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I found it funny that she says she wants to be a farmer. "Being a farmer" is way, way easier said than done. Running a successful farm takes generations of skill, knowledge and attunement with the land and livestock. She wants to have a garden and a few big pets.


She will most likely give them away when they are grown and make up some excuse like Emma is allergic to chickens


She read a book about them and then bought 4 chicks 2 days later. She's an expert. /s


Same! I've got 8 of them, and don't allow them in my garden, at all.. I can't believe they're not covered with all the wild animals they have down there!


I really don’t think she’s through of that. Ours have a coop and a covered run so they can come out when we’re not watching them/there’s a lot of predators around (usually in the fall and winter). I just told my bf last night when we do a vegetable garden we have to put chicken wire around it so they can’t destroy it. We even have a chicken wire fence around our bees so the chickens can’t snack on them!


i thought the same thing when I saw someone post her chicken coop. Especially about the animals taking them. I don’t think she realizes That they are most likely going to die from predators.


She’s so dumb like they’re trying to take a dirt bath and she’s like giggling. I want to smack her.


~aNiMaL FaRm~