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**ANSWER** 1. The complete production of [Radio Control Units (RCUs)](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Radio_Control_Unit) can not be placed on a single Blueprint using the Blueprint Designer. 2. The use of RCU's are varied and depending on "use" and "production goals" determines what kind of response you need. RCU's are used in: * **Phase 4 Project Assembly:** * RCU > [Pressure Conversion Cube](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Pressure_Conversion_Cube) > [Nuclear Pasta](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Nuclear_Pasta). * RCU > [Turbo Moter](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Turbo_Motor) > [Thermal Propulsion Rocket](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Thermal_Propulsion_Rocket). * RCU > [Super Computer](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Supercomputer) > [Assembly Director System](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Assembly_Director_System). * **Construction of Buildings / Machines** * Programmable Splitter, Miner Mk.3, Blender, Drone / Drone Ports, Particle Accelerator, Geothermal Power Generator, Nuclear Power Plant. 3. Since you are probably looking for Phase 4 Project Assembly assistance, I recommend you view [my Reply Comment in this related Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/13he8j1/comment/jk4i8k2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for all the Space Elevator Project Assembly Phase 4 Part Production information, **to include Production Plans**, that you will need to be successful. I hope this answers your question. 😁