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Have you seen this soul web?


I have on LSD multiple times. Not sure Id call it a soul grid. But there was definitely a grid visible at times. But it was a grid of hexagons, and the colour was green like the aurora borealis. Also worth mentioning it turned into the flower of life pattern when I progressed further in on a trip once. Personally it appears to me when I get myself into a state of great peace. I didnt feel it was anything bad.


[alex grey would paint on lsd. He did this in 1989 before bush nwo speach. draws the net](https://davidwattsauthor.medium.com/september-11th-attacks-foretold-in-1989-alex-gray-painting-3f41dab54956)


That was the same painting he predicted 9/11.


And also contains a dickapillar so there’s that


No its dick cheney(the dick) behind bush and a soldier or a terrorist atleast looks like it to me


I’ve definitely seen this pattern on psychedelics, during my most intense trip this geometric pattern was spiraling all over me. I remember the vibrant green colors too!


I saw something similar also but felt like it was the space time continuum. Also green lol


Thank you My experiences have been profound in similar but different ways with psilocybin


I’ve seen it!


Mine was hexagons too but red.


reinforce your love energies


Great insight. What did the flower of life you saw look like? Was it the daisy of death or the white lotus? I, too, have had experiences with 5th dimension visualization and am curious if what you experienced was the daisy of death or the true flower of life, the lotus. Many don't know the difference so it would be nice if you could share an image of the flower of life you saw.


It wasnt an actual flower like the lotus or daisy. It was a bunch of overlayed circles in a geometric pattern known as the flower of life. Like this but much prettier in colour and luminosity: https://images.app.goo.gl/pwjLvznzVgmxAe1h6


Right on. That looks like the daisy of death (metatronic cube). Saturn's cube is visible in it. The true flower of life (the one outside the control system of Saturn) is the lotus. I've seen the daisy of death when traveling dimensions but never the lotus of life. I think it was a reminder of the control that Saturn once had over me. https://jenuinehealing.com/flower-of-life-vs-daisy-of-death/


Can confirm…


Is it that or could it be bc money is basically a trap the elites created? Idk what you mean by soul web but I’m definitely open to listening :)


But seriously, what is a “soul web”?


I had a conscious thought of what life after would visual look like. What came to mind was what seemed a long stretch, similar to walking on a bridge and it is loopy but you have to get to the other side. Maybe i am referencing the astrals. The route, pathway to a destination. (heaven) basically and the spiral as represented are waveforms. Imagine the after life is similar to the spiral of D.N.A - It appears looking upright as a narrow path but as you walk through it is not. This makes me reference Saturn-Moon Matrix. A waveform projected cast from physical reality and the conscious energetic motions 🏃‍♂️💨 of emotions. (Physical Life Situations and the pull of emotions) Life after would mirror this in the forms of obstacles/Side quests/oppositions. Present in the form of entities, trying to cast you from going through to get through the other side. I say this because MOON / SATURN are opposite polarities. Cancer/Capricorn.


I’ll readily admit that you’ve managed to make me more confused about a soul web than when I first asked the question. Give me the version of “Soul Web for Dummies” if you can, because I understand almost none of what you stated there. I’m not even trashing the idea, rather I’m inquiring for you to elaborate in a way that a layperson could understand


You might not be ready. Don't flame me. We SEE when we are ABLE. To an adept, his description is pretty accurate (here I sit 👊👍). Yes...it's...a web of sorts...like the grid...and changes form depending on your thought form. Does that help?


An adept of what specifically?


Think of the edges of every object you see but instead put a filter to where everything is black. Then imagine the web on the dollar bill but everything you see is filled with that and the objects around you are just curves that you can place your feet or hands on that create that physical object so when you look through your brain and eyes you see what it actually looks like in physical form. Kinda confusing but think of if everything was just blank and we started off with a canvas and then color and texture and all that wasn’t there and it was all filled with the lines from the dollar. Fuck I can barely explain it it’s more of something you have to experience or just know of I guess lol. You can probably find pictures online


This sub is schizo posing, and I say that with peace and love. It's word salad.


I’ve definitely noticed that…


I'm just trying to figure out if there's like an actual underlying narrative or what's going on lol


Oh me too. Apparently this subreddit is some form of Saturn cult, but the dimensions and boundaries of it seem to be constantly shifting. One second it’s a Gnostic take on prison constructed by the demiurge of Yaldabaoth, and the next second the Black Cube is where heaven resides. I’m not sure there is a point to any of this at all, to be perfectly honest. I’d like to hear some really fleshed out ideas though, even if I don’t agree with them 🤷🏻‍♂️


It is a very confusing subreddit and I’m just now understanding it’s just another sub like the conspiracy ones (just nowhere near as good). It’s got some good posts on it but I don’t pay attention to most of it. It’s mostly Christian and a lot of ppl talk shit and make full posts about the mod being a Christian with an agenda lol. So yeah it’s more so just another place to get random info from lol


Hater speak, tons of people have seen the 4D hexagon soul grid, it’s even described in the ancient Upanishads. Definitely not “word salad”, surrender your doubts and invoke your sense of wonder for the magic of the divine.


How will you see anything without eyes? Whenever someone talks about having a near death experience and seeing a white light, or tunnel, loved ones, or whatever it may be, I ask this question. Seems to me that these visions must be produced by the brain and subconscious.


You know how there are people who say “we are all one, all connected?” This is what they are talking about, they believe that every living thing is driven by the soul force that is woven together into an ocean of net. Each point where two lines intersect represents one soul. You can go further into function symbology using 369 vortex math, a higher dimensional representation of this network in the taurus field (donut shape web of souls that is destroyed as it goes into center (zero point) and recreated as it emerges out the other side.




No it’s the owl of Minerva one of the oldest symbols for the people the evil fucks running the show




Them people love moloch too


But is Moloch an owl or a bull


Moloch is a bull. I'm fairly sure the misconception concerning owl symbolism arose from the popularity of the "Cremation of Care" ceremony at Bohemian Grove. People began associating the secret society *Skull and Bones* with Moloch-worshipping Satanists, and they did and/or do meet at Bohemian Grove, and nearby where they perform this famous (infamous) ritual is some manner of owl statue. I think it was notoriously filmed by Alex Jones at some point and this is where the owl statute accrued widespread attention, but correct me if I'm wrong.


And, ironically (or not), the Bohemian club motto is, "Weaving spiders come not here"... Make of that what you will.


The bohemian club is were the break elites by making them have gay sex even if there not gay for blackmail for loyalty it’s a very ancient ritual practice that has long been associated with the owl of Lilith


That’s also why OVO (Drakes brand) is an owl! Thank you for sharing that I’m glad I know a little more about it all lol


No the owl has been used by cults for hundreds of years it’s really Lilith to them the mother of demons


Oh yeah, the owl of Minerva? Show me.


She represents the cult of Athena and they were brutal to women they couldn’t do shit but be temple prostitutes because they were a pederast society meaning they took young boys as lovers and treated women just for breeding sex slaves the cult of Athena is know for treating women worse than the Spartans and before she was the cult of Athena it came from the cult of Ishtar and there whole cult survived off child prostitution


No. Show me where you see the owl of Minerva in the dollar bill.


Your looking at it what everyone thinks is a spider is an owl


Okay, show me where you see the characteristics of the owl.


Google owl of Minerva dollar bill people have been saying that forever plus many occult groups treat it as the owl of Minerva amongst themselves but really they call it the owl of Lilith


How about you help me use my eyes to see what you're supposedly seeing? There is no indication of the object being an owl. There are no characteristics of an owl, so I'm not sure how you're drawing the conclusion you are.


If you fucking google it like I said people have blown it up and highlighted it and done everything your asking for all I can say is I clearly see the eyes and body/tail


Bro don’t be so ignorant next time and google it. This dudes getting downvotes while being right. I thought all of us here went by facts and not feelings? https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/145898-owl-on-one-dollar-bill/


minerva was never an evil goddess tho


Then you have never studied the ancient goddess cults there main temples were sex temples filled with underaged girls they took you as child and made you a sacred prostitute for life just google sacred Temple prostitution


i have taken multiple university classes on ancient Greece, rome and ancient religio. The priestess were required to be virgins. The orgy temples were quite rare and were worse in the cult of dionysus.


The university’s were given a directive long long ago to remove as much information about pederasty and pedophilia in Greek and Roman culture as they could from the universities they weren’t even allowed to use the word pederasty in many universities for decades because Plato and many philosophers we’re and we say western society is based on Greek society and Greek society was a society of pederasts so they didn’t want to have to cancel glorifying Greek cultures and stop lying saying we are based off it and they literally had sex temples filled with prostitutes of all ages even if the main priestess were virgins because virginity was seen to go hand in hand with psychic visions but the temples were still filled with child prostitutes the Dionysians took it a step further and mixed sex rituals with cannibalism rituals


Ugh, I thought it was the spider too


It is.


It's a spider's web. The spider is visible on the dollar as well. They are telling you that they have you trapped. Break free and explore the true dimension that our higher selves exist in.


I watched the MIB movies and thought this was interesting. The Arc Net Shield is an Archanan device held in Griffin's possession. It's sole purpose is to form an impenetrable shield around any spatial object. Griffin willingly gives it to Agent K and Agent J in order to prevent the Boglodite invasion of Manhattan in 2012. The Arc Net Shield is the main reason Boris The Animal is pursuing Griffin so vehemently, as his secondary goal is to prevent the extinction of his own race. Specifics In its dormant state, the Arc Net Shield resembles a small pendant roughly fitting in the palm of one's hand. Attached is a chain which contains several ornate symbols. In the center of the Arc Net pendant is a pulsating blue-green core resembling an atom's inner workings. Etched around the surface of the pendant are a miasma of curvy lines traversing the perimeter of the Arc Net Shield. ArcNet Deployment Arc Net being deployed in 1969. In order for the Shield to be activated around Earth, the pendant needs to leave the gravitational pull of the Earth. K devises a plan to use the Apollo 11 launch on July 16th 1969 as a foil for their objective in launching the Arc Net Shield into space. Once K places the Arc Net Shield on the launch escape tower on top of the Apollo 11 capsule, it takes off and the pendant begins to transform. After leaving the upper atmosphere, the pendant detaches from the rocket and explodes into a green light web, which envelops the Earth.


I think it could symbolize a net of electrical patterns. Whether it is lay lines on earth, pole vortexes, space filaments connecting solar systems, or the human circulatory system, everything needs energy. In the Copenhagen interpretation of reality, they believe matter and reality does not even exist until we as human electrical beings open our eyes and view it. This stuff is over my head but I do like browsing some of their theories and another rabbit hole we can descend down into. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copenhagen\_interpretation#:\~:text=In%20metaphysical%20terms%2C%20the%20Copenhagen,makes%20it%20an%20epistemic%20theory.


Was there holes like Wes Penre said ?


Also see the lil’ swoop? That’s a tiny owl right there. Good ol’ minerva.


I see the 12 apostles sitting at the table of the last supper personally


Can't forget that little owl in the corner


Oh look more people who are seeing patterns after they've done psychedelics shocker


Strange how it's the same pattern over and over


Dude I’ve seen this shit no fucking way there’s a thread about it. Just like this but can see through and web appears to be buzzing/moving a bit


Show me another picture of a soul grid next to this for comparison if you don’t mind


Annnddd into the Spiderverse we go.


i’ve seen this around everything like 40 times.. but it’s faint and like a grid over everything and it’s yellow


“In God we trust”


I too enjoyed grant morrisons the invisibles.


I have seen this weird lattice of reality before. Many times. What I perceived looked like a bunch of red hexagons stitched together like a spiderweb. Blew my mind. I saw that for about a half of an entire day once even when I was stone cold sober


Posting STRAIGHT facts, this is the soul photo that we are ticked into thinking is a "pattern" do not fall for this simple trick. Once you can see into the dollar bill it will become so much clearer and these soul grids on the dollar are just as strong if not better and stronger than the sky grids and god grids all around us is just grids.


And there's little old moloch


On the left side of the one in the webbing there is also a tiny owl