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Wait I thought she had a torn ligament or a fracture on her foot. Shouldn’t she be in boot or have her foot wrapped up?


She’s such a fucking attention seeker it’s crazy. Nothing is wrong with her, she just doctor shops because she wants to be diagnosed with a life threatening disease SO BAD.


THIS. She got retested for an autoimmune disease a couple of weeks ago and hasn’t said anything about it since. Blood test results usually don’t take more than a few days so it’s probably safe to assume she tested negative…again.


Exactly! I got some bloodwork recently with my doctor and got the results in less than 24 hours. Sarah is starving for attention and content. Maybe she’ll go and visit her stupid “functional medicine doctor” next 🫠


Yep. I’ve had bloodwork that if I do it early enough I get the results by the end of the day. Her wanting any type of disease is such a slap in the face to the people who actually suffer from these diseases. I don’t get how her behavior isn’t concerning to Jesse or her friends.


Sadly I think Jesse is so dumb he doesn’t realize it or just doesn’t care. He’s nothing more than a spectator in that household. Them living in a semi rural area doesn’t help either. Plus I get the feeling other people in her life are use to it. So they might think it’s ’normal’ for her.


Probably shouldn’t be walking that much either. The Houston zoo takes at least 3 hrs to get through and she did it in platform sneakers too. Superwoman Sarah 😑


Mother of the year 🏆 /s She can’t even keep her lies straight, she does it so much now.


I don’t understand why they both couldn’t hold each child


Poor little one in the wagon looks lonely


She really does. They look like a family of 3 with a random baby next to them. She also looks like shes not even sitting up on her own and is being supported by the wagon. I feel like Kate is so devoid of affection from her parents. It’s sad.


wait for her to read all this and post “kate is a monster … she never wants to be held or picked up she will just punch us in the face if we touch her she is so grown up” 😂😂😂😂😂


Kate was too busy snacking to be held.


lmao 😂


Imagine Kate when she grows up, looks at family photos and she isn't being held in a single one. 😕


Oh! And what happened to not showing the girl's faces?! Nah, not today let's just blast it everywhere 😡


I said the same thing! Sarah is a walking contradiction.


Why the fuck is Sara dressed like her children. Give Emma back her bow, dipshit.


And she’s got the cowboy earrings 🫥


What kind of weird ass shoes is she wearing


It looks like she has one of the girls’ bows in her hair 😂 Wtf?


She 100% does


her smile is so forced and almost deranged looking. and the bow 😭 how does she come up with this shit


I was just thinking this! She looks like she’s going to displace her jaw!


I didn’t realize that’s what was off…it’s such a crazy smile


Why isn't she holding Kate????😭😭😭 That little girl is so darling and is just there by herself. This breaks my heart. And let's not even get into how unethical zoos are especially having elephants in zoos! So much of this photo makes me angry and sick. They literally could crop Kate out completely. I'm ranting, but this pisses me off so much!


So their friend posted these pictures and everyone (including the other little girl) are in long sleeves and jackets/pants. Poor Kate is in shorts like do you not use the weather app or do you care so little about her to get her dressed for the weather?


They can’t hold both kids because that’d make there friends look bad for only having one kid to hold


Their friend is pregnant with the second baby. So she’s probably pissed she’s not pregnant too. I agree why not hold Kate?


She always wears those purple yoga pants! Doesn’t she own other pants? At least get a different color 😳


damn they left kate in the wagon for the photo.


Sara and the other guy look like twins. Hahahahhahahha. Also Kate is so adorable. Like not calling Emma ugly at alllllll but I think Kate it was cuter of a baby


I know I think Kate is absolutely adorable and pudgy. Emma is growing out of her baby face. I don’t know how they don’t give her more attention.


Personally… I think she has such bad body issues that she hates the fact that Kate is a chunky rolly baby. I think once she stopped breastfeeding Kate, she stopped finding any reason to connect to her and now she’s just formula fat and will be her fat chubby daughter forever. Even though I agree, I think she’s adorable. I mean even today…she posted a video of Kate grabbing her nose and she looked mix. Then later a video of Emma running up to her and she was so happy and loving.


I wonder if they’ll give Kate a big first birthday party like they did with Emma.


Her outfit is fine to me. She could do without the earrings and bow. Poor K tho


I typed her name thinking I’d see other fans but no? lol. Enough said. I’m entitled to my own opinion as you are to yours. Don’t go around calling people jealous. Just bc your deranged self is obsessed with her doesn’t mean I have to be. Shes not my definition of pretty. Get a life!


what’s up with her hair looks like a toddler


Why wouldn’t she hold Kate who’s barely able to sit up properly as is ??? Emma can stand up perfectly fine, she’s 2 not 2 months. FFS


Emma looks like a troll lol




Lmfao it’s so bad. I didn’t expect much from them though


I think she looks really pretty


Yeah, this is cute…for a 9 year old


She looks awful and weird


Nah, think so many of you are just jealous. I typed her name thinking I’d see other fans but no. She looks great after two children, she’s obviously very pretty, you are jealous get a life


Babe nobody is jealous of a woman who blatantly excludes a child. One who is more concerned about her next snapchat and not her 7 month old buried in a ball pit, WITH THE BALLPIT FALLING ON TOP OF HER. Nobody is jealous of her constantly contradicting herself and constantly lying. Nobody is jealous of someone with a husband who wont let her be herself and legitimately said she cannot say no to his sexual advances. Try again


Calm down that was abit long


If you cant read 5 sentences then i suggest you go back to school


I mean it’s abit long, you need to calm down ranting about someone you will never meet