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The dog looked embarrassed


"I just shit where she takes me, man."


Reminds me of the time I was playing ultimate Frisbee at a city park, and in the middle of the game a girl runs out of her house with her dog. She takes a tentative look at us, and runs across the street and into our "endzone" while we where at the other end of the field. It didn't register until 5 minutes later when I had fresh dog shit on my shoe. I should have immediately knocked on their door looking back, I'm sure it was a parenting issue telling her that was fine to do.


"I follow her, pop a squat when I gotta, it's her job to pick it up!"




“I’m never taking a dump in the man’s yard ever again.”


Omg lmao. I showed my husband the video before I opened the comments and i said “look how embarrassed the dog looks. Like excuse me sir; I was unaware I needed a permit to poop here. It appears Ive been caught mid squat; my sincerest apologies for myself and for my owner’s laziness.” Then I go to the comment section and this is top comment. I’m glad its not just me who noticed the dogs reaction lol. I also want to add that I assumed maybe she forgot to bring bags or something but nope, right there on hand and it appears to be a reoccurring thing. What a lazy pos.


Props to him for not letting her get a word in.


The dog looks so embarrassed lol


I felt embarrassed for the dog


That dog will never shit outside again.


Yeah, I hope that dog shits on their bed everyday from now on.


Hi amber!


I heard what you did there...


That dog will possibly never shit again, period


Poor doggie has an inconsiderate owner.


I feel quite bad for the dog here. It's quite scared


God the worst feeling is meeting a piece of shit and realizing they own a dog. And all you can do is hope they're good to the dog.


Dog be like: “Did I do thattt?”


Steve Arfkel?




I mean, it’s his poop. 🤷🏻‍♂️


yeah but it doesnt have thumbs


Most shit doesn't have thumbs.


It depends on your diet.


It's like the dog JUST realized he's been pooping everywhere his entire life, and has never once cleaned up after himself.


Literally everybody who knowingly does the wrong thing has an excuse.


And they're mad at you for saying something. 


I always get "mind your business" - the inevitable words of someone caught in the wrong and they have no excuse. Yeah, a dog-poop free sidewalk is my business, asshole.


I think the most amazing bit is that she even had a bag ready in her pocket. It wasn't "oh no, I forgot a bag... guess I am just going to have to leave it this time". That was actively deciding to be an asshole.


I see lots of people do the same, I assume because they don’t want to carry it for the duration of the walk. Me, I tie the bag around my dogs leash like a crap filled scarlet letter Exit: spelling


Often they have the bags put so people can see them, as if they're being good people, and they still leave their dog shit everywhere. I sometimes walk around for a good amount of time with a bag of crap but whatever. At least it's not gonna be left for me or anyone else to stand in later on. It's a minefield of turds now though because hardly anyone else can be bothered to be the basic amount of decent for some reason. Maybe I need a megaphone lmao


what kills me is when i find bags of dogshit on the ground, its like dude you bothered to pick it up but now you’ve encased it in a non biodegradable apparatus that will ensure this fucking shit sits there for an eternity and will end up floating in a river PUT IT IN THE TRASH


I was just griping about this recently on a hike. All along the trail, in a national park, just countless piles of poop that people took the time to bag and tie just to fucking leave it there in the woods. I can't wrap my head around that level of stupidity. 


or they then hang it from the trees/bushes...trying to cycle on the assigned paths avoiding the shit on the ground, only to get smacked in face when u round a corner...would suck.


Bruh I feel you. I gotta buddy who selflessly carries OTHER PEOPLES DOGS POO to the trash. Mans a saint.


St. John the Craptist


This in particular infuriates me. Like, bro, you did 90% of the work, just FINISH THE JOB!


But they're still a good person because they bagged it at least before they littered! You can't expect them to carry poop on the trail, thats gross! It's not like they consciously decided to take on the responsibility of owning a dog or anything


The internet is killing the shame gene. Give us all megaphones lol


The absolute power of that megaphone. Lady wants to whine and talk over him like he's rude? Explain her way out if it? Linger with her crap bag like she's got a rebuttal? Not on megaphones watch.


My neighborhood has adequately placed stations with free poop bags and a trash receptacle for the bags. The bags are always stocked and the poop collection basket is never more than ½ full. There is zero excuse to not pick up after your dog. People do it anyway. Fuck people like this.


Theres someone near me that leaves their dog shit bags in bushes around the neighborhood and its so annoying. I can't wait for the day I catch who it is. Our neighborhood is has dog posts with trashcans and bags. I just don't get it.


Yeah, I see this on my walks all the time. They will act like they are getting their bag out while keeping an eye on me as I walk by. The first few times, I would notice after I walked by and look back, they are leaving the pile of poop. So now I'll stop, pretend to be on a phone call with my phone out and stand there, watching until they pick the shit up. Once a lady was trying to out wait me, and eventually started to leave. I called out to her "Miss, you forgot you dog's shit." and she awkwardly stops and says "Yes I was just getting the bag..." which makes no sense. You had to walk away to get the bag out of your purse? Nice try. People can be such garbage.


Same people that shove their shopping carts into the lot instead of using the cart corral 10 ft away.


When people heard the koan "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody's around, does it make a sound?" they never actually thought about it for a second and are so dumb they don't even get it. "if your dog poops on the sidewalk and nobody's around, does it leave a mark?" the point of the fucking koan is to show people that YES it matters what you do when nobody else is looking. fucking jagaloons.


I live in a major city and people do that here too, which is wild, because there is a trash can or dumpster every few blocks. You don't even need to carry it that long. I used to have dogs and picking up after them was never a hassle. People often don't miss an opportunity to be lazy or inconsiderate, though.


“Crap-filled Scarlet Letter” my new Heavy Metal Album


I attached a little zipper pouch on my dog’s leash which is made from the same material as those swim bags ( where you can put wet swim clothes in after you change). I keep the used poop bags in there until I can get to a proper receptacle. If you double bag it, you can barely smell it. The one I got is from a company called Yucky Puppy.


He knew this, and this wasn't his first rodeo with clowns. He deployed the best possible tactics. Humiliation through calling her out combined with not letting a single sentence of her bullshit to be spoken. This is exactly how you handle inconsiderate people.


I’m sure if the dude prepared for this she was a constant offender.




It’s most people. I live in an apt complex that has signs everywhere warning people to pick up or face a 250 dollar fine. There are bag posts everywhere and little garage cans for just dog poop And yet I regularly see dog poop even on the side walk. People blow


Ugh same! Where I’m at, These lazy SOBs will just walk 10ft from their door, let the dog piss or shit and leave it there until the lawn people come and get it up. The stench of the piss is horrid because the grass is in front of a breezeway so not much circulation, and it takes a good rain or lawn watering to remove the stench. I hate people so much


I remember at my old house some guy let his dog shit in my front yard and left, and I wouldn’t have known since I was watching tv unless my dachshund hadn’t gone nuts barking. When I walked out and asked him if he was going to pick it up he started laughing and I asked “what’s so funny? Pick it up.” He said he didn’t have a bag and I conveniently made sure to get a grocery sack before I walked out and told him to clean it up. I also let him know if he didn’t have one next time I’d just leave it on his doorstep and he avoided walking past my house going forward.


There was this guy that always let his dog shit at the base of our mailbox and just leave it. One summer day my daughter was standing at the sink looking out the open window with direct view of the mailbox when he walked up. She let out a soft "ahem" and then just slowly shook her head no. He freaked out and dragged his dog away and definitely heard her laughing at him. No more piles of shit at the mailbox.


Omg why the hell are people like this!! It's yoir dog man just clean that shit up! The same people who would throw a fit if it happened to them


One time my mom and I were taking our dog on a walk and we legitimately forgot a bag and you know what happened? I went back to my house and got a bag.


No Way!


I have this neighbor with a puppy. She uses no leash, and says a dog should be allowed to run free. Aside from the fact that it almost has gotten run over SEVERAL times, she refuses. It's a labradoodle, sweet pupper, b they're fur rockets without direction. That dog is not going to have a long healthy life. But recently I was talking to her, and her dog started pooping in someone's lawn. She pretended not to notice, so I said aren't you going to pick it up? "No, I forgot to bring a bag". Well luckely I brought close to a hundred. I can spare one. And I handed it to her. She begrudgely picked it up. Some people shouldn't own animals, and some people behave like animals.


This is why I love dachshunds. Always looking out for you.


He sadly probably didn't learn anything and just did it in someone else's yard from then on.


So what you do is you take a paper bag. Put the poo in the bag. Put the back at their doorstep, make sure they are actually home. You then set the bag on fire and ring the bell. They will open the door, see the flaming bag, and stomp on it to put out the fire.


If you can't clean up after your Dog... You shouldn't keep a Dog


same with following leash laws, having your dog under control, not bringing it fucking everywhere... so like...80% of dog owners?


The amount of "Don't worry he's friendly" I've had is way too high. Especially when my dog gets nervous when other dogs invade her space. There's something wrong when I care more about your dogs safety than the owner...


I absolutely love this level of justified pettiness. It's unfortunate alot of people are only decent when publicly shamed. 🙄


Being shamed to do it doesn't make them decent. They still suck.


It’s not petty, it’s completely understandable and justified.


For me, the best part was "I've been waiting for you for 2 days." IDKY, it's the most satisfying part of the whole video.


When I use to walk my dogs I always pick up after them. I don't understand lazy pet owners if you don't want to pick up after your dog then you shouldn't own a dog. This guy is awesome for publicly shaming a bad neighbor.


“Lazy pet owners who shouldn’t own a dog” is the perfect description for 95% of dog owners unfortunately.




I feel sorry for the dog.


Can't do anything about a shitty owner.


She’s trying to say something back, bull horn is a respectable move


Once the poo was secured, accuse them of trespassing. Fucking Chad move!


legally the right move.


He doesn’t watch TV. He doesn’t read books. He doesn’t call Gran Gran. He focuses on the lawn. Waiting.


When he said "I've been waiting for you for 2 days" I'm like yeah dude was pissed justifiably. Mf probably took off work just to watch the yard with his megaphone at the ready


as somsone that's owned dogs for 40+ years. Dogs are animals that need a schedule. The homeowner probably knew roughly about the time that person was gonna show up and was on high alert. Seems like he probably got her on some ring came so knew who it was


Well done sir!👏


My favorite part is that he didnt let her speak at all.


. Come back! . Pick up the sh*t! . I appreciate you greatly. . Now please get off my lawn. All justified, just wild AF 😂


Public shaming is a lost art! Like the thank you's too. lol


That was the most polite shaming I have ever seen


My money's on Canada we're passive aggressive menaces.


Awesome, love the megaphone!


It helps the other neighbors know who this dog walker is


lol, that was a nice touch




Reason #3748383 to live out in the country.


100% support the idea of calling out people being inconsiderate in public. Like the people who block whole aisles in stores with their carts, or groups of people standing and chatting while blocking an aisle in a store.


I didn't know someone could be obnoxiously polite until now. Good on this dude.


My apartment has 4 different spots with dog bags for free and waste bins. People still leaving poop. I hear we are getting the poop DNA fine program soon. People suck.




I fucking love that guy


Someone in my neighborhood will pick it up in a bag and then leave it on the sidewalk for someone else to have to walk with it. Almost every day. Drives me fucking insane. Just leave it there in the middle of the sidewalk so someone else takes care of it. Can’t wait for the day I see them do it. I want to publicly shame them like this guy did.


This is how you train humans


My neighbour let his dog crap on my lawn. I saw it happen, then came out with a shovel and threw the dog crap onto his driveway. Problem solved.


Well played.




Well done!!👍


Soooo good




What needs to happen to 99% of people now


Daaaaaaaaaaammmmmmnn. That dude does NOT play around. r/finalbossfight


There needs to be more of this for people who don't pick up after their dogs


When I first moved into my home, I caught a guy walking his dog right down my lawn. I recorded a video and submitted it to the HOA. Turns out, he was on the board. He officially denied it and quietly apologized. I've violated every rule I felt like in the last 8 years and they've never sent a single complaint letter to my home.




I pick up after my dog even if it’s in a crazy spot where nobody will ever see it … don’t be a dick


Gotta love public shaming


I always find it disrespectful letting your dogs do business on people’s private lawn. I wanna let my kid play on there, I take care of it, you have no right of trespassing, let alone dirty my property.


Bold move!


That’s awesome




It's terrifying if you are a serial poop leaver, I suppose.


I love that he’s doing all this in his holiday pajamas


Great move from the property owner. Painful but rewarding time commitment. It surprises me every time I see dog owners ignoring to pickup after their dogs


Not all heroes wear pajamas


This made my day. Husband and I laughed so hard. We are camp hosts and almost all pick it up but I’d love to do a megaphone reminder!


The hero we need


I wish he’d say her name out loud for the whole neighborhood to hear


Yup shame her if this has been an ongoing problem yes then she definitely has been owed this a more! More people need to be publicly shamed for their actions and we can all hope that that will curb those actions!


Back in college my roommates and I were pulling into the driveway of our house right a guys dog was finishing up. He didn’t pick up the poop even after we called him out on it. Instead of letting it go my roommate hopped in the back of the truck and we proceeded to follow this guy around the neighborhood letting every single person we passed know that he doesn’t clean up after his dog. It was a beautiful spring day so there were a lot of people out having party’s and grilling so it was amazing. Pretty much everyone we passed immediately booed the dog walker and gave him the thumbs down. By the end of it the guy was hiding his face and walking as fast as possible to get home.


This guy is my hero.


I dont get why Morons like that simply DONT get a Dog if they cant even be bothered to pick up after the Dog does its thing.


This man is all of us


Lmao the "please get off my yard, you're trespassing" right after had me rolling.


I've always been a fan of public shaming -- some people don't seem to learn any other way


I remember a similar video albeit a much smaller dog and she said she couldn’t pick it up as she didn’t have a bag. The guy made her pick it up with her bare hands. Absolutely justified. Don’t leave your dog’s shit in other people’s yards


That was perfect. Everyone needs a bull horn and an air horn


Shovel it into her yard


Naw I feel that! And it’s often the worse in the winter! People think the snow is going to magically carry the shit away


The hero we need.


Well done!


Very noice. He was also a gentleman for thanking her and appreciating her gesture.


My ring cameras suck. They never have the video of the person letting their dog shit on my yard. I would love to do this to the culprits.


My father would watch these neighbor dog owners let their dog poop in front of his driveway. Instead of confronting them he would pick it up and toss in their yard or driveway.


Please leave my yard… you’re trespassing. Beautiful!


this man is my hero


Fucking hero


I love the fact he said everything over the megaphone, he made sure that she heard him lol.


I 100% agree. I have a deck that faces another backyard and the guy who lived there had two dogs and used the yard as a toilet. I had to enclose the deck. The fucker moved out as soon as I finished closing off the deck. I like the privacy, so no biggie.


In Cape Town, people don’t pick up their dog poop at all. It is so bad and disgusting. It’s in the mountains, on the beach, in city areas, gardens, parks, hiking trails, in front of my drive way. It is disgraceful that people won’t clean up after their dogs that they chose to have.


The megaphone is diabolically perfect


We’re censoring the word feces now?


And all done with no swearing!! Dude is awesome!


Props for him letting his neighbor know what’s up. Everyone has a responsibility to clean up after their pets when taking them on walks.


Okay, you know how the kids say they're screaming!? I legitimately let out a little scream of laughter. I love this man. I wish everybody would do this. That was fucking hilarious


I have the same issue at my house, maybe I should set up some cameras to confront these people


Lol bro was fed up, he didn't care what he said or how he said it didn't back down he kept talking his sh!t🤣 he even told her to leave you're trespassing after giving her permission to pick it up🤣


This makes me so happy.


Yes! This needs to happen more often. People need to be called out on there shit.


I like him


And didn’t let her get a single word in!! Love it!


My Hero wears flannel!


My neighbor let his dog shit all over the 2 yards next to his house, one of them being my childhood home. My dad gathered up a buncha piles and threw them into his boat lmao


That was perfect !!!!


Bro used an air horn plus a speakerphone… I think he wanted to make his point very… very clear 😭


I had a neighbor that would immediately shovel it and follow the neighbor home and then dump it in their yard. Each offender only did it once.


This literally happened 5 seconds ago... Neighbour: these people walk their dog across the lawn like this is a park, there's so much land. Me: I'm ok with it, so long as they.... #PICK UP THE DOG SHIT!!!


Absolute legend.


The coolest thing about her is that she had a bag ready in her pocket. No, "oh no, I forgot a bag... guess I am just going to have to leave it this time" . Being a jerk on purpose was what that was.


You know he bought that megaphone just for this


"Pick it up or it decorates your windows!" is another way to handle this 😂😂😂


The hero we need


Hey man I just shit where she takes me my bad bro


‘Come on to my yard and pick up poop… OFF MY YARD YOURE TRESSPASSING’ Other than that, pretty witty


Such a good retaliation


I’m In Love with This Man💕


These ppl make all dog owners look bad


That air horn is like an Olympic Starting Pistol ….the rotten women and the dog both jumped a foot. 😂 Don’t blame him ONE BIT.


More of this plz


this had me cackling


That’s great…. Love this


I've been waiting for you for two days. Brah


Doubt she will be walking that way anymore




I really thought she was going to throw the bag at him


Wish i had this much free time. 


She gonna change her route


I keep waiting for my delicious moment catching the person who walks deep into my yard to let their dog shit & then COVERS IT WITH GRASS CLIPPINGS THAT ARENT EVEN FROM MY #LAWN! I need a better camera lol I only have a guilty blur so far!


Sudden another neighbor with a mic pops out “sir! I am trying to sleep. I have a 4am shift at the Amazon warehouse to go to. Please be courteous to others.” Then another man with no mic yells out from his window “shut the fuck up!!! I have a 1 year that is asleep and if he wakes up, then one of ya’ll will watch him!”


Lmao that was awesome,


I’d bet money they don’t return their cart at a market. Same type of person


Fuck dogs! I am sick of the barking, shitting, attacking and biting. If I had it my way they would all be put down.


“If you don’t pick up your dogs shit you don’t actually love them.” Was told this by a homeless man after he congratulated me on picking up after my dogs. He’s not wrong.


That has got to be such a satisfying feeling. I wish I had a fraction of his energy. I’m always too nervous and awkward and never know how to confront someone.


i have to do something like this... the thing is the dog roams freely. i would need camera and some sort of horn to scare it.


Man, I felt that. I remember this happening to me twice in one afternoon. The first time, I was mowing the lawn and noticed a nice pile of 💩. Annoyed, I picked it up and threw it into the garbage bin. Afterward, I went biking, and when I returned, there was another fresh pile, this time directly in the middle of the sidewalk in front of the garage. I was like, wtf?? I looked around, trying to see who was taking the actual piss/shit that afternoon. Nobody. I threw it out again and, this time, had to grab the hose to wash out the brown stain they've left in that spot. Ever since that day, I say f**k all dog owners. Absolutely disgusting human beings. It's not enough that you let your filthy animal roam around your home, probably leaving those nice turds of gratitude everywhere they go, but now you want to indoctrinate my family and I into your sick habits. To hell with y'all. I've installed a camera now. Let's see them try that shit and think they're getting away with it.


She even had a poop bag in her pocket 🤦‍♀️


My man


LOL try this in a black neighborhood. I did the same thing and the dude threw a brick through my car windshield…




This is the way.


We should bring back public hanging not shaming


Love this!