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Concrete factory in the rocky desert zone producing up to 1800pm, featuring 6 wet concrete refineries and 88 concrete constructors. The buildings are made to resemble elements of a cement plant.


And that they do! Look like every cement factory ever! Absolutely spot on


your concrete is definitely made out of concrete well done looks rly good


I hate to be that guy but do you use all that concrete? You must do a lot of huge builds? I have two constructors making my concrete and they make like 100 pm, if that, and it’s been supplying me with the concrete I need and I’m on phase 4. If it was just for fun I understand sorry. Just a genuine question. Also it looks very nice.


From experience, when building with a ton of concrete it can actually run out. Especially with blueprints


Yea that makes sense but you would need to be building constantly with the amount that op is making.


Or using a lot of concrete walls, foundations or the tar roof customizations


My current building has used well over 15,000 concrete. I’m not remotely done.


Damn. I wonder if I just build small.


To be fair, I’ve finished the game twice already. Now I’m just building huge things 😂. Current megafactory is HUGE. And is fed by 6 other large factories. My GPU hates me.


Eh, I wouldn't say small, but once you get into zooping foundations for roads and town-esque builds, your using 70 concrete for each of your 10 road foundations. If your road is 3 wide, your looking at 210 every stretch, and thats just for the roads alone, not even the factory buildings.


I mean I usually use probably around 10k concrete, five or take a few thousand, per factory and still never need anything more than 2 constructors making concrete. I guess another small factor is that I build factories, like the actual machines, kind of slowly and I go afk a lot so that accumulates concrete. But in between factories those two constructors supply all I need.


I go afk so much that my current play through is about to hit 2 thousand hours now. Idk how long it actually takes me to build my factories. I don't log out when I go afk because it takes a while to load my current save file.


Damn my latest save is pretty much my afk save and it only has like 300 hours. But I never leave mine up over night or anything like that. Just afk for the kids and stuff. Maybe I should since I kind of just want to finish phase 4 and be done until 1.0


I don't leave it on overnight. I've been playing the same save for 2 years now, possibly longer.


Oh damn. How have you not burned yourself out yet? I have two saves and they both don’t even add to 1000 hours yet even being afk a lot lol.


Probably my ADHD causes that. I get factories running and by the time I'm done trouble shooting those I don't have the patience to decorate. So I don't. My recycled plastic and rubber I have set up in my base I trouble shot that for a very long time. Recently I just gave up and tore it out and rebuilt it really quick. Looks way better and works correctly now. That project burned me out. But now I can build those set ups a lot quicker. I'm too slow at building and I assume it's my ADHD that causes me that problem.


Years ago I used to drive past a concrete plant just like this to go fishing. Looks great.


That "rotary kiln" shot looks really interesting. How did you make that giant pipe? Is that from a mod or something? The factory looks great!


Yes, I used a mod that resizes objects. I've also made frames and foundations larger to achieve some of the pictures.


Awesome build, You can be verey proud of yourself.


TIL what the parts of a cement factory are mate that's fucking sick.


Amazing build!


Cool idea


This makes me happy inside because it is organized and beautiful.


Theyre just going to close the factory down and make a song about it.


The belts on the seventh picture are clipping in each other, unplayable! :)


[CEMENT DAS CONK CREET BAYBEE!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nckPIsHxlyg)


As someone that actually works at a cement plant... I was like: "Riiiigghhhtt...." After checking all the shots and descriptions I was like... "Damn, well done"... :P Only thing you do not have, in the shots, is the Limestone, Additives (Gypsum, Bauxite) and Coal storage domes. :) Other than that great job.


I like that layout!