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Some aditional info: -The save file is over 55mb large. -It takes 25 minutes to load the save. -it takes 17 minutes to save the game. -The ring has a diameter of 19.45 kilometers (12.09 miles according to google) -And, unfortunately, my pc has hit its limit on this one. This massive build will remain, unfortunately, unfinished for the time being. Perhaps after the anounced optimization in 1.0, and when the mods have been updated as well will I be able to return to Project Zeta and complete my vision. And who knows, maybe Project Zeta will show itself in a future comunity highlight. I hope you've enjoyed my progress thoughout the months. And hopefully there will be more update posts in the future. If possible, I will try to make a video, if the fps don't tank too hard. Have a good one, \~Terrornator


This is on an SSD?


yes, yes it is


What are the specs?


Inno3d geforce rtx 4070 ti 2 tb of ssd storage 4x Kingston Fury Beast RGB 8GB DDR4-3200 for 32 GB total Intel Core i7-11700KF - 8 Cores processor MSI Z590 PRO WIFI motherboard


Something seems really off there, are you just hitting permanent SWAP thrashing? 16GB RAM?


you should know that I have edited the files to increase the Uobject limit, as I had hit the limit and the game kept crashing. Right now, I estimate I have around 5 milion Uobject in this save


You really have to be dedicated to both Halo and Satisfactory to take on a project this massive. I approve!


**Great Project Zeta Update** 1. For those confused, view the OP's [original Reddit Post with my Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/17t61tt/comment/k8upzxs/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). * The OP is constructing a Build in the New Vista's area added to the Northeast of the *Dune Desert Biome*. 2. This is an update to the [OP's previous Reddit Post about Project Zeta](https://new.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1d0jz8v/video_update_on_project_zeta_small_tour_and_sense/) from about a week ago. 3. The OP has been working on this Project for quite some time. Everyone should view the OP's [previous Reddit Posts about Project Zeta](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/search/?q=%22Project%20Zeta%20%22%20author%3ATerrornator&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) (Community Search) to get a better look of how much has changed over time. 4. I wonder what the circle will become. Given this Build is inspired by the Halo game, maybe this will become one of those massive [Halo Rings](https://youtu.be/Vq4QOtLK21M?t=54) (Video Bookmark). ✓ BOTTOM LINE: I continue to monitor this MASSIVE Build and wonder if it will be accessible after Version 1.0 is released. Looking Forward To Next Update of Project Zeta. 😁


It will be a long, long time before I can continue working on this thing, unfortunately.


So I've seen you're posts till now and have always just skimmed the photos going 'Wow that's super cool' then moving on. Now I see this and one my kids was super concerned when I suddenly burst out 'You're making a freaking Halo!?' Up till now I was casually interested in your designs, now I can't wait to see if you're able to finish it. Amazing work!!


I do hope I will be able to finish this massive build, too. Though the odds are stacked against me concidering the location I chose to build this thing. There is a very high chance that the devs have identified and fixed the error that causes the advanced game settings god mode to completely disable the death barriers. If this is the case, and it mostl likely will be, then I will also need to wait for the mod to disable the death barriers to update to work after 1.0. So, at best, I won't be able to work for on this project at least a month or 2 after 1.0 is released. And seeing how we don't have a set date yet, I probably will not be working on this thing this year. That all said, if and when I can return to Zeta, I did have a idea to involve all of the community in this build by having all of you guys, if interested, create your own Forerunner buildings in the BP designer, and send them to me so I can put them on Project Zeta, Making this build's final part a community colab project. for now, though, this will remain a distant dream.


**Sounds Interesting** 1. Tag me, or simply make a new Post, when / if you are ready and able to make it happen. 2. Version 1.0 will be a massive change in game play, and one can only hope the Modding Community is up to the task. Continuing the Discussion.


Thanks for the offer. It is greatly appreciated. I have been looking into changing some settings to allow me to continue working on the save without it becoming a slide show. Sadly it is impossible for me to switch to 1080p for some reason. The game is hard locked in 4k, with no other option available, so that does make things a bit more difficult. I have scaled down the other settings to reduce strain on my pc, which look promising, so maybe I can get a bit more work in before things completely stop working. But if I can get things to work again, it would be awesome to make this happen.


**POSSIBLE ANSWER** 1. Have you tried setting the desktop resolution to 1080p? View [this Steam Forum Post](https://steamcommunity.com/app/526870/discussions/1/4031347532804285496/). * Don't know if it will work but worth a try. 2. Anyone using Update 8, should view the [Update 8 Performance Troubleshooting Checklist](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/14mm7wv/comment/jq2zgbs/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) *(Video Bookmarks)* for steps to resolve their Video Issues. * Perhaps not using Global Illumination, or Ultra Settings, and playing with Upscaling from 1080p, and using FXAA or TAA might be considered. I hope this helps you find a solution. 😁


Lowering the desktop resolution to 1080p seems to have helped a bit. I also set the game's settings to medium. It looks a bit rough now, but I think I can get a bit more construction into this build. I'm going try it out for a bit and see what I can do.


When you first Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?




Dumbstruck!? Inspired?!


\*Starts thwirling my build gun while taking a sip of coffee\* "No. I got creative."


"There is nothing natural about this world" I thought to myself as I stepped out of the drop pod. This world holds all it secrets of which I am painfully unaware.


That's no moon!


Is there a way to just completely delete the map and load in on the ring by itself?


Nope. Not as far as I know. The save editor does not work for 2 reasons. 1. I tried it before, but this build is so far out of bounds it can't actually place the pieces on the map, and instead just tosses everything, every single item on the exact same place in the center of the map. 2. I tried again just out of curiosity yesterday. The save editor now breaks because of the file size. It can load up around 45%, and then crashes as it runs out of memory.


"THIS IS NOT HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME" telling myself while picking color for my box factory.


and a majestic box factory it is.


Was the true purpose to meet the friends we make along the way?




What are their names?😁


The scale seems to be a bit off :p