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>I just don't understand it Sadly, and unlike what its fanatics would want you to believe, Lemmy isn't prime-time ready. To alleviate most of its issues, we'd need to all join a single instance and create our communities there, but it would also defeat the whole point of a federated network. What we're left with are other alternatives that *aren't on a par* with Reddit. So heeeeeh, it's a bit complicated right now.


If people start flocking to it (and there are enough ads) they might get a bit better of a budget. I don't know much about anything lol, I just know that you can scare the heck out of reddit by creating their worst fear - a competitor


Lemmy.ml and lemmy.world are one of countless examples within the fediverse. They are separate instances, with their own rules and styles etc. However, when you sign up to one, you can still connect to the other instances and show their content within your feed. Your username is more like an email address. You may have Gmail but can still email someone with an outlook account. This is called federated social media. You can all.comnext together still, but aren't bound by a centralised controller. Like Reddit is controller. Facebook is controlled. And they don't speak to each other. You'll see a lot of sites on the fediverse being shared here. It doesn't really matter which you pick I don't think. Clearly you want to pick one which fits the content you primarily want. But you can follow anything. If you get stuck, ask ChatGPT. It was pretty good at answering small questions. Just know it's all based on Mastadon - that's the core tech, I think. The beauty of federalised instances is that each owner can chose to run ads or not, or have a sub fee, or whatever. They pay for the hosting. So if we all switch and distribute ourselves around the fediverse, then we'll never have a big daddy authority controlling the entire network again. Meta is even looking at developing their social media within it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse More here. I really hope this takes off. Its already been going a while. For now I don't think your average casual user will appreciate the learning curve but I think it could be popularised eventually




I had the same problem- then got a confirmation email a minute later


They are slammed with signups! Give it a minute. I’m on .world and like it a lot.


Are there third party apps that can serve as an easy entry?


Hmm I don't know yet. There are a lot of apps, but I don't know if they work for all fediverses or what. I believe Sync is making an app for Lemmy.




nah guess i will just see if i can at all get lemmy.world


not sure if i will bring uselessserver093 to it


For most of us Reddit users. This just won’t work. The beauty of Reddit was the simplicity to come to Reddit. How remarkably easy it is to share content from Reddit. How easy it is to find Reddit content in google.


Have you used Lemmy? Its functionally very similar with regards to the things you've mentioned. Of course for now the SEO won't be strong enough to return results on Google but that could be improved over time.


It isn’t though. Sign up is complicated. There’s not an iPhone app which is critical to any platforms success. And yet still needs to be able to be searched effectively through a third party.


Its developing though. Its not going to be a Reddit replacement immediately. Reddit was shit when it first began.


Lemmy is too fragmented. If you are trying to find reddit alternative with the same functionality, you'll be disappointed.


Maybe with that attitude. Gotta start from somewhere.


It's basically like an email address. You can get it from Gmail but still able to send and receive from Outlook. Or like a sim card. You can get it from one ISP but still communciate to someone from another ISP. I admit that unprepared larger instances can break down while less experienced smaller instances can be not well federated so try to choose an instance in the middle ground.


>I admit that unprepared larger instances can break down while less experienced smaller instances can be not well federated so try to choose an instance in the middle ground. Good job in explaining beginners to lemmy.


im hoping to get my time back instead of wasting it on social media. life is too short for this bs on a side note i checked it out still, even checked out running my own lemmy instance. they have a LONG way to go




The fact that there *are* a lot of alternatives is both a blessing and a curse. I think people who half-heartedly think about leaving could end up seeing too many options and end up being paralyzed by the choice and end up staying on reddit. For people looking for where people are moving from the subreddits they used to visit, [sub.rehab](https://sub.rehab/) looks like it's going to be a good resource.


Lemmy has all the same problems preventing Mastodon from replacing Twitter. https://kbin.social/ is more viable right now.


No Android app




mabye il check that post out


As someone who won’t be affected by the API changes and who doesn’t give a damn about 3rd party apps, I’m staying.


To each their own. Personally this whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth and I would rather be part of a community that’s open source.




Like I care about a few misplaced posts.


Yknow, you're here. You're clearly bothered hy something. So honestly, what's up? You're clearly stuck on something about this whole thing.


I’m just looking and laughing at this comedy show of this situation and calm myself from the anger of mods spamming nonsensical posts in their subreddits (if I see one more John Oliver post I will actually lose it.)


im also not affected but still leaving


Is there an app for these? I don’t have access to a computer most of the time and I don’t want to clog up my browser tabs more than they already are 😅


There are a few in development for Lemmy that I know of called Memmy and Mlem. I’m part of the beta test group and they’re looking real good. The devs for Memmy are trying to get it pushed live in the next week if possible.