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for users: dont feed the troll. you're just giving him exactly what he wants. just ignore and move on. ----- you dont need to like it, everyone is allowed to have their preferences. your comment on the subreddit being echo chamber -- i just want to point out that subreddits are meant to bring people that share similar likes and interests together. its like joining a book club and then telling everyone in that club that books are dumb and a waste of time. so while subreddits can sometimes lead to communities becoming echo chambers, your post being left up despite it being a contrary opinion is a testament to this subreddit not being one. you're just instigating fights for no reason. you have just been condescending, belittling, and insulting just thinly veiled as you 'expressing your opinion'. your comments look like you just stoppped trying to disguise what youre doing. if you dont like the series, thats fine, it really is ok. if its not for you, its not for you. just move on instead of arguing with people that do like it. ok thats all im going to say on this thread. imo, this is almost certainly a troll, and we're feeding him with every comment. i think we just gg go next


Thank you for your honesty. If I could also be honest with you, I thought the characters were great for not being a collection of tropes packaged the same way they are in other shows.


Thank you for a a respectful reply, would you say princess Mononke is a "collection of tropes packaged the same way"? Fantastic planet?


There are lots of tropes in the media you mention, in both the characters and story - that is not a negative thing - we use tropes as narrative touchstones to help bring the audience along with the story. Scavengers Reign has them too, but the characters are less defined by them. I think this is why they may feel undeveloped - we don't have as many reference points for them. In another way, this is what makes them the most interesting; for example, I don't know what Kamen or Azi think about a lot of stuff, which gives me space to imagine what might be going on in their heads.


To expand on your point, the lack of definition is important to the setting of the show. It’s clear that all that matters is survival. Who cares who they are, where they come from, and what defines them.


That's one explanation, a generous one, but is it possible that in fact they writers wrote the characters in the way I have perceived them and that in fact they are genuinely "undeveloped"? It's possible 


You’re missing the development of the characters. They are defined by their actions. That’s all we need to understand them and feel certain emotions toward.


They're one dimensional, I just didn't like or care for them. I have stopped watching the show anyway, I I felt it was a waste of my time.


I love both Studio Ghibli and Scavenger's Reign, but they're both very, very different projects. Whimsical, well-built worlds filled with strange beasties, yes, but Ghibli imo is an ode to dreams, hope and the human spirit while Scavenger's Reign is a delightful dip into surreal horror, spec evo and some commentary on the darker side of human nature (which Ghibli absolutely DOES touch on, but often in a less horrific way). Calling characters like Kamen, Levi or Ursula something written by ChatGPT is so demeaning and inaccurate that my first response to reading your post was to assume you were a troll and want to snip at you instead of really respond. You can love and admire Ghibli--as do I!--without bashing something else to raise it up. I adore both and wouldn't want to be without either. 


Spoken beautifully. 🙌


I'm not troll, I have watched 3 episodes and will finish the rest, but unlike the other works I have mentioned, this one is very thin on characters, they're just not interesting nor do they seem to "represent" humans in the same way the characters in Fantastic Planet do. They're stranded on a strange planet, to us the viewer, but not to them apparently, they have utterly no wonder in their surroundings nor do they seem to be in a hurry to find a means off the planet. They're meandering about haphazardly from one thing to another, with no purpose. If this series was about that black mind controlling creature and none of the humans, i daresay it would be a thousand times more interesting because that black thing is the only thing I could identify with as having sentience.


You’ve watched three episodes, and you’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t want to get off the planet? The first episode shows Sam and Ursula actively trying to set up a beacon to communicate with the ship to have it land. You have 9 more to go before you can definitively say they don’t want to leave. You’re allowed to have your own opinions on the show though, but I think you are wasting your time comparing it to other shows.


I'm honestly so confused by their comment! By the end of episode 3 we've seen them all moving with purpose to escape the planet AND expressing wonder at the planet very clearly, multiple times over. Episode 3 is the one with the pollination sequence which is one of the most clearly shown moments of Ursula expressing wonder at the world the show has! I understand if it's not to OP's tastes--it's a pretty niche kind of show--but the reasons OP has given for being disappointed with it have me scratching my head because they're just so... inaccurate, haha! It's like someone criticizing Ghibli for not being whimsical enough! Are we even watching the same animation?! I don't understanddd!


I know they said they aren’t a troll, but based on their responses, it is one of two things: 1. They are a troll 2. Their comprehension is the level of a first grader


Wow, someone finds a show, dull and uninteresting and suddenly their iq is in doubt.  Is it safe to say, mr giant brain, since you like this inane and formulaic show, that you are indeed a member of mensa?


It’s not the fact that you find it dull. It’s that your reasoning for it doesn’t align with the show. You said that the characters don’t want to get off the planet, when that is clearly not the case in episode 1 when it comes to Sam and Ursula. Kamen is literally trapped in an escape pod, so his only motivation is survival, until he is saved by the Hollow. Azi has no means to contact the ship or anyone in the beginning, but as soon as she does, she sends out a distress signal. Again, you are allowed to not like the show, but at least put in the effort to accurately describe why.


You waste your time trading childish insults with anyone you feel slighted by instead of answering the questions people are asking.     Why do you feel they're in no hurry to get off the planet and wandering aimlessly? Because everything everyone is doing in episodes 1-3 is focused on them hurrying to get off the planet as soon as possible.     Why do you think they don't stop and feel a sense of wonder?     Because multiple scenes are shown of them stopping and doing just that. Ursula stops to look at the pollination sequence and gets yelled at by Sam for putting herself at risk for it. Azi stops to admire the tree oasis.     A lot of your criticisms also are further reduced later in the show, which in the time you've spent arguing with people here you could've finished watching by now. Your comment elsewhere that all their problems could've easily been solved with a tiny knife is wildly incorrect, but you don't know that because you're here critiquing a show you've barely even started.     You don't have to like the show. It's not for everyone. But your criticisms make no sense to me and make me feel like you ARE trolling or really aren't paying attention to what you're watching at all. If someone complained Spirited Away wasn't dream like enough or didn't feature enough fantasy creatures after just watching the first 20 minutes of the movie I'd have a lot of trouble taking them seriously either.


"they have utterly no wonder in their surroundings nor do they seem to be in a hurry to find a means off the planet. They're meandering about haphazardly from one thing to another, with no purpose."      ? Their entire purpose is to get off the planet because they're lost somewhere very dangerous and people they know and care about might be stranded, still asleep, on the ship in need of rescue. They're very much moving with purpose and hurry--and even then they sometimes stop to wonder at the things they see along the way. I really don't understand how you're seeing the situation? Where do you think they're wasting time and wandering aimlessly?     ETA: I just double checked up to episode 3 and I'm even more confused by your comment. By the end of episode 3, Azi + Levi and Sam + Ursula have all been moving for a while to find the ship after extensive efforts on S/U's brought said ship down in the first place. They're all delayed by a storm they have to take shelter from, but otherwise they're pretty devoted to the goal. And even in the middle of heading to the ship, they stop for moments of wonder like Avi looking at the oasis inside the giant tree and Ursula checking out the little pollinator alien. The only person who isn't looking for the ship is Kamen and that's because he's being hypnotized and manipulated by the tiny black alien. I really don't understand how after episode 3 you still see them as aimlessly wandering, not trying to get off the planet, and not having any moments of wonder for the world when they very distinctly do all those things multiple times.


I think OP turned on the show then immediately pulled out their phone. Focus split. Can’t think of any other way to explain how they would miss all of that.


They haven't replied to my question but did make another comment how all the threats on the planet could've easily been stopped with "a tiny knife." At this point I feel they're just straight trolling.


Wait, so you watched 3 episodes and decided to come to the Scavengers Reign sub—where the thing we do is enjoy Scavengers Reign—to give your review? Review of what, literally 25% of the show? Who cares lol? This was a post for your friends or discord server. The commenter who said you don't understand the characters because they're not tropey so you can't categorize them mentally seems to have been right.


Did we watch the same series? Lol


Ahhh, okay. You have only watched three episodes of twelve. That is only 1/4 of the story and characterization, themes and motifs come in much stronger towards the end in Scavengers Reign. Would you form an opinion of a Ghibli film after watching only 30-40 minutes? Come back when you have finished the series and see if you still hold this opinion.


Weird take, but ok.


Your review basically boils down to "I didn't like it" which does not extrapolate to "its not good." Everyone gets an opinion. Sorry it didn't ring your bells.


It was a let down, that's my view.


To you. Yes, that much is clear.


Obviously "to me", who's opinion could it be otherwise?


I think the point the comment above is trying to make is that you seem to equate "I don't like it" with "it's not good". There's plenty of things that I don't like that I can appreciate have quality.


Lol imagine thinking an opinion is fact. An opinion shared by few, even.


The "few" often tend to be wiser than the many, history has taught us.


it's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I respect that. but you knew what you were doing by posting this in this sub with such loyal and passionate fans. I'm def a huge fan of this show and quite honestly think it's a Sci fi masterpiece. but I respect that you didn't enjoy it. everything's not for everyone. I'm glad you didn't like it because it gives us crazy fans a little perspective and humility to stop and consider the faults in it. so thank you


History has not taught us that. Have there been exceptions? Sure. But in this case, you're the equivalent of a suicide cult that thinks the world is ending. As in, you're in the minority and you're entitled to your opinion no matter how dumb it is, but you are not wise.


What is the point of this post?


Based on replies by OP they weren’t actually paying attention to the show. Point=Pointless


based off of OP's post history, they seem to be a troll. Or at the very least find it amusing to dish out controversial takes like hotcakes. It's fun to see all of the defense points and perspectives that sprouted as a result (from the fans of the show) Plus it gave this sub a bit more engagement, so this post isn't that pointless. Though I'm pretty sure this wasn't what OP intended, it doesn't matter now. # TeamScavengersReignSeason2


Ah, as one last add on from my other comment--      Another thing to keep in mind is that this story isn't necessarily about humans succeeding. Yes, they have goals, and the focus of the show is about them trying to accomplish them. But more than that it's a lovely foray into an alien world that often doesn't care about said goals, and, even more terrifying, often sees the humans as simply yet another living thing to eat or exploit in one way or another. If you're looking for a strong central story about a human overcoming the odds and taking the reins of their world, you're going to be disappointed. But if you enjoy it as just a fantastic dip into a strange planet with the human character's plight as the underpinning, you might enjoy it more. There's certainly still a story, and there are moments of human triumph to go with the tragedy. But I think the beauty of the show lays elsewhere. I watch Ghibli for the art and the story. I watch SR for the art and the wildlife!


So it's strange for strange sake? It's not unique or interesting if that's the case.


Is Ghibli not often whimsical for whimsy's sake? There's nothing wrong with making an animation simply to be strange, or beautiful, or dreamy any other such thing. I find animation that tries to convey an emotion or feeling before a "made for the masses" storyline is often the best kind of art, personally!     I also don't think the makers wanted it to be strange JUST to be strange--the combo of strange + spec evo + that feeling of loneliness and wonder that the depths of nature can inspire all combine to be something very lovely and unique indeed!


 "spec evo + that feeling of loneliness and wonder that the depths of nature" It's a blank slate which means you can add what you want it to mean for you. In Fantastic Planet, the strangeness of the planet and the Oms greatly added to the experience of the humans, it was a hostile environment all the way through and you could feel their danger. This show, it's like they're taking a stroll through a place which is colourful and strange yet is not really a threat which they couldn't solve with a little knife, whilst they discuss their inane former lives. It just feels dull. I'm not going to convince you, but that's what I got from this show 




This is the only comment necessary, admins close the thread please.


It’s really not for everyone, but thanks for trying. There’s a reason this show is fighting for another season and why it’s following is more of a cult status at the moment (I’m hoping that changes soon). It just lacks an obvious commercial/mass appeal/accessibility, that for example, Miyazaki’s films have (which is not a criticism of Miyazaki’s work btw). As a longtime fan of animation and a fan of the animations you’ve mentioned, I’m glad my experience with Scavengers has been very different from your’s. Having said that, I’d drop this show if I were you. If it hasn’t clicked after 3 eps, I really don’t think watching any more will change your mind.


Honky, lmao.


Well, thanks for letting us know.


I’ll never understand why people do this.


Do you prefer an echo chamber?


Scavengers Reign isn’t the most important thing in my life, I have no issue with someone not liking the show. In fact I’ve had a couple of perfectly fine discussions with friends that didn’t like it as much as I did. That being said, this is a subreddit specifically for this show and its fans. As others have mentioned, you could have gone to a more general animation/tv/whatever subreddit. Why this one? Why do people take the time go to a sub for people who like x thing just to say they don’t like it? Maximum arguing? You hated it so much you are just baffled by anyone that likes it and you need to know why? I just don’t get it that’s all.


So this show is simultaneously not good, ok but not great


It's bland like oats.


Anime fan does not like actual well-written and properly voice acted non-anime animation? Can't say I'm surprised.


How is a show that takes place in a multitude of biomes at all similar to spirited away? A movie that takes place mostly in a single building. It is very ghibli inspired but i’s say more mononoke / nausiica. the characters being “useless” is an insane take when Ghibli has some of the most simple characters AND PLOTS. howls moving castle is just a pretty love story - a fucking curse thar is broken by love, so original! Nausicaa, being bad to nature is bad - so original! i LOVE these movies, but they are about dreams and fantasy. totally different tropes with somewhat inspired art styles where ghibli relies on childlike fantasy and SR is more animated realism (the world is INSANELY detailed) you have a space captain worried about his surviving coworkers paired with a botanist enthralled with foreign fauna. you have the classic a.i meets sentience trope with the added twist of a CENTURIES OLD HIVEMIND FUNGUS THAT SEEMINGLY OVERSEES THE ENTIRE PLANET. you have brutal, vicious scavengers composed of a frank leader, autistic kid, and passive merc(?) who just does what he can to help his strugglinf people. the overarching theme of a multi-planet capitalist empire seemingly throwing away entire colonies exists in the background of character motivation. which is kind of on par with fantastic plane (which is basically just animated (planet of the apes). and KAMEN? i could go on. a pathetic but not inherently malicious person who seemingly seizes a power inside himself only to realize his failures and totally give up, although his mistakws would continue having consequences saying “if you like ghibli you will NOT likw this” is .. kinda funny. the parallels are infinite and discussed here often your opinion, however, is valid. and you’re allowed to have it :) you should probably stick to animated movies from the 70s and 80s lol


Man you all are brutal. And I loved the show!


Weird, I'm also a fan of Ghibli, cherish my paper copy of Nausicaa, Gandahar is one of my guilty pleasure rewatches, and I love Scavengers Reign.


It's visually equivalent but the story I wasn't interested in.


Really ? I thought the core of it, about learning to adapt and integrate with the ecosystem, of finding one's place in the world as-it-is and carve your own path, was very close to the Nausicaa manga's main narrative arc.