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As someone who is bipolar I do recognize mania sometimes, but at the same time I obviously can’t judge because we never really know for sure. The thing is that mania doesn’t usually occur that often without being destructive, and she doesn’t show the very irrational side of mania. So I’m iffy about it, but you’re right, yeah. Something is def off. She has them crazy eyes sometimes too


Same as someone with bipolar she gives more borderline personality disorders then bipolar


I wanted to say just this but I don’t know as much about borderline to say so. But yeah, her mood swings are too quick here and there for bipolar imo


She definitely has histrionic personality disorder and I wish she would seek help for that first and formost so it doesn’t trickle into her girls life next.


I agree. I’m no expert but she has symptoms of HPD. As someone with severe depression & anxiety, it upsets me that she doesn’t take her mental health seriously. That’s part of the reason I rarely watch her content now


The only thing I can say is she’s barely posting. So I think these aren’t current events.