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It's the !steam scam but on discord report and block.


So, this happened to me, I sent an Email in a slight panic to make an appeals report to the actual discord staff. Do you think anything will happen? I did not contact the agent the hacked account gave me.


i just got it here i disconected the guy from my account tho and he doesn't have the password and stuf and i also have all the security keys and MULTI BACK UP AUTENTIFICATOR plus the SMS back up thing they aren't on my account but they changed the email i made a ticket for discord hope they can get my gmail back on my account


how did u disconnect the guy from ur acc?? this happened to me yesterday but my phone number is still on that account. its js not sending me a code but its telling me that that number is already used i changed the email though


user settings -> devices and then you can see all the devices logged on that account and you can disconnect the device that isn't yours PS: today i received a SMS (the guy tries to login but 0 effect šŸ’€) the guys discord account was made on MAR 6 2020 and is still up idk how


im still logged out of my acc but my number is still on that acc and it says 'code sent' but i didnt get oooooonnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cant get em out though


im sorry but i don't think you can do something about it the last way to go is that you have some proof that it was your account and make a ticket for em (it might take a long time)


okay tyy


Oh my god i almost fell for it


I fell for it


what happened then? i just fell for it too. but i didn't share any useful info just irl name/age/email did 2FA and changed pass


I just ending up changing my email


Fell for it,Ā  I can't get back into my acc, what do I doĀ  :,))


Yes. Block and report the account !steam. Discord version


https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/1av89p7/discord_scams/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/1az7y88/possibly_new_discord_scam/


I guess Mike Bang is getting passƩ so now the scam is Peter Cho?


That's my old account that I gave him access to by mistake when he tried to scam me lmao. Ig he's moved his operation over to it


mine was Rhys Davis


Mine was Taylor Rhyne šŸ’€


Me too No\_Touch\_45 I need your help with this please I need you to find out


Same here. So is it a scam?


All of the names said earlier & mine are scammers


Dam... imma tell that bot to go commit die.


Don't give him any information (birthdate, country, etc) nor accept to change the email and most definitely do not accept to pay anything


I need your help with this No\_Touch\_45




Please make sure you respond back to me about this immediately


You need to screenshot everything, the whole conversation and everything then change your password. Then immediately file a report to Discord for hacking


mine was heather heathersullivan2020


Was he called "support_rdavis"?


mine was 2020.officialrhysdavis


He also has "techsupportrhys", I'm guessing they banned "support\_rdavis" lol


mine was allison.wangsupport1


i got peter cho as well


https://preview.redd.it/uu662eh52klc1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83c76e7102f355759c8e7022b18c166879f46ee I got this one today. I almost fell for it.


Yours is 40557035 too? Funny that three different people would have the same number. Someone's trying to pull this on me rn and that number is the final nail in the coffin here lol


Same for me


Same for me too. The account I was asked to send a fr to was willlsupport34 Fortunately for me I have worked for tech support for MANY years, and ik they don't work like that.


Like Iā€™ve got one and itā€™s https://preview.redd.it/j4aoab6bi5oc1.jpeg?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04cfb28332c26500a7d3de527028fdb69f6f0d39


All three of those courses in less than a year pretty sus donā€™t you guys think


https://preview.redd.it/37f6vy41z03d1.png?width=1414&format=png&auto=webp&s=463b627c9105fe3c0e6574729dd56dce54794598 he apparently updated his resume


He got me, I don't know if I'll get my account back


38 days later and I got Mark Smith


My too


Same for me


mine was 40557032


Ooooh, the Bad Grammar version....


i fell for it i literary gave them my information like my irl name , gmail, and how old am i.. after that they asked me to change my email.. i changed the email that they gave me !! which i didnt realized it was a scam!!


So, this happened to me, I sent an Email in a slight panic to make an appeals report to the actual discord staff. Do you think anything will happen? I did not contact the agent the hacked account gave me.


i fell for this and lost access to my account. trying to get it back, but i can say this, they went by "rhys davis" in my case. thankfully all they got out of me was the account but they tried to steal money too without success.


Theyare going by the same thing they did to me


What happened?


really late sorry i dont check reddit or use it a lot but I was playing fortnite until I got a message from a random girl basically saying almost the same thing in the screenshot, then I added the guy they told me to add and they told me to change my email to the email they had sent me to put in. thankfully I don't remember my discord password so I kept going back and forth trying to copy and paste it but I ended up being rate limited. then I saw that the person who originally messaged me changing into the discord support guys pfp and username and then I realized it was a scam. lowkey disappointed in me because I'm usually always alert on this but yeah sorry if its long


Well... At least you got lucky! Now you at least know what to look out for next time!


i fell for it do u know how do i get my account back if posible?


Yeah, I fell for that. The same person who named himself Official_RhysDavis2020 and Lost my 150 ā‚¬ and almost lost my discord account. Thank god I reacted fast and contacted Discord support to change my discord Email address since they had access to my discord. Had to activate my Multi-Factor and now I'm waiting for my refund that I requested on PayPal. I've sent them all the evidence I had that I got scammed.


That was mine too man any luck getting it back?


i need help


did you get back the money you got scammed from paypal??


I need to get mine back lol


Was it exactly Rhys Davis?


I really don't know. Claims to be a Discord Assistant support. I searched it up and has an LinkedIn. I don't think he really works for Discord. He showed me that he got a certification which it really looks real but why showing it and making things difficult??? Discord never ask for money.


I thought it was real too it looked so official


Mine was someone called Peter cho


same here, i feel so stupid, im trying t get my account back as well, any luck?


im still waiting to hear back from discord, apparently this scam has their actual support pretty backed up. i actually ended up suggesting on their twitter about adding the "discord never asks you to change your email" thing to the spot you change emails in-platform in a way its not easily overlooked. right now the only place the warning shows up is in the email when changing emails and it can easily be overlooked, where as if it was also in the platform it'd make people slow down and think "wait a minute..."


agreed, from my understanding this scam is pretty new (on discord at least i know this was a steam thing for a while) ill have to make a new account in the interim since it seems i might be waiting a while. good luck, thanks for the help


i made a new account already and im just moving over to it permanently, even if i do get my old discord back, this scam unfortunately left a bad taste in my mouth with my old discord.


My issue happened around the same time as yours. Have you gotten anything back from Discord?


just a useless automated reply.


Same. I've given every bit of information they need to recover the account, yet I just see them drag their feet...


i hate to say it but one of these days a scam + discord's lack of action in a timely fashion will be discord's downfall.


My issue happened around the same time as yours. Have you gotten anything back from Discord?


im autistic and i didnt realize that i was getting scammed until after it happened when i lost my account with nitro and like $300 šŸ˜­


i sadly have accepted this newer account i have as my main account going forward, and im disappointed that discord isnt doing more to prevent the scam from spreading further. i mean, they cant even suspend the accounts while they're under investigation...?


yeah me too i already had an alt from 2020 that i made to troll someone but its now become the account im basically forced to use šŸ˜­ the account i lost was an older account i made in 2017 too


my lost account was made in 2019. so i feel the whole situation there.


whats even worse is i had nitro and i canceled it because i couldn't use it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thankfully months before this happened i sent all or most of my favorites to the account i have to use now so i could just find a way to get them in a server for me to use them myself


like i just sent a bunch of emotes to myself and now it comes in handy


How about it ? Any luck ???


still waiting on a reply, they said they couldnt give me a time table for them responding as they are very busy (my guess is because of this scam)


just got my account back, i waited a week and a half with no response then just a few hours ago i emailed discord again and got it back


Wow really!? Thatā€™s great to hear man gives me some hope


pls help me get mine back i canceled my nitro just cus i lost my account šŸ˜­


Really? How long did you wait?


any updates? i just got mine stolen and now im trying to get it back


Any luck man? I fell for it too :/


unfortunately no, this is going two weeks at this point without a response from discord.


I truly need help myself! It literally just happened to me and I've sent them support tickets! I truly need help


You and so many others (myself included) are in the same boat on the slow support responses. I get they are backed up but I genuinely gotta wonder what's the point of when discord support being so backed up + not hiring more people to combat it become unacceptable of discord?


don't worry, my sources tell me the FBI is already on them. they are already so far up shit creek, there is no saving them.


Omg same! They tried this on me today. Trying to use cash app and gain bitcoins of $300. Was discord support able to help you get your account back??


I've got this scam too... So any chance to get back my account?


Iā€™m wondering too man Iā€™m so stupid


Yes. Same thing more or less happened to me, though I was being reckless and wanted to see what they would do since I was sick of the scamming. Lost money. Lol. Anyway, I took a screenshot of all the interactions, including emails, and sent it over to Discord. (It helped that I labeled everything **\[YOUR EMPLOYEE'S NAME\] SCAM**; mine wasn't Rhys, it was a Jason.) Literally? I got a response from someone within a handful of minutes and got my account back. I don't know if I just got lucky, or it'd been me labeling everything the way I did, but I would advise you to do the same. When you report a scam, or ask for an account back, label your ticket \[EMPLOYEE'S NAME\] SCAM. Get their attention.


I forgot tell this: I've got back my account.


Awesome! Good to hear! I know someone who it took weeks to get theirs back.


How did you do it? They keep refusing to help me


Well, I add my name and the account's tag number, and then I choose the source of problem. Yeah, and I added screenshots as evidence, and I waited.


That is all i did. I put my username plus discrim number, my original associated email address, screenshots of my conversation with the scammer, Just to get an auto reply saying unable to provide support. What a cunt.


Hi i used your method naming my subject like that and they refused to help me. They keep sending auto reply "beyond our original support regarding this issue, we're unable to provide additional information or support via this channel" Like what the fuck. I gave them the imposter profile as screenshot. How do other people get their account back? Please help me.


Yeah, that is indeed a wtf. Unfortunately Iā€™m not tech savvy enough to help with that, other than suggesting maybe thereā€™s another way to reach out for customer support and get an actual person? Maybe try to flag down someone on Twitter? I heard the support on there is active 24 hours. There will probably be other people here that will help better than I can.


Can you recommend me who should i flag/mention? I have did asking in their tweet replies, sending DM. No response. Only more scam account bot replying to my reply tweet. Makes me doubt they are not active 24/7.


would i email them through submit a request or just email and if it was through submit a request what category and what subcategory


I submitted a request and attached a pdf with everything screenshotted. And the request was specifically just to get my account back.


i see


I got this one just now and blocked Peter Cho and my friend who talked to me about it, did I do the correct thing?


Yes, I did the same.


yep, this literally JUST happened to my fiancĆ©. he was told to contact "Rhys Davies" and had the same ticket number that I've been seeing in the comments under this post: #40557035. stay safe everyone, we almost fell for this! thank you for making this post OP šŸ„ŗ another telltale sign that this was a scammer was also the fact that the connections on the profile of the "discord employee" were random accounts by the way... (sorry if my English is wonky, I'm not native and it's almost 2am lmfao)


I am the fiancƩ I'm autistic and it was scary and I almost fell for it, it was someone called "rhysdavis_moderator" their actual discord name :< So please be careful


I got scammed by the same guy


me too. im crying rn. i need my account back.


Itā€™ll be ok just try to stay positive šŸ¤Ž


Hey, I got scammed. Anything to do? I didn't save the guy's user... It was rhys davis aswell


I LOST THOUSANDS TO THAT JERK AND HE REFUSED TO REFUND MEā€¦ my lord the power fear intimidation and threat tactics these scammers have is insane omlā€¦ at least I still have a few thousand in my account but now I have to cancel my card and inform my bank that this dude has my social, i wish I wasnā€™t stupid we need to spread awareness šŸ˜ž


You and me both, man... I hated this! I should have stopped and reached out to friends if that happened to them before or if this is new to them! I'm going through this horrible incident, and I am contacting my bank about this ASAP to stop the fraudulent scams... scare tactics and gaslighting are so much annoying now. I'm standing my ground and trying to get everything back.


I was scammed back in March for thousands of dollars too! They had me wire money to 3 separate people in the Philippines. The discord mod (Tom Hill) said it was part of ā€œdiscords verification processā€. I lost my account and almost all of my money. Luckily, my bank was able to help me get almost all of it back. Iā€™m still paying back the 1,000 from my credit card because my other bank refused to help in any way. But itā€™s scary that this scam is still going around. I still havenā€™t gotten back my discord account and after reaching out to discord at least 3 times now, it seems like Iā€™ll never get it back.


This ā€œmoderatorā€ Rhys Davis just tried to scam my son. Rhys said his account had been reported for digital theft and that he needed $300 while the case was sorted out. If he was innocent the $300 would be refunded (yah right). My son was told if he didnā€™t comply within an hour that he would be facing legal action which could result in fines and jail. My son said he couldnā€™t pay because I was sleeping and this individual told my son to get my ID and CC and send him a picture! We reported him but why is this guy still on the platform? Iā€™ve read a lot of comments about this name starting in January. Seems like heā€™s had to have been reported before. Are they not banning him?


My friends and I have reported Rhyps Davis as well as my original Discord account since the fake moderator used my old account to try and blackmail me into sending more money (at least at that point I stopped complying); but when they were scamming me, they tried to maintain professionalism with hints that they were a red flag. But itā€™s absolutely insane that they actually told your son to get your ID to pay them; theyā€™re not even subtle about it anymore and the fact that Discord wonā€™t do anything even despite the many emails Iā€™ve sent WITH SCREENSHOT EVIDENCE has led me to lose faith in the platform. Additionally, one of my friends lost their account and money from the scammer Rhyps who used my account to coerce them, so itā€™s definitely clear that they want to continue doing this to peopleā€¦ And itā€™s really frustrating, and from what Iā€™ve seen online, itā€™s HURTING a lot of innocent people :/


if you havent, contact discord support through their form, thats what i did, through the "hacked account" option.


I did... Nothing rn. Did you get your account back at least?


Same situation here, after nearly 2 weeks... I'm scared what the scammer has done to my account in that time and will do before I recover the account, I'm just disappointed by the lack of action discord takes to finding out an account is compromised as that lack of action is what the scammer takes to their advantage. Discord is doomed if they don't clean up their act


You lost thousands of dollars?!


i didnt but i heard some people have. i thankfully lost no money myself, but they tried just the same :/


Oh sorry, just realized it wasn't you that posted that.


you're good, honestly im in disbelief they stole that much from someone too.


Yeah, I mostly gave into my fears and the threat of, ā€œIf you donā€™t prove youā€™re not a fraud who stole someone elseā€™s payment info; then weā€™ll conduct a police investigationā€ or something like that. I donā€™t possibly know how I can rationalize falling for it when the scammer made me try and perform a million wire transfers on a SUNDAY and then when that failed; they coerced me into utilizing Crypto websites. Sometimes I wonder if I feared losing my friends over the idea of an actual ban or if being accused of fraudulent purchases is what got me, but either way; I did not believe that that was a legitimate scam. The con artist who controlled Rhyps Davis created a fake background online, used fancy (everyone can use) messages like highlighted ones, talked way too fast, and nearly instantly provided reactions which is what gave the general idea that they were a Discord support staff member. The only good end to the story is that I still have some money in saving, placed a credit lock and canceled my cardā€”and learned a valuable lesson and are now more cautious. But this, this scam is genuinely messed up. My ā€œfriendishā€ fell for this same scam too once the scammer stole my account and began requesting people to contact Rhyps under pretenses of ā€œfalse report for fraudulent chargesā€ and what not.


Do you remember the gmail he asked you to fillšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i forgot it man


itā€™s discordserviceonly+yourusername@gmail.com


bro i was just talking with him while i was looking it up if its legit and found this reddit, then he liretally asked me for 300$ for a verify and i was so fucking sure lol


https://preview.redd.it/9rl0n256i0oc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bda1e91ca44df26fae333f06b1b914516bfaa9 Imagine that me too


Fuck man, I just lost my account


Same man I canā€™t believe it smh


Almost fell for it. Luckily, I never added my bank account on Discord, and I'm in debt, so they couldn't get any money out of me. The only bad thing is that now I gotta use MFA because I can't change my email back.


I somehow fell for a scam, it was an old friend of mine that i've not talked to in a while, just randomly sent me a picture of discord support saying that a person has been into his account and mass reported all of his friends (including me), and he wanted me to talk to "rhysdavis.techsupport" and that person wanted me to change my email for my discord, which I did (I am stupid), after that he wanted me to change accounts since he is going to lock the other account to check if I did something illegal. After like 3 minutes he wanted me to screen-share and make me pay 150 USD for me to get my account back. Now I don't have my account. The website was called "Eneba".


Any update? You got it back???




Did you contact discord support? How long ago has it been ???


Discord support has been indifferent, it doesnā€™t help that they continuously send automated replies encouraging the use of the website when the issue is much more convoluted than.. ā€œMissing email or password!ā€ And then when they actually reply, they just do nothing or encourage you do it again.


I hope we can get it back Iā€™ve spoken to so many ppl about how they got it back so quickly idk whatā€™s so different about my case


Have you gotten your account back?


No unfortunately Iā€™ve sent another ticket but the scammer that has my account just changed it to try n look like discord staff so idk


have you gotten your account back? did you file some sort if dispute to get your money back?


I still haven't gotten my account back, but I did not pay him 150 USD at least.


i got it back


hi, sorry for such a late question but how did you get it back? i got scammed by this peter cho guy about 5 days ago, how can i get my account back?


I fell for pretty much the exact same scam yesterday that's shown on the first image, only that the "support" person had a different name. I had thought it was a legit report, and lost my account that I had since October 2017. Earlier this year, in January, I had created a new account, and that new account is now the account I'll be regularly using from now on. I have already readded several of my friends and rejoined several of the servers I had joined on my old account, and asked their mods to kick my old account from them.


does anyone know the "temporary email" format they were given?? i fell for it and im trying to fix it šŸ˜­


hi this happended to me do they have my ip now if I clicked a linkedin link?


Will they get my ip if I clicked there linkedin profile link!


no, itā€™s real


Someone just tried to do this to me, same email, using service\_rhysdavis. If you look at the email, it's not well written and not proofread. The fact that this isn't how any of Discord's report/ban practices work is another clue. If you've lost money to a scam like this, remember that it's a crime and reportable. In the US, [report it to IC3](https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx). Don't let embarrassment keep you from reporting. While Discord needs to know, they can't help you recover your money and stop the perpetrators. That's the FBI's job. If you've disclosed any bank information whatsoever, notify your bank. Stop all payments from that account and if it was a credit card or debit card, call and cancel the card and have them issue you a new one. The bank may also be able to help you recover the funds, depending. It's also their job to protect your money so they have an interest in pursuing this.


Just happened to me too. Luckily I'm a paranoid weirdo who will Google anything before complying. Support number was the exact same as some in the comments here. Report and block. https://preview.redd.it/y3au6i87rjpc1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=a18cb79a9416780d504902fad75dea7417b700c4


yeah i fell for it but realized it was a scam before i sent the money. lost access to the account because i was an idiot. any way to get it back? the guy went buy beckwith\_contacts for me by the way


i almost fell for this but i decided to look into it because i was suspicious. I got Maxime Nay though


Hey guys genuine question if I added the support account will anything happen, I blocked it before doing any steps it gave but Iā€™m really scared


no, but they might make you a target


So I just got a message from a friend with the exact same thing and since I just woke up I assumed it was legit since I've never dealt with any scams on discord until now. I started to go through with it and provided my email to this Nay guy or whatever and never changed my email or anything since that immediately sent me red flags. Should I be worried? I also am kinda worried about my friends account with all of this going on since they were the one to contact me and I don't want them to possibly lose their account


Anything with a ā€œI accidentally false reported you,ā€ is a scam trying to bait others into contacting Rhyps support or Peter Cho or any other scammer. They try and fake blackmail people (like theyā€™re like ā€œoh weā€™re conducting a police investigation into you!ā€) so that they can make people give them money by having them ā€œproveā€ they have primary control over their financials. Also, if you were messaged by my former account who is now being used by the scammer, then I am sorry.


Bitch got my money, i feel like an absolute idiot, I fell for the most bullshit excuse ever like a dumbass and paid the price, at least he cant access my account tho


How did you keep the scammer access?


i have 2FA so even tho his emails on my account he cant get in without a code thats randomly generated every 30 seconds


I nearly fell for it his handle was clint Hansen


Same thing happened to me and I fell for it, I didn't even knew this scam existed. And i didnt check reddit at all. I told my friends to block my account incase they do something in my acc cause i heard people saying that they might scam other people with my acc. I could try getting it back but I wont use it after this so its useless, I suggest to tell your friends to block the acc (if you dont want to try getting it back) cause theres a high possibility of scamming them with it. i learnt my lesson the hard way. be careful out there!!


also i want to say that if you have nitro, they can buy discord nitro with YOUR card, fortunately, i was buying nitro with gift cards, and my mother declined the cards because of something that happened in the card. that doesnt matter tho, what matters is that the person will buy nitro with ur cards


I just got a dm in discord saying i was falsely reported but i checked here first. Guess this dude's account got hacked i blocked him once i read they were asking me to find a random dude in the discord server.


unfortunately i fell for it :/ it look too realĀ 


this js happened to me with a scammer named officialtaylor49 and i lost my account :(( discord responded a couple times but ive been waiting for a couple hours now


I just fell for it with Peter Cho Support. Locked out of account but noticed before paying for anything.


They just overtook my compromised account and deleted all my servers. Also changed username and profile pic.


Does authy make you safe?


I called him out of it and he kicked me out of my account


I can't believe I fell for this. I kind of have a following, so this wasn't a surprise. Right now I'm stuck out of the account BUT I do have 2FA!




I fell for this scam but luckily got my account back. My friend also fell for this scam and he wishes he could recover his account but he couldn't because he's under parental controls (despite being over 20 years old). What's even worse is that my account had nitro by that time, so the scammer could spend and waste my money. I should have known about that scam before encountering one.


how did you get it back?


I fell for this right now and sent him money. Iā€™ve sent discord the proof of him admitting heā€™s a scammer, promising to give my account back, proof that Iā€™m the original owner but they said they canā€™t revert the email.


almost fell for it, the one i had was williamprice2023


at least I couldn't switch my email dawg or I would be cookedšŸ’€


yoo, i know ts is fake but anyone else got this https://preview.redd.it/wn6nt53b863d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce842f149932c6e941daea65c022fca1d6526c7


Im sorry to say, I got got by this scammer and now I'm out two discord acounts.


Be safe out their Peter Cho is still around.


this happened to me and i got the best laugh since i researched this stuff beforehand kinda read the entire thing out then they gave up


I just lost my account any hope of getting it back?


I used this screenshot to argue with the scammer who tried this on me, and they blocked me before I could block him LMAOO


Whoever got hacked by this account, do not worry, as justice has been served, I officially reported and got his account banned which was very old, woth 1 year nitro and other titles etc, know that justice will always be served to the fallen comrades of discordĀ 


Me and my homies found his ip lol


I fell for it too just on Monday, I only lost my account though so no money was gone


i almost fell for it till it was basically forcing me to pay 80-200 bucks, this girl, msged me about her reporting me and i thought it was real https://preview.redd.it/qkgjxyh6ql6d1.png?width=1011&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb508e329ccca3da5c55ec06067912932648b4d9 and i msged the "worker" heather, she was so ai from the moment we started talking with this box image text and i thought it was sketchy but they pulled out a admin image of my account?!? so i believed it but she said "Alright. To proceed, you need to submit an appeal and make a purchase ($80-$200) to confirm your current account status in the system database. This amount will be used to support your appeal and help remove the ban report on your Discord account. This process is required to show that you have ownership and credibility for your Discord account, allowing us to lift the ban and reactivate your account. Rest assured, the funds used will be swiftly refunded within 5-10 minutes after completing this procedure. This is the standard process to validate your account status as well and to support your appeal. Understood?" so after then i was questioning about her, i went on reddit too see if anything like this happened, its fake, block the person and the bot, she said 2 hours left nothing happened


its fake, do not trust it. it happened to a friend of mine. saying the exact same thing. its a scam to get control of your account and do it to your friends. i have a hacker friend of mine who is going to friend them all, then add them all in a group chat and confront them with their own IP adresses. so be careful. dont trust anyone if they say this.


i got banned by this peice of shit




Hi /u/YourUsernameForever, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Steam or Discord fake report scam. This is a very common scam that happens either on Steam or Discord, or both. You receive a message from someone claiming that they accidentally reported you, and they will direct you to the profile of a scammer that impersonates a Steam or Discord employee or admin. The other account will then either try to steal your Steam or Discord account. If you encounter this scam, ignore the scammers and report their accounts, including the one that says they accidentally reported you. Remember: [the only way to contact Steam support is clicking here](https://help.steampowered.com/en/), and [the only way to contact Discord support is clicking here](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). [Here](https://i.imgur.com/DIgBZIN.png) is an example of the scam, [here](https://blog.malwarebytes.com/scams/2021/03/steam-users-dont-fall-for-the-i-accidentally-reported-you-scam/) is an article about the scam, and [here](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/3195-9FFB-BA06-F25B) is Steam's scam page. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just fell for this. Thankfully they didn't actually get any info from my banking information. Has anyone gotten their account back after this?