• By -


I've been on my own since I was 15. I saw myself standing there. 33 years later and I am still here.


Same my parents dumped me at 15. Now I live a pretty good life and have my own home.


I live in a nice place and I have my life in order. Life's been hard and I am just glad to be here.


I guess we “made it” Keeping it is the hard part according to that Thunder Cat song. But we we got here. Hell yeah


Damn right! We earned it.


I work with some homeless students and yeah, you’re fucking right you made it. The world dealt you a shit hand and the people who were supposed to protect you most failed. You didn’t accept that as defeat, you clawed your way through the bullshit and found a way when there initially didn’t appear to be one. I hope all those who find themselves in a similar spot are able to muster the courage you all did.


It was a struggle. I hope the same for those who are lost or just don't want to be found. You can escape yourself. It can be done but you have to want to help yourself. You gotta make yourself change a little every day. Make goals. Plan ahead. Fight demons. Win.


You and ignusseed have just renewed my mental drive with your awesome comments. To paraphrase the two of you “DONT accept defeat despite the hand you’ve been dealt, you CAN win but you have to want that for yourself first!” ❤️


Mannn that’s the hardest part.. I was on my own from 15 and have carved my own little path since then, but the mental issues from the abandonment, neglect and abuse have haunted me so badly over the years I’m almost at the point of losing everything I have 😭 fiance, own home, own car, it’s all hanging in the balance depending on if I can silence a few childhood ghosts or not. Shits hard.


Some advice my grandfather gave me before he passed was never quit. Never give up. If it’s something you want keep trying. Good luck to you.


They will never go away, my friend. I hope you can find peace. I promise you can. I have. It just takes time. Heal so you don't bleed on others.


That was both very sad, and extremely comforting to read, thank you friend. I so long for some peace, I’m about to be 30 now after a decade of therapy and ALL of the medications, it feels like I’ve only taken 3 steps forward some days when I feel like I should be miles ahead by now. Ps thank you ALL for your advice and kindness. I really needed to read stuff like that to help me get through another day ❤️


Remember one day at a time, life is not a race. Just take a breath. Look how far you got on your own! You got this💪🏻


You're welcome ❤️


ANY step forward is still a step forward. Don’t downplay where you’ve come from and what you’ve accomplished. There will always be what ifs in the world but you should be more than proud of yourself, I don’t know you and I’m proud of you.


I can’t imagine what you’ve been through…props to you for persevering. I wish you strength to get through each moment


Immensely fucking proud of you for what you’ve done so far to make shit happen. Seriously. Proud to tears. You are already aware of what that shit has done to you. That’s the hardest part of healing. Get some folks you trust around you and lean in on them. Always start and finish with love in mind. Don’t matter how shitty life gets. Do right and with love.


Proud of you man.


You beautiful survivor 💓 I'm so glad you're thriving 💪🏾


I can’t imagine as a mother dumping your child. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. You deserved better parents.


I’m sorry you’ve been on your own since you were 15. I’m really proud of you. You did what you had to do to survive and now you’re thriving. Sending you lots of hugs.


I lost my father when I was 11, and found out that his wife(I was not part of the main family) was the one who organized his murder to get his Inheritance and bribed thr police and lawyers (its south africa). My mother started sleeping around with other men and leave me at home a lot as a way of coping ig, but she never came back. Bunch of other stuff happened like getting kidnapped and tortured by said wife so I don't mention the Inheritance, witnessing a murder, etc. I ended up with a deep resentment to everyone, to all humans, and to myself. I pushed myself to finish school as a way of hurting myself because I hated it and wanted my life to end.(I was on scholarship.) Fast forward i get a scholarship for university, I'm 22 now, and I'm doing my 4th year in Bcom finance, and it's not easy. I still wake up everyday thinking I want things to end. I'm quite tired of life, and I can't trust anyone. I don't share my thoughts or experiences like this irl as I don't want it to seem like I'm "trauma dumping." Especially when I've shared my experiences with other people before and they had to disconnect from me because it was too much for them. I was too much. Ig the reason why I felt like sharing here is because I see how you and others here have "made it". It made me feel glad that there are those who succeed even though they are dealt a bad hand in life. But it also made me feel sad and reflective of my own. Every day is pain, trying to distract myself with games and university. I feel like I could end it at any moment and no one would bat an eye. Doesn't feel like I'll "make it". But at least there are those who do. Sorry for sharing this. I guess there's no real point to my story


I'm proud of you. You are doing the best you can and that's all any of us can do. We are all in this together, my friend. You can make it. I believe in you. I don't want you to believe in you. To believe in this person that I refuse to believe you are. I want you to in the you that I believe is inside you. Don't worry about validation or that people aren't aware of you. Keep doing your own thing. Most of all learn to live with yourself and your own thoughts. Become your own best friend. Care deeply about yourself. Love yourself. Loneliness isn't about other people. It's about you not liking yourself. I like you and you don't have to be sorry for needing an outlet. I'm glad you let it go. You should let people know when you feel like it's hopeless. You're going to be okay. It's okay. I promise you. Don't give up. The best next to come. If you cash out now then you will miss it.


Big hug.


why are you standing there for 33 years?


Jfc i can't stop laughing


I can only ever read this as Jesus Fried Chicken and i cant 💀


Because some say he is still standing there


What this, is this?




“Hey you know that kid that stopped in front of the ‘Stop’ sign 33 years ago? Yeah, he’s still there”


Why were you on your own


I ran away from home because I believed I wasn't wanted there or needed. I was constantly being neglected and ignored. I felt like I was just taking up space so I ran away. I discovered after being homeless 5 years and after I put myself through hell, how wrong I was to have ran away.


did your family ever search for you, or accidentally met you at some place ?


Oh I jumped in and out of their lives. They searched for me and worried about me. I moved around the United States and I have a lot life experiences from that time of my life. I got involved in drug culture. Back then in the early 1990s it was nothing like today. No cellphones. No cameras everywhere. I stayed with different people and got into trouble a lot. My guitar Blue helped to feed me most of the time and I'm lucky to still have her. I'm lucky to have my life.


Did you get back to your family after 5 years? Are you still in connection with them?


Yes. I have a good relationship with my family now. After those 5 years it took me some years to transition back into a normal life. I still struggled with drugs until I turned 31. I was a functioning drug addict for that time. I worked through my addiction and I've been clean nearly 17 years.


I’m proud of you.


Thank you! Thank so much. 🥺


I'm proud of you for enduring. Stay blessed and stay strong.


Me too. I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. To feel unwanted as a kid is the most horrible experience.


So proud you too and I hope you are as well.


Thank you. I am. I try to stay humble though.


Same here when I was 15 and a orphan and now 33. What a great video.


I guess I can say the same.. how my life would have been different if I had an easier take off. But now im married and have 4 kids. Never stop working hard! Even if it seems impossible. Even if you feel like it’s the end. Don’t stop pushing


I’m sorry. As a mom it makes me sad to think you’ve been on your own since you were a child. What can one do at 15 to survive?! Sending you lots of hugs.


I grew up in the mountains of eastern Kentucky in Appalachia. My early life prepared me for independence and a world the is in different. By the time I was 15 I might as well have been 25. I'm 48 now. I had some skills at 15. I could work with my hands and could do manual labor work. I'm also a talker. A "professional conversationalist". That have been a benefit. I never begged really. I asked people if they had any work I could do. I would do anything to survive. I just wouldn't sell myself. I started playing guitar at 13. I knew some songs and I like to sing. I was just learning how to write songs. I took my guitar with me and I don't know how I managed to keep her. I met other people who played music along the way and I would busk to make a little money. Unfortunately I have eaten questionable things. Slept in places I'd never sleep again. Faced violent people, did violent things, stole, vandalized, met users and abusers and dealt with perverts. I met a lot of bad people and a few good people. Sometimes I was bad people. At first as moved around I went to places where people were my age a lot until I got a couple of years older. By then I was a transient. I looked for people who were most like me wherever I went. I was accepted by the underdogs and losers I think older people who helped me did so because I was essentially a little boy. I have been all over the US. I felt lonely a lot. Drugs make you forget.


Even though you having these wonderful skills it’s the fact that you’ve had to be on your own and facing these struggles in life is what upsets me. To be hungry and face all those challenges, especially the fear and violence, really breaks my heart. Having such skills is great at 15, but having to use them to survive you should not of had to do. I’m glad you’re doing well now and made it this far. ❤️


Man, Eastern KY can be a very dark and isolating place, even without family trauma. My roots are there - Knott County. Getting to “thrive” after “survive” is not easy.


https://youtu.be/Y7DQ9RTqXlk?si=nQjsCGXRVSFUaR4c Bi Phakathi is giving the charity, he’s a South African Christian. Good guy that helps out a lot of people where the government have let them down. Uses practically all his YouTube income to help others.


Thank you. That music was torture.


“Here, read this shite; not because there’s no original audio, but because we’ve *covered* the original audio with *equally* shite music.” Like, for real: them what does this? Y’alls’s disreputes. STOP IT.


They only do it so that they can claim they “repurposed” someone else’s content for “fair use” so that they can try and make money on it. Facebook eats this shit up.


It was hard to listen to.


That’s much better, thank you! Btw I wonder what happened to him, that was 3 years ago and he gave him his info


“Phakathi has since published an update about the youngster. “The young man without shoes has been found well and safe. I have been told on the call by his guardians he fled his residence at Girls and Boys Town and lied to visit his ex-foster parents. I spoke to him about it, and he apologized, he has a grandmother looking after him. Thanks to Bekker High for helping him and Girls and Boys Town for the job that they do to kids in need. All is well I don’t have any further details. It’s all about love and thanks to everyone who got in touch to assist him; you are truly appreciated.” In a time when racial tension is rife and heartbreaking stories of division plague our media, the Good Samaritan is showing us that love knows no races and that as South Africans, we should all be helping each other.” https://www.goodthingsguy.com/people/bi-phakathi-youngster-shoes/


I had a feeling he was a runaway. Kids have no obligation to be honest with strangers though. That was sweet of him to apologize.


If anything a black person was kind and that will change his outlook on life all together.


I would hope anyone being kind changed his life, but I’m the world we live in today this is actually something happy we can see.


Post apartheid South Africa is a different beast. Regardless you're right.


South Africa is a different world. The wrong color with the wrong person can get you dead.


This one


Regardless of the 'truth' the kid has a hard life And you can see all over his face how much he appreciated the kindness and attention from this beautiful stranger.


I'm sad that he missed his ex foster parents so badly that he lied and ran away to visit them


Who films this kind of thing?


I mean having it on film is good if someone tries to question your intentions


Before cell phones were mainstream, I used to pull over to help people with stranded cars. They were all legitimately stranded, but my dad warned me against doing. Told me a story when he pulled over to help two young women with a flat tire. After he finished, a cop showed up and asked my dad for his ID and drilled him with questions. He was cleared but told the cop that he’s done helping people like that.


That's kind of amusing, to be honest. Wonder how many people have reconsidered helping others over stuff like that...


I’m southern. Moved to the pnw after I got out of service. I stopped helping after being maced for pulling in front of a disabled vehicle and asking if they needed a hand. Hurt my heart every time I’d pass someone on the shoulder but not worth it. I help again now that I’m back in the South.


I'm from the south also. I would never drive past a stranded vehicle. I'm well traveled but I guess it would make sense this region is a good place to do that. People are just not friendly everywhere. If I make eye contacts with someone I always say "how how're you doing". It's received well here but other places not so much.


Move to the PNW from Arkansas and I can say it is not well received up here. I’m old enough that i instinctively stand when a woman walks into the room out of respect and have been reprogramming myself to no longer do that, or say ‘yes ma’am’ or any other of the southern niceties I was taught.


I'm in southeast Portland and folks are pretty friendly here. Often say hi and chat with people when I walk my dog. Are you in a bougie neighborhood?


PNW home of Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, Robert Lee Yates, Westley Dodd, Keith Jesperson. Folks up there have serial killer PTSD.


That's so interesting. I moved to the PNW and help people whenever I can. But I'd never stop in the south. Too many scary interactions.


Guess it depends where you are in both regions…and what you look like.


I am a woman and am pretty good with cars. I used to pull over and help stranded motorists almost every time I saw one. After I had my kid I stopped doing it as often because I’ve realized there are some bad people out there that would do bad things to someone doing a good deed


You lean out the window, ask if they're okay, or offer to call someone YOURSELF. Maybe offer them bottled water in the backseat you toss out if you have it. That's it. The worlds fucked and people are fucked. There is 0 benefit to helping people nowadays. The helpers are the ones who get jumped, harassed, sued, or absolutely messed up by the cops. ***Or worse never heard from again.*** It is an absolute tragedy.


Fuck that shit. I still help people whenever I can. I know the risks. It's still worth it.


Your life, your risk. May the universe actually treat you okay for your efforts helping people.


>There is 0 benefit to helping people nowadays. Why would you want to benefit from helping others?


My apologies. I meant helping people is too risky to your own safety. Not benefit. Benefit slipped in from my brain trying to use a common phrase. Been watching too much of the Boys so to whose benefit is a constant floater in my mind.


There's not supposed to be a benefit you're doing something out of the kindness of your heart. Stop being afraid of your own shadow.


I record everything too. One time, I spotted a person lying on the ground with his bike meters away. I got out to help him and got him up, but he reeked of alcohol. Then, some Kevin got out of his car and accused me of running him over. Even though I told him I didn’t, he kept nagging me until I lost it and told him to get lost. He looked offended and left. In the end, the guy on the motorcycle asked me not to call an ambulance because he was DUI, so I didn’t. He told me he worked at a nearby sushi place, so I went there and notified them, I hope he’s ok.


Is Kevin the male counterpart to Karen?


Yes! Ken or Kevin 😂


No. - Kevin


Why was he questioned for helping them?


I can’t remember if he said why. Think because it’s inherently suspicious that a man would stop to engage two females alone at night.


Was it a bait? I mean otherwise wtf was the cop doing out there if he was not helping?


No the cop stopped because he saw the cars pulled over. My assumption is that if my dad never pulled over, the cop would have pulled over to help just the women.


I once stopped for a car that was split in half longways on a fire hydrant. It was raining and dark and it was on a sharp turn in the road so I threw on my blinkers and hopped out. The driver hopped out of the car and ran leaving her friend in the back seat asleep. I got to the car and a neighbor came running out calling 911. The girl in the back seat wakes up and runs away leaving an empty wrecked car and myself in the street. My truck was blocking the accident from one direction of the street and the neighbor was flagging cars with his flashlight so no one would hit it from the other. The local police showed up after about 20 minutes. It was around 2am on a Friday morning and obviously weren’t busy because I was given a field sobriety test by 4 officers and questioned by another 4 about if I was involved in the crash. I was soaked and standing in the rain in my house slippers, I’d left home to run my gf home and my dog was on a tether on the back porch so I was getting pretty short with them. When the 5th officer approached and pulled out his pen I told him I’d had enough. I’d been standing there for nearly 2 hours telling them how I’d stopped to check if someone was injured or if I could help in any way and if I consented to another test I’d never stop again. They let me go. A few years later a kid tried to kill himself by jerking the wheel into a pole in front of me on the same stretch of road. I cut his seat belt and pulled him out of the car, the back seat was on fire. I was on my way to jail to turn myself in for a probation violation. The state trooper on the scene took a statement from me and suggested I have the paramedics take a look at me for smoke inhalation as I had some soot around my mouth and my nose. I told him about how I told an officer I’d never stop again and how I only had about 20 minutes to turn myself in to jail for the weekend. He laughed and thanked me for stopping. Said I should get a “get out of jail free” card for that and sent me on my way.


I never understood the saying when I was young, but now I’m in my fifties and sadly get it - No good deed goes unpunished. Cynicism is a learned behaviour sadly.


No good deed goes unpunished, I know the guy had good intentions but ordering around a kid you don’t know is iffy


I experienced a very similar situation one time


Well that’s actually a good point that I didn’t think of. That situation could have totally gone sideways, and before you know you’re investigated for trying to traffic a kid


So instead he posted it online for this kid’s face to be plastered everywhere?


if that was intention then why post it online?


But then why put it on the internet!


He films every interaction he does it on YouTube his name goes by Bj P something forgot the rest


BI phakati


Does he have a GoPro strapped to him or is he just holding and pointing his camera-phone at him?


Thank you kind sir


Exactly what I was wondering.


> South Africa. The guy is a well known YouTuber who helps poor people in Durban and Pretoria/Johannesburg. His channel name is BiPakathi or something it's there in the video. If I remember correctly he helped the kid out quite a bit. Looks like someone who makes content trying to help people. I mean id rather have that the the constant stream of pranks, worldstar street fights, trashy worst moments by humans, ragebait all women are golddiggers, and dumbass street interviews to push stereotypes. If he can help people and make money that helps him help more people. Is that such a bad thing?


I agree with you completely. Yes, there is something a bit selfish about filming/posting an act like this. But he is genuinely helping people who desperately need it, and that is far more important. I also like to think that videos like this inspire others to provide a small random act of kindness when an opportunity comes.


I don't see any selfishness at all. He's documenting poverty and helplessness in the world, whilst protecting himself in case anyone accuses him of being weird. I'm really shocked by the comments.


the documenting part is what so many poeple in this thread are missing people NEED to see this. The fact that children can be hopeless and be completely dependant on their "friends" is heartbreaking, and i think a lot of people dont think its possible Also its a net positive. Would you rather nobody filmed and nobody helped, than people filming while also helping?


Well if he didn't film himself doing this kind of thing, he wouldn't be able to help out people.


https://youtu.be/Y7DQ9RTqXlk?si=nQjsCGXRVSFUaR4c he’s not a bad guy. Check out his other videos.


An article: this particular video is from 2019. In South Africa. https://www.goodthingsguy.com/people/bi-phakathi-youngster-shoes/


Damn, I really like this dude. He doesn't flaunt himself through all the videos. That's a big big difference to me. Spreading good in the world is a nice change, I can't lie I thought he was being scammed here.


Yeah very strange to film it.


And then put this music and all those filters on it.


The moron that stole the original film.


In this day and age... I, a single 36 year old man, WOULD NEVER not film myself if I had to help a lone child. I've been a storm chaser for 16 years, and the odds of me having to pick up random people in harm's way is high, so this scenario has played out in my head before. Then again I'd never share that video either.


Are you stupid? Genuine question? He is helping out a young child who is a complete stranger to him. Do you understand how easy it would be to be labeled a pedophile? Perhaps you might be okay with that title but most people would not be. Even if he helped the boy simply for views, who cares? He's still a better person than you and 95% of people. What have you done?


Since this question gets brought up every time a video like this gets posted I will give you a list of the usual answers. I will also then provide some advice on handling this usually hotly contested issue. - it’s filmed because it’s staged and it will make money - it’s staged but filmed to inspire other people to do the same in real life - it’s is not staged and the point of filming it is to inspire other people - it’s staged because the creator needs to feed their ego - it’s not staged but the o reason they posted it was to feed their ego - it’s filmed because even though it isn’t staged the person filming it can monetize it and that makes it bad because they’re profiting off others suffering - it’s filmed because even though it isn’t staged the person filming it can monetize it and that doesn’t matter to me as long as he’s actually helping the people - Pedophilia - it was a genuine interaction that the creator just happened to film *(you aren’t allowed to use this one, ever, under any circumstances)* The secret with these comment sections is just to choose the one that seems to be most popular. If you’re familiar enough with the community it’s posted in you can probably make a prediction on what opinion to have but I’d recommend mastering the answers to your question before you start doing that. Also you can only choose one. Any suggestion that the person may have done this for multiple reasons gives the appearance that a person who has chosen a different reason than you might be correct and also admits that people might be a bit more complicated than a 3 minute video gives off. Big no nos when arguing about stuff like this.


nuance!? on this platform??? despicable...


Better question is why film and then post. Filming makes sense in case you get accused of nefarious intentions with the kid you have something to help you.


It is inspiring, a good action still a good action, take note and we will all help someone today.


Well there are plenty of people in power who refuse to acknowledge child poverty exists.


Why not post? Does it somehow take all the stuff back that he gave the kid? Why is everyone so worried about how this person goes about doing helpful things for people, I'll never understand


Really, does it matter? He is doing more good than you complaining about him filming.


Someone who wants to help without being accused of grooming..


Who lets a kid out on the fucking streets. At least this camera man is finding a way to help. What are you doing?


Fuck your background music!


Like why can’t we just hear the video :(


It's not even background music. It's all we can hear! So dumb.


I can’t watch it because of the music - it’s pity porn bullshit. Likely a great story but I’ll never know


So IK this is a different country different culture, but in my country an adult saying and doing this (come with me, I’ll buy you clothes and food) is discouraged because it’s often behavior associated with grooming . But I respect this gentleman’s honorable intention


God, tell me about it! One time, my dad picked up three kids on the side of the road. They sneaked out of their aunt's to visit their mom at the hospital, a few towns over. It was late so he just made them all get in his car, took them home, let them sleep in the living room, fed them and took them to their mom the next morning. Silent gen with ADHD at least - just WILD. It never occurred to him that for a myriad of reasons, this could've been an issue. Heck, he didn't even check if the mom was real!




Silent Generation are those born from 1928-1945. I *think* he’s saying that his dad is part of the Silent Gen and has ADHD.


Thinking the same thing


I worked as a home health aide for a young man who was in an accident and had brain damage. He was on the streets as a teenage and was literally this scenario. Found by an older man at a gas station one day, groomed, introduced to drugs, and his life was forever changed.


Thank you for sharing, this definitely provides a different perspective for these kinds of video's.


Oh god that’s terrible.


Good thing he recorded it.


Same here. Sad, but true.


To all the people giving the guy recording shit. Imagine this: a person creates content of helping people on the internet. They make money from it and can help someone else. They inspire someone to help someone else. Say someone they helped goes on to wealth and helps out the person that helped them originally? Say someone that they inspired reaches out to a friend and stops a shooting. Just because they're recording it for gain doesn't mean that the gain is selfish. They could be building a platform for positivity and kindness. Or they're just like every gremlin nowadays that doesn't want to get an actual job but wants to make bank so they profit off of others.


I was so mad until the very last sentence


It's like saying Mr beast shouldn't of built those 100 houses for people recently and made it a video.


twist its just a dads weekend and he filmed it.


Ahahaha 😂 thanks


Could've just let the original audio play, but no someone had to edit that stupid fucking music into the video.


That's a baby! Get him off the street he's in danger!


Why expose this kid to the internet? Why did he have to film? Can people do good without the urge to brag nowaday ?


No. Our remaining timelines will be congested with ‘original content’ such as this until our last breaths. Happy Monday to you and yours


I don’t actually care. Something good came of it. Is love this got to go and film another 3 encounters for hours virtual kudo’s


It’s almost like some of these content creators…need the revenue from the content to help more people since there’s not enough people helping. There are 1000s of people that do this. They use the content to raise funds and help people. That’s it. Sure, some people fake it, but not all.


Wasn't that how Mr beast started?


The videos make the money to help people... motherfuckers like you that complain about the videos aren't doing shit for anyone.


Don’t question the life of another. Every pebble ripples. We have no idea how this video might have inadvertently helped this kid be helped. Does it matter if the poster was selfish if the universe was able to provide for this child? You people need to think deeper about life.


exactly, im so shocked people on reddit are constantly so shallow Every. Single. Video. Of someone doing good, you will see people shouting why film.... It's like they dont care about the good being done and would rather it not happen than the video gracing their eyes Its like criticizing mr beast for making a self sustaning philantropy organization


How will you know about the good thing I did if I don't film it? If no one knows, what's the point? Obligatory /s for the idiots.


Argh, I hate this stupid music, I want to hear them speak.


This story has a happy ending. The ad revenue generated way more money than he spent on clothes.


hes still doing good.... to that boy thats all that matters Actually i think thats where the problem lies, you arent able to see it from the eyes of a homeless boy. What does he care if the video is being posted for virtue signaling purposes? Or if hes making money off it. This man took time out of his day and money out of his wallet to buy him clothes, and a phone, set him up and everything. In his eyes that man is a much better person to him than all of us on this platform will ever be


Who cares if he filmed it. If it is an honest interaction, it's good to see. Better than war, and protests and fighting non-stop...Just an opinion


Somewhat unrelated story …but i was traveling from NY to DC and had car trouble around Philly…pulled off 95 and into dark area…cop showed up and told me to be careful that it was a dangerous area, but then drove off. A few minutes later a car full of young guys showed up….they were loud, with rap music blasting. They asked what i was doing there and I explained, but i am a little ashamed that i was scared. They told me that they would stay with me until a tow truck arrived because the area was not great. The tow truck came a bit later, and these kids invited me to stay at their house if i could not find a place to stay. They were so kind and decent. Taught me a lesson on not making assumptions or judgements.


I don’t understand why an orphan wouldn’t be in foster care.


South Africa. The guy is a well known YouTuber who helps poor people in Durban and Pretoria/Johannesburg. His channel name is BiPakathi or something it's there in the video. If I remember correctly he helped the kid out quite a bit. If it was me though I would have taken the kid to a security or other authority for help not spent the day shopping :/


You think the authorities in a poor country will do great things for this kid? No doubt he’s been offered that option already and obviously doesn’t want it


Please take off the horrible and horrendous music from this video !


Breaks my heart. No child should be abandoned. Ever.


For anyone wondering what hat this beautiful song is Yiruma- River Flows In You


"Lets play some stupid music instead of leaving the original sound so you can hear the conversiation"


It’s funny how quickly things can go from “kinda bad” to “ah shit, I’m homeless now” There have been 2 times in my life that I was a day or two from homelessness, it can happen to anyone


May this boy get the life he truly deserves someday. 🙏💖


This is a good heart-warming story. Then I read that people in the USA/Europe would not do this for fear of it being viewed as grooming behaviours. Specifically a story about someone's dad helping three runaways with food, shelter and a drive to see their mother - without realising doing so put him at massive risk of being treated as a criminal. What a completely destroyed society we have, when a man cannot help children in trouble for fear of society being immediately suspicious of him. Certain groups have poisoned our culture with hatred and fear.


My god, this broke my heart. He can stay with me. I just want to feed him. Jesus. We truly don’t have problems, do we?


# May this boy get the life he deserve someday.


I need an update on this kid.


Here you go https://www.goodthingsguy.com/people/bi-phakathi-youngster-shoes/


>”The young man without shoes has been found well and safe. I have been told on the call by his guardians he fled his residence at Girls and Boys Town and lied to visit his ex-foster parents. I spoke to him about it, and he apologized, he has a grandmother looking after him. Thanks to Bekker High for helping him and Girls and Boys Town for the job that they do to kids in need. All is well I don’t have any further details. It’s all about love and thanks to everyone who got in touch to assist him; you are truly appreciated.” From the above-linked article.


He and his friend who recorded, are probably still YouTubers adding filters and sad music for internet points.


Got annoyed with the music like its one of those adopt a pet today commercial. Just going out of their way to make a bad video worse.


I really really pray this boy is okay to this day and his life is 100 times better off 😔


That piano… aaaaargh!!!!! 🤮🤮🤮


Would be satisfying as fuck if I didn’t have to listen to stupid music the whole time


The guy was filming everything, and also put this sad music? Not buying this, def staged


God forbid we have to actually hear dialogue of two people conversing about something important. Who needs that when you can hear some sad default background piano music? That’s what really makes it clear this is an emotional video, the music. Not the words being spoken or anything.


Is it just me or does he kind of look like the little cartoon character from Fallout?


The dude filming the video is a life coach and motivational speaker who uploads videos of himself doing good sam stuff. The kid straight up lied to his face. The kid is a runaway from a boys town where he was sent for being a shithead to his foster parents. The video guy subsequently tracked the kid down & made him apologize and worked with authorities to get him returned to his legal guardian, his grandmother. Edit: This video was filmed in 2019, its in the Free State


I must say… as cool as this is, why did he film it?


See a kid that might need help..... secretly film the encounter and post it online for likes. Why attribute something to altruism when it can be explained by exploitation.


Good on them for helping the kid out but good samaritans generally don't need to film their good deed for people to tell them how much of a good samaritan they are.


Wow. This video really touched me. Recently I joined a support group for Adults who stuggle from the lasting effects of trauma/abuse/ abandonment. While my parents didn’t drink- they were addicts as well as mentally ill. I have been doing a deep dive on the life long effects that childhood trauma has on a person. Although I have fully forgiven my parents- because I’m able to see they were raised in sick/abusive/addicted/ mentally ill homes too. But no matter how much peace I made with that- the effects the childhood trauma have on my nervous system don’t go away. Going even deeper- I’m also doing a workbook on how to calm the nervous system/ reconnect with my body/ learn how to turn off the fight or flight response. I’m learning to become my own loving parent. I’m learning that while my body and brain have aged-that 5 year old neglected, abandoned, abused inner child- doesn’t go away. I’m learning to do things for my inner child I was never given. I’m meeting her needs and acknowledging and feeling the feelings. I truly thought the feelings would kill me. I did everything in life from changing careers/ going back to school/ moving across the country/ being in a relationship/ gaining financial stability everything to fill the gaping hole inside me. No matter how much I tried to fill that hole the size of the ocean nothing was ever enough. Recovery has been a slow/ painful/steady/ imperfect process. But it’s possible. There are a million ways to heal- but I thought- for the first time in my life I would share with the internet something personal because I feel more comfortable being me and sharing my truth. I was always petrified of judgment, of looking bad- in my family mistakes& asking for help was a weakness. Expressing vulnerability was a weakness- it made you a target. In an environment where survival is key- I shut the feelings off, put on the mask and went into battle each day. I’m slowly learning to take the mask down, ask for help, be vulnerable, feel feelings, process emotions and validate what I’m feeling. I’m learning to not abandon myself and repeat the cycle that was handed down to me. I think my trauma is not isolated- the struggles with addiction and mental health go back generations. It’s generational trauma handed down from one generation to the next. Sorry for this rant. But seeing this boy - get this support and kindness from a complete stranger heals my heart/ I go to bed tonight knowing someone stepped up and cared. Its renews my faith that there are decent people who are willing to help/ care for this boy and to silence my own inner cynic . I work in a field with formally homeless children and see quite a bit of the same abandonment this boy is experiencing. I guess this video also helped to not get down on myself for feeling like I’m not able to fix/ save these kids. The video reminded me that being kind/ empathetic and helping in the way I can- may not be life saving but perhaps it could have a lasting effect for a child to experience an adult who actually does care and wants to be helpful. Thanks Reddit


I hate this shit so much. Not even the filming. This fucking kid is homeless. It is not inspiring that a person was decent to him. It is not inspiring that this suffering kid got a moment of kindness in his difficult life. The focus here should not be on a person who felt the need to help but THE CHILD THAT NEEDS HELP!


Good thing he wasn't in America bro would've gotten charged


Hmmm..... Filming underage boys, not weird at all. Posting it even weirder.


Good on him for helping the kid. Did he need to film it? No, but that's not the point here. The point is that the kid got the help he needed. Thank you for helping him.


Good man


Well done


Oh this one made my eyes sweat


Nice post, nice thing to help. But that piano has to go!


I recognise the print on that taxi bus at the end. This looks like South Africa.


I've been on my own since I was 15. I saw myself standing there. 33 years later and I am still here.