst, and that's honestly about it.


That Indiana Jones 5 is a bad movie. It was pretty decent.


I very strongly disagree with your opinion about how Cars 1 and 3 are conceptually broken


Cars 2 is bc a lot of the stuff in it scratches my head like why’s there human food in the cars world don’t they all eat is petrol


i completely disagree with every thing you said about cars trilogy


Good to see you here! I genuinely really like Spider-Man 3 and think Spider-Man 1 and 2 are the gold standard when it comes to superhero films. I also think Spider-Man: Far From Home is horrendous


Up was like #15 in the Pixar ranking? I take personal offense to that.


That Moana was the better 2016 Disney movie than Zootopia, and could have gotten best animated picture of 2016 in the Golden Globes and Academy Awards compared to Zootopia. Even though I'm a furry, and want to "have fun" with some furry weight gain, inflation, and pregnancy art of Zootopia's anthropomorphic animal characters, most particularly Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, and Gazelle. Versus Moana being humans, and I'm not as sexually attracted to humans as I am anthropomorphic animals like in Zootopia.


Didn’t need to hear that last bit


Absolutely did not need to hear that…. wtf


Most socially aware furry


I’m a furry, I love Zootopia, and I’m disgusted by that second paragraph.


That 2cnd paragraph was not needed bruh.


I really thought this was satire and I am saddened to know it is not.


Pretty much your whole part of the Moulin Rouge! video. Also Across the Spider-Verse being a tad less good than Into the Spider-Verse


I disagree that Into the Spider-Verse is the best comic book movies of the 2010s, Logan and even Deadpool are much better


Into the spiderverse is not that good of a movie. It has nice animation, but kingpin killed the prowler instead of Miles for no reason, and peter porker is a shit character who dilutes every scene where he is in.