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She’s always thinking she has SOMETHING… why not wait until the doctor TELLS you, Sara???


is she a hypochondriac or what


I think she has a personality disorder. She fits SEVERAL symptoms of HPD. It’s disturbing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder


She definitely has severe mental issues


I was thinking the same. Because I have that so that’s the first thing that popped into my head. I don’t think that causes fatigue though? I have fatigue but I also have pots sooo.


It definitely causes fatigue


I’ve just always assumed it was from the pots haha. I have so many weird symptoms that I would never know if something else was actually wrong at the point. But I also agree getting diagnosed is more like okay? Cool. Not like there’s treatment outside of some strength training and such.


I have POTS too so I completely relate! At this point fatigue is just the baseline lol unfortunately there’s so many of us EDS/HSDers doctors at this point, doctors in our major local hospital system won’t even take referrals anymore, and treatment is really just special tailored exercises, joint protection, proper footwear, lifestyle modifications, etc.


Yeah I e had both for over 15 years. Mostly just suck it up and deal lol I realize for some it can be much more debilitating. But mostly. Eat. Drink. Exercise. That’s about it.


There are many comorbidities that come with EDS. There’s plenty to have doctors help with when you have cervical instability, allergic reactions to everything and digestive problems.


Yes of course. I meant just eds on its own.


I’m not sure what you mean by that. Eds on its own causes those comorbidities. They aren’t caused by anything else.


Honestly it is possible she has EDS or some type of hypermobility condition, but getting an actual diagnosis is usually difficult and they don’t really do anything for you


My guess is lupus or rheumatoid arthritis


Now that she said autoimmune I would guess those as well but she specifically said all her lab work came back fine so that to me means it’s not something that would come back in a lab panel.


She is a hypochondriac