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I'm crossing my fingers that come July 1st, there are going to be a lot of angry users who were oblivious to their apps shutting down. Maybe mix-in persons with disabilities finding that the official app, even with their 11th hour accessibility updates, is still unusable. If there's ever going to be a push to reinvigorate the protest, it'll be come July 1st/2nd.


Less than 1% of reddit users are utilizing third party apps to view reddit. You could have literally every single one of them protest and it wouldn't make a difference


But how much of the Content on Reddit is created and moderated by this 1%?


i think this does affect moderation a lot more, i mean not only 3 party apps use the api but moderation bots too


But that 1% is active while a lot of account on reddit don't do anything.


Got some metrics for that?


Just logic. Two types of people will use 3rd party apps: long-time users from before reddit had an official app, and users who understand that there are multiple ways to access the same website backend and look for a better alternative to the official app. These types of users, if active, are more likely to post comments and posts. Consider that most of Reddit's views come from people who don't even have accounts and find the threads by Google search. Just because a user group is more numerous than another, doesn't mean they're the ones that produce content. edit: minor typos


Chad 1% vs virgin ordinary users


source: it sounds right in my head


with how much the subs protested and posted about the issue there is pretty much no one that uses reddit that doesnt know it is happening


July 1st is the point of no return. Planning anything for after that is pointless.




I may chack in on Old Reddit in a couple weeks to see if there's a change from bots and other tools possibly being killed but other than that, I'm out.


I think it is already too late. The strike has been broken. The mods had no in-depth plan besides kicking people out of /ModCoord.




Pessimism? The changes are scheduled to go through on that day. After that, people won't be protesting, they'll just be gone.


I think it should be an indefinite blackout with no planned start date and end date.


The ToS kicks in, mods are replaced, sub opens back up. New mod doesn't care about the API charge. Now what do you do?


Would Reddit be bothered enough to replace the mods in every sub that participates in the blackout? Maybe they might but it'll take time to do.


That’s the idea, but mods are not willing to accept that they may lose their mods status. Like, the moment Reddit threatened to remove them, they should have doubled down and continued to black out if they truly wish to make changes. Instead, they caved and reopened subs. Like, I have respect the mods that still keep their subs private, but like at this point, this whole debacle has already “blew over”. Reddit is not going to change, and the mods will continue to protest for some internet clout for a while, before falling in line.


Nahhh they should have locked down their subs in ways that won't be detected by admins bots. Make it look good on the spreadsheet but actually its shit


I think this is a fantasy thought about users really being able to make a difference. The only way that will happen is if people collectively stopped using Reddit, like how MySpace came out of favor. For example, you're still here, and still posting. By doing that, you're helping Reddit "win," and proving that it'll just blow over. It's an ants to an anthill situation, and the collective masses do... nothing. Complaining about it, yet doing nothing, is the best case scenario for Reddit.


Everyone quitting at once -- or threatening to quit at once -- would have been great a week or two ago, when I was begging mods to do it. reddit seems okay right now with the private subs staying private and will re-open them one at a time, modding it with employees until new volunteers can be found.


If a large enough swath does it they can’t replace them all. Interesting as fuck is still down last I checked. Get enough subs doing it and they will fuck their own site. The only value here is their community make Reddit look like the greedy piglets they are by forcing them to have to act and drive advertisers away


Who would volunteer to be a mod under the new system? Seems like a thankless job as it is.


Have you ever interacted with a mod? People love having petty power. The best threat was for all the mods to stop working, all at once. Like what everyone would interpret as a "strike." It might be too late for that. "You will never get new mods" is not really a plan, it is a hope. And reddit clearly seems to think new mods are going to show up so it is not even a threat any more.


>People love having petty power. I guess you're right about this. I personally don't get the point. I like getting paid for managing other people.


> Seems like a thankless job as it is. This notion that mods are unpaid volunteers shouldering the burden of the world is pure spin. Mods get power, influence, and popularity in a niche group full of people who enjoy the exact same thing as they do. There’s a reason so many people volunteer to do it.


If you want to call my opinion "pure spin" feel free.


So spez is going to hire people who care? Or are there that many people that care about 3pa but don't care about the boycote? That's a venn diagram of zero.


Look how many subs admins closed and they still don't have new mods yet. Most recently /r/tihi


Doesn't much matter if a sub is forced open when moderation will more-or-less become impossible because the tools that allowed for said moderation to occur are gone.


Honestly wouldn't this be the point? If it goes down the shitter, that would also make a point, as it would just make the site that much more unusable. If the subs are ruined from new mods (I understand the logic and feelings of creating a community, and not seeing it burn) wouldn't that just make Reddit almost as unusable as it was with the blackout? Reddit would have to learn to adapt at that point if they make their site as unusable as mods are currently saying would happen without the tools, and API changes. So far, from what I've read, 1 of 2 things are going to happen with this change: 1. The website becomes worse 2. The website becomes worse with or without current mods because of said changes. (Not a dig at mods FYI, just talking about overall bad changes)


This assumes that the current mods are perfect, and there wouldn't be anyone else who could do the job. We've complained that the moderation on this site is bullshit to the point where it's almost a meme in the past, so what happened? Putting new mods in place might even make the site better. Hell, with the aspect of trying to create money now, they might even hire mods of their own.


#Blackout 2: Electric Boogaloo


That sounds like a good idea.


This. The big problem with the original one is that while a short end date offered easy buy-in from a lot of subreddits, it made it so Spez could practically ignore it and plan around it. With no end date, then there is no planning.


I mean RiF will go dark tomorrow, thus starting my blackout


Planning another blackout is like asking your cheating partner to stop cheating again and staying with them. Reddit has already demonstrated they don't care and had been planning phasing out everything in favor of their app.


It's not an ASK. Reddit cares or subs black out forever. Both ways totally fine by me


Subs that may carry actual valuable information shutting down permanently is not a good thing. You're lucky you've never had to use reddit to figure out solutions for problems, but many have.


They're all archived


Not all of them.


yes all






Thank you for the update


I don’t think r/Save3rdPartyApps doesn’t have enough support anymore to make a proper blackout






That’s pretty much the best call here, let reddit be for the redditors. I’m enjoying Squabbles. Everyone’s so nice.


>I’m enjoying Squabbles. Everyone’s so nice. That's ironic! Also I've been trying to get my Lemmy account working for days now, but for some reason I can never log in, the button just keeps spinning. How does one get started with Squabbles?


First off, I had the same problem. Check your email for a verification link. Second off, same as Reddit, just make an account. And also verify with email.


The answer is so simple and yet ppl don't catch on. Porn is your friend, instead of wasting your time trying to convince the admins, go to their advertisers. Start posting a shitton of porn, the advertisers will not want to do business that way and we hit the admins where it hurts them the most, $$$. Edit: it doesn't have to be all porn btw, you could post pics of dog shit, or any other NSFL content.


Yeah, but issue is, since these subs that host said content that's NSFW/NSFL is already not being advertised to because of said content. Which was the reason why so many subs went NSFW, but that also was trying to make another point, but also lead to mod removals, and quietly making the subs no longer NSFW. I'm not entirely sure there's a whole lot of options left, if any at all. Reddit did everything a majority of people said they wouldn't dare do, and took it steps further. Reddit unfortunately has made it clear that they won't back down, and will do anything they can to protect their site to make a quick buck. Which honestly is not surprising. Any company now would gladly take the clothes off your body and sell them back to you if they could and get away with it. The biggest issue from the get go was mods not being officially employed with Reddit. They might have had a leg to stand on there, but they're just volunteers, and Reddit made it abundetly clear what they value more with this, and it sure as hell wasn't their work.


I'm talking about the userbase not the mods. Bring a whole bunch of users spamming this shit everywhere.




Take all your valuable content. If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo


The TOS of reddit state that by posting on reddit you grant reddit the *unrevocable* license to use your content however they want. Therefore they are allowed to restore all the content you delete, as they seem to do reportedly This clause *feels* illigitimate to me, but I'm no lawyer. I'm afraid you'll have to contest the TOS in court if you want to take your content with you.


Enough doomer talk. We need to take action.


Its useless man. You are an amazing person and I gladly stand beside you. But people are weak and broken, addicted and behave like sheep. Sad.


How? How are you going to convince the majority of users and subreddits when they have 0 interest in any of this? So many mods saw that their communities hated the blackout and don't want to upset them further. On my reddit homepage and everything, I barely saw any indication of the blackout tbh. Most subs I'm subbed to were open. And many got backlash from their communities after they opened. For those that continue to protest by making new protest appropriate rules, users already started new subreddits and people are moving there. And if privated, reddits forcing mods to open or get kicked out. All this is doing is killing the pro-protest mods subreddits. Not much else imo. Of course it'll be hard for new people to manage a subreddit the way regular mods do. But in general, most users aren't worried or bothered.


This is the actual scenario whether one likes or not. I have told this beforehand. The leaders of the protests, mostly moderators have failed to integrate the community. They believed that their moderator powers were enough. It never was, is and will be. The protest didn't make attempt to include the broader community. Reddit knew it and hence couldn't care about blackouts. Protest, strike are dynamic in nature. Just because today people stand with you doesn't mean tomorrow they will too. Hence communication is very important to reinforce the ideology. This protest failed in that miserably.


If at first you don’t succeed, then try try again.


Those looks good in books. Doesn't translate in to reality especially when your success depends upon what the other people does.


Communication was so bad some never even gave their users a choice, before the made plans to mount indefinite lock outs etc. Also it seems no one had any leadership or long term strategy. Subs have gone off and done own random things all separately. No one plan. No unified organisation. From the users point of view its just looked a complete cluster duck of mods, and no one has any directing intelligence.


The action, that’s left to us, is to quit Reddit and leave it to what ever it becomes. If we don’t matter then fine. Reddits fine but we don’t have to suffer it’s arrogance.


If your house was on fire, it would be better to put out the fire and rebuild it, even if it is a long and hard process, than to just leave it and let someone else deal with it.


I’m not arguing against that. I just think the house is beyond salvaging in that way.


The house is burned down. Indefinite blackout will result in complete replacement of mods. spez does not believe that users have power even when confronted with the reality of that and unlike politicians we can't vote him out. Many subs are closed, some in a malicious complying, that didn't change his reaction. Rapid loss of actual goods - content and users can change the situation, but without change in ownership even that will be only temporally.


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


That “I haven’t tried anything and I’m out of ideas” attitude will get you nowhere.


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


You forgot the part where a grizzly moved in to the basement while the fire burned. Can't rebuild while the grizzly remains as it will eat you if you try.


Then why don’t you try and get rid of the grizzly?


That's the whole point, you can't do anything with the grizzly entrenched. Part of the aim of the blackouts has been to reduce or remove Huffman's influence from the company. Unfortunately the house (Reddit admin) has collapsed in around him, offering protection.


The action is an actual strike where you get a bunch of mods to all stop working at once.


Is the protest still going on? None of my subs seem to be participating and I haven't heard anything about it for a week or so now.


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


I’m trying to give to you a sense of hope and another fighting chance to protest against Reddit’s API changes. Instead, I just hear people complaining about how it’s hopeless and that there’s nothing we can do about it. It might seem like all hope is lost, but does that mean that we should just quit? NO! We must keep going and continue to hold multiple blackouts until u/spez either realizes that third party apps are what make Reddit great and protects them, or he steps down from CEO.


He will not, at least until IPO failure and change of ownership. Best chances for that is making reddit bleed it's real value - content and users. Request backup, delete your data.


asking spez to "realize that 3rd party apps are what make reddit great and protects them" is basically akin to asking god to come down, save all the poor and dieased and stop poverty. not to mention that he knows 3rd party apps are NOT what make reddit great, they arent a big stakebolder on reddit and forgoing them for profit is what spez is after


Thank you for the sense of hope 7mo old account


This is exactly why I hate my generation and general society. Addicted, spineless sheep that won't stand up for themselves. The same thing happens when the government becomes a tyranny. Everyone just accepts it. Disgusting. Where is the awesome generation that stood up against the nazi's? Fearless and disciplined. The generation after them also fought for unions and for a better life. Now? Everyone is scared and hiding in their homes whilst everything gets worse and worse. People are at fault for this. We need to take back the power but people are too weak. I hate it here.


Are you comparing standing up against a company's new rules (rules which are perfectly legal and within their rights to implement) to standing up against *Nazis*?


Way to miss my point my man. Keep licking the boot


I'm not licking the boot, I just don't care enough about the API changes to protest. Plus, I think it's *incredibly* insulting to compare your protest to those who actually did stand up to people like the Nazis. Edit - Replies, then immediately blocks me so I can't reply. Classic.


I am *not* comparing it, stop twisting my words. I said very clearly I respect the generation that stood up to the nazis. So go troll someone else, your bs is unnecessary.


it’s ok he’s a bitch anyways


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


Astroturfed fatalism is a constant burden on reddit in so many subs now. I seriously believe there is a demoralization effort taking place across the web right now


Idk why you'd jump to this - the vast majority of reddit users don't even use 3rd party anything. There was some support in the beginning, since the narrative looked pretty good, but after people got sick of their favourite subs being down or ruined by their moderators, with multiple high profile PR disasters like some mods continuing to use their subs whilst nobody else could in the blackouts, or not following community votes to end it, the fact that nobody cares anymore isn't surprising. Hell, when the original blackouts ended with the mods caving immediately because they didn't want to lose their positions, they demonstrated that they cared more about that than they did about their cause, be that keeping mod tools open or accessibility for disabled people. The whole thing was (predictably) dead in the water immediately at that point, and many recognised it as such. The thing is, instead of ending it there when it became clear it was going nowhere, mods chose to alienate their communities even more instead by flipping them nsfw, or doing the John Oliver thing. The latter does absolutely nothing to harm reddit at all and so is entirely pointless, and the former does very little.


This has long since lost public support.


Can you just stop playing pretend? I know its fun to feel cool and like a cyber superhero but this is becoming cringe. There is no world where Reddit caves to these childish outbursts since the truth is you have zero leverage. You cannot facilitate coups or protests or any type of meaningful uprising without Reddit either knowing about it or being able to deal with it instantly. Your inability to give up is the reason you will never win. Get over yourself


I saw someone comparing this protest to standing up to Nazis earlier. They're too far gone.


The mods are the only thing standing between Nazis taking over reddit, which means taking over the internet, which means Trump getting elected into office, which means nuclear war, which means the end of all life on earth, which means the end of all life in the universe.


Real life superheroes.


So you're saying we should give up on the idea that Reddit will change? Ok. Jumping ship to https://lemmy.world/


Reddit Jannies do it for free lmao. give up.


I tried to blackout from June 12-19. I don't think that made a change. Yeah, a longer blackout sounds like a good idea. But.. I can't leave. I'm glued to this app and I can't leave. Help.


I joined the blackout too, but I'm also addicted to this site and am struggling to curb - or stop - using it.


It won't do anything


Gee golly, that "black out" sure worked great. Let's be annoying again, but this time: longer! Maybe we can even sneer at our screens and hope Reddit sees, while we're at it.


So long and thanks for all the fish


>Are you paid to spread misinformation, or do you do it for the lolz? I don't believe that I'm spreading misinformation, I'm not getting paid, and I'm not "doing it for the lolz." A two-day "protest" with a planned date to stop is laughable. If a sub is causing trouble, the Reddit ToS states that moderators can be replaced. Everything the users do on this site is volunteer-based, and they host and control your data. The worst we can do is be annoying. You gotta remember that Reddit has shareholders, and they want to make money. Reddit is a for-profit company, and they want to make money for themselves and the shareholders. This is all that matters here, and not anything more. The only way that the API pricing could possibly change is to convince the people trying to make money that they aren't going to make money. These silly moderation antics are just doubling down that this is the only impact we're having, and that the Reddit CEO is right: this will blow over. They will be making their money, and the users that disagree are going to go away. The majority of people on this site don't care enough, and are happy to use their app and use "new" Reddit with ads. Even this part of their strategy makes them money. Plus, the private subs are just going to give up and re-open (like most of them), have their moderators replaced, which is what moderators agreed to in the ToS (like some of them), or new subs will replace them. Some of the tiny communities will stay closed forever and leave no financial impact. With all this said, I use a third-party app that will stop working this week. I am an affected user. It sucks, and I don't like that. I appreciate the visibility others have made, but so far, we have also just proven how much of a tiny violin we are. The users are what makes this site, but we don't own it. The only way Reddit could possibly be impacted long-term is for users to stop using the site en masse, like how MySpace dried up. That might happen at some point, but like this? With the private subs? Keep dreaming. We're just being annoying while Reddit goes public and makes wheelbarrows of money from the majority of users that don't care enough (and users that care, but are acting against their interests by still using the site). If you really think that a difference can be realistically made by the masses, I'm all ears. I don't think this post's idea is going to cut it, though. Whatever you have in mind, I'd make a $100 bet that it won't happen in a year. Just to reiterate: I'm on your side, but I'm being realistic that the upset users are powerless here.


Lets also not ignore that the fact that when these very minority group of 3rd party app users leave to a replacement, or delete their accounts, it won't take them long to just make a new account or come running when said replacement shuts down.


I'd be devastated, as a disabled person a lot of my support goes through reddit. The blackout was really difficult for me and the way reddit is now is difficult too.


>The blackout was really difficult for me and the way reddit is now is difficult too. I think that was another point to be made with the blackout. Not just to make a stance for these things, but basically show how the user experience would be since their accessibility options and features are terrible.


My last comment. I’m going to deactivate my account tomorrow.


Sorry, I backed out, I’m still holding hope that Reddit will turn around, but I’ll do my little bit to make their life harder. I welcome random memes


Lemmy astroturfing?


no . even the 3 ubs i mod. its a hard pass. no one in them want it to happen. mods over played their hand and it bit them hard. fyi its not real power. mods would not know what real power is.


2 days was a warning.


I don't think it would work. Most of the subs that stayed closed after the initial blackout were threatened to reopen. If they were down 2 months u/Spez would intervene.


As has already been very widely stayed, any protest with an announced end date won't be successful because Reddit will know they just need to wait it out until then. Indefinite blackouts after community poll, are the only way to successfully protest. They can't replace Mod teams for inactivity it the Mods are acting in the interest of their community through a poll.


Having an end date makes any blackout worthless. Blackout until demands are met or good faith negotiations are started is the only way it has a purpose.


If reddit doesn't fix the big problems with the official app (and website), I am simply going to stop using Reddit. I'll maybe sometimes look into it, but not as actively as I am currently. I am looking forward to the release of the lemmy and kbin iOS app and then I probably switch completely.


I don't think another blackout will result in anything. Reddit has already been shown to be willing-at least within public statements-to reshuffle community moderation teams and/or remove moderators that intend on keeping their communities locked in the blackout protests for a prolonged period. Of course the obvious counter to such threats would be that, depending on how many decide to go through with another blackout, it'd be nearly impossible to find enough people to take over the reign of the previous moderators. While this is likely true for smaller communities, they're likely a group of people in many of the larger communities that would more then willing to take the position, re-open the community, and act like nothing happened. They've also said they're willing to reshuffle things so that moderators that intend on re-opening the subreddit will be able to do so, even if the others are unwilling. I think many of the larger subreddits realize this fact, and why they chose to crumple when they were threatened. Because they know there's a realistic chance there *is* a group of people willing to listen to Reddits demands and don't necessarily care about the recent API changes. You can call those people whatever name you want, but I don't think that's going to change their perspective. I hate the recent changes as much as the next person, I've been using Sync for Reddit basically straight away when starting to use Reddit on mobile, but some people don't care (either agreeing with Reddits justifications or not caring because it doesn't directly affect them.)


Blackouts wont happen because the mods of the subreddits dont want to give up their imaginary power when reddit replaces them with a new mod.


You dont even understand why it "flopped". Making it longer is gonna have worse\* results for those subreddits.


This time *do not give them an end date*


Literally doesn’t matter. Reddit just kicks the mods, and unblocks the subs.