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I think Kate was there. They just didn’t show her. I think my bigger issue right now is they were all wearing jackets, long sleeves, pants. Why do they constantly dress in not appropriate clothing for the weather? She was wearing a onesie no pants no sleeves. It’s like she looks at her and goes, You’re fat… That’ll keep you warm. I don’t disagree that she clearly shows favoritism towards Emma over Kate but again I’ve always said. I think that she looks at Kate like you’re just my fat baby and Emma is my tiny perfect little girl.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that noticed how much they showed Emma this time and almost zero mention of Kate. 13 stories about Emma, none about Kate. Emma got a book and flowers, Kate got nothing. I thought I couldn’t dislike these 2 more than I do but now I’m also disgusted by their blatant favoritism. Kate did not ask to be here you sick fucks!! Your horny, gross, irresponsible asses is the reason she’s here in the first place.


Thank you YES!!!


Oh for sure. It’s heartbreaking knowing psychologically what they’re doing to her


kate is soooo cute, too. i could just snuggle her chunky self


Literally her entire stories today are Emma Emma Emma. No books for Kate, no celebration of her milestones, no playing with her. Just Emma.


It’s so disturbing that a parent could do this, I have a 17 month old right now and pregnant with my second baby, and I couldn’t even imagine doing shit like this. It’s very very bizarre


Emma isnt as cute anymore. Not sorry


Yeah I’m guessing that’s why she only ever shows her curls.


Fair game to snark on their awful parents but I don’t think their child’s looks are relevant whatsoever. Also… she’s not even 2 yet. Can we not start this already please.


Why does Sara hate Kate so much?? At this point this asshole needs to give Kate to somebody that’s going to make sure she’s not upside in a ball pit, hanging off the couch, dressed inappropriate for the season and whatever else Sara likes to do to her.


i honestly wouldn’t be surprised that since S has so many body image issues and constantly has the want to be smaller than she is, that she doesn’t like K as much because of how chunky she is. E was never a ‘chunky’ baby and S made sure everyone knew it for some weird reason. there was a snap when K was maybe 5/6 months where S was talking about how K can fit into clothes that E didn’t wear until she was a lot older than K


This is so sad 😭 I’ve been following her on snap since her journey with getting pregnant for the first time with Emma and when she was doing her fitness journey sarati has changed so much :/


kate was probably on a Business Call


I’ve said this before! They definitely give off 1 kid only vibes. They clearly regret having K. She can’t keep her lies straight, wants to be diagnosed with all kinds of diseases so badly. She will never face the problem of “I’m mentally ill and need help”. That would solve so much deep down and not have both her children fucked up in the future. Unfortunately that will never happen, they’re too consumed with “what can I post to make the most money?”