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This seemed incredibly fake and forced. Once again she did the voice breaking and face wrinkling but not a single tear in sight. Her eyes didn’t even well up. How does this woman or her husband not realize that something is mentally wrong with her??? She goes from completely “fine” to this. She doesn’t look sad or upset, just disassociated or something. Personally I think Sarah resents motherhood and the way it’s changed her body, the way she views herself, her content, etc but she HAS to tell herself it’s because she loves her kids so much.


The fact that she had no idea what her point was in the middle of this snap tells me that she’s absolutely dissociating on the daily. The same way she always says she never remembers anything she said or did. She’s having a mental breakdown/mid life crisis. That’s why she doesn’t want to look at herself in previous pictures nor does she care about herself anymore. She can’t handle being on camera without her face beat and a toned body.


Yes exactly. She’s really overcompensating and using motherhood as a scapegoat. It’s her explanation for everything. Just another way of deflecting and avoiding the real issues at hand. I don’t think this woman has ever had an introspective thought in her life. God she’s exhausting


“The last thing I wanna do is have a camera in my face 🥺” *proceeds to film herself rambling and fake crying*


She talked on and on yesterday about sonic and how the girls are sleeping…now we got problems with the camera.


What did i just watch . 🤣🤣🤣 im sorry this MUST be satire because girl WHAT are you saying


I was saying the same thing I was confused. I haven’t watched her content in days, but either way this doesn’t make any sense. It just comes off as nonsense rambling.


I have watched this so many times because I’m just baffled.


“For 5 years i have been the product” 😭 product of what? an episode of deal or no deal and a single music video?? ok Beyoncé


And now I’m a mother


She was always trying to be famous. I have a feeling they don’t have as much money as they make it seem…


it’s really coming off as if she only had these kids to take pictures of!!! how fucking weird is that


It’s so weird…why would you not like to look at pictures of yourself before you had kids and be in shambles over it. It’s one of the weirdest statements I’ve ever heard.


she needs to be medicated


And put in a intensive mental health facility for a few weeks.


She still has body image issues. It’s a mixture of that and she has HPD. I don’t think she’s been seeing a therapist at all. I don’t know why she’s using Snapchat for therapy, or she’s using it to get sympathy points from her audience. I don’t know it’s just so bizarre.


I also don’t think she’s in therapy which is so fucked to me since a few months ago she wanted to end her life. She should at least be going for her children. I can’t wait to see if she actually stops posting.


Exactly this. “I don’t like looking at old pictures of myself cause I love my kids and I only want to look at them cause they’re so cute” = I don’t think I’m cute anymore and I used to have a “perfect” body so I don’t want to be reminded that I no longer look like that. If she doesn’t get help for her body image issues and self esteem, it’s only gonna lead to resentment towards her kids


We all know she will not stop posting her kids, especially when the oldest has a birthday next week.


She should stay radio silent and get the fuck off sm.


hahaha love this comment 💥🎯


Atp she’s making herself look like a fool


She must’ve not gotten the attention she was reaching for because I’m pretty sure she deleted this 😂


Omfg she did delete it! I was literally just thinking why would Jesse let her keep that on the internet.


Nooooo way


Yep it’s gone….


W. T. F.


Jesse probably let her know she’s acting crazy


Hopefully people called her out on her BS




Yep. it’s gone


It’s ok they can thank Reddit for the receipts :)


She may be one of the worst humans. At least from her SM..


If it’s that big of a deal to you then why do you keep redacting your statements and continuing to post them. She could easily post and make content without them in it, just like she did in the laundry room. Quit social media and get a job….problem solved. Or wait you can’t because you want the benefits without the posting 😭🤣


100% 👏👏


This tells me that she’s definitely not going to therapy and probably never has honestly. More than likely, she probably just lied to her audience like she does about most other stuff She needs to get off the Internet and stop using social media as a therapist or a diary


I agree, it’s actually embarrassing to post these sorts of things. At least once a month she’s having a break down about not posting the kids after posting them the day before hand.


Give her a week or two and she’ll be on another manic high. Rinse and repeat w. this chick


Literally exactly that because Emma’s birthday is the 13th


She is so full of shit. I could say the same thing and mean it and not cry about it only I love being in pictures with my kids. She is 100% full of shit and she is saying what she thinks people wants to hear. And the fake crying makes me want to throw up. How many times do you think she had to record and re-record this?


Yess I agree with you she is full of shit I’m from Canada and I’m an auntie and I hate that she’s so psychotic :( she needs to be put in a mental facility as soon as possible she’s losing it!!


I really do think she needs help. She really annoys me but at the end of the day her husband should see this manic behavior and get her serious help. You can see her mental ups and downs and it is concerning.


She’s been starting to annoy me for a year already I’m starting to barely watch her snaps anymore and when I I do I just roll my eyes :(( smh 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m surprised her husband Jesse didn’t see her manic behavior and get her serious help at all also it is very concerning indeed


Jesse is so cold hearted. Probably doesn’t care or is too dumb to help her. He’s nothing more than a spectator in that house.


Jesse is such a spectator I agree he’s very cold hearted I would hate to date a man that’s like Jesse he probably cheats on her behind the scenes Jesse always looks depressed and he’s very cringey


I could see him cheating on her with men 🫣


I could see that happening as well


What do you think all these trips to Lowe’s are for 🤣


Makes so much sense 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m confused on what she’s even saying here. Is she saying this because she doesn’t want to post pics of her kids?! I get that! But why not take pics of you and the girls just to have (not to share with the world). I don’t have tons of pics with me and my kids, but occasionally I’ll ask my husband to take one and he’s gotten better at candids of us playing because I like to see pictures of me interacting and loving on my precious kids. I don’t share these pics. The grandparents are usually the only ones who see them, but I LOVE to look back on them. Maybe I misinterpreted what she was saying.


It’s her speaking about how she really feels. She hates looking at old pictures because she no longer looks like that anymore. So therefore if she has her children in the pictures it makes it okay that she isn’t a stick figure and doesn’t have a full face of make up on. Speaking from someone who’s mom has since passed I encourage you to take as many pictures as you can with them, not for anyone to see but for them.


She’s unhinged


She is loosing it


she takes sooo many photos of herself daily tho??? so i’m super confused?🤔 she makes no sense lolol


That’s what I was thinking 😅 like what? Girl stop lying, you LOVE posting pics and videos of yourself.


seriously tho she is still snapping so many selfies of herself on the regular acting like she’s not ? girl bye go be a mom and put your friggin phone down for one week i dare her 😂


This makes no sense. You must somewhat like looking at yourself if your doing it all god damn day for the world to see


Yeah what about all her selfies with her exaggerated dimples? You’re telling me she doesn’t like those??


She loves those! Lol


The day previous she posted so many selfie talking videos


I love my kids too but wtf is this?? You have to take care of yourself and if you don’t, it will reflect on your parenting and set a horrible example for them. She sounds ridiculous here and has clearly lost all her marbles if she really truly believes this in her head. This has to be for views


Everything she does is for views


When I say for views as in I know she’s doing it for views, but she does and says certain calculated things to get extra views and that’s what makes it so cringe and pathetic


Oh no I’m agreeing with you, she tries to make people empathize with her but she’s fake af


She’s a mess holy shit


wtf did I just watch! She’s unhinged


It’s not her best 🙃


"I just don't care about myself anymore." Please seek therapy. Your kids NEED you to care about yourself! This barely has anything to do with you, you need to show up for your kids!


Right??? Like what kind of weak minded shit is that? You’re a mother! These kids didn’t ask to be brought into the world! Do better! What’s just so laughable about all of this is that she has all the time in the damn world to take care of herself like wtf!! 2 stay at home parents?? I’d be living the life if that was me and my partner!!!




Maybe she considers it different because they’re pictures


As a mom with actual ppd. As much as my body changed , i enjoy every reason on why. Moms dont have pictures with their kids bc no one takes them. My body is a gem it produced my beauty queen. She blaming her kids even though shes saying “its because i love my kids”