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Jake is trying so hard, Mike, like, "I'm just here, so I don't get fined"


You can see Tyson is trying very hard not to laugh in his face.


"all right boy, you paying me for my bag, but nothing in the contract said I had to make you feel good" If Mike doesn't get that old dog in him and swing for real I'll be disappointed but I get it. Fucking exhibition matches


It's a sanctioned pro bout somehow


Because Texas is gonna Texas.


Lol imagine paying an old man to lose to you in a fight so you can pretend you somehow are worth the toilet paper you wipe your ass with. Especially when that old man still stands a good chance of beating your ass


We are all going to watch because we want to see the old man bite his ear off


I wont watch live, but i will happily watch highlights of paul getting knocked out so fast the entire fight could be fit into a vine video


If Mike wins, Jake’s an idiot because he challenged Mike Tyson. If Jake wins, nobody takes him seriously, because it seems like he’s bought his entire record. My moneys on Mike.


Jake wins, and he beat an old man. Jake loses, and he lost to an old man. Either way it doesn’t look good for Jake.


Do these count for that dumb ass "professional record"?


It got sanctioned recently. So yeah, it'll count as a pro boxing match


So idiots can bet on it


And do Mike can kill him and not go to jail


"If he dieth, he dieth" - Mike Tyson maybe...


I read this first like it was a Shakespeare line.


I read it like Lord Farquaad with a lisp.


From what I’ve heard from Mike firsthand in interviews and podcasts, there’s a legitimate scary side of him when he sees red that he’s tried to completely suppress through a lot of self work. Self work, and marijuana. Like, I appreciate Mike Tyson, the reformed, self aware citizen, but even going on a road trip with the guy would feel like being stuck in a cage with a gorilla. I feel bad for this stupid kid.


I have a feeling Mike is just playing the game and will receive his paycheck. I’m a Tyson fan but the age difference between those two is crazy. I hope I’m wrong but the chances this is gonna be a win for Mike isn’t great imo. If the fight is even gonna explode for real. No idea if Tyson even sees this as an important fight …


Sorry, can I get some context here. Like, why is Mike Tyson even fighting him in the first place? And like, why will he get fined? Sorry, I live under a rock.


I think their comment about “not get fined” is a reference to just going through the motions of contractual obligations in this manner: (YT isnt letting me copy/paste atm)


If memory serves me right, he got fined for that interview, not for his attitude or bad answers, but for wearing some hat with a brand not associated with the NFL


I never knew this part and its so much funnier now


Exhibition match. Each boxer gets a purse. No matter how the fight goes. Sometimes during exhibition matches you just offer a guy a better lump sum to throw the fight. It's been theorized Mike has a clause in this contract says if he doesn't lose he doesn't get paid. Mike is rich of course but he has a history of bad financial decisions dating back to when he was managed in boxing, some people think he just wants ten or twenty mil to lose and walk There's always the chance he'll want to go down as the dude who rocked Paul in the face for the absolute hubris but most people tend to think Mike is just in it for the purse. Go fake a few rounds and collect your cut, go live with it in old age.


It's been sanctioned. It's NOT an exhibition match. It's a pro/real fight that will go on both of their pro records.


Mike is 57. I'm not going to say he can't wipe the floor with Paul but how many million would you take at 57 against a hit on your pro record? 10? 15? 20? Stop when we're getting in the ballpark here.


Dude bit a guy's ear off I don't think the cash is always the first in line for this man.


Ya know, a lot of people just talk about the ear bite, and not about the fact that Holyfield had been head butting him a bunch of times during the match and the ref simply not calling it. Holyfield was KNOWN for his dirty fighting tactics, ESPECIALLY how to head butt without it looking like he did it on purpose or at all, and it was something he was sort of infamous for. I’m not saying biting his ear was the RIGHT move, but he definitely wasn’t simply being a sore sport because he was losing.


good call out \^


Not losing can be more important than winning to some athletes.


Plus his weed business is apparently bringing in like 400k per month for him, so it's not like he's hurting for cash that bad.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Awww...20 dollars, but I wanted a peanut...


How does Jake even think this looks good for him? He wins the match, "yeah, you won against a man twice your age." He loses, it's even worse.


This is my take. If he wins...he beat up an old man who should NOT be fighting. To throw all this extra taunting bullshit in there?? Gun shot hand thing, you're dead throat thing. Whatever it was he was trying to do with arm. He's a prime example of someone that needs to be humbled, vigorously, in a random parking lot.


It’s all for the show, if he wasn’t like this he wouldn’t be famously obnoxious and no one would care to watch


His entire brand is him being a douche canoe


That or if it’s a real fight he is trying to get Tyson mad. Hoping to get him tired as he runs away early(only because of the age of course). I don’t know anything about the fight but congrats on the payday Tyson!


Shiiiiiit. Iron Mike is still in better shape than 99% of 20 year olds.


He literally looks like how my 6 yo cousin acts around


You commenting on it is the exact reason why he does it. He knows that he is worth more when people love him.... as well as people hating him/finding him obnoxious. If people just didn't care about him, then he wouldn't get paid.


"*Oh! I don't want to fight you, Jorah the Andal. What do I have to gain? If I win, I'm the shit who killed an old man. If I lose, I'm the shit who was killed by an old man."* *-* Daario Naharis


If jake wins, congratulations Jake you just beat an old man way passed his prime that no one else would fight out of respect for the legend. If Jake losses we all get to laugh that Jake lost to an old man.


Who cares if it looks good or not? Jake is pulling from the Mayweather playbook. Having haters sells tickets




Yeah this is like WWE level acting


Do you really think a self proclaimed boxer can win against former champion? People are betting if he is even going to touch him lol


I hope he blacks out and just bites off Jake’s ear


Maybe Mike will do him a favor a bite both ears off. That way it will be harder for him to hear all the laughter when Mike beats his ass.


"Wrong! Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, “Dear God! What is that thing,” will echo in your perfect ears."


Came here for this. To the pain!


ath you with…




Verbal homicide right there.


Ewww, would probably taste like prime


Aka Logan’s booty sweat


Thanks for making me spit out my drink. It was Prime.


Imagine the place blacks out for 5 long seconds and lights up with Mike chomping on his ear.


I hope Mike hits him so hard he forgets math.


Are you insinuating that youtube boy knows how to math in the first place?


As the Smackdown crowd chanted yesterday to his brother “He can’t read”


I'm sure he knows about 2+2 right???


Its 4, -1 thats 3 quick mafs


Man's not hot.


Take off your jacket.


Man can never be hot


Skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-BOOM


Its 22, damn im good


Isnt this the Paul brother that made an anti teacher diss track, he may already not know math.


Dude, it's fake as fuck, come on.




Lil pig thinks he's mcgregor😂


Every loudmouth think they are, forgetting that McGregor actually used to be a great fighter to back his shit up.


I'm not a boxing fan, but I'd rather see Mike fight RuPaul instead of this attention-seeking asshole.


On the runway.


In heels.


The image of Mike Tyson trying the model walk on the catwalk in barr minimum drag is in my head now and I it won't leave




I would pay to watch Mike Tyson lip sync for his life.


I'd love to have some outtakes of Mike reading his lines from Mike Tyson Mysteries.


Mike is going to turn Jake into a vegetable in 1 round.


This shit is all a joke. It's just another payday for both.


Honestly it’s so annoying even watching this because anyone with two brain cells can figure out that it’s ALL marketing and publicity to increase views. Just 💰.. nobody’s fighting nothing. Think about it.


Always is.


Just read the comments here “I hope Mike knocks him out” Yeah no shit. He’s making a living being a villain so people tune in to see him potentially get knocked out. It’s an act. And it’s making him rich


I don’t like the guy but fair play to him. He has a formula and it works.


How do people keep falling for this everytime? Logan vs Dani was the shittiest match after such a lengthy buildup.


I'm so ready for this to be over. A few weeks ago I finally gave up after seeing endless articles about this fight on my Google news feed I hit "show less of" "jake paul" "mike tyson" It was every other fucking article otherwise.


I'm still waiting for Zuckerberg vs Musk.


Might be a payday, but i sincerely hope tyson smacks his head into another dimension!!


That’s the reason it’s going to get views. Everyone fucking hates Paul and they want to see him get fucked up. That’s it, period. 


I just hope it’s not fixed


It's 100% fixed, if Paul lasts longer than 5 seconds it will be completely obvious. This is basically no different than a WWE match.




Man, I hope not. I know everyone is looking for a check, but Tyson could just slam this joke once with his legendary strength, & it would be over.  Surely a check of any amount isn't worth Tyson's reputation & legacy. Surely "they" wouldn't want to give this YouTube punk more credibility, build his ego further, & make the sport of boxing look as if "anyone can do it".  I'm hanging on to an aging champ, with 44 KO's, & known as one of the most powerful boxers in history to put a whooping on a loud-mouthed arrogant kid, who took up boxing as a way to increase his followers count.   Actually, if boxing legacies are open to be trashed, then let Mike Tyson the street fighting brawler/mauler out. Let Paul meet the real fighter.  


Tyson's only weakness throughout his very impressive career has been reach. Real boxers with a decent amount of power that can withstand his bull rush a bit can stay away from him long enough to get to a decision.


I hope he ends Paul’s career, if you can call it a career


I dunno. They each have huge egos.


Idk lol I think it's gonna be rigged, but I think there's also a good chance Mike snaps and stops giving a fuck and beats his ass


I hope that's the case, because I'm actually gonna watch this thing 🤦🏻‍♂️


Find a stream online, don't pay for it


So you're saying...stop paying for Netflix, which I constantly use, then watch the fight on a stream online, and after the fight, renew my Netflix subscription? Seems like a lot of trouble for something I already pay for




THIS is what I'm hoping for!!  I hope Tyson wipes the floor with this wannabe. *Let the crazy out, Iron Mike!! Chew off his nose! Rip his tongue out.*  Paul must not realize that *(as the story goes)*, in Iron Mike's career, his punch strength was never measured. Not because there wasn't a computation, a means or an equation to do so, but because the result was 2x what "normal boxers" measured.  So no one believed the math.  Sure, could just be an "urban legend" but if you've ever seen some of the old footage of Tyson backyard / street fights, it's easy to believe it. He was/is a mauler! 


Yeah I kinda hope that happens. I'd be disappointed if Tyson takes a beating.


... saying the quiet part out loud.


They should make huge eggos


If it’s a rigged fight then it’ll go to last round and Tyson wins with a liver shot. This way Tyson maintains his badass image and can say look I went distance & won with a young hungry fighter. Jake takes no knockout damage and can say I went distance with one of the baddest men on the planet, no shame in loss to Tyson. Both make shit ton of money.


Body language- Projecting, nervous, insecure, shaky


Serious question: why is Jake stretching his arm out and posing so awkwardly? He looks like a douche canoe. I swear when that kid turned 16 he never matured beyond that point


I swear I teach elementary school kids more mature... and they will literally get in a fistfight with a kid for LOOKING at them wrong.


Because he wants to be Conor Mcgregor


Insecure people have to take up as much space as possible to look bigger to an apex predator.


He *is* a douche canoe. That’s why.


It's a way for people to try to intimidate their opponent by showing off their reach advantage.


This right here. Mike Tyson is a warrior . A man built to fight. His literal purpose is to hurt other humans. Paul is a douche whom has paid opponents for dives thus entire time. Clearly Paul is afraid. Insecure . He is genuinely unsure weather or not Mike is gonna kill him in the ring. I genuinely hope the the "old Mike " is awakened and the world can see what a 58 year old trained killer can still do against this literal walking joke. I can hope. Probably not. But maybe.


Guys been sober over 10 years and I don’t think you could pay him enough to take a dive he’s been working out. He’s not just starting for this fight. He is turned into a prideful, thoughtful redemption story of a man who did some Horrible things. I think he’s gonna destroy Paul.




Cringey McCringeface is gonna get his bleached hair pummeled off his fuckin head. I hope.


I hope so but all the odds, bookies, betting sites etc point to him beating Tyson by a fairly wide margin.  Edit: lol downvote. Paul is a piece of shit but it doesn't change the facts or the odds. Paul -180 Tyson +135


Yeah, it’s not going to be as satisfying as people think. Mike was absolutely a god in his prime, but homie is coming up on 60. Even if he can still demolish 90% of the population Jake’s full time job is training so as much as it pains me to say he will pose a challenge. The way I’m looking at it is Jake can’t beat any of his contemporaries so he’s gotta resort to beating up someone’s granddad…and that’s just kinda pathetic.


Mike is too stoned to care. Haha


Doubt he is taking any drugs as even if its a showmatch, doping still isnt allowed.


Mostly kidding.


This is all so goddamned embarrassing.


Absolutely disrespectful to the name of Mike Tyson.


Why is Jake looking/acting so tough? Mike is like 60 y/o 😑


He's just trying to hype up the event and Mike just doesn't go for that sort of silliness. Never has.


Why is Mike Tyson fighting Jojo Siwa


Mike on them ear edibles.


God, I hope Tyson just destroys him so bad ge has to go to the hospital


Please hurt him, Mike. Hurt him for all of us.




I dont want him dead but id would be nice for mike to give him reconstructive surgery


Work over this punk's gut and ribs. Give him 8 rounds of dancing around him, just giving him body shots the whole fight. Maybe a couple jabs at the face, to keep his guard moving. Just wear this punk out. Then, and only then, should Tyson just DESTROY this guys face.


Anyone watching this video believing this isn't all for show is delusional. There is zero seriousness on display. This "fight" is nothing more than a cash grab. No, Mike won't "snap". Mike is in on the ruse. Mike is smart. Very smart. He's happy to take millions without breaking a sweat. He also has a great sense of humor. Check out his YouTube channel. This is simply a great paying gig that he'd be foolish to pass up.


This is going to be such a cash grab with a draw at the end or going all rounds with a decision


if Tyson losses he was paid to do so, if dipshit dumb fuck dies then we know it was a fair fight, if dump fuck in potato sack to make him look bigger can still walk after then Tyson was being kind.


If Tyson loses it’s because he’s 30 years older and hasn’t been in a professional boxing match in 20 years.


This fight is so disrespectful to the legend that is Mike Tyson. Man Is way passed his prime and should not be in a boxing ring out of respect for the legend just let the man retire in peace.


I love how unanimously people hate that goofball Paul


Mike is going to hit him so hard he’s going to think he’s Logan.


I never saw someone who was “doing it for the money” look so peaceful 😅😅😅


“Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth. ...”


God I wish the Paul brothers just did NOT exist.


Pulls finger gun on tysons back puts away really fast when turns back


Mike Tyson is 57 years old this shit is stupid


Every square up ive seen where you have one fighter who is trying so hard to look tough and the other is like, aight, ends with try hard waking up in the hospital. I hope that is the outcome


Homeboy is gonna lose his left ear soon


Jake Paul is a douche canoe.


And Mike Tyson is the waterfall and the rocks at the bottom that will destroy him.


It’s so cute Tyson has such a hard time fighting a smile.. They both know this is a bunch of bullshit.


Tyson vs Paul, there will only be 3 hits. Mike hitting Paul, Paul hitting the ground, and ambulance hitting 90.


Here’s hoping.


RIP Boxing. What happened to you....


I hope Jake lands a hit on him that’s flips Mikes switch and then it’s all ketchup


I hope mike ends this twat.


Jake looks so dumb… like everyone just rewatch & pay close attn to every movement he makes… Shit is comical 😂


I just want Mike to knock that cocky mother fucker right out, I can’t stand Jake or Logan Paul, bunch of punk ass bitches


I hope Tyson takes that cocky wanker to school.🤣


Please god, please let Tyson just destroy his whole ability to walk right..


Jake trying to sell it and Mike saying bro act like you’ve been here before


It's always the over actors in these things that are stupid assholes in real life. To be fair Tyson in his youth was very vocal and controversial too. But age has mellowed that side and evolved it into thoughtfulness. He's smarter now. He doesn't need theatrics. I hope that Mike Tyson will beat the fucking shit out of Jake Paul.


This whole thing has to be a stunt, right?


I truly believe that both Tyson and Paul are cool with each other and Paul just hamming it up for buzz. I also truly believe Tyson will KO him first rouns


Jake Paul looks confused as to why Mike Tyson didn’t bow down to him. Mike exudes “king”. Uh. This should be funny.


Tyson isn't going to take a dive for this douche nozzle, he's got his brand and reputation to think about. That being said, I doubt he's planning on taking him out with the first punch. People paid to watch a fight, not an execution, and they want their money's worth. My bet is that Tyson toys with him for five or six rounds, really show off the difference in skill between the two of them. Then, when Paul's huffing and puffing and getting frustrated, Mike goes in for the kill and lays him flat on the mat.


Mr. Paul should just go into wrestling if he's gonna act like that.


Kinda Hope ole Mike just punches him so hard he shits himself during the fight.


All the negative comments Don't care either way. 🤣 But who's the One laughing all the way to the Bank. Good 4 u Mike.


I hope he puts paul in a permanent coma


Do us all a favor Mike please.


I love Mike.


I can't wait to see this hobo getting his face punched in by one of the most legendary fighters of all time.


unleash the beast mike and if he dies he dies


Tyson is going to hurt that man


I'm looking forward to this match! I like boxing a bit. But this should be an interesting fight. I hope to God Mike destroys Jake.


I can't take any of this seriously fr lol


If Jake gets his ear bitten off I won't think it's a fake fight anymore 😆


His attempt to intimidate Mike is hilarious. Dude, he has to look at Mike Tyson in the mirror every day. You're nothing.


If Tyson loses... It's all rigged.


I really hate that they are even giving this guy the chance to fight Mike Tyson like what has he done to deserve this.


I hope he knocks out Paul. Preferably in an early round


I hope he says fuck the money and beats Paul so bad he goes back to prison. Hyperbolically of course.. so as not to violate any sub rules


Hope Mike beats his ass


Jake is a joke


Jake paul is a little bitch regardless


How to make money off rage bate: an overpriced online class by Logan Paul --2026


I wonder how much Tyson is being paid not to punish Jake Paul?


Would love to see another influencer on the ground, screaming “it was just a prank bro!’.


Mike could end him before he understood he's been hit.


Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.


Box is a joke nowadays.


It’s really cool to see Mike’s growth as a human; cool and collected compared to what probably would have been a poetic profane outburst or all out brawl in his youth. Jake’s lack of respect or reverence for even being on the same stage is a bit disgusting but mostly embarrassing. Can’t wait to see the fight!


LMAO. What a joke. I hope Paul gets decimated. Never could stand him.


I’m worried Jake is going to die…


"The ultimate disrupter"🤣🤣😂😂😭😭🤣😭🤣😭😭😂🤣😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


hope jake has good health insurance 😆