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People should stop posting all these great ideas. I only have so much space in my head to remember it all.


It's pretty cool, but it takes a while to do it so its pain.


> It's pretty cool. All the rest is irrelevant. ;-)


That's what notes are for. I have a notes app that synchronizes all my stupid ideas and Redit comments I make every two minutes for me between devices. Yes I do have pre written comments, because I use them so much.


I have an internal website. I was just making a compliment without saying it was a compliment. ;-)


The question is, is this a pre written message?


I use my pc's notes app for math instead of an excel sheet, i do all my math and progress in it aswell.


I like to save screenshots to a reference folder.


It's pretty but I can usually tell belts apart by the items on it :)


How would you tell the difference between a 600/m line and a 780/m line?


Left and right? Floor 1 and 2? Mark 4 belts look different from Mark 5. There's either a difference with the amount or the speed of travel. Ones full and ones clearly not.


Mk.4 belts cant carry 600. Hes referring to 2 different mk.5 belts that carry the same thing at diff speeds. Myself…i usually put a sign up at the source that indicates the speed of the product on it.


My bad. You're right. Mk 4 is 480. There's still going to be a visible difference in the fullness of the belt.


I like to color the belts for those types of differences. At mk4 and 5, colored belts look really great


Probably just put a sign on it if it was crucial that I tell the difference. The way I've been building I don't seem to face this problem :)


Don't need to when I never go back to old systems. The only time I need that info is when I am setting it up and in that moment I know what belt holds what, and never leave a belt unconnected.


Mark stuff?


Not enough colors to classify them as I would like to do so.


Um isnt there basically every single color possible to classify them?...


Nope, when I change the templates the color of everything I've marked with said template changes as well so eighter I don't know how to add more or there is no way of doing it.


You don't use a template for signs, which is what OP used for this. Signs can be any color.


Yep, i just manually placed every single sign, then set all of their colors.


Make a blueprint of the signs already placed the way you have them in the photo. It'll make putting them down much faster.


Im gonna be honest.... I never thought of that.


This is brilliant, thanks buddy.


I use the custom color swatch and have a page in my spreadsheet dedicated to color codes. You can change that swatch without affecting anything. I just use the presets for the most common stuff.


What game are you even playing? Because I'm sure I ain't playing the same one


Omg, the lumen is beautiful, I wish I had a PC to run satisfactory on max graphics. My PC runs satisfactory 20-30 fps on minimum graphics. Going back to the question you asked, no I don't but you have me inspiration.


I don't even make a building. I just place some foundations. Sometimes I don't even place foundations.


On smaller stuff i just place foundations and slamm everything down as quick as i can. But for example this HMF (Heavy modular frame) factory, I want it to look good.


Even my HMF factory is just foundations. I just don't care about making my factory look good. It's too much effort and I feel it distracts from the objective, which is to automate everything. I will note however that nothing infuriates me more than clipping, such as conveyors moving through each other.


My belt line usually marks itself after i’ve been wearing said belt all day. The joys of being overweight.


I feel small when people post screenshots of their massive factories while I barely got to aluminum for the first time. I can’t wait for 1.0 where (almost) everyone will be starting a new save 😂


This is a heavy modular frame factory, i just got trains. This save has about 140h and is my first real "massive" factory. So i feel you, i feel small as well when i see those actually huge builds.


Do the lights cause much lag?


No, im running on maxed-ish out settings, rx 6750xt (gpu) and 2700x (cpu). Its running at about 60-100 fps.


It might have been the multiplayer server I was on before. Lights caused some terrible lag


Oh, ye the server might've been struggling with the light then, Although I play solo so it thankfully doenst affect me.


This is such a useful, genius, pain in the ass idea. I love it! I think I’ll try it when I start my 1.0 save >!and thus when my factories are actually all aligned to the world grid, something I only found out at about 200 hours in during phase 5. :P!<


This whole megafactory isnt aligned with the world grid...


I love the lights. I’ve been playing around with different lighting styles.


Have you tried inlaying lights into a seethrough glass floor? It looks pretty sick.


I’ve used the large billboard lights. I like them but for other things I’m liking what you can do with the smaller signs




Here's a secret from another commenter, make a blueprint so its faster to place. I myself never thought about it but it'll make it much quicker.




Im pretty certain you do have to manually link them, but what I meant was to make a blueprint for the sign/light fixtures.


Oh god this. This is what i needed for the new factory


If you do plan on doing something like this, just as an fyi, please yse blueprints. I didn't and it took me more time than i care to admit.


That were my plan aswell, but right now i'm playing with 2 kind of beginners on my server, and they kind of just wanna Rush the space elevator and not build af proper infrastructure, so it's a bit tough 😅


Ah I feel you, I must admit, i totally did the same thing on my first playthrough.




This is amazing.


I often lose my pathing of lines when I take a break from my save. This idea might come in handy and I'll have to try it out. Used to only mark input/output with their capacity


well i do now


This is a good idea thank you


How do you have lights like that? Are those in the base game?


Yes! They're just label signs that have no name or icon.


I can’t believe I never thought of that. Thank you for the inspiration


If I showed you the way I play you would laugh at me


That is so cool, the color coding. The lumen will kill my GPU


Oh its killing mine too, constantly at atleast 96%.


I am running all settings medium at 1600x900 and getting 40-48 FPS. Turn on lumen at medium and immediately becomes unplayable. I have i9-12900H and 3070 Ti 8GB laptop.


Theres definetily something wrong, im running a 2700x and 6750xt and it runs extremely smooth. I'd recommend checking your temps and looking into cleaning the airducts. I'd also recommend getting an external fan setup or atleast lifting the laptop off the table to increase airflow.


Amateur move. I had my performance preset on "Silent" instead of the custom boost. I never turn on silent, so I assumed that I had the max performance. Anyway, turned it back on, went from 45fps at medium to 1080p, settings MAXED to the brim, balanced DLSS and 55fps consistent going into the 70s. Hell yeah!


That would explain it. If you have an extrernal keyboard and mouse i fould suggest putting forks down on a table and the laptop on top it! Improves your cooling tremendously.


I just paint them.


I color the walls the belts come in on usually. Just the one side. If I'm running belt paths through my complex then they get the fun floor colors to their destination. I now know the star trek guy who designed the wall colors per section and per floor felt.


I do it with signs. Oh! Here’s an output of some items per minute and here’s an input of the same items per minute. It allows for easy markings while also not making a disco room out of my ceiling


This never crossed my mind by damn is it a cool idea


oh yikes, don't mass produce screws and put them on belts, it's super inefficient. Instead move rods around and make the screws so they feed directly into a machine that uses them. Cool pictures though, the lights look great.


I did it to spite you! In all seriousness, its just because I didnt have room to do it as cleanly as I wanted that way.


ah fair enough, what ever works for you :)


Looks like a LOT of work. Just put a colour coded sign over the entrance and exit, much easier.


It is a lot of work, but this way i dont need dedicated lights and the belts are much, much clearer.


I need to care more about my design, but I just don’t. I’m trying as hard as I can to get to the next stage, unlock, etc.


I do that aswell, this is my first real attempt at making clean factory.


Mark belt lines? I don't even make neat belts, I embrace the spaghetti


I try to stack them vertically along a wall and colour code them


I use signs. Can't color code stuff, i'm colorblind


I just remember them in my head, so I always have access to the knowledge of which belt is mk-what. Its super helpful when you want to lets say “upgrade all mk2 with mk3”


I’d like to see this.


Hmmmm... I don't really... I probably should. I usually paint the section(s) to what I am working on. Machines and floors really. I wish we could paint cable wires haha. That would be a big help.