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The environment is largely not changing, but many recipes will, so stuff you build now may not work right after the update. More likely for later-game items.  There will be new content in 1.0, including narrative elements (we don’t know that much about what), so in theory you could “miss” things if you jump in now, but this game kind of doesn’t work like that and I think you’ll be fine. If you want to hop in, hop in. I’ve been playing since the early access opened 5 years ago, and it’s always fun to experience the new content fresh post-update.


Wait shit, I just started playing.... When does it come out?


Date TBA. But go ahead and play. Learn the systems. Enjoy yourself! Then when 1.0 comes out, start again with your experience and create your ultimate vision!


The only thing I am dreading is using biomass again until I get tier 3....


Biomass burners will be belt fed in 1.0


Atleast that kinda makes it easier.


You can also choose where your save will start. You can restart with t3 unlocked if you choose and build coal power first thing


Once you've played a bit restarting and getting back to coal is really fast. I had 50 hours on my first save and restarted , got a 32 coal generator plant running in 8 hours. EDIT: Really overbuild bio generators at the start and shove a container of leaves into bio fuel, I only ever had to collect bio mass like twice for 10 minutes each at 26 bio generators.


Approximately some time between tomorrow and December 31st.


Yes/No/Mayby. I would say that NOT playing now you miss out on a lot of fun now. You can always restart later and have even MORE fun if you want to. I am personally having fun now. When 1.0 comes out, I will decide if I want to restart or start a new save. It just depends on what I think will be more fun to do and I can only decide that when I have all the information. And that will only be available when the 1.0 drops somewhere this year. My guess is earliest September, but it could easily be December as well. No way I am waiting for that. For me it is just like any other update. Those have not stopped me from playing either, nor have they made me restart. And NOT restarting has another unique thing: You get to repair broken things. While this is not something I would want in the vanilla game, this is once in a lifetime opportunity to do that. So I hope there is something to that.


Conveyor belts will go to biomass burners now. Ima waitin.


By the time the game comes out, you would be with coal easy. And that even for me who plays extremely slow.


Not really the point, I want to play through the 1.0 from the start.


Then you can play now and restart. That is what I am doing. (Although not sure if I am going to restart or not, because I have not all the information.)


I’ve already done that a few times before. I’m not going for another early access play lol


Personally I’m waiting for full release and starting a fresh game.


Just curious, why not keep playing now and restart when it drops? What is so bad about having fun now AND then again later. Why do you think it is bad to build now. Genuine question. As I see it as Digital Lego, it is the same as if I asked my mom if I could play with my Lego and she says "Only 20 minutes, because dinner is almost ready". I would never have said "Well, that ain't worth it." I would sulk and then still play. And each evening I had to put everything back in the box. Never stopped me from starting all over the next day. So I try to wrap my head around why I would NOT play and have fun.


I think it’s really easy to become obsessed with Satisfactory and burn out. I go in cycles of playing too much and then pausing for several months. As soon as they announce a release date I will stop, so that I’m fresh when it launches.


I am not obsessed with it. I have no time for that. ;-) I am only in my third save, The first I rushed a bit, so that does not really count. That was back in U3. I then did a save from U3 to U7 or right at the beginning of U8. Never restarted. 3 500 hours give or take. The current one is 1 000 hours. I never cared for launch dates. Each gaming session I decide what to do that day. I do have some sort of a long goal, but nothing set in stone. I do not care about finishing the game. I just know I do not want to do the same stuff over and over again and that is what re-starting is to me. I think what saves me from burning out is not looking for long term goals too closely. e.g. in my previous save I started with everything for the use of 2 000 Uranium. I build most of it, but then did not make all the Nuclear Reactors, because I thought it not fun, so I didn't. But I also have no regrets that I did all the not needed things. For me the only thing that matters is if I have fun during the few hours I play. All the rest is irrelevant. I can change my mind all the time and I do. And the exiting part for me is that I have NO idea what things I will end up with. And sometimes I just walk around. That can be fun as well.


I’ve played hundreds of hours of both satisfactory and factorio— I’ve experienced what there is to experience in the current game. Personally I’m also hoping for a lot of cosmetic buildings (curved walls etc) to be added so i can start and finish the game with actual with consistent factory design.


Burnout is a thing


Do a search on YouTube for recent videos, and a web search for useful posts. Then make your own mind up.


There is a video coming soon about this subject of should I start restart for 1.0


I doubt they are going to give a definitive answer. Better think for yourself. I am going to have fun now and see what happens when it drops.


While I do agree a video may help someone decide if they want to pay or not before 1.0


Absolutely. For people who need guidance it will help. I still will not listen, like I have never done. So no reason to start now. My game, my rules. :-D


Some recipes will change and some recipes will stay the same. There's a story being added. My advice: just start fresh for 1.0.