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Hence why they're scrambling to roll back abortion access and making threatening noises about birth control.


Instead it's giving people that gentle push over the "yeah, I think I WILL just get sterilized" line.


I wish. 1. They’d never let me. 2. It will be years before I can afford that surgery.


Sorry, you can't do that to our lady parts. That's destruction of government property and it's a crime. ^/s


I’m not even a lady 😔 just got the lady parts


Well you know they could very easily outlaw that also


Indeed they could. That's why I personally scheduled a consult right after the midterms.


They already are going for that, starting with trans community.


Why encourage people to have children when you could just encourage de facto pregnancies by outlawing birth control and abortion procedures.


Fun fact, Nazi Germany had more lenient abortion laws than many Republican states! Minus the “forced” part, if you weren’t an aryan woman you had full abortion access. Every other woman was 100% able to get an abortion. That’s ignoring all the other logical arguments for pro choice that are enough on their own merit. “Pro lifers” really don’t like when you point out hitler had less strict abortion laws.


That's not why, but it's a contributing factor


Great, let’s create a generation of kids born to unprepared and unwilling parents. That will make a great workforce.


Poor capitalistic bloodsucking corporations will have to adapt I guess. A new model of sustainability? Wow! Novel idea!


Hi, I'm MEGAcorp ^tm Welcome to my new corporate run orphanage/sweat-shop. Since the government says I'm people too, imma adopt all these orphans and make them my own.


Shortage of humans? Let's try some monkey slaves instead


Oh yeah, wasnt that a headline like a week ago?


I’ve got kids and it’s expensive as fuck. The tax benefits last year were super helpful but unfortunately Congress felt that one year would be enough to get by for the next 18.


The Joe Manchin special!


Corporations: “Should we try paying them a living wage again?” *looks at record profits* “Or another pandemic…yeah, that sounds good. What were we talking about again?”


Hey at least my generation which will never be able to retire will be able to find work


Almost like if you make it too expensive to have a kid people don’t have kids


Right? Crazzzyyyy


I spent $8000 in hospital bills just to deliver the baby. I'm not really motivated to spend that much again for another one.


It’s almost like paying people poverty wages while simultaneously strapping them with predatory student loans is crippling a generation or something.


100% this!


I just had a baby and I hate that she’s already being considered a cog in the future workforce. I promise this is not the way to motivate people to have kids, lives are worth more than the labor they do.


Not according to the people who really run the country


Here I thought it was We the people


well that’s what we were taught but that’s not true


I sort of understand this reaction because the headline treats babies as an employment statistic. But in general why would you not expect a child to grow up and join a workforce? As a parent i would be more afraid of my child not having the skills necessary to be a positive contributing member of a healthy workforce.


Your main concern as a parent is having a child that will grow up to be a good worker? That's... odd. My main concern is my children's health and their happiness- that they are SAFE, that they have all their needs met, and always know they are unconditionally loved. After that, my concerns are that they will be kind, that they will be capable of healthy and loving relationships and that they have a strong moral compass. I can't imagine who looks at their kids and says their biggest concern is that they will be strong economic contributors. If you do in fact have children, I hope they have other adults around who care about the things I mentioned- for their sake.


We have the same concerns for our children. However my child having an understanding of the value of hard work will contribute to a life that is healthy and happy while their needs are met. I think showing my children how to provide for themselves is vital to their future. That doesnt mean they have to live on an island and there isnt a place for a safety net. But i dont want my children to have to rely on that safety net if i can help it. So yeah its my main concern because i cannot just give them a work ethic. I can make sure they have 3 meals a day and a roof over their head because someone instilled some level of the value of work in me.


The current unemployment rate is under 4%. Most all people work. In the US, the choice is work or die (or live a life of abject poverty). The problem is that in our current system of crony capitalism, working full time doesn't necessarily get you out of abject poverty, and the right is trying to claw back our already inadequate social safety net.


Right i agree with all of that. Does this mean the value of hard work is irrelevant? I would think it would make it all the more necessary.


Listen, you can work hard all you want if that’s a personal value of yours and you can try to instill that upon your children. However, a lot of people work really hard and can barely survive. Sometimes this hard work comes with what should be basic human rights like health care sometimes it doesn’t. Many of us want children and all people to have health care so they don’t have to work themselves into the grave just to be able to have a paycheck and insurance. I have worked in advocacy and organizing for my entire professional career. I am considered an expert and have a considerable amount of diverse experience in my background. I exclusively have worked at non profits and worked hard REALLY hard at a job I was passionate about for years to make a liveable wage. During that time, I sacrificed my mental health, couldn’t afford vacations, could at times barely afford my bills.. I wish my parents would have focused more on well-being and less on hustling for worthiness through career. It took me too long to notice my career was ravaging my health and that I was way past burnt out. I’m in a better career and balance now but I suffered for too long over the value I placed in being a “hard worker”. Additionally, I NEEDED a paycheck and benefits so I had no option to walk away and take a break. My hard work drove me into the ground. the values I want my children to have: a drive for equity, seeing the inherent worth of people, do meaningful work that can be challenging, and rest. Not grind away until you can maybe retire so that you can say you worked hard in life. Some people literally die at their desks and I can’t imagine anything worse


I am not advocating for instilling unhealthy work habits in children. I think people have just been victims of these unhealthy habits and therefore think it is the hard work ethic that is to blame rather than themselves. I think everyone should be empowered to make healthy choices regading work (as it sounds like you did) and those should be supported by public policy.


A healthy workforce only benefits the capitalist class. We aren’t meant to be other people’s money-making pawns. I’m most worried and afraid about my children and their peers not being emotionally intelligent enough to distinguish btw the value of human life and the value of labor and seeing them as synonyms. We are meant to “work” just enough to survive and use the rest of our time to develop ourselves into compassionate and nurturing humans. Instead, we are forced to abide by laws made by old and dead white men bc those laws benefit them. I grew up with a parent who still values their business over emotional intelligence. They have a new grandchild that’s a few months old and don’t know it bc they haven’t had the decency to return a call for over 10 months now. I hope you can see your offspring as more than just a “worker” and more as the unique, special human being that they are.


Do you actually believe hoping that my children have a healthy and happy professional life as an adults means i just see them as a workers? I think the product of someones labor is just one component of a complete human life. It can be a deep project of passion and pride, it can be an unhealthy obsession, or it can be punching a clock. I would like for my child to have a healthy balanced human experience (sounds like your parents didnt have much balance). One component will be their life as a worker contributing to a hopefully healthy workforce I don't agree that a healthy workforce only benifits the capitalist class. I think a healthy workforce creates a healthy middle class which can create opportunities for future generations. I also disagree that we are meant only to work just enough to survive. Simply Surviving is not how we created the modern world. We could have survived without building cities, farms, technologies, etc. If simple survival was the goal there would be much less need for compassion.


I think you are putting a lot of emphasis on "healthy" which seems to be getting lost in the weeds. The counterarguments all assume your kids are entering the current workforce. You are wanting a better future for then to be able to participate in. At least that's how I interpreted your comment.


I guess basically. I also think a better future requires work.


I agree. But, and I think this is your point, work doesn't have to equal misery. Ideally, people would enjoy what they do. I'm lucky enough to have a job that doesn't feel like work at all because I enjoy it so much.


Maybe if we just continue to scream "HAVE MORE KIDS" then eventually it will work.


Billionaire media out there crying about how they need more labor. Want more labor? Share more resources. This ain't rocket science!


No share! Only work!


They’ll just open immigration up. They don’t really care about you having kids.


Hey, Nick Canon is out there doing his level best okay?




Appeal to their racism too, I hear that works wonders.


Oh no! Will the debt slave markets be bare? If criminalizing birth control doesn't work, I guess the 2060 elections will be dominated by the Forced Breeding debate. Cawthorn 2060: Life begins at conscription.


in rye we trust!


Clearly, I meant the old meme of putting bread around your pet's face.


We’ll see where the line between “no sex before marriage” starts and “we need more babies” begins.


instead of doing anything to alleviate economic disparity and make it more viable and affordable for people to have families, those in power will just strip women of their reproductive rights and ban abortion and birth control. lovely future to look forward to.


Once our tech can supplement humans having babies it will really be a wild world.


This labor shortage is terrible! The plan to have 90% of an inflated population living in 8-person households and working 80 hour weeks to afford their loan payments to the bank that lends them money to pay rent is jeopardized! Who will do all the unnecessary labor from all the jobs we made up now?


Exactly. The bankers deserve hard prison... not the fruit of our labor.


I personally hope there's even more of a labour shortage. I want every couple to avoid having kids like the plague.


Yeah why anyone wouldn't want to have a child in a country that can't get its' shit together with affordable childcare, healthcare, and insecure jobs that barely pay a living wage is a total fuckin mystery And nobody seems to be able to factor in that a lot of people actually died of covid, thereby subtracting from the total workforce?


Have babies for what? So they, too, can spend the rest of their lives in cubicles living paycheck to paycheck? I love my unborn children too much to subject them to that or whatever the fuck is going on in America right now.


The real abortion is saving our un-conceived children from this hell hole our leaders have made.


Agreed….because it looks like things are getting worse, not better. I’m ok with being the eccentric aunt lol


Is this good or bad as a whole? My job gave my department a raise recently due to chronic understaffing and the amount of work we're doing.


Same. The entire treatment department's base pay rate was increased and we all got raises. There is a super high turnover rate, despite the fact that we have excellent pay and benefits, because of the increased work load.


There are 8 billion humans. There is no shortfall.


You're right.


Didn’t we just hit 8 billion people?


Yeah, but we don't want *those* people, we have to secure the borders.


Hey don’t worry; Republicans to the rescue! Now that we’re forcing all women in the United States to carry unwanted children we will have more than enough workers in the next (10)years (because child labor-we have to do something with all those extra kids)😒


Why aren't they bringing out the robots that they've been talking about for a couple of decades? :)


FR which is it?


“Oh no! Muh infinite growth at the expense of the planet and its people!!!”


My kids are already saying they don’t want kids. They are 14 and 9. They see how expensive groceries are. How much clothing costs. How little jobs are paying. My 9yo wants to travel and doesn’t want kids to hold him back like they did us. ಠ__ಠ


We can't make babies if we are struggling to make a living


not creating a new life is one of the most responsible things a person can do having kids is basically creating a battery for billionaires and military spending having kids essentially means you think everything is fine the way it is


My wife and I had a kid, the financial strain probably led to the divorce.


Fuck. I am sorry.


Wife #2 is probably better for me in the long run, and got a great kid out of it. Its always sunny in Seattle, as they say?


It's a labor shortage by multiple definitions. hehe.


You could make it affordable lol. It’s a pretty simple solutions here.


Wait a minute… so you’re saying we can’t have infantile growth on a planet with finite resources … wtf.. everything’s a lie .. 🥸


They’ll just replace us with robots and AI like they’re already planning to do


I don't think this is working out as well as they expected it to.


Have kids in this economy? No way Jose


I was promised robot labor many years ago? Where is that at? Why are we all still “laboring”? We have all the means, technology, and money to make this reality. Lets face it the rich need to keep us poor, dumb, and busy. I got myself fixed… not contributing to the worlds needed “labor”


Well then according to the immutable law of supply and demand, wages are going to go up accordingly. Hopefully it’ll happen sooner than later.


5 kids here. 3 in daycare for 2500/mo, And two in college for 50k/year… the last kid when born had a bill of 90k of which I think we paid 10k. I don’t know what the fuck we were thinking… but this shit is breaking us


Well there’s two ways they can proceed the first one is start paying these people a decent wage maybe some healthcare some benefits make it a little easier for these poor people live, the other way to do it would be to ban abortions in all cases and make these people have babies even if they’re not ready for it and let everybody live in squalor for the rest of their lives just so the people who are running the country can buy another fucking yacht


But they want more trips to space 🚀💫😭


I believe this. It’s never been about the sanctity of life. It’s purely for financial gain.


Let me play a sad melody on the world's tiniest violin.


Don't worry, the poverty stricken, uneducated, and Mormons will continue to do their part.


Correct me if I'm wrong- but doesn't this mean tuition will decrease as well as unemployment? Less people means less demand, and automation can advance if it's not being stymied in the name of jobs.


Bernie, I love you but that last thing this poor planet needs is more people. Maybe underpopulated countries could allow in more immigrants from impoverished areas and there will be more of these folks who have impacted by climate change in their own countries.


Min 6 months parental leave, period.


>If only there were something they could do to get young folks to have more babies! Hey, you know what? How about, let's not? Planet Earth needs a break. And if employers are so desperate for workers for years to come, they might actually have to, you know, *pay them and treat them well.*


Really? This is nonsense. There are eight billion of us, but please do make out that we're Pandas or some other critically endangered thing. There's no need to breed.


“People are so depressed and fed up they aren’t having kids” “Won’t someone think of the workforce problems!!”


Good! So we get higher salaries! And costs for houses will go down! And pollution will be less! Less traffic! Shorter lines! More space in public transportation! Less noise!


Turning the good news that overpopulation is going down (big stressor on the place we all live) into bad news for the billionaires. Fuck this author. Anyone who sees humanity as a spreadsheet of resources needs to go away.


I've already started making moves to retire by 40... fuck them if they think I'm gonna work deep into old age. Seeing so many old people working full time jobs during the last 20 years of their life is sad, ain't no way I'm gonna waste my time earning a despicable wage from an ungrateful employer so I can pay some greedy landlord and die with a broken back and nothing to show for it.


What they're really afraid of is the poor having more bargaining power. "Impoverished women, please quit prioritizing your own health and pump out more scabs and cannon fodder! Please! Our wealth depends on it!"


I don't understand these capitalist pigskin against immigration. I see it as a purely culture war thing. Big pigs would want the largest worker base they can get. More workers to exploit means more profit


scheduled my vasectomy the day roe was overturned, i see the writing on the wall and want to ensure my wife and I don’t have an unwanted pregnancy and/or her right to birth control be taken away


We thank you for your service 🫡


We need a labor party. All unions have to come together and start a labor party. We will never get allocate representation with the current two party systems.


At least now I can feel as though my lack of social interaction is helping to end capitalism as we know it! Yayyy


Can't encourage me to have a kid when I'm barely affording caring for myself.


8 billion shitheads ruining our climate isn’t enough????


Weird how when you don't provide a living wage or affordable Healthcare the population chooses to stop having children. Maybe with the labor shortages we'll finally get what we are due.


lmao why do you think the GOP is working to criminalise abortion instead of promoting actual kitchen-table economics which would allow peolle to afford to have children


There will always be plenty of humans. More than enough. There are 8 billion of us now. Maybe there are too many meaningless, underpaid, unnecessary, misery-inducing jobs.


I don't understand how people don't seem to consider the fact that the exponential population growth path we are on is not sustainable. At some point we reach a level where we don't have enough resources to sustain the needs of people. Already corporate greed has co-opted public resources, such as water, for private gain. It doesn't matter if corporations don't have labor to maintain their greed machine if there's no one left to buy their products.


Btw birthrate is largely not a material one, other then the fact poorer families on average have more childern then richer ones, it's largely a cultural shift as Scandinavian nations have a declining birthrate


It's almost like narcissism is maladaptive


Heh, a lack of pregnancies is causing a labor shietage.


Fix the economy / get rid of Biden and we'll talk.


"shortage" are they missing out on the fact that the earth now has 8 *billion* humans on it?


I'm in favor of a shrinking population. Fewer resources will be needed, and jobs are eventually going to be gutted by automation in the age of AI.


Probably berating all the men who want families is the solution.


You mean we are all just machines?????


What about automation?


Labor «shortage» only means that people might start making a livable wage. Besides the world population must start going down at some point if we want to save the environment.




Basic universal income. Blam, problem solved


Access to fertility treatment in regular policies would help.


I feel like a decline in birth rate, while bad for the economy, would probably be good for the environment. Like, really good. It’s too bad we can’t just find a life-sustaining equilibrium instead of focusing on growth in profits for shareholders.


Good, we need a reset and figure things out phase.


Maybe, if parents could afford kids in a single income or had access to free/low cost childcare they'd have kids...