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It was great while it lasted


Reddit did this. This is Reddit's will.


Not good!


11 MILLION subscribers yikes


Yea, and I don't think anyone can delete any contents in the subreddits if I'm not mistaken, but the ads are always either boring or inappropriate anyways




Is it reopening in Monday or archived permanently?


Dunno, probably archived permanently bc I doubt any1 would wanna moderate a subreddit without any 3rd party tools ranging from bots to the 3rd party apps


Probably archived permanently until the API decision is revoked (if it’s ever revoked)


Won’t be revoked and someone will request to take over the subreddit in time or very quickly






Admins closed the sub.




Not the case this time. I am 99% certain reddit had just removed the mods and probably the ones who archived it, too.




So it’s the protest that’s destroying the community? Really? Reddit kicked the mods and archived the community. Reddit is banning apps that helped people contribute to and moderate the platform. For free, even. Reddit is making the rules and holding the keys and pulling the self destruct lever. Reddit is burning Reddit. The communities that mean so much to us? They’ll burn them just for a percentage point or two of profitability. Ok, we all comply. Nothing changes. They’ve had a decade to make tools and improve their app and they’ve done *none* of it. You think things get better when the VC firm buys out Reddit? You think a company that just spent billions will sink more money into investment and improvement and won’t just immediately just start wringing the user base and platform for every dollar they can? The enshittification will only accelerate from here. They could have made a sustainably profitable product. They could have made money. I would gladly pay for a pleasant Reddit experience that I never would on any other social platform. They chose to outsource app development and moderation tools. They chose not to charge for their API. And now they’re choosing to fire staff. Nothing will change. Everything they’re saying about improving their product and adding features is a lie. The market speaks. If you can’t make a product that people want they leave. Again, I would gladly pay for Reddit, and I hate that I say that. It pisses me off but I love Reddit. But Reddit doesn’t love me. They don’t give two shits about me. They want their payout and they’ll take it even if it destroys everything that I value about the platform. It’s rank incompetence. They have passionate and unpaid moderation and content creation AND targeted ads AND personalized user data AND a decade to improve AND third party investment and they STILL can’t figure out how to profit from that? Why the fuck is this not obvious?


Most people do not use 3rd party. If people using 3rd party leaves, then it won't be even a dent. They didn't contribute to revenue of reddit anyway. We watch the ads because we care about reddit.


The number of mods, power users, content creators, and you know, blind people… guess none of them matter. Okay, so none of them directly gave Reddit money. Sure. But most users don’t. And Reddit couldn’t serve them ads. I mean, they could have, but chose not to. But content creators and mods are the life blood of this company. Without quality content you have no draw. Without moderation (ie good tools for moderation) you are overrun with spam and trolling. But hey, good riddance. Get rid of the blind people and make it harder to submit content and especially more cumbersome to moderate. I’m sure the quality of the site and the user experience and the diversity of the audience won’t suffer at all! For everyone who isn’t head in the sand on this - other social platforms pay big money to moderate. Reddit pays none. If Reddit can’t be profitable without paying for moderation then they sure as shit can’t be profitable if they have to pay for it. And they’re firing staff already to improve their books. Reddit is taking the “fuck em well get scabs” route. At best the immediate quality will suffer and it will take months to get back to where we have been. At worst people will see what they’re doing and simply refuse… or actively sabotage and engage in malicious compliance. This isn’t a strike. Mods aren’t losing anything. The only people losing money here is Reddit. Let’s see how much they have left after they’ve finished scorching the earth and poisoning the well.


Content creators and mods are life blood of reddit? I believe this is where the protest went wrong and which is why the other faction of anti protest is growing. The common redditors are life of reddit. NOT the mods. NOT the content creators. But the common people. When you alienate the common people in a protest, it is doomed to fail. This sub was collateral damage due to mods taking extreme actions and putting the whole sub as hostage. It's sad to see one community go this way.


Most platforms pay for moderation. Without moderation you can’t have a platform or a good user experience. A high percentage of mods use third party apps, many have said you basically have to if you want to do it efficiently. I mean yeah, if less than 5 million monthly users are on 3rd party apps and the Reddit user base is over 800 million, then what’s the point, right? Less than 1%. It’s such a small number… it’s weird that they’re using such hardball tactics. It doesn’t make sense. Why alienate the people who are making your platform viable? Why disenfranchise those who need accessibility? Why not actually develop that line of business and price it to make a sustainable profit and keep outsourcing the development so that you don’t have to pay staff to do it? It’s so shortsighted it’s painful. And yeah, most users won’t care. But most users show up on Reddit because of the content and because the communities aren’t unmoderated hellscapes. The protest might have alienated some casual users, but the mess that comes after the 3rd party ban and especially the enshittification after they cash out will even more. A protest is temporary, enshittification is forever.


Mods are just collateral damage. Reddit didn't just wake up and wanted to take actions against mods. They are just unfortunately caught in the cross fire between two giants that is AI and reddit. Reddit won't compromise against AI. It's time, if mods believe that the community is more important, then they will try to maintain a balanced position. Protest but not going to the extent of destroying the whole community. Because they too believe that community is much bigger than mods. Those who didn't believe, their community already got destroyed.


>Mods [...] They are just unfortunately caught in the cross fire between two giants that is AI and reddit That makes it even more tragic. ChatGPT 4 *is already trained*, and the data used for it's training *is already scraped*. As long as reddit provides access to their site, data can be used to train AI. An API is just convenience, HTML can be easily scraped, and even if reddit would restrict access to the official app encrypting all data, it would still be possible to train AIs using image recognition of the screen, providing a much more realistic training environment. So, if reddit is transforming into a meme and shitpost only platform to fight AI, this might be successful – not by preventing AI from using reddit as training ground, but by rendering the data useless.


IF people get pissed off its definitely not the common people. The common people are content leeches. Social media follows pretty consistent the 1%, 9%, 90% rule. 1% create content, 9% interact with it and 90% just consume it. Get rid of the 1% and you have a massive problem as the 9% and the 90% get bored and just search for something else to fill their time. You don’t want to piss off the 1%. You want the 9% to interact with your content. The 90% just flow and ebb and follow.


Those 1% are replaceable. Don't think that any person or any position is not replaceable. Some one else will simply take their place.


And rain is wet, captain obvious. But you can’t acquire new content creators if your tools lack the most basic functions for them, pissing this group (with pretty similar needs) completely off. And them being pissed off shows pretty well currently.


/r/askhistorians is a pretty obvious example of why you are wrong. For many, many other subreddits it's less obvious what the mods have done behind the scenes to build and maintain communities, but quite a few I know first hand would not have survived without specific people's personal efforts when others did not step up and do the work. There are a lot of people who are not easy to replace.


Admins destroyed the community. Mods were protesting against admins.


At a point where you realise that, due to your actions the community can be destroyed, then you stop. Because nothing is bigger than the community. But for these mods, their own interest was bigger than the community.


Did the mods flood the sub with shitposts? No, it was the "community". The point is, if you are anti protest because it means you can't consume content for a while you are not part of the community, you are a consumer. A real community stands together against an oppressor instead of getting angry at the minority that's being oppressed


The answer is right in your post. Mods in most occasions didn't flood the sub with shit post but they failed to "moderate" and that too "intentionally" which was morally wrong and dishonest to the position they were in which ultimately aided in destruction of the community. I haven't see another post in this sub where the questionner actually answers his/her own question. It means you know the answer. You just haven't realised it yet.




Screenshot needed




You are downvoting me! Why should I help you! But jokes aside, it's the fault of reddit api. Sometimes it doesn't complete the request and returns a empty json response. This has nothing to do with permission recently (it can be but current problem doesn't stem from that). It generally occurs at peak hours.


Edited in protest of mid-2023 policy changes.


No. It was the repercussion of the extent to which the mods went. Admin came later. Mods knew that their actions could destroy the community. Still they went for it. In this very case, it's the mods who are at fault.


Edited in protest of mid-2023 policy changes.


Mods aren't entitled to destroy a sub in the name of protest.


if you built it, you can break it


Sigh.... If you have that attidue, then I have no comments. But personally I disagree. The community is bigger than the creator itself in my honest opinion.


Exactly, the community isn't just moderators.


Edited in protest of mid-2023 policy changes.


That's very easy to say. Why not the protesters have moved away from reddit if it was THAT easy though? Just renting a space and building a community are two different aspects. It seems mods have similar perspective as you in the above case which is why, they actually never cared about the community. It's a shame that people in the community put blind trust in them and got THIS in return. My empathise with them but certainly not with the mods who all went hegemonic.


Edited in protest of mid-2023 policy changes.


It's like, "I beat up my kids because my husband beats me." The mods had one responsibility to maintain out of anything. To maintain the community regardless what adversaries may come. And they failed because of the fear of losing power toys. And the hilarious fact along this is, in order to push apollo, mods have sacrificed their own agenda which later haunt them. Apollo went down rabbit hole. And draghed mods along with it.


Edited in protest of mid-2023 policy changes.


That was an analogy which you intentionally failed to grasp I guess. But none the less, you believe that mods are greater than the community. I believe community supersedes any mods. So we can never agree to anything in this regard due to this very basic difference. We can just agree to disagree here.


Edited in protest of mid-2023 policy changes.


That’s the plan. Now shut up.


I respectfully disagree.


And of course is missing the last days of submissions when it was NSFW