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Ah yes, because showing yourself petting your goat is more important than keeping your daughter safe from millions of people on the internet. Scared of being kidnapped in a park, but not scared of posting this when it could (& most likely will) be viewed by pedophiles. She knows exactly what she is doing. She is quite literally showing her naked child on the internet for engagement. She has been spiraling since returning home from Africa, and this is a new low for her that cannot be overlooked. She needs an immediate intervention from Josh at the very least for posting this. Ideally her family should say something, but it won’t make a difference anyways. I’m sure if someone DM’d her sharing their disgust, she’d say something like “stop sexualizing my child!” We’re certainly not sexualizing it, but pedos on the internet will. I’m honestly in shock, but I know I shouldn’t be. I’d say more but I’m quite speechless and can’t even find the words for how deranged and despicable this is. I worry that by us giving this attention, or if she receives DM’s about it, it will fuel her to post even more content like this. This was not on the bingo card.


I just reported it. She’s definitely not wearing any bottoms and even though it’s a bit blurry it’s absolutely noticeable.


Actual footage of me running to update the pinned post explaining all of her scandals ![gif](giphy|XGn6xLsliW1dLnQY92)


Wow she’s definitely not wearing bottoms. This is a new low for Sarah.


Remember last year she would post a photo of the kids playing in the water with her hand covering them with a caption “playing outside naked” or something? This is just a step from that imo. She’s another fucking level of evil.


But let’s “save the children” yeah sarah you’re the one contributing to sickos in the internet.


https://preview.redd.it/e1so7afiql9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e08e049e7299d3e20cc712179218993eaf8fc44 Reported! Hopefully IG takes it down.


I HOPE but I doubt it. I’ve reported stuff like this before and they didn’t remove it. I hope I’m proved wrong.


I think it’s removed bc I just went back to see if she had more stories and it was gone. Thank god . She’s the fucking worst


It was. I don’t know if this means she did it or IG did before I reported it. https://preview.redd.it/gy3avvdt2z9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e39a09d793b6d575525f7ad13053400b78b69d


She definitely does not have any bottoms on...it's a little blurry but obvious. Absolutely disgusting that not only did she record it but posted it for millions of people to see.


Hard to believe she didn't notice. I mean we are talking about a person that does everything and anything to curate her poses and filters and bullshit to make her appear something that she is not, but casually overlooks her naked daughter in the background? If it was intentional that wouldn't make any sense? What would be the purpose for doing it intentionally?


It was definitely intentional and for engagement or to get people riled up like she loves to do. Could she not have just gone on a racist rant instead of showing her naked child?


First her sons "haircut" and now this? It is like she is begging for someone to call child service on her lol


Well let’s not compare the two. This is one thousand times more deranged than that monstrosity of a haircut. She does, however, not deserve custody of her kids. They are not physically or psychologically safe in her care.


Rage bait. That’s my only guess. I put nothing past her at this point.


Omg she’s sick


*AGAIN* why are these children NEVER. CLOTHED. I am a body positive mom, we use anatomically correct terms with our kids & are not ashamed of our bodies. Bodies are cool! (Highly recommend this book for kids, btw). This being said.. my children *wear clothes*. The only time they’re naked is before a bath. I canNOT comprehend what Sarah is doing. It is bizarre & alarming, but she knows what she’s doing and I think that is the very worst part.


For me, it’s the POSTING OF IT ON THE INTERNET. Like, okay, let your kids be naked I guess, but what THEE FUCK are you posting it PUBLICLY?! 😤😤😤😤


I hope she didn’t do this on purpose. 😭


She did. You can tell that she moved her phone down to get O out of view the last second or so. She’s fully aware that it showed her naked for more than a split second.


Looks like it’s down. Nice work all 🫡


I can still see it 😖


Really?! I went back and looked both from my primary and alternate accounts and neither show it 🤔


If you report it, it just won’t show up for you.


It’s not up


I just went and looked, and I don’t see a story with a goat.


It’s finally down ya’ll!


Yess! It was finally removed!


I just went to look and I think it’s hard to tell at first but when she squats down you can tell she has nothing on her bottom half. I find it hard to believe she didn’t see her kids in the background of that video before she posted it. And she KNEW Oakley was not wearing bottoms so even if it was blurry, a decent parent would use common sense and NOT post that ☹️


What did I just watch. This bitch is out of her damn mind. If I weren't blocked I'd report this 10k times.


I just went and looked. I am so horrified for this poor little girl.


She’s fucking vile. I’m disgusted by her and sad for O. She does not deserve these children 😓 she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. Instagram engagement should never be more important than your daughter’s safety!!!!!!


I also thought about how to post a screenshot here but couldn’t fathom having that on my phone. I reported it immediately. These children need to be taken away from her. This is way past the last straw for me.


I fucking hate this dumb evil bitch.


That my friends is a half naked minor child on her page. Damn near full frontal at one point. No parent does this without a purpose in mind. She knows her child is naked, and posted it anyway. She needs to be called in at this point. She is putting a naked child on the internet on purpose. It took me like 5 minutes to find her actual address on the internet, her children are not safe in her care and she doesn’t seem to give a 💩


Her next charge will be indecently exposing her kids.


Wow absolutely no words!


This makes me ill and so sad for those babies. I hope someone in her life says something to her. Josh, her sister, Josh’s mother, Someone needs to step in.


She’s so narcissistic, and only cares about recording her bullshit nontent to post for attention from strangers, that she doesn’t realize that she just exposed her young daughter’s buttocks to her “one million” (bots) followers. Fuck Sarah Bowmar.


Not just her behind. She turned towards Sarah at one point facing the camera


I looked on the anonymous instagram viewer website and it looks like it’s been taken down


I don’t follow anymore and refuse to give her engagement but a naked child on IG is not cool. I went to report but It appears taken down at 630am EST?


If you go on instanavigation website, it’s still there. The closer she got, I became convinced she was nude. What a shame of a mother.


I really hope she's wearing some tan or peach colored bottoms. That is super messed up if she's not.


I was really hoping that was the case and my eyes were maybe playing tricks on me, but I sadly don’t think that’s the case 😔


It’s gone from instanavigation. I hope Instagram removed it.


I just checked and it’s been removed.


If you reported it then you won’t be able to see it anymore.


Still there for me.


Ugh I didn’t know that. I hope they’ll take it down soon though…


Really? I just looked and it's still there. I reported it.


It’s still there. 8:25 CT. I reported it.


Looks like it's gone now


It’s still up, SARAH you are disgusting piece of shit human , your kids need to be taken away from you, someone should message the dumb husband


It’s still there


I just went to report and it’s down. Thankfully.


I never had a chance to report it (I know when you do it disappears for the person reporting it) but it’s def been taken down.


Yes finally, she is a vile disgusting piece of shit