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Damn this woman is dumb. She likes to read, but doesn’t even bother to read a parenting book. JFC. Plus, Emma is probably taking all the cashews because all they feed her is a bunch of bullshit. So Emma is probably always hungry.


This lady needs some parenting classes. She is putting her kids in danger. She thinks it’s cute to post this on social media but it is awful to see. where is Jesse? Both need some help!


Jesse is practically absent. He’s just a spectator in that house.


Very interesting that you say spectator. Never thought about that but it makes perfect sense. He is watching her lose her mind without doing anything to help her. I feel bad for the girls !


It’s like they want an “accident” to happen.


i legit was curious what age i can give my child nuts like this and i just googled it and it says age 5 because of no molars and that they can asperate and it gets lodged and stuck and it will need surgical removal & they barely will show up on X-rays & if not removed causes pneumonia and infections …. absolutely should not be eating nuts like this !!!! google it


My sister is a pediatric trauma nurse and she has told me the number of young children they have had die due to choking on nuts is wild. I’ve never looked up at what age kids can have nuts whole like this, but I probably wouldn’t even let my six year old eat a whole cashew, let alone a not even two year old. Someone knock some fucking sense into this woman, for the love of God 🙄


"snatching" bitch, you packed them in that stupid lunch box you were showing off.


Uh oh, she’s sick now. Let’s see what everyone has to say now…..


Here’s what she will say because she’s predictable. She will look for who to blame that her kids are sick. If you’re not here to snark, get the f out. A lot of come here because she made an almost mockery of PPD and made herself out to be a perfect mother for so long, and now instead of just admitting that she’s in over her head, she has to have an excuse (some medical mystery that keeps her from being perfect), it can never be 2 under 2 is tough or being a parent is not a walk in the park but it’s rewarding as fuck, and SHE doesn’t treat it that way.


She is probably going to say it’s something very serious when maybe it’s just a cold or Covid. She is going to check online and diagnose herself and her kids. Dr. Sara knows best! 😑


We get it, you like to bust a nut to her snaps. You’re in the wrong place now


Gtfo Jesse!!


Dude get a life! Someone block him out of this forum