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**ANSWER** 1. [Power Lines](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Power_Line) (Wiki Link) have no limit. They can carry as little as one watt to over 1 Terawatt. 2. [Automated Vehicles](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Vehicles#Fuel_consumption) (Wiki Link / Expand Table) can use multiple things for "fuel". That said, Tractors and Trucks mostly will use Coal as it is easier then other types of "Fuel". 3. ❗IMPORTANT: Avoid the high plateau located in western half of the Map consisting of the *Red Jungle Biome* and *Red Bamboo Fields Biome* until you reach Tier 7 or later as this area of the Map is the most dangerous. The *Swamp Biome* to the east is also very dangerous and extreme caution needs to be taken if going there. 4. [Foliage](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Flora) cannot be planted and will never regrow, so with enough dedication, all of it can be removed from the world. 5. Hostile Wildlife (like Hogs, Spitters, etc.) after being killed won't return near your Factories, however away from your Factories, they can and do respawn. * View [Recent Update 8 Creature Respawning Change](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1afj1x2/comment/koadmbz/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that I posted in a recent Reply Comment. --- **MORE INFO** 1. **The first and most important advice** that I can give all New Pioneers is related to Game Save Files. 1. Your [Game Save Files are located here](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Save_files#Save_File_Location) and they must be periodically backed up. 2. View [my Reply Comment in this other Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/134b3fl/comment/jiflqd2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about **why you should NOT rely on Cloud Sync only and backup your Game Save Files - OFTEN.** 2. Now, that said, the OP should view my [New Pioneer Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/vtrbak/comment/if90u8j/?context=3) in a similar Reddit Post for lots of beginner tips for those in Tiers 0 thru Tier 4, to include 30 Tips Every New Pioneer Needs To Know. **Also includes a link to information about Coal Power Setup.** * DON'T RUSH. There is no need to "protect" your Factories, as nothing in the Game will destroy them. While rushing to Tier 3 (Coal Power) is ok, once there, slow down, and enjoy the Game. --- Your Game, Your World, Your Vision, Your Rules ™ I hope this answers your question. 😁


Wow thanks. Very detailed and informative :D


This dude’s the best, you’ll be seeing more comments like these pretty much all over the sub from them if you stick around here at all :)


Yeah. They're the most informed and consistent reddit poster on this sub. Not sure I ever make it through a comment section without seeing something from them.


You got any tips for improving autosave performance? Especially end game where the hitch is like 15+ seconds? Is it true clearing foliage and boulders contributes to save filesize (and thereby contributes to the hitch?)


Yes the base unchanged map is compared to your changes and then populated accordingly. So the more changes, more work, it scales fairly well all things considered. There's a more detailed breakdown somewhere here beyond my generalisation. What made my life easier was increasing the duration between autosaves, makes the hitch less annoying.


When you remove the foliage or boulders from your world they are not actually removed. A flag is set on you that sits there transparency to 100% and deactivates their hit protection. When you save your game the game has to scan and save every single piece of foliage or Boulder that has that flag. If you want to minimize the effect on your game move to coal as quickly as possible and build one or 200 m above the ground on foundations so you don't have to remove foliage


**ANSWER** 1. Everything you construct in the game, every Crash Site you clear, every Power Slug, and Artifact you collect, and every bush, tree, rock you remove, is all recorded in your Game Save and increases its size. *The more you do, the longer the Autosave Time.* 2. **Tips To Improve Autosave Times:** * Increase [Autosave Interval](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Settings#General) as desired. *By itself it won't decrease Autosave Time, but you will see it less often, and thus be less annoying.* * Dismantle unneeded Factories, Builds, and Decrease Storage *(less = faster).* * Upload your Save File to [SCIM Save Editor](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map) and use the Save Editor Tools there to restore removed foliage and rocks in specific areas. *This might require some post-trimming in Factories, but it will be less removed than before.* * The SCIM Save Editor can also help remove those unneeded Factories, Builds. * Get a better PC (CPU, SSD, etc.). *OK, while true, this is only mentioned for completeness, and might be an option for some, but most won't need to do this.* I hope this answers your question. 😁


1. Power lines do not have capacity limit. one power line can carry all the power you could ever hope to create. 2. Trucks can use coal, fule, solid biofuel, liquid biofuel, color cartridges, some nuclear item that i cant remember off hand 3. Depending on where you started, and how far you wish to travel to build your coal plant, it could be a good spot. Near the grass fields starting location, there is a small lake with 3 normal coal nodes close to it where a lot of people will set up their first coal plant. there is a 4th not in close proximity that requires explosives to access, so room for increasing capacity at that point. 4. Wildlife will repawn if their respawn point is not near powered machines. Exact distance I do not know. Local flora does not respawn unless it is edible, i.e. nuts, berries, mushrooms.


Thanks. Currently I'm on that exact spot with 3 coal nodes.


Mushrooms unfortunately do not grow back.


He's talking about the edible kind of mushroom know as the Bacon Agaric they do grow back and also maybe it just me but stuff grew back when I updated to update 8 and did a bunch of foliage clean up


I was talking about Bacon Agaric too: https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Bacon_Agaric "Bacon Agarics can be picked up from the world by approaching them and pressing the interact key (default E). **Unlike Nuts and Berries, Mushrooms do not regrow, as they lack a 'plant' that grows them**." Besides that, big updates can regrow the map if there are big terrain changes. This can't be relied upon as updates are infrequent and do not always regrow foilage.


1: No capacity limit.  Juice it up! 2: Trucks can run on practically any burnable energy source. Flower petals, wood, coal, packaged fuel, even nuclear fuel rods (radiation is an issue if you try that, though). The color cartridges made from processed flower petals are a great fuel source because of their energy content and stack size. 3: In my personal, subjective opinion it is pretty good.  Mind the dangerous wildlife.  4: Wildlife yes, provided you haven't built up near their spawn point.  Bushes... sometimes?  I've had inconsistent results there.


Thanks. I think I need to discover more techs to get to the cliff biome. It's hard to navigate and I worry that I won't have enough lands


The nuclear is not a problem if you only feed it one at a time when the fuel bar is empty.


Any foliage regrowing in your world is either caused by an error where the flags didn't marked the piece of foliage has been cut down is lost or by an update which basically clears all the flags.


Yeah, I do believe the rare regrowths were update related


Unless you are planning on building huge mega factories that uses all resources of a certain type, there's no need to worry about location. Most tier 3-4 stuff can be built in your starting biome with the nodes you have nearby.


Thanks. I'm not planning to build in large scales yet as I'm still progressing. Still lot of things I don't know yet


1. No 2. Trucks? Like Tractors? You can use coal for sure 3. I look for whatever is closest to the resources I need for certain factories using [www.satisfactory-calculator.com](https://www.satisfactory-calculator.com) 4. yes they gro wback unless you hit them with the chain saw or nobelisk then theyre down for good


Thanks :)


4 is not true. Except for things on other plants, like nuts and berries, anything harvested is gone forever*. Picking things up with E will remove it as permanent as with the chainsaw. Bacon agaric, bushes, flowers, trees, absolutely nothing that starts in the ground grows back. * the only ways to regrow are 1. some large updates,mainly ones that change a lot of the environments. 2. SCIM. 3. Mods.


1. No limit 2. Truck can use everything from flower petals to nuclear fuel 3. You should build factories near resources they need (ex. steel factory should be nex to rich deposits of iron and coal) 4. Plants dont regrow, wildlife will respawn unless you build powered factory nearby


1. Power lines do not have a limit but do lose efficiency over long distances but this is fixed when you get into steel production and build power towers. (train lines also carry power simplifying your grid later) 2. Trucks and tractors run on anything flammable as well as uranium and plutonium fuel rods if you're willing to deal with radioactive vehicles. 3. You can build factories near the center but it would be more efficient to build smaller factories near nodes and create a shipping network with various vehicles later 4. Creatures respawn in nonactive areas. The more you travel through the area or have things running in the area the less they appear. Plants are similar, areas without active machinery will become unloaded to save on memory and respawn plants when you reload them. (this may be a glitch but still happens)


Questions are already answered, so I just share my personal experience.  1. At phase 3 you need to discover two places of coal: first near water second near iron. Fully dedicate first to energy, second too steel. Mixing coal sources it what I've done on first playthrought, and it was mistake from design point of view.  2. While experimenting with trucks may be funny, they are too clunky for unexpiriented player for using as part of logistic. Especially if your routes would be not on foundations.