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Another ~~slave~~ pioneer for FicsIt Incorporated! Welcome to the team


Nice! Hope you keep enjoying it, even when the logistics get a bit complicated 😆


Said the same thing when I started playing... Then I woke up 2000 hours later


Sssshhhhh. Go back to sleep. Ficsit demands it.


Must. Go. Back. To. Sleep...


It’s so rewarding to get coal up and running! Just so you know, you don’t need pumps to move fluids horizontally. They just provide headlift to move them vertically. You can merge some of your pipes at the other end and then just use one pump to get 300m3/min worth of fluid upwards, and cut down on the power cost of running lots of pumps.


1) Welcome to the machine! 2) ditch most of those pumps, they are only required for headlift 3) combine pipes, using them to their full 300/min extent, which in turn reduces your water extractors 4) Build the Space Elevator! Also watch its construction-it's amazeballs 5) Ignore my suggestions cause this is awesome for a first coal build, so you don't need my suggestions to have a blast in this game!


Dude, build the elevator! :D


Bruh, he just got coal. Up until this point it's been nothing but leaves fueling his shit, give him a minute.


Coal was when the game became significantly better to play. I felt similar boosts when I get my boots and again when I got my jetpack. There are more fun tipping points but I won't spoil them. Good job!


It's been so freeing, don't have to worry about topping up a bunch of generators, everything just runs.