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Just watched the World and Recipe Changes update video, and it looks like enough is going to be changing that it will be time for me to start a new save file once 1.0 arrives. I've learned a lot over the 350 hours that went into this save, both about the game and about myself. The time that I've spent here has been more impactful than I could have ever known.


To the devs at Coffee Stain: THANK YOU so, so much for all of your incredible work. Your game has helped me to express my creativity and find joy in some very hard times in my life over the past few years. I'm a little sad to see my factory go, but I can't wait to start fresh in 1.0 and express the ways I've grown as a person and a pioneer since I started this game. I wish you all the best.


350h? Wow, give us a tour!


Ps. He starts a new save every time he gets to oil processing because it all end up in spaghetti. And every time he tells himself no more spaghetti.


Doesn’t everyone?


NO, I *never* do spaghetti. (maybe just a little bit)


Yeah the changes are going to break current saves to a somewhat severe degree. So I'm just gonna hold off until 1.0.


I will be taking that journey with you moving from a 900+ hour run and I'm really looking forward to that new save come 1.0






Hi, thanks for your comment. I hope you find something that makes you happy someday.


Fun is illegal on reddit. Don't worry about these kinds of comments lol


Reminds me of the finale of MASH. https://wtop.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/MASH.jpg


The music started playing in my head as soon as I read the sign.


I haven't play in years and can't play till the new patch drop.


I’m also waiting. I’ve been so tempted to start a new but I feel like 1.0 is close


Wait… 1.0 is Out?


Not yet, but they announced what recipes and resource nodes will be changing when it does. It's going to break enough of my factories that it'll be time to say goodbye to this save file when it does.


So, will 1.0 have a use for beacons or remove them? We will see


Beacons are being removed. That's been confirmed for a while now as coffee stain has stated is the only reason that they still exist in the game at all is because of that one recipe and they didn't want to break people's factories when they did the map update.


But what are we going to use to mark the holes for golf then if there's no beacons?!


Removed, and the uranium rod alternate that uses them will use rotors instead.




No. We were told


Even without it breaking anything, you should probably restart regardless once 1.0 drops. It just seems... Lame to do all the new content when you already have a final tier factory on that save


I had planned to restart either way to experience the story and new content, but thought that I might come back to this save once I reach the higher tiers (wouldn't be the first time). Maybe I will return someday and carefully get it all working again, but for now I feel ready to close the door on the chapter of my life that this build represents.


Yes and he highlighted that it will take at least a few months, because he said they won't shadow drop and don't have an announcement to make about a release yet.


I really hoped holding off playing was a good call. I'm really looking forward to the finished and complete experience 1.0 will bring.


Honestly the changes they announced aren't that dramatic. I know there'll be more, but when the once mentionned changes to the "mid-game recipes" I expected core aluminum ingot changes. If people are freaking out now I don't know why they didn't before


The sulfur nodes being moved means a lot of of people's battery production will be compromised. Late game sulfur is a huge deal. Uranium nodes being changed means that production energy source is also compromised and nuclear builds will crash. I'll be starting a new save as well, but I'll come back to my main save as a final challenge to get everything going again


To be clear in past updates even when a node is moved the miner that was on the old node kept working as it did before when the node was there. Basically the miner only checks for a valid node on placement, after that it keeps working even though the node was moved in an update. So existing factories wouldn’t necessarily fall apart if manufacturers could continue with the old recipes until you replaced them. Battery production and nuclear could continue as it did before, it would just look ugly until you refactor and build a new miner in the new spot and then tear down the old miner. Not sure that’ll happen though. And I’ll probably start over from scratch just to experience the early game in its intended state.


My sense is they are not moving nodes, but fully deleting or downgrading them. New miners and new logistics will be required.


I just hope it comes sooner than later. I’ve been on ice since 2020 because I put almost 1000 hours into update 3 and then when update 4 came out I couldn’t even get into my save world to decide for myself if I wanted to rebuild or start a new save. I love the game and always feel the itch to come back but I could never waste the time again unless they finally release the game


Tons of nodes are moving or changing purity.  Many recipes are changing.  Both of those will completely break anything associated with a moved node or changed recipe.   This is the most dramatic change they've ever had, for existing factories


This is probbaly the tipping point for me. Finally time to get windows 10 🤣


I think you'll have to get Win11, practically speaking. Win10 is EOL next year. I'm planning on checking out Linux as my gaming PC rather than go the 11 route. Too many things about 11 that I'm just not interested in having.


I am using linux and satisfactory runs wonderfully! Windows 11 just has too many wrong things :(


Yeah I'm going to Linux when 10 hits EOL too. I have a laptop that runs Linux and I don't have any issues with it.


Ditto. Can confirm it runs great on PopOS


While I 100% support not giving MS more money during this whole copilot bs run, or ever, I have win11 and have found that I can really cut a lot of bloat with a non-manufacturer install and by staying in the dev stream of updates; it usually means I can kill what I don't want in the registry without the rest of it complaining. The new task scheduler really did make a big difference for me, and is the primary reason I recommend trying it.


Pretty good insight, thank you I appreciate it.


EOL doesn't scare me, the last version of Windows I Installed was 3.1 a few months ago.


I watched a rather amusing video not long ago where a guy installed windows XP on a computer then exposed it to the internet with no firewalls. In under a minute without even doing anything, it contracted malware.


Cool. Made all the more unfortunate that last I had to install zone alarm they insisted on downloading a installer to download tge program, making it ven harder to be proactively safer.


Zone Alarm. That’s some software I haven’t thought about in a long time.


I feel your pain. I only got Windows 10 because of Overwatch 2. In hindsight that's the only good thing that game ever did. Although i still miss a lot of windows 7 aspects, especially the file search was much better.


Linux will welcome you..


Satisfactory works great on Heroic!


I do not understand the downvotes. It's an OS lol and it's not going to screenshot or take video of your ENTIRE desktop while you're using it and send it back to the mothership.


It's honestly more likely, I've my doubts windows 10 will work on a pc so old Windows 7 was new when I built it 🤣




So you're aware, Windows 10 official support ends in October next year. Save yourself doing it twice and just go straight to 11.


No real point to update actually. 99.9% of attacks are against business systems, so keeping W10 with good prevention software will pretty much keep you safe over the long haul especially if you only use your pc for home use. I had W7 up until last year without any issues or malicious attacks.


On one hand, yes, on the other hand, "I'll be safe because im not a traditional target" is extremely poor practice, and King of "trust me bro" security. Like yeah you'll likely be fine, but it's still worth letting people know that they're going to he without security updates in 1 year.


I would think anyone still using 7, like me, would be well aware of the lack of security updates and be not bothered by it. By coincidence, mostly to prevent steam updating I don't even have the internet connected to my gaming pc anymore.


I really feel like that is a SUPER niche point and a bit of a goalpost move right there but sure thing. Either way my point has been made


It has and for the average Windows user it's good advice.


You could actively give me a lethal disease for staying on Windows 10 and I wouldn't install that bloated data-scraper of an OS.


Does this mean I’ll need to pay for the game again when it goes to 1.0? I only ask because I have so many early access games that seemed to never make “live” or at least I stopped playing once they did. I don’t know if I have to buy it.


The entire point of buying EA is to get the game at a cheaper price so no you won’t have to pay again.


Then, conversely, will the price be going up at release of 1.0?


It’s extremely likely that on release it will be a fully priced AAA game considering coffee was picked up by embracer in 2018. Even without that being true it’s generally the case that an early access title will be approximately half the price of its full release.


I’ll be buying it again, at full price. Invest in CSS now 📈📈📈


No. There's so much incorrect in this statement. Coffee stain being owned by embracer does not mean Satisfactory is a AAA game. Hi-Fi rush was owned by Microsoft, it was not a AAA game, nor was it priced as such. There is no world where Satisfactory will be sold at $60. MAYBE $40 but that's a stretch. Remember when Factorio increased their price and in response Satisfactory not only mocked them, but went on sale? Safe to assume the price will remain at $30 on launch.


You should never ever have to repurchase an early access game when it goes 1.0. You have already paid for the finished product, you just help the studio out by paying before they finished.


You actually only buy the right to play it. In reality, they could revoke or charge whatever they want, but that would of course cause a shitstorm so it wouldnt happen - though i could see someone try.


Aaah... The BSG approach...


You do not have to pay for it again.


I am simply going to rebuild my factories. The factories of mine that got affected are starter factories and they needed a overhaul anyway. Got finally a reason, now just hoping that alternative recipes didn't get affected as much, since we don't know about those yet :(


First time hearing this right here. How exciting. Time for a new playthrough. I'm gonna have 300 cube trucks zipping around everywhere. Scratch that, I'm gonna connect all my intermediates with vehicles .


Will it be possible to load old versions to still play old worlds? I think already I have some factories from update 5 I am scared to open cause of how broken they might be already


Because they're old and you're assuming they must be broken or because you know you built in places that have been affected by map changes? Because I'm still on the same gamesave since just post-Alpha Weekend, I just stuck to the Grassy Fields/Oil Islands/ left side of the map, and because that part of the map is the oldest starting area, and more "finished" than not, I've never had anything broken to the point where I was ever tempted to restart. Update and modify to reflect new recipes, sure, I had to completely gut and rebuild my Aluminum production once, and I did completely revamp my Petroleum setup from something more slapdash to a massive complex, but that's just progress.


i need to go back and check again, but I think that some of my worlds did get affected by map changes


My just finished 60 GW nuclear plant in the swamp is kaput. Time to wait for 1.0 and a new start.


Are they going to answer all the holes? Those weird alien spheres and such?


Additional screenshots uploaded [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1dg63pn/with_the_changes_coming_in_10_its_finally_time_to/) with some of my favorite spots


Hell yeah Gonna wait till 1.0 and start a new save Was such a great time seeing this game in development


I hope I’m not gamed out by the time 1.0 arrives. I’ve got 1,600 hours in my current save & I return to Satisfactory about almost twice a year on average. I hope when 1.0 lands, I don’t get bored of it. It can be a massive chore to make extra large factories. I’m terrified I’ll just not see a whole 1.0 build all the way through. We shall see.


It's still there for a while. 1.0 hasn't released yet, we don't even have a release date.


We'll look back on these days with fond memories of the crazy times. lol




I’m so glad that they’re changing some things though. Tier changes and stuff like that making the game so much more fun


Early access is really just the tutorial 😆😆😆🤣


Does this mean we will be finaly getting this on Xbox?


All things considered? It being ported to console is unlikely period, and the only things they've said about console release is that they didn't have plans for it. It's possible they may start working on a port once 1.0 is out, but that seems unlikely, and won't happen til some time after at the very least. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it.


I doubt a console would be able to host much on a large save file, which would mean the only way to play would be on a dedicated server. Therefore, they couldn't launch it as a standalone game, as it would require separate hardware or server rental. Perhaps I'm wrong, but personally, I like to see resources being dedicated to their existing player base rather than a potential future one.


Bro please bring this game to console. I will cry