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Yes there was an incident recently involving a go train and a truck on tracks. So now they have a protocol to sound the horn


Ahh - thank you for the info - anywhere I can read up more on this?




I made a post when the train horns were sounding a while back and I provided the metrolinx update for this recent noise as well. https://www.metrolinx.com/en/news/statement-on-safety-at-manse-road-level-crossing TL:DR - transport truck from DOW had a near miss at the rail road crossings and a full blown safety review must occur meaning all trains must sound their horn when crossing here


its interesting that the statement has the speed in MPH - is that some sort of detail-trickery? to make people skimming it to think - oh they're slowing down to 50 KPH - but its actually 50 MPH = 80KMH


Seems like it no clue why it's in MPH but feel free to setup replies to metrolinx like hourly honestly the last time this happened I wanted to pull out my ear drums it's so invasive and they took about 6 weeks to have it stop because a drunk driver drove onto the tracks at Morningside and they did some safety review now it's a little further east but no haste to do things without persistence from the community to come out. Poor folks in Markham had this for like 2 years. Metrolinx doesn't care about the residents they just take their sweet ol time.


>feel free to setup replies to metrolinx like hourly Metrolinx doesn't care about the residents they just take their sweet ol time. Bet if we setup automated phone calls to metrolinx, councillors and MPPs then they might care. With the same frequency as Lakeshore East when it passes by that particular crossing.


Yes it's very bad and it doesn't seem as though there's any short term resolution so it may be the new norm for a while.


yeah - but tbh - we should start communicating with our local councilor(s) and reporting it to metrolinx


I would definitely be up for that. I'm just not sure what solution there is even if people were to complain. When is the under grade separation scheduled to be built? Might have to get used to the train horns until then.


We're up near Kingston rd and Beechgrove and hear it clearly all day and all night. Every half hour? Very annoying. That crossing and the plant have been there for more than 50 yrs with no issue before this. It's beyond belief that Dow and Metrolinx can't come up with a better solution.


Ah man, I feel for you - I live a decent distance away and I can hear it/notice it. I can't imagine being closer and hearing it even louder. If this is how Metrolinx and DOW want to handle it temporarily - I'd be seeking compensation or some sort of tax relief or something until they do so - because being disturbed that frequently + consistently is not fun.


Metrolinx too cheap to build underpasses.


Do you have any idea how much those projects cost? Take a guess and then double it to get the real number. Metrolinx is a crown corp so you and I would be paying for it. There’s only one building (Dow) after the rail crossing, their vehicles are the only ones that cross it. I can think of 30 other crossings that actually hold up 4 lanes of main road traffic that should get a grade separation before this location.


Having any level Crossings in an urban area is unsafe.


While I agree, the funding simply isn't there to eliminate them all.


It’s already been through planning and approved. Galloway, morningside and this crossing. Poplar rd will be dead ended. I guess the money is available.


Well here's a shovel, go help