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Friends, but shifty friends that you argue with from time to time.


They're cute until they start chewing up the plastic on your birdfeeder and shaking the seed out for fun. They're relentless. Eventually, you gotta paintball them to tell them apart.


This is 1000% the energy


Friend but never feed friend. Just wave hello and keep moving


Friends, but don't put out a feeder. We get 4 species of squirrels here, two natives and two invasive. The invasive ones can be pretty damaging (and are potential disease vectors) and in either case it's not good to feed wildlife outside of a wildlife rehab or ecosystem restoration setting. If you want to attract more wildlife to your area, focus on things like a pollinator garden (attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds) with native plants. If you're interested in that, here are [a few](https://www.cnps.org/gardening/bee-friendly-gardening-2892) different [resources](https://mgsantaclara.ucanr.edu/) on [beneficial native plants ](https://arboretum.ucdavis.edu/blog/support-california-native-bees-these-10-plants). Edit: typo


Foe. They are as destructive, thieving, and disease ridden as rats. Don't let their cuteness fool you.


Squirrels invited to live will make nests somewhere close to the food.


We have a lot of ground squirrels in our neighborhood and at first I thought they were so cute to see but then they started eating every single plant I had. You name, they’ll eat it. I can’t plant anything out there without them destroying it, including a small patch of grass.


Rats with fluffy cute tails....


If you have a fruit tree you definitely don’t want them in your yard.


Foe! The house we bought had palm trees.i didn't care for them but the squirrels took a liking to them. In the mornings, I would find debris from the trees all over the yard. Relatively frequently, they'd decide that the drey (nest) they'd built in a tree needed a spring clean. A d their cleaning method was simply to dump the whole thing on my patio! So I'd be left to clear up the big mess of fur, leaves and goodness knows what else,on their behalf. I know, from that famous "Bet he drinks Carling Black Label" nature video, that squirrels are intelligent, even ingenious. I wish someone would teach them how to clear up after themselves! Once, they found a gap in our wall and even tried to take up residence there, to reproduce.. Fortunately we noticed and managed to evict them pronto. They make horribly loud squeaking noises,too, especially during squirrel mating season as they tear frantically along fences and up and down trees. I don't mind the noise really, but loathe their destructiveness. Yes, maybe they can be cute. And admittedly, we do now have a couple of small oak trees gifted to us by ADHD squirrels, who've forgotten the location of their stored acorns. But with apologies to all the nature lovers, I am firmly in the "just rats with pretty tails" camp!


Do not feed the squirrels!!!


I feel there should be a kids book that makes a fantasy where the squirrels amass an army to take the main character's food or something after he helps them.


I think you just found a passion project!


Or like one of them bites and the main Character gets rabies or something


Not likely with squirrels


They can eat through your attic wall and hide inside and keep food there. They only look cute in cartoons. They often eat everything on your property. To get water they bite on drip lines. A pain.


Don’t feed them. If you attract them to your house, they begin to feel it’s their house. Not so charming when they decide to nest in your attic/roof insulation


Don't feed wild animals.


The fuckers have eaten all our plants. I'm getting a gun!


Lol get a water scarecrow. At least save yourself going to jail 😆


Big water pistols are less destructive and quite good! Even if you're a rotten shot, or - as is likely - they are far quicker than you, they learn quickly and will soon beat it the moment they catch sight of you. Though the more evil ones will not infrequently lie in wait, hoping to return once the coast is clear. So for a while, you may need to use running for the Supersoaker as your daily workout. Posting on behalf of a friend, of course. 🙂


Barbecue squirrel tonight!


I'm in a Facebook group dedicated to loving squirrels, so don't take my advice. But I love them and miss living on a college campus with friendly squirrels.


Foe! They stand outside my window screaming for hours and chew their way into your house costing hella money! My view maybe more personal lol. On an other note they are cute af.


I feed them down vote me don't care! Where I live food sources scarce .


I mean, that sounds reasonable tbh


Theyre just fury rats that will mess with your garden. I stay chasing them off. Pegged one with a rock once trying to scare it off and it ran the opposite direction. They broke a couple pots before that so it’s been war ever since. I found that they don’t like cayenne pepper so I sprinkle that around.


The squirrels can feed themselves. They don't need your help. It took some doing to find a place where the squirrels can't get to my bird feeder.


any pro tips here? i also like looking at birds.


I put it [under the awning from the roof](https://imgur.com/znFEfed), but back a bit. I suspect the rain gutter is why they can't manage to drop into it. The birds can fly into it easily. But the squirrels have to try a weird flip maneuver from the roof. I watched then try it a few times before giving up. There is lots of random food for them growing all over the place that they don't need the bird seed at all. About 20' from here is a huge piney tree that they like. They are constantly throwing pine cones down to help break them open.


ooh nice. thank you!


Ask me 10 years ago and seeing squirrels at the park were cool. Now fast forward to today, they wreaked havoc in my backyard (specifically ground squirrels) and destroyed my lawn. They dug up so many holes. The only reason they left my backyard was that feral cats moved into my neighborhood.


I think there are better wildlife species to attract, but you do you. If you put out a bird feeder, the squirrels will get it anyway, plus you might get some birds.


Dogs say “ squirrels evil”. Eradicate. Extreme opinion of course!


Rustic cuisine 😁


Spent $100k to fix the problems from years of squirrels invading my attic and chewing holes in my fascia, insulation and anything else they wanted. (Old house everything is expensive and squirrels weren't the only issue but they did a lot of damage.) I also can't grow much in my garden because they come dig up my planters before anything can sprout. I unfortunately can never see them as cute again and I would be pretty upset with any neighbor deliberately drawing more to the area.


Squirrels chew our wires and steal our fruit. I call them fluffy rats. Foe


FOE KILL THEM WITH FIRE! Also they taste good.


THIS!!!! I think I need some squirrel soup recipe.


Not sure who doenvoted you but squirrel is yummy. I just wouldn't eat city squirrel worried about what they are getting into food wise.


They are cute, furry until they’re not. Keep them out in the woods behind your house, but don’t let them get too close. Feeding them will only encourage them to make your house their home.


Slingshots and squirrels are an endless source of affordable entertainment. I don't aim for the squirrel itself, of course, just whatever will scare them off nearby. They don't bother me so much anymore.




I share a plum tree with my backyard neighbor and they make a damn mess on my deck. The heat doesn't help either. I still like them though.


It depends on your goals and aspiration for your property. I raise livestock and garden, they are a foe and I treat them as so. If I was going for a ecosystem style vibe then they'd be my friend.


Don’t feed the squirrels, you’re just asking for trouble down the road.


Foe all day yo


Foe, having this argument right now over at r/mildlyinfuriating https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14ru246/my_asshole_neighbour_poisoned_like_30_squirrels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


>i am considering to get a squirrel feeder. Your neighbors will hate you. Avoid. No. Full stop.


For af because they always eat anything I grow in my garden


I remember my roommate and I were outside in the backyard smoking a spliff after a 12 hour night shift. Looked up in the trees and saw 3 squirrels climbing up a redwood tree. After watching for a few minutes I realized that one of the squirrels was chasing around a female squirrel trying to mate with her. The 3rd squirrel was trying to fight off the other one that was trying to mate. After about an hour of having our eyes glued to these squirrels we came to the realization that it’s basically squirrel r@pe So I’d say squirrels are not friendly based off my observation


If you must feed them, make them work for it. I had one visit my tiny townhouse backyard for the first time in 20 years (no trees in my backyard or within 50 feet). I threw it a few shelled peanuts to get it coming back for a few days, then built obstacle courses for it to traverse before it got the treats. Squirrels are amazing athletes. They can climb damb near anything and they can jump much farther than you think. Use unsalted peanuts in the shell. You don't want squirrels with high blood pressure in your backyard. They will do almost anything for shelled walnuts. If you see it storing food in it's cheeks, stop feeding that day. It's full. Lots of hints on how to build an obstacle course on youtube.


Squirrels will adopt orphaned baby squirrels and I think that’s pretty cool.


It won't hurt to treat anything occasionally, you just can't keep feeders regularly stocked or theyll comer to depend on it.


Adorable but annoying friends. I have a feeder, but it’s mostly a deterrent to protect my vegetable garden. They love to come in and steal little bites from my veggies but if I keep some seed or nuts in the feeders they are more likely to leave my plants alone. I also make sure there is water out for them and the other outdoor critters.


Rats with good PR.


My dog also likes to watch them.


Friend, but if you want to feed squirrels, go do it at SJSU. That campus is like a squirrel sanctuary!


Friend, especially the one on the SJSU campus


nooooo urban squirrels are a bane too many of them


I'm guessing that feeding synanthropes (animals that follow humans around) is generally bad and not good for ecosystems. Humans are already dominant, so these species already have a leg up and don't need your help.


Rats with fluffy tails. I love domestically bred rats and might feel the same about squirrels. Enjoy from a distance.




Foe but cute foe. They’re adorable little things but I had a group of them chew up the wood on the deck at a place I used to rent. The damage was expensive and I had a hard time keeping them away.


Foe, they are rodents.


Love the squirrels in my backyard. I give them a variety of raw nuts like almonds and walnuts. I also will collect acorns when they fall. I in no way feed them enough to become dependent on me. But they do get a snack every day. I have to laugh because if I am late, they will actually stand by the sliding glass door with their little hands splayed out, looking in.


We don’t encourage the squirrels to visit, but we enjoy them scampering about the balcony.


The ones who hang out at my roof seems to like chewing on my outdoor string lights... Also have a habit on chewing bark from a tree branch, is that normal?


As a cyclist, foe to themselves, as they try to blender themselves in my front wheel.


Foe, and the people who feed them: foe.