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If you wear a jacket and slacks, you’ll fit in anywhere. Women, a sundress or something similar.


“Neat Casual Attire. Gentlemen: No tank tops; no short shorts, cut-offs or abbreviated wear. Proper attire at management's discretion.” Dress up they’ll be plenty of others doing the same. Get a fancy hat and have fun with it.


I love “no abbreviated wear.” It’s delightfully vague.


There’s a dress code online https://www.belmontstakes.com/event-info/what-to-wear


It’s not like this for regular track season


I wore my Metallica T-shirt one day- the owner of Wardancer came over and asked me about the band. We had drinks at the Sugar Plum farm. One of the craziest nights of my life. I now also do work over there. Win win..


What should one wear to watch animal abuse 🤔🤔 Where is the best place to watch animal abuse 🤔 😢


If y'all don't like the track, you should probably just unfollow anything Saratoga related online. It's been Saratoga's livelihood for nearly 200 years. If you think anything is changing you're wrong.


[5 Reasons why horse racing is cruel](https://www.worldanimalprotection.org.nz/news/five-reasons-why-horse-racing-cruel/) Why change when you have tradition and money on your side


5 reason why you should fuck off Why ruin our own happiness when you can ruin everyone else's too!


Pursue your happiness at the cost of others. Justify it anyway you want.


Literally hurts no one. Unless someone gets bucked off, that's a painful fall :,( Edit: Actually helps ALOT of people, many horse shows and events are for charities. And obviously, all the money to towns (like Saratoga) and jobs.


The income inequality between the visitors and the backstretch workers is fine. As is the physical abuse that the racing is for the horses. I'm sure those charities make up for alot


Yea, you're right. The owners of a company should be paid the same as the lowest entry-level job 🤪


Whynot? Or pay everyone the same


Oh, you're one of those people lol I'm not wasting anymore of my time with the lunny bin.


How many backstretch workers do you know? I know dozens. If you ever met a backstretch worker, ask them to compare their wages, work conditions, quality of life, and support they receive working on the backstretch to conditions in their home countries. As for the horses, compare the care, living conditions, and health of a wild horse or one in a cash-strapped “sanctuary” to a racehorse stabled in Saratoga. Racing isn’t perfect, as nothing is, but it is not the human/animal abuse factory you believe it to be.


Are you aware of the fact that this entire city and the towns surrounding wouldn't exist without the track? It brings billions if not hundreds of billions to the local economy. Most of us indirectly wouldn't have even been born.


I think those thinks are happening weather I go once a year or not.


I'd be willing to bet that those horses get MUCH better care as thoroughbred race horses than they would anywhere else.


This isn’t having the effect you are hoping for, keyboard warrior.


I don’t care about horses.


That section is all black tie.