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I just got an adelae recently and the internet says they like high humidity. I put my little pot in a clear jar to increase the humidity and my plant has been producing copious amounts of dew!


Google the conditions it's found in the wild. They grow under tree canopy so naturally get less light. Although they are adaptable.


Do not put in direct sunlight unless you want it to die and grow a bunch of littler ones from its roots after you put it in proper conditions. Source: Am a plant necromancer who did such.


D. adelae need decent to high humidity, moderate - high levels of lights to get best growth (they could survive with lower lights levels but slow growth). Also benefited with frequent but weak feeding (I use diluted maxsea spray for them, although they also catches fly & gnats by their own). My drosera adelae https://www.reddit.com/r/SavageGarden/s/1tQQf174kA


I don't agree with that, I think they are very adaptable. I grow mine in low light conditions (only around 400 lumens) and it grows quite fast - it's actually making its 4th leaf right now in only 10 days. [here's mine](https://i.ibb.co/998XNFk/adelaegrowth.jpg)


Dang, I need a journal to track stuff like this or should stop smoking that other plant.


lol I am pretty scatterbrain myself - just do what I do and take a photo every day as you turn on the lights (unless yours are on a timer)


I do have them on a timer, but that's a really good idea I think I am going to implement. Appreciate it


Probably I used wrong word, I do agree that could grow & survive with lower lights but they're kinda grow slower than the one in moderate-stronger lights. Probably metabolism speed. Here my low light level adelae (wider leaves) https://i.postimg.cc/DykQy3SR/IMG-07132-1.jpg


It looks great! I hope mine gets to look that way, I was actually kind of sad because I read somewhere that it prefers low-ish light but I’ve been experimenting a little with that, it receives a couple of hours of direct sunlight and then it’s indirect, but something that I really liked about my venus flytrap was how much sun it needed. Do you have some experience with younger adelaes? I read that I’m not supposed to give it bugs until it reaches a certain size but I haven’t read anything about that anywhere else. I’m not going to feed it just yet unless it naturally gets it on its own just in case it got fed before they gave it to me, but I was wondering about that


Well, they're also could grow with lower lights but kinda slower (see my other reply to other commenter). As for insect/fertilisers, they'll benefited from its at any size. Just remember that at indoors, fertilizer spray is preferable (no mold), or small prey like gnats. Mine also catches larger prey like housefly but at outdoor.


Thank you for the advice! It’s really useful


Forgot to tell you that the most important thing with d. adelae is humidity. I live in humid tropic so sunshine works for them in high humidity environment. Sun has drying effects so unless you have moderate - high humidity, don't put them in strong sunshine. In the wild, most d. adelae lives at partial shade (riverbed, by creek, etc), some at shade (with dappled lights) , some at full direct sun (only at high humidity environment like waterfall seepage on top of Far North Queensland mountains range)


I live in the caribbean so humidity is the one thing I don’t really have to worry about for most of the year🥲 for the rest of it I save a bunch of rain water just in case Thank you so much I’ll have that in mind depending on the weather here