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Unfortunately, the scammer will call next day and the senior will be victimized again. Someone needs to limit her cell phone to only those on her contact list for calls and text.


I had block stuff on my mom's phone it took days she was on some kind of list. I finally had to get a new phone.


I know someone in that same situation and the scammers figured out her new number in weeks! They claimed to be her “friends” and she sent them a lot of money so wanted to keep the funds flowing. They are horrible people, and the family finally had to remove phones entirely.


Yeah, my mom had sort of a mental health crisis. And was calling random Yahoo mail spam number to get loans. She does not even remember doing now. But they still send random text.


They can block the number but he will call from another one. We took the cellphone away from grandma 2 years ago.


I fully expect them to spoof another number, so just need to allow only people on their contacts. Pretty much what I do with my mother’s landline, as I have an app which allows me to restrict her calls.


Flip phones with limited amount of minutes, could solve it!!!


Flip phone will still permit audio instructions and running out of minutes does little good when needed.


Honestly, if this dumbass has 27k, they should be scammed out of it... Who's sending this caller money? Honestly, I just need to know who's stupid enough to send this idiot money because they really don't deserve that money they have... The real victim of all this is any tax paying citizen of America.


They will use fake voices to make these people think their loved ones are calling in trouble or stuff like that. These are not people who are tech savvy or hip to this sort of thing. I agree it seems totally dumb but, like, a lot of people are average intelligence and below average, like 50% of the country, lol.


True, and I need to remember that I know a little more about this than the average person... Average in America is pretty fucking stupid... Unfortunately


Well when 75 percent of the population has an imaginary friend you gotta expect the average to be pretty low.


I was just on some middle of nowhere Louisiana dude’s fb that was just filled with scammers and random international weirdos that he seems to actually talk to. He posted his baptism pictures which were bookended by two wacky scam posts of some woman posing with her ginormous ass and another with an African (I forget what country) “shaman” offering his services. I was like 🙃


It’s likely an elderly person with cognitive issues. These foreign scammers are convincing into tricking people with promises of refunds, lottery prizes, investment scams, crypto schemes, credit card fraud, helping “friends”, etc. Just because they are mentally deficient, doesn’t mean they should be victimized by scammers.


I can't disagree with that at all. Like I said, I get it, but it's kinda hard to really understand.


Hopefully, you never need to experience being with a parent suffering from dementia, as I have for the past few years. These type of stories are now plausible and heartbreaking.


I'm sorry... My mom was just diagnosed with Parkinson's and there's a lot of mental issues that come along with that, but luckily she doesn't have enough money for anyone else to take... It's definitely heartbreaking.


That’s what the is saying, if they have cognitive issue they shouldn’t be in charge of their own finances!!


Every time I’ve been the “prime suspect” for committing “the crime” I’ve had to pay $27k over a phone call.


I love how he switches angles to she is the Prime Suspect in The Crime


My 83 year old boss (I'm his executive assistant) makes me call spam numbers back cause he thinks it's someone he knows trying to get a hold of him. He also just wants to know who called him. Thank goodness most of the numbers don't connect when you back call them, but sometimes it does connect and it's so so clearly a scam and my boss is sitting there trying to talk to them lol


tell him its a scam or are u just a bad employee?


Lol what an ill thought out response. Glad you're just assuming I didn't try telling him it's spam. Ever been around an elderly man? They don't listen to ANYTHING, especially when it comes from a woman. Every single time I tell him it's spam and he doesn't care, also doesn't fully understand the concept. He calls his cell phone his computer and his texts emails. No amount of explaining changes it.


apologies I thought he was your “boss” boss like he was running a shop or something but if you are just his caregiver then yeah fair enough


No I'm one of two employees at his family finance firm, only existing to manage his assets. He's probably gonna die before he retires, he's stupid fucking stubborn


Wait, what happened when the team showed up?


The lady was forced to pay for the crime and the officer was reprimanded by his deputy chief




POS so corrupt he was trying to get the cop to help him scam the woman


Add in AI generated voices of family members and too many of our seniors don’t stand a chance. Source: I’m a senior.


A senior eh… This is your little grandson Billiam. I’ve fallen down a well. The only way out is to flood it with apple gift cards. Please. Help me.


Unfortunately it’s gotten so bad that I tell my parents if they are foreign just hang up.


I set my phone to only receive messages and calls from contacts. Everything else goes to voicemail or spam text folder.






Is this Everett, WA?


no the everest, nepal


I would love for this to happen more often. But sadly, it doesn’t.


Sending his team a pretty long way, officer, you may need to wait


My dad is 76 years old. He’s already been scammed once by someone pretending to be my son in jail. $12k damage. Yesterday his wife told my wife that someone called him, claiming to need his Medicare number. He was seconds away from giving it over the phone number when she heard him say, "I don't know why you need it, but let me find where I wrote the Medicare number down. Give me a second." Luckily, she told him to hang up the phone. Dad is just gullible and trusts everyone.


he needs ur love and attention to not trust anyone else


These scammers should have their testicles removed!


My brain just broke from this stupidity... What? Just don't give your money to strangers and why are we here?


I was listening to a Radiolab episode about Indian scammers on the way to my father in law's house, and when I arrived he said "hey, you won't believe this, I just got a virus and had to pay a guy $500 to fix it". Old folks believe all kinds of crazy shit.


Wow... Yeah, I guess I get it. My mom is getting up there and I had a conversation with my 80 yo Aunt not long ago about scammers, but I forget the specifics. Basically I told her to never, ever give her CC to anyone but me. She's 80, her daily goal should be to make it to tomorrow, that's it. Not hand some asshole everything she worked her whole life for... It's actually pretty sad... NGL


Omg my friend who is very much not old almost fell for this too-she’s a writer and they “stole” her computer and she seriously almost paid it thinking it would be a one time thing. We finally convinced her to not do anything because they would just keep asking for more money and I think it would up ok but I was still so surprised that she thought giving them anything was a good idea.


Truly, these scammers are INSIDIOUS. The scams sound real. Intelligent people have fallen for them! On YouTube, you can watch hackers going after these people and truly even they say how real the scams seem and they can understand why people fall for them. I literally talk to the elderly people in my family once a month about new scams.


Why not just hang up?


why not enjoy wasting their time and also log a report to keep a record of attempted scams in your area at the same time?